Zechariah 8
8:1 The restoration of Jerusalem;
8:9 They are encouraged to build the temple by God's favour to them;
8:16 Good works are required of them;
8:18 Joy and enlargement are promised. Verse 1ReciprocalZechariah 6:9 - General Verse 2I was jealousZechariah 1:14-16; Psalm 78:58, 78:59; Isaiah 42:13, 42:14, 59:17, 63:4-6, 63:15; Ezekiel 36:5, 36:6; Joel 2:18; Nahum 1:2, 1:6ReciprocalIsaiah 14:3 - General; Ezekiel 39:25 - and will; Zechariah 1:13 - with good Verse 3I amZechariah 1:16; Jeremiah 30:10, 30:11 dwellZechariah 2:10, 2:11; Isaiah 12:6; Ezekiel 48:35; Joel 3:17, 3:21; John 1:14, 14:23; 2 Corinthians 6:16; Ephesians 2:21, 2:22; Colossians 2:9; Revelation 21:3 a cityZechariah 14:20, 14:21; Isaiah 1:21, 1:26, 60:14; Jeremiah 31:23, 33:16 the mountainIsaiah 2:2, 2:3 the holy11:9, 65:25, 66:20; Revelation 21:10, 21:27ReciprocalExodus 25:8 - I may dwell; Deuteronomy 28:3 - in the city; 1 Chronicles 23:25 - that they may dwell in Jerusalem; Psalm 46:5 - God is; 48:1 - mountain; 87:1 - the holy; 144:14 - no breaking in; 147:13 - blessed; Isaiah 8:18 - which; 25:6 - in this; 30:19 - dwell; 54:14 - righteousness; 56:7 - them will; Jeremiah 26:18 - the mountain; Lamentations 5:21 - renew; Ezekiel 36:10 - I will; Daniel 9:16 - thy holy; 9:20 - for; Joel 2:1 - in my; Obadiah 1:17 - there shall be holiness; Micah 4:1 - the mountain; Zechariah 1:14 - I am; 12:6 - Jerusalem shall; Malachi 3:4 - the offering; 2 Peter 1:18 - the holy Verse 4There1 Samuel 2:31; Job 5:26, 42:17; Isaiah 65:20-22; Lamentations 2:20, 2:21, 2:22, 5:11-15; Habakkuk 3:1 very ageHeb. multitude of daysReciprocalExodus 21:19 - upon his staff; 1 Samuel 2:32 - an old man; Ecclesiastes 12:3 - strong; Jeremiah 3:16 - when; 30:10 - and shall; 30:19 - and I; 31:13 - shall; 31:24 - General; Lamentations 1:1 - full; Ezekiel 37:26 - multiply; Zechariah 2:4 - Jerusalem; 14:11 - shall be safely inhabited Verse 5playingZechariah 2:4; Psalm 128:3, 128:4, 144:12-15; Jeremiah 30:19, 30:20, 31:27, 33:11; Lamentations 2:19; Matthew 11:16, 11:17ReciprocalJeremiah 3:16 - when; 31:13 - shall; Lamentations 1:1 - full; Ezekiel 37:26 - multiply; Luke 7:32 - children Verse 6marvellousor, hard, or difficultshouldGenesis 18:14; Numbers 11:22, 11:23; 2 Kings 7:2; Jeremiah 32:17, 32:27; Luke 1:20, 1:37, 18:27; Romans 4:20, 4:21, 6:19-21ReciprocalEzra 9:8 - a remnant; Ecclesiastes 5:8 - marvel; Zechariah 8:12 - the remnant; Matthew 19:26 - but; Mark 10:27 - With men; Luke 9:43 - amazed Verse 7IPsalm 107:2, 107:3; Isaiah 11:11-16, 27:12, 27:13, 43:5, 43:6, 49:12, 59:19, 66:19, 66:20; Jeremiah 31:8; Ezekiel 37:19-25; Hosea 11:10, 11:11; Amos 9:14, 9:15; Malachi 1:11; Romans 11:25-27 west countryHeb. country of the going down of the sun, Psalm 50:1, 113:3ReciprocalDeuteronomy 30:3 - gather thee; Ezekiel 36:33 - cause; Zechariah 10:6 - I will save; 10:10 - out of the Verse 8and they shall dwellJeremiah 3:17, 3:18, 23:8, 32:41; Ezekiel 37:25; Joel 3:20; Amos 9:14, 9:15; Obadiah 1:17-21; Zephaniah 3:14-20 they shall be myZechariah 13:9; Leviticus 26:12; Jeremiah 4:2, 30:22, 31:1, 31:33, 32:38, 32:39; Ezekiel 11:20, 36:28; 37:27; Hosea 2:19-23; 2 Corinthians 6:16-18; Revelation 21:3, 21:7 in truthJeremiah 4:2ReciprocalExodus 3:6 - I am; Deuteronomy 30:3 - gather thee; Isaiah 1:26 - thou shalt; 14:3 - General; 51:16 - Thou art; Jeremiah 11:4 - ye be; 24:7 - and they; Ezekiel 36:33 - cause; Zechariah 8:11 - General; 14:11 - shall be safely inhabited; Habakkuk 3:1 - I will be Verse 9LetZechariah 8:13, 8:18; Joshua 1:6, 1:8; 1 Chronicles 22:13, 28:20; Isaiah 35:4; Haggai 2:4-9; Ephesians 6:10; 2 Timothy 2:1 the prophetsEzra 5:1, 5:2; Haggai 1:1, 1:12, 2:21Reciprocal2 Chronicles 32:7 - strong; Daniel 10:19 - be strong; Haggai 2:18 - even; Zechariah 6:12 - he shall build; 8:11 - General; Romans 4:20 - but was; 1 Corinthians 16:13 - be Verse 10beforeHaggai 1:6-11, 2:16-18 there was no hire for manor, the hire of man became nothing, etcneitherJudges 5:6, 5:7, 5:11; 2 Chronicles 15:5-7; Jeremiah 16:16 forIsaiah 19:2; Amos 3:6, 9:4; Matthew 10:34-36ReciprocalExodus 22:15 - it came for his hire; Jeremiah 16:5 - I have; Lamentations 3:17 - thou; Zechariah 11:6 - deliver Verse 11Zechariah 8:8, 8:9; Psalm 103:9; Isaiah 11:13, 12:1; Haggai 2:19; Malachi 3:9-11ReciprocalEcclesiastes 11:6 - thou knowest; Isaiah 30:23 - shall he; Ezekiel 36:11 - will do; Zechariah 10:6 - as Verse 12the seedGenesis 26:12; Leviticus 26:4, 26:5; Deuteronomy 28:4-12; Psalm 67:6, 67:7; Proverbs 3:9, 3:10; Isaiah 30:23; Ezekiel 34:26, 34:27, 36:30; Hosea 2:21-23; Joel 2:22; Amos 9:13-15; Haggai 2:19 prosperousHeb. of peace, Psalm 72:3; James 3:18 the heavensGenesis 27:28; Deuteronomy 32:2, 33:13, 33:28; 1 Kings 17:1; Proverbs 19:12; Hosea 14:5; Haggai 1:10 the remnantZechariah 8:6; Micah 4:6, 4:7; 1 Corinthians 3:21 to possessIsaiah 61:7; Ezekiel 36:12; Obadiah 1:17-20; Matthew 6:33ReciprocalEzra 9:8 - a remnant; Psalm 107:37 - which may; Ecclesiastes 11:6 - thou knowest; Isaiah 26:19 - thy dew; Ezekiel 36:9 - General; Hosea 14:7 - grow; Haggai 2:18 - even; Malachi 3:11 - neither Verse 13a curseDeuteronomy 28:37, 29:23-28; 1 Kings 9:7, 9:8; 2 Chronicles 7:20-22; Psalm 44:13, 44:14, 44:16; 79:4; Isaiah 65:15, 65:16; Jeremiah 24:9, 25:18, 26:6, 29:18, 42:18, 44:12, 44:22; Lamentations 2:15, 2:16, 4:15; Ezekiel 5:15; Daniel 9:11 O houseZechariah 1:19, 9:13, 10:6; 2 Kings 17:18-20; Isaiah 9:20, 9:21; Jeremiah 32:30-32, 33:24; Ezekiel 37:11, 37:16-19 ye shallThe consideration that all nations who now worship the true God, and receive the Sacred Scriptures as His word, have derived the whole of their divine knowledge, under God, from Jewish prophets, apostles, and teachers, and that the Saviour "in whom all nations shall be blessed," sprang from that favoured race, emphatically explains what is meant by "ye shall be a blessing." The full accomplishment of this prediction, however, is probably reserved for the future restoration of the Jews. Zechariah 8:20-23, 10:6-9; Genesis 12:2, 12:3, 26:4; Ruth 4:11, 4:12; Psalm 72:17; Isaiah 19:24, 19:25; Micah 5:7; Zephaniah 3:20; Galatians 3:14, 3:28, 3:29; Haggai 2:19 fear notZechariah 8:9; Isaiah 35:3, 35:4, 41:10-16; 1 Corinthians 16:13ReciprocalNumbers 5:27 - the woman; Deuteronomy 31:6 - Be strong; 2 Samuel 16:21 - the hands; Isaiah 43:28 - and have; 61:9 - their seed; Ezekiel 34:26 - make them; Daniel 10:19 - be strong; Zephaniah 3:15 - hath taken; Haggai 2:5 - fear; Zechariah 8:15 - fear; Romans 4:20 - but was; Ephesians 6:10 - be Verse 14AsZechariah 1:6; Psalm 33:11; Isaiah 14:24; Jeremiah 31:28 I repented2 Chronicles 36:16; Jeremiah 4:28, 15:1-6, 20:16; Ezekiel 24:14ReciprocalExodus 32:12 - repent; Numbers 14:11 - How long will this; Jeremiah 23:20 - until; 29:11 - I know; 32:42 - Like; Zechariah 1:19 - scattered Verse 15haveJeremiah 29:11-14, 32:42; Micah 4:10-13, 7:18-20 fearZechariah 8:13; Isaiah 43:1, 43:2; Zephaniah 3:16, 3:17; Luke 12:32ReciprocalJeremiah 23:20 - until; Joel 2:21 - Fear; Haggai 2:5 - fear Verse 16areDeuteronomy 10:12, 10:13, 11:7, 11:8; Micah 6:8; Luke 3:8-14; Ephesians 4:17; 1 Peter 1:13-16 SpeakZechariah 8:19, 7:9; Leviticus 19:11; Psalm 15:2; Proverbs 12:17, 12:19; Jeremiah 9:3-5; Hosea 4:1, 4:2; Micah 6:12; Ephesians 4:25; 1 Thessalonians 4:6; Revelation 21:8 execute the judgment of truth and peaceHeb. judge truth and the judgment of peace, Zechariah 7:9; Isaiah 9:7, 11:3-9; Amos 5:15, 5:24; Matthew 5:9ReciprocalGenesis 27:24 - I am; 34:20 - the gate; Exodus 18:21 - men; Job 29:7 - General; Isaiah 1:17 - seek; 39:8 - For; 61:8 - I the Lord; Ezekiel 18:8 - hath executed; 45:9 - remove; Hosea 12:6 - keep; Matthew 7:12 - for; Ephesians 4:15 - But; Colossians 3:9 - Lie Verse 17letZechariah 7:10; Proverbs 3:29, 6:14; Jeremiah 4:14; Micah 2:1-3; Matthew 5:28, 12:35, 15:19 loveZechariah 5:3, 5:4; Jeremiah 4:2; Malachi 3:5 thingsPsalm 5:5, 5:6, 10:3; Proverbs 6:16-19, 8:13; Jeremiah 44:4; Habakkuk 1:13ReciprocalLeviticus 19:11 - shall not; Deuteronomy 16:22 - which; Psalm 15:2 - speaketh; Proverbs 6:18 - heart; Isaiah 55:7 - his thoughts; 61:8 - I the Lord; Zechariah 7:9 - saying; Matthew 7:12 - for; 26:72 - with; 1 Timothy 1:10 - perjured; Habakkuk 1:9 - hated Verse 18ReciprocalZechariah 8:9 - Let; Acts 2:5 - were; 1 Peter 1:11 - the glory Verse 19the fourth2 Kings 25:3, 25:4; Jeremiah 39:2, 52:6, 52:7 the fifthZechariah 7:3; Jeremiah 52:12-15 the seventhZechariah 7:5; 2 Kings 25:25; Jeremiah 41:1-3 the tenth52:4 joyEsther 8:17, 9:22; Psalm 30:11; Isaiah 12:1, 35:10, 51:11; Jeremiah 31:12, 31:13 feastsHeb. solemn, or, set timesthereforeZechariah 8:16; Luke 1:74, 1:75; Titus 2:11, 2:12; Revelation 22:15Reciprocal2 Kings 20:19 - peace and truth; 25:8 - in the fifth month; Esther 9:30 - words of peace; Isaiah 39:8 - For; Jeremiah 1:3 - in the fifth; 30:19 - out; 33:11 - the voice of them; 36:9 - they; 39:1 - the ninth; Ezekiel 36:38 - as the flock; Hosea 2:14 - and speak; Zephaniah 2:3 - all; Zechariah 1:13 - with good; Ephesians 4:25 - speak; 2 John 1:3 - in truth Verse 20thereZechariah 2:11, 14:16, 14:17; 1 Kings 8:41, 8:43; 2 Chronicles 6:32, 6:33; Psalm 22:27, 67:1-4, 72:17; 89:9, 117:1, 117:2, 138:4, 138:5; Isaiah 2:2, 2:3, 11:10, 49:6, 49:22, 49:23, 60:3-12; 66:18-20; Jeremiah 16:19; Hosea 1:10, 2:23; Amos 9:12; Micah 4:1, 4:2; Malachi 1:11; Matthew 8:11; Acts 15:14, 15:18; Romans 15:9-12; Revelation 11:15ReciprocalGenesis 49:10 - the gathering; Deuteronomy 4:6 - Surely; Joshua 2:11 - for the Lord; Esther 8:17 - many of the people; Psalm 67:2 - That; 102:15 - General; 102:22 - General; 115:14 - Lord; Isaiah 19:24 - shall; 26:2 - Open; 44:5 - I am; 45:14 - Surely; 49:12 - these shall; 55:5 - nation; 56:3 - the son; 66:23 - shall all; Jeremiah 3:17 - and all the nations; 31:6 - Arise; 33:9 - a name; Ezekiel 20:40 - there shall; Daniel 11:33 - understand; Micah 7:16 - nations; Zephaniah 2:11 - and men; 3:9 - that; Zechariah 8:13 - ye shall; 14:9 - the Lord; Matthew 13:32 - the least; Mark 4:31 - is less than; Luke 13:19 - and it; John 10:16 - other; Acts 2:10 - Jews; 3:19 - when; 9:31 - were multiplied; 10:24 - and had; 11:1 - the Gentiles; 13:47 - that thou; 15:17 - the residue; 17:4 - some; Romans 3:29 - General; 11:12 - their; 11:18 - thou bearest; 11:25 - until; Colossians 3:11 - there; 1 Thessalonians 1:9 - ye; Revelation 3:9 - I will make them to; 7:9 - a great; 15:4 - for all Verse 21LetPsalm 122:1-9 speedilyor, continually, Heb. going, Hosea 6:3 pray before the LordHeb. intreat the face of the Lord, Zechariah 7:2 I willPsalm 103:22, 146:1, 146:2ReciprocalNumbers 10:29 - come; 2 Chronicles 15:9 - they saw; Song of Songs 6:1 - that; Jeremiah 50:4 - seek the; Ezekiel 47:9 - a very great; Zechariah 9:1 - when; John 1:37 - and they; Revelation 22:17 - let him that heareth Verse 22Isaiah 25:7, 55:5, 60:3-22, 66:23; Jeremiah 4:2; Micah 4:3; Haggai 2:7; Galatians 3:8; Revelation 15:4, 21:24Reciprocal2 Chronicles 6:32 - is come; Psalm 126:2 - then said; Isaiah 14:1 - the strangers; 45:14 - The labour; 65:1 - unto; Hosea 2:23 - Thou art my God; Micah 2:12 - they Verse 23ten menGenesis 31:7, 31:41; Numbers 14:22; Job 19:3; Ecclesiastes 11:2; Micah 5:5; Matthew 18:21, 18:22 outIsaiah 66:18; Revelation 7:9, 7:10, 14:6, 14:7 take1 Samuel 15:27, 15:28; Isaiah 3:6, 4:1; Luke 8:44; Acts 19:12 We willNumbers 10:29-32; Ruth 1:16, 1:17; 2 Samuel 15:19-22; 2 Kings 2:6; 1 Chronicles 12:18; Isaiah 55:5; 60:3; Acts 13:47, 13:48 we haveNumbers 14:14-16; Deuteronomy 4:6, 4:7; Joshua 2:9-13; 1 Kings 8:42, 8:43; 1 Corinthians 14:25ReciprocalGenesis 21:22 - God; 39:3 - saw that; Exodus 12:38 - And a mixed multitude; 18:1 - heard; Joshua 22:31 - the Lord is; 24:18 - will we also; Ruth 1:10 - Surely; 1:14 - but Ruth; 1 Samuel 14:7 - Do all; 1 Kings 4:34 - General; 1 Chronicles 17:2 - for God; 2 Chronicles 32:7 - strong; Esther 9:27 - all such; Psalm 23:4 - for thou; 126:2 - then said; Isaiah 9:3 - hast multiplied; 14:1 - the strangers; 45:14 - The labour; 65:1 - unto; Ezekiel 34:26 - make them; Daniel 4:1 - unto all; Hosea 2:23 - Thou art my God; Micah 2:12 - they; Zephaniah 2:11 - and men; Zechariah 9:7 - he that; 9:16 - lifted; Malachi 3:12 - all; Acts 2:10 - Jews; Revelation 21:24 - the nations