Zechariah 9
9:1 God defends his church;
9:9 Zion is exhorted to rejoice for the coming of Christ, and his peaceable kingdom;
9:12 God's promises of victory and defence. Verse 1Cir, am 3494, bc 510burdenIsaiah 13:1; Jeremiah 23:33-38; Malachi 1:1 DamascusGenesis 14:15; Isaiah 17:1-3; Jeremiah 49:23-27; Amos 1:3-5, 3:12 the restZechariah 5:4; Isaiah 9:8-21 whenZechariah 8:21-23; 2 Chronicles 20:12; Psalm 25:15; Isaiah 17:7, 17:8, 45:20-22, 52:10; Psalm 145:15; Jeremiah 16:19ReciprocalDeuteronomy 3:13 - which was called; Jeremiah 25:22 - isles which are beyond the sea; Ezekiel 26:3 - Behold; Nahum 1:1 - burden; Zechariah 12:1 - burden; Acts 9:31 - the churches; Revelation 7:4 - all Verse 2HamathNumbers 13:21; 2 Kings 23:33, 25:21; Jeremiah 49:23; Amos 6:14 TyrusIsaiah 23:1-18; Ezekiel 26:1-28:26; Joel 3:4-8; Amos 1:9, 1:10 Zidon1 Kings 17:9; Ezekiel 28:21-26; Obadiah 1:20 it beEzekiel 28:3-5, 28:12ReciprocalGenesis 10:18 - Hamathite; Joshua 11:8 - great Zidon; 2 Kings 19:13 - the king; Isaiah 11:11 - Hamath; Jeremiah 25:22 - Tyrus; 47:4 - Tyrus; Ezekiel 26:2 - Tyrus; 28:4 - General; 47:16 - Hamath; Matthew 11:22 - Tyre; Acts 27:3 - Sidon Verse 3buildJoshua 19:29; 2 Samuel 24:7 heaped1 Kings 10:27; Job 22:24, 27:16; Isaiah 23:8; Ezekiel 27:33, 28:4, 28:5ReciprocalJob 3:15 - who filled their houses; Isaiah 23:11 - strong holds; Ezekiel 26:4 - destroy; 26:12 - thy merchandise; 27:34 - General; 28:3 - thou art; Matthew 11:22 - Tyre Verse 4the LordProverbs 10:2, 11:4; Isaiah 23:1-7; Ezekiel 28:16; Joel 3:8 he willEzekiel 26:17, 27:26-36, 28:2, 28:8 shall28:18; Amos 1:10ReciprocalIsaiah 23:11 - strong holds; Ezekiel 26:12 - thy merchandise; 27:34 - General Verse 5AshkelonIsaiah 14:29-31; Jeremiah 47:1, 47:4-7; Ezekiel 25:15-17; Zephaniah 2:4-7; Acts 8:26 and beJeremiah 51:8, 51:9; Ezekiel 26:15-21; Revelation 18:9-17 forIsaiah 20:5, 20:6; Romans 5:5; Philippians 1:20ReciprocalDeuteronomy 2:23 - Azzah; Joshua 10:41 - Gaza; 15:45 - Ekron; 1 Samuel 6:17 - Askelon; Nehemiah 4:7 - Ashdodites; Isaiah 11:14 - the Philistines; 14:30 - and I; Jeremiah 25:20 - Philistines; 47:5 - Gaza; Amos 1:6 - Gaza; 1:7 - a fire; Obadiah 1:19 - the plain Verse 6Ecclesiastes 2:18-21, 6:2; Amos 1:8; Isaiah 2:12-17, 23:9, 28:1; Daniel 4:37; Zephaniah 2:10; 1 Peter 5:5ReciprocalDeuteronomy 23:2 - General; 1 Samuel 6:17 - Ashdod; Nehemiah 4:7 - Ashdodites; Zephaniah 2:7 - the coast; Acts 8:40 - at Verse 7I will1 Samuel 17:34-36; Psalm 3:7, 58:6; Amos 3:12 bloodHeb. bloodshe thatZechariah 8:23; Isaiah 11:12-14, 19:23-25; Jeremiah 48:47, 49:6, 49:39; Ezekiel 16:57-61 a governorIsaiah 49:22, 49:23, 60:14-16; Galatians 3:28 a Jebusite2 Samuel 24:16-23; 1 Chronicles 11:4-6, 21:15-30, 22:1ReciprocalGenesis 10:16 - Jebusite; 1 Chronicles 1:14 - Jebusite; Zephaniah 2:7 - the coast; Zechariah 14:16 - that every Verse 8I willZechariah 2:1-13, 12:8; Genesis 32:1, 32:2; Psalm 34:7, 46:1-5, 125:1, 125:2; Isaiah 4:5, 26:1, 31:5; 33:20-22, 52:12; Joel 3:16, 3:17; Revelation 20:9 because of him that passeth by2 Kings 23:29, 24:1; Jeremiah 46:2, 46:13; Daniel 11:6, 11:7, 11:10-16, 11:27-29, 11:40-45 noZechariah 14:11; Psalm 72:4; Isaiah 52:1, 54:14, 60:18; Jeremiah 31:12; Ezekiel 28:24, 28:25; 39:29; Amos 9:15; Revelation 20:1-3 forExodus 3:7, 3:9; 2 Samuel 16:12; Acts 7:34ReciprocalPsalm 147:14 - He maketh peace; Isaiah 16:4 - for; 31:4 - so shall; Amos 5:17 - I will; Zechariah 2:5 - a wall; 10:4 - the battle; 12:4 - I will open; Luke 1:74 - that we Verse 9RejoiceZechariah 2:10; Psalm 97:6-8; Isaiah 12:6, 40:9, 52:9, 52:10, 62:11; Zephaniah 3:14, 3:15 beholdPsalm 2:6, 45:1, 110:1-4; Isaiah 9:6, 9:7, 32:1, 32:2; Jeremiah 23:5, 23:6, 30:9; Matthew 21:4, 21:5; Mark 11:9, 11:10; Luke 19:37, 19:38; John 1:49, 12:13-15, 19:15 he isPsalm 45:6, 45:7, 85:9-12; Isaiah 45:21; Matthew 1:21; Romans 3:24-26 having salvationor, saving himselflowlyMatthew 11:29, 21:5-7; Mark 11:7; Luke 19:30-35; John 12:14-16Reciprocal2 Samuel 23:3 - must be just; 1 Kings 1:40 - rejoiced; 8:66 - joyful; 2 Kings 19:21 - the daughter; Ezra 3:11 - shouted; Esther 6:9 - proclaim; Psalm 5:11 - shout; 27:4 - behold; 27:6 - joy; 45:4 - meekness; 47:1 - shout; 47:6 - our King; 48:11 - daughters; 97:8 - Zion; 102:20 - To hear; 106:5 - rejoice; 110:5 - strike; 132:9 - shout; 132:16 - her saints; 145:11 - the glory; 145:17 - righteous; 149:2 - let the; Proverbs 31:9 - General; Song of Songs 1:4 - we will be; 8:1 - that thou; Isaiah 1:8 - daughter; 16:5 - judging; 24:23 - when; 25:9 - we will; 25:10 - in this; 33:22 - the Lord is our king; 37:22 - the daughter; 40:1 - comfort; 42:2 - General; 52:7 - Thy God; 54:1 - break; 65:18 - General; Jeremiah 29:11 - thoughts; 30:21 - governor; 33:14 - General; Ezekiel 21:27 - until; Hosea 1:7 - will save; Joel 2:23 - rejoice; Micah 5:2 - that is; Zephaniah 3:5 - just; Haggai 2:7 - and the; Matthew 2:2 - born; 6:10 - Thy kingdom; 11:3 - Art; 12:19 - General; 25:34 - the King; 27:19 - that just; Mark 15:12 - whom; 15:26 - The King of the Jews; 15:32 - Christ; Luke 1:47 - God; 1:54 - General; 1:71 - we; 7:19 - Art; 19:34 - General; 24:27 - and all; 24:44 - in the prophets; John 1:45 - and the; 3:17 - but; 4:22 - for; 5:23 - all men; 8:16 - yet; 18:33 - the king; 18:36 - My kingdom is; Acts 1:6 - restore; 3:14 - the Holy One; 7:52 - the Just One; 13:23 - raised; 13:32 - how; 26:6 - the promise; Romans 3:26 - that he; 2 Corinthians 10:1 - by; Ephesians 4:2 - lowliness; Philippians 2:7 - made; Colossians 1:13 - the kingdom; 1:20 - having made peace; 1 Thessalonians 4:16 - with a; Habakkuk 1:8 - a sceptre; 1 Peter 3:18 - the just; 1 John 1:9 - just; 2:1 - the righteous; 2:29 - he is; Revelation 7:10 - Salvation; 15:3 - thou; 19:7 - be glad; 19:11 - and in Verse 10I willHosea 1:7, 2:18; Micah 5:10, 5:11; Haggai 2:22; 2 Corinthians 10:4, 10:5 the battleZechariah 10:4, 10:5 he shallPsalm 72:3, 72:7, 72:17; Isaiah 11:10, 49:6, 57:18, 57:19; Micah 4:2-4; Acts 10:36; Romans 15:9-13; 2 Corinthians 5:18, 5:20; Ephesians 2:13-17; Colossians 1:20, 1:21 his dominionPsalm 2:8-12, 72:8-11, 98:1-3; Isaiah 9:6, 9:7, 60:12; Micah 5:4; Revelation 11:15 from the riverDeuteronomy 11:24; 1 Kings 4:21ReciprocalLeviticus 26:6 - I will; Deuteronomy 20:10 - then proclaim; Psalm 65:5 - afar; 67:7 - all the; 85:8 - for he; 96:3 - General; 110:5 - strike; Isaiah 2:4 - and they; Jeremiah 30:21 - governor; 33:14 - General; Ezekiel 39:9 - and shall; Micah 4:3 - they shall; 4:8 - the first; 5:5 - this; Zephaniah 3:14 - shout; Haggai 2:7 - and the; Matthew 21:5 - sitting; 24:31 - from; 25:34 - the King; Luke 1:71 - we; Ephesians 2:17 - and preached; Revelation 19:11 - and in Verse 11AsDeuteronomy 5:31; 2 Samuel 13:13; 2 Chronicles 7:17; Daniel 2:29 by the blood of thy covenantor, whose covenant is by blood, Exodus 24:8; Matthew 26:28; Mark 14:24; Luke 22:20; 1 Corinthians 11:25; Habakkuk 3:1-9:26; 3:1, 3:1 I havePsalm 69:33, 102:19-21, 107:10-16; Isaiah 42:7, 42:22, 49:9, 51:14, 58:12; 61:1; Luke 4:18; Acts 26:17, 26:18; Colossians 1:13, 1:14 outPsalm 30:3, 40:2; Jeremiah 38:6; Luke 16:24; Revelation 20:3ReciprocalGenesis 8:16 - General; 37:24 - the pit; Exodus 12:29 - dungeon; Leviticus 25:10 - proclaim; Job 33:24 - Deliver; Psalm 107:14 - brake; 146:7 - looseth; Isaiah 24:22 - shall they; 49:25 - Even; Lamentations 3:34 - all; Obadiah 1:21 - saviours; Zechariah 10:8 - for; John 8:36 - General; Acts 16:26 - and every; Romans 7:24 - who; Ephesians 1:7 - whom; Habakkuk 3:1 - This; 1 John 5:6 - blood Verse 12TurnIsaiah 52:2; Jeremiah 31:6, 50:4, 50:5, 50:28, 51:10; Micah 4:8; Nahum 1:7; Habakkuk 3:1 evenIsaiah 38:18, 49:9; Jeremiah 31:17; Lamentations 3:21, 3:22; Ezekiel 37:11; Hosea 2:15 I willJob 42:10; Isaiah 40:2, 61:7ReciprocalLeviticus 25:10 - proclaim; 2 Kings 2:9 - a double portion; Job 5:16 - the poor; Psalm 69:33 - his prisoners; 107:14 - brake; 146:7 - looseth; Isaiah 42:7 - to bring; 61:1 - to proclaim; Lamentations 3:34 - all; Zechariah 1:20 - four; Luke 4:18 - to preach deliverance; John 8:36 - General; Acts 16:26 - and every; Romans 7:24 - who; 8:24 - saved; 1 Timothy 5:17 - double; Revelation 18:6 - double unto Verse 13bentZechariah 1:21, 10:3-7, 12:2-8; Micah 5:4-9; Revelation 17:14 and raisedPsalm 49:2-9; Lamentations 4:2; Amos 2:11; Obadiah 1:21 againstDaniel 8:21-25, 11:32-34; Joel 3:6-8; Micah 4:2, 4:3; Mark 16:15-20; Romans 15:16-20; 1 Corinthians 1:21-28; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5; 2 Timothy 4:7 madeZechariah 12:8; Psalm 18:32-35, 45:3, 144:1, 149:6; Isaiah 41:15, 41:16, 49:2; Ephesians 6:17; Habakkuk 3:1; Revelation 1:16, 2:12, 19:15, 19:21ReciprocalPsalm 45:5 - Thine; 110:5 - strike; 149:7 - General; Isaiah 27:13 - the great; 49:25 - I will contend; Jeremiah 30:19 - I will; 51:20 - art; Joel 2:23 - ye children; Micah 4:7 - I will; 4:13 - thou shalt; 5:5 - then; Zechariah 4:6 - Not; 8:13 - O house; 10:4 - of him came forth; 10:5 - as; Acts 20:2 - Greece Verse 14seenZechariah 2:5, 12:8, 14:3; Exodus 14:24, 14:25; Joshua 10:11-14, 10:42; Matthew 28:20; Acts 4:10, 4:11; Romans 15:19; Habakkuk 2:4 hisPsalm 18:14, 45:3-5, 77:17, 77:18, 144:5, 144:6; Isaiah 30:30; Revelation 6:2 blowJoshua 6:4, 6:5; Isaiah 18:3, 27:13; 2 Corinthians 10:4, 10:5 whirlwindsIsaiah 21:1, 66:15ReciprocalNumbers 29:1 - blowing; Job 37:9 - the whirlwind; Psalm 45:5 - Thine; Isaiah 40:24 - and the; Jeremiah 23:19 - General; 30:23 - the whirlwind; 51:20 - art; Daniel 11:40 - like; Hosea 8:1 - the trumpet; Micah 2:12 - they; 2:13 - their; Nahum 1:3 - his way; Habakkuk 3:14 - came out; Zechariah 7:14 - scattered; Matthew 24:27 - as; Luke 17:24 - as; 1 Corinthians 15:52 - last; 1 Thessalonians 4:16 - with the trump; Revelation 14:2 - of a Verse 15they shall devourZechariah 10:5, 12:6; Micah 5:8; Revelation 19:13-21 subdue1 Samuel 17:45; 1 Corinthians 1:18 with sling stonesor, with the stones of the slingshall drinkZechariah 9:17, 10:7; Psalm 78:65; Song of Songs 1:4, 5:1, 7:9; Isaiah 55:1; Acts 2:13-18; Ephesians 5:18 filled like bowlsor, fill both the bowls, etc. Zechariah 14:20 the cornersExodus 27:2; Leviticus 4:7, 4:18, 4:25ReciprocalNumbers 6:20 - and after; 1 Samuel 1:13 - she had; 1 Kings 4:20 - eating; Psalm 18:14 - he shot; 104:15 - wine; 132:16 - her saints; Isaiah 24:9 - General; 31:4 - so shall; Jeremiah 31:12 - wheat; 31:14 - my people; Joel 2:26 - ye shall; Micah 2:12 - they; 2:13 - their; Zephaniah 3:14 - shout; Zechariah 12:8 - defend; Luke 1:15 - filled; 22:18 - the fruit; John 7:37 - drink; 1 Corinthians 12:13 - to drink Verse 16shall savePsalm 100:3; Isaiah 40:10; Jeremiah 23:3; Ezekiel 34:22-26, 34:31; Micah 5:4, 7:14; Luke 12:32; John 10:27; 1 Peter 5:2-4 asIsaiah 62:3; Haggai 2:23 liftedZechariah 8:23; Isaiah 11:10-12, 60:3, 60:14; Zephaniah 3:20ReciprocalNumbers 2:2 - the ensign; Isaiah 2:11 - in that day; 25:6 - make; Jeremiah 31:10 - and keep; Zechariah 12:8 - defend; Revelation 12:1 - crown; 19:12 - on his Verse 17how great is his goodnessPsalm 31:19, 36:7, 86:5, 86:15, 145:7; Isaiah 63:7, 63:15; John 3:16; Romans 5:8, 5:20; Ephesians 1:7, 1:8, 2:4, 2:5, 3:18, 3:19; Titus 3:4-7; 1 John 4:8-11 how great is his beautyExodus 15:11; Psalm 45:2, 50:2, 90:17; Song of Songs 5:10; Isaiah 33:17; John 1:14; 2 Corinthians 4:4-6; Revelation 5:12-14 cornIsaiah 62:8, 62:9, 65:13, 65:14; Hosea 2:21, 2:22; Joel 2:26, 3:18; Amos 8:11-14; 9:13, 9:14; Ephesians 5:18, 5:19 cheerfulor, grow, or, speak, Song of Songs 7:9ReciprocalGenesis 27:28 - plenty; Exodus 33:19 - all my goodness; Numbers 6:20 - and after; 15:5 - General; Deuteronomy 26:11 - rejoice; 1 Kings 8:66 - joyful; 10:7 - I believed; 2 Chronicles 6:41 - thy saints; 9:6 - the one half; Psalm 25:13 - dwell at ease; 34:8 - Lord; 36:8 - abundantly; 65:13 - pastures; 90:14 - satisfy; 148:12 - young men; 148:13 - for his name; Song of Songs 1:16 - thou art; 5:15 - as Lebanon; Isaiah 4:2 - beautiful and glorious; 9:17 - have no joy; 25:6 - make; Jeremiah 33:11 - the voice of them; Amos 8:13 - General; Zechariah 9:15 - shall drink; 10:7 - and their; Matthew 17:4 - it is; 26:29 - until; Mark 14:25 - new; Luke 22:18 - the fruit; Acts 2:13 - These; 1 Peter 2:3 - General; 1 John 2:13 - young