1 Samuel 2
2:1 Hannah's song in thankfulness;
2:12 The sin of Eli's sons;
2:18 Samuel's ministry;
2:20 By Eli's blessing Hannah is more fruitful;
2:22 Eli reproves his sons;
2:27 A prophecy against Eli's house. Verse 1prayedNehemiah 11:17; Habakkuk 3:1; Philippians 4:6 My heartLuke 1:46, 1:47-56; Romans 5:11; Philippians 3:3, 4:4; 1 Peter 1:8 mine hornPsalm 18:2, 89:17, 92:10, 112:8, 112:9; Luke 1:69 my mouthExodus 15:1, 15:21; Judges 5:1, 5:2; Psalm 51:15, 71:8; Revelation 18:20 I rejoicePsalm 9:14, 13:5, 20:5, 35:9, 118:14; Isaiah 12:2, 12:3; Habakkuk 3:18ReciprocalGenesis 21:6 - God; 2 Samuel 22:3 - the horn; 2 Chronicles 20:27 - the Lord; Psalm 18:1 - in the day; 28:7 - with; 32:11 - Be glad; 89:24 - in my; 148:14 - exalteth; Isaiah 38:9 - writing; 41:16 - thou shalt rejoice; 60:5 - be enlarged; 61:10 - will greatly; Zechariah 10:7 - their heart; 2 Corinthians 6:11 - our mouth; Philippians 3:1 - rejoice; 1 Peter 1:6 - ye greatly; 3:5 - who; Revelation 19:7 - be glad Verse 2none holyExodus 15:11; Deuteronomy 32:4; Psalm 99:5, 99:9, 111:9; Isaiah 6:3, 57:15; 1 Peter 1:16; Romans 4:8, 15:4 none besideDeuteronomy 4:35; 2 Samuel 22:32; Psalm 73:25; Isaiah 43:10, 43:11, 44:6, 44:8 rockDeuteronomy 3:24, 32:20, 32:31, 32:39; Psalm 18:2, 71:3, 71:19, 86:8, 89:6, 89:8; Isaiah 40:18; Jeremiah 10:6Reciprocal2 Samuel 7:22 - none; 22:2 - General; 1 Kings 8:23 - no God; 1 Chronicles 17:20 - beside thee; Job 6:10 - the Holy One; Psalm 18:31 - General; 99:3 - for it; 145:17 - righteous; Isaiah 26:4 - everlasting strength; 26:7 - most; 41:16 - thou shalt rejoice; Jeremiah 22:16 - was not; Habakkuk 1:12 - mighty God; Matthew 19:17 - there; Mark 10:18 - that is; Luke 1:49 - and; 2:37 - which; 6:48 - rock; Revelation 15:4 - thou only Verse 3let not arrogancyHeb. hard, Psalm 94:4; Proverbs 8:13; Isaiah 37:23; Daniel 4:30, 4:31, 4:37; Malachi 3:13; Jude 1:15, 1:16 a God1 Kings 8:39; Psalm 44:21, 94:7-10, 147:5; Jeremiah 17:10; Habakkuk 3:1; Revelation 2:23 by himJob 31:6; Isaiah 26:7; Daniel 5:27ReciprocalExodus 18:11 - proudly; 1 Kings 2:9 - hold him; 20:18 - General; Psalm 12:3 - tongue; 17:10 - with; 31:18 - speak; 101:5 - an high; 145:17 - righteous; Proverbs 14:3 - the mouth; Ecclesiastes 9:11 - but; Isaiah 30:18 - for the Lord; 31:2 - he also; Ezekiel 35:13 - with; Daniel 7:8 - a mouth; Obadiah 1:12 - thou have; Malachi 2:17 - Where; Luke 1:51 - he hath scattered; 2 Corinthians 5:10 - we; James 4:6 - God Verse 4The bowsPsalm 37:15, 37:17, 46:9, 76:3 stumbledIsaiah 10:4; Jeremiah 37:10; 2 Corinthians 4:9, 4:10, 12:9; Ephesians 6:14; Philippians 4:13; Habakkuk 3:1Reciprocal1 Kings 20:18 - General; Psalm 65:6 - girded; Jeremiah 51:56 - every; Luke 1:51 - he hath scattered; 1:52 - put Verse 5fullPsalm 34:10; Luke 1:53, 16:25 the barren1 Samuel 1:20; Psalm 113:9 waxed feeble1 Samuel 1:6; Isaiah 54:1; Jeremiah 15:9; Galatians 4:27ReciprocalGenesis 30:2 - Am I; 33:3 - seven times; Leviticus 26:18 - seven times; Job 18:12 - hungerbitten; 27:14 - his offspring; Psalm 68:6 - God; 107:11 - contemned; 107:39 - they are; Ecclesiastes 3:2 - time to be born; Luke 6:25 - full Verse 6killethDeuteronomy 32:39; 2 Kings 5:7; Job 5:18; Psalm 68:20; Hosea 6:1, 6:2; John 5:25-29, 11:25; Revelation 1:18 he bringeth1 Samuel 20:3; Psalm 116:3; Isaiah 26:19; Jonah 2:2-6; Matthew 12:40; 2 Corinthians 1:9, 1:10ReciprocalGenesis 30:2 - Am I; Leviticus 14:34 - I put the plague of leprosy; 1 Kings 17:22 - and he revived; Job 33:22 - his soul; Proverbs 24:12 - that keepeth; Ecclesiastes 3:3 - time to kill; 5:14 - and he; Isaiah 38:9 - he had; Ezekiel 37:3 - O Lord God; Luke 1:52 - put; 7:7 - but; John 11:44 - he that; 1 Timothy 6:13 - who quickeneth Verse 7makethDeuteronomy 8:17, 8:18; Job 1:21, 5:11; Psalm 102:10 bringeth75:7; Isaiah 2:12; James 1:9, 1:10, 4:10ReciprocalGenesis 13:2 - General; 41:14 - sent; Leviticus 25:47 - sojourner or stranger wax rich; Ruth 1:21 - and the; 1 Samuel 15:28 - hath given; 30:23 - which the Lord; 1 Chronicles 29:12 - riches; 2 Chronicles 28:19 - the Lord; 32:29 - God; Job 12:9 - the hand; 22:18 - he filled; 36:22 - God; 42:10 - the Lord; Psalm 49:2 - General; 78:71 - brought; 113:7 - needy; 136:23 - in our low estate; 138:6 - Though; Proverbs 10:22 - it; 22:2 - rich; Jeremiah 49:15 - General; Ezekiel 17:14 - the kingdom; 17:24 - have brought; 21:26 - exalt; Daniel 2:21 - he removeth; 9:16 - according; Obadiah 1:2 - General; Matthew 4:9 - I give; Romans 9:17 - I raised Verse 8the poorJob 2:8, 42:10-12; Psalm 113:7, 113:8; Daniel 4:17; Luke 1:51, 1:52 set them1 Samuel 15:17; Genesis 41:14, 41:40; 2 Samuel 7:8; Job 36:6, 36:7; Ecclesiastes 4:14; Daniel 2:48, 6:3; James 2:5; Revelation 1:6, 3:21, 5:10, 22:5 the pillarsJob 38:4-6; Psalm 24:2, 102:25, 104:5; Habakkuk 1:3ReciprocalLeviticus 14:21 - poor; 25:47 - sojourner or stranger wax rich; Ruth 1:21 - and the; 1 Samuel 15:28 - hath given; 2 Samuel 7:9 - a great; 22:49 - thou also; 1 Kings 16:2 - I exalted thee; 1 Chronicles 29:12 - riches; Esther 2:17 - so that he set; Job 5:11 - set up; 5:16 - the poor; 8:19 - out of the earth; 9:6 - the pillars; 26:11 - pillars; 36:22 - God; 38:6 - Whereupon; Psalm 49:2 - General; 68:10 - thou; 75:3 - pillars; 75:7 - he putteth; 78:69 - earth; 78:71 - brought; 102:10 - thou hast; 107:41 - setteth; 136:23 - in our low estate; 138:6 - Though; 147:6 - lifteth up; Proverbs 8:21 - to inherit; 10:22 - it; Isaiah 22:23 - a glorious; 40:4 - valley; Jeremiah 49:15 - General; Ezekiel 17:24 - have brought; 21:26 - exalt; Daniel 2:21 - he removeth; Obadiah 1:2 - General; Zechariah 6:1 - and the; Matthew 4:9 - I give; Luke 1:48 - regarded; 6:20 - Blessed; 14:21 - the poor; 16:20 - a certain; 18:35 - begging; John 9:8 - sat; Romans 9:17 - I raised; 13:1 - there; Colossians 1:17 - and by; James 1:9 - in; Revelation 21:7 - inherit Verse 9will keepJob 5:24; Psalm 37:23, 37:24, 91:11, 91:12, 94:18, 121:3, 121:5, 121:8; Proverbs 16:9; 1 Peter 1:5 his saintsDeuteronomy 33:3; Psalm 37:28, 97:10; Proverbs 2:8; Jude 1:1, 1:3 be silentJob 5:16; Ecclesiastes 5:17; Jeremiah 8:14; Zephaniah 1:15; Matthew 8:12, 22:12, 22:13; Romans 3:19; 2 Peter 2:17; Jude 1:13 by strength1 Samuel 17:49, 17:50; Psalm 33:16, 33:17; Ecclesiastes 9:11; Jeremiah 9:23; Zechariah 4:6ReciprocalExodus 15:16 - still; 1 Samuel 25:29 - bound; 26:20 - let not my; 2 Samuel 22:37 - feet; 2 Chronicles 14:11 - man; Psalm 7:9 - but; 8:2 - still; 9:19 - let not; 12:7 - thou shalt; 17:5 - Hold; 26:1 - I shall; 26:12 - My; 31:17 - them; 31:23 - for the; 51:15 - O Lord; 55:22 - suffer; 56:13 - wilt; 66:9 - suffereth; 73:2 - feet; 86:2 - Preserve; 115:17 - go down; 119:133 - Order; Proverbs 3:26 - shall keep; 4:19 - General; Isaiah 27:3 - do keep; 47:5 - silent; Zephaniah 1:7 - thy; Luke 1:51 - he hath scattered; John 10:28 - they; James 4:10 - he Verse 10adversariesExodus 15:6; Judges 5:31; Psalm 2:9, 21:8, 21:9, 68:1, 68:2, 92:9; Luke 19:27 out of heavenThe LXX insert, "Let not the wise glory in his wisdom, nor the strong glory in his strength, nor the rich glory in his riches; but let him who glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth the Lord, and executeth judgment and righteousness in the midst of the earth."he thunder1 Samuel 7:10, 12:18; Job 40:9; Psalm 18:13, 18:14 judge50:1-6, 96:13, 98:9; Ecclesiastes 11:9, 12:14; Matthew 25:31, 25:32; John 5:21, 5:22; Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10; Revelation 20:11-15 he shall1 Samuel 12:13, 15:28, 16:1; 2 Samuel 7:8, 7:13; Psalm 2:6, 21:1, 21:7; Isaiah 32:1, 45:24; Matthew 25:34, 28:18 exaltPsalm 89:17, 89:24, 92:10, 148:14; Luke 1:69 anointed1 Samuel 12:3; Psalm 2:2, 20:6, 28:8, 45:7; Acts 4:27, 10:38ReciprocalJudges 11:27 - the Judge; 1 Samuel 10:1 - a vial; 2 Samuel 22:14 - thundered; 23:1 - the anointed; Job 16:15 - defiled my horn; 26:14 - the thunder; 36:31 - by; Psalm 18:50 - Great; 84:9 - the face; 110:6 - judge; Isaiah 2:4 - And he; 29:6 - General; 40:28 - the ends; 51:5 - mine; Ezekiel 29:21 - I cause; Micah 4:3 - he shall judge; Zephaniah 1:7 - thy; Zechariah 14:9 - the Lord; Luke 1:51 - he hath scattered; Revelation 5:6 - seven horns Verse 11minister1 Samuel 2:18, 1:28, 3:1, 3:15Reciprocal1:22 - and there; 2:20 - General; Acts 13:2 - they; Philippians 3:19 - whose God; Titus 1:6 - having; Habakkuk 3:1 - Samuel Verse 12the sonsHosea 4:6-9; Malachi 2:1-9 sons of Belial1 Samuel 10:27, 25:17; Deuteronomy 13:13; Judges 19:22; 1 Kings 21:10, 21:13; 2 Corinthians 6:15 knew1 Samuel 3:7; Judges 2:10; Jeremiah 2:8, 22:16; John 8:55, 16:3, 17:3; Romans 1:21, 1:28-30ReciprocalExodus 5:2 - I know not; Numbers 17:10 - rebels; 1 Samuel 1:3 - And the; 1:16 - a daughter; 3:13 - his sons; 4:4 - Hophni; 2 Samuel 16:7 - man of Belial; 20:1 - a man; 23:6 - the sons; Job 18:21 - knoweth; Isaiah 56:11 - they are; Jeremiah 9:3 - they know; 31:34 - Know the; Ezekiel 22:26 - priests; Hosea 5:4 - and; Nahum 1:11 - wicked counsellor; Zephaniah 3:4 - her priests; John 7:28 - whom; Romans 16:18 - but; 2 Thessalonians 1:8 - that know Verse 13ReciprocalExodus 27:3 - fleshhooks; 29:31 - seethe his flesh; 38:3 - fleshhooks; Leviticus 8:31 - Boil; 1 Samuel 2:22 - did unto; 2:29 - kick ye; 8:9 - the manner; 1 Kings 7:45 - the pots; 1 Chronicles 28:17 - pure gold; 2 Chronicles 4:16 - fleshhooks; 35:13 - sod; Ezekiel 46:20 - boil the trespass; Matthew 24:49 - and to; 1 Corinthians 10:18 - are Verse 14all that the fleshhook1 Samuel 2:29; Exodus 29:27, 29:28; Leviticus 7:34; Isaiah 56:11; Malachi 1:10; 2 Peter 2:13-15ReciprocalExodus 27:3 - fleshhooks; 1 Kings 7:45 - the pots; 1 Chronicles 28:17 - pure gold; 2 Chronicles 4:16 - fleshhooks; Zechariah 14:20 - and the Verse 15Leviticus 3:3-5, 3:16; Romans 16:18; Philippians 3:19; Jude 1:12ReciprocalExodus 29:31 - seethe his flesh; Leviticus 3:5 - Aaron's; 7:23 - fat; Numbers 6:19 - the sodden; Nehemiah 5:15 - even their; Ezekiel 22:26 - profaned; Zephaniah 1:9 - which; Malachi 1:7 - The table; 1 Timothy 3:3 - not covetous Verse 16presentlyHeb. as on the day, Leviticus 3:16, 7:23-25 I will takeJudges 18:25; Nehemiah 5:15; Micah 2:1, 2:2, 3:5; 1 Peter 5:2, 5:3ReciprocalGenesis 19:9 - pressed; Exodus 29:13 - burn them; Leviticus 3:5 - Aaron's; Ezekiel 13:19 - for handfuls; Zephaniah 1:9 - which Verse 17beforeGenesis 6:11, 10:9, 13:13; 2 Kings 21:6; Psalm 51:4; Isaiah 3:8 abhorredMalachi 2:8, 2:13; Matthew 18:7ReciprocalExodus 32:30 - Ye have; Leviticus 21:9 - the daughter; 1 Samuel 2:24 - ye make; 3:13 - his sons; 2 Kings 17:21 - a great sin; Nehemiah 13:11 - Why is the house; Ezekiel 13:19 - for handfuls Verse 18ministered1 Samuel 2:11, 3:1 a linen ephod22:18; Exodus 28:4; Leviticus 8:7; 2 Samuel 6:14ReciprocalJudges 11:31 - shall surely; 11:39 - to his vow; 1 Samuel 1:22 - and there; 1 Kings 18:12 - from my youth; 1 Chronicles 15:27 - a robe; 2 Chronicles 34:1 - eight years; Ecclesiastes 12:1 - Remember; Hosea 3:4 - ephod; Matthew 11:25 - and hast; 19:14 - Suffer; 20:2 - he sent; Luke 1:66 - And the; 2:40 - the child; Acts 3:24 - Samuel; 2 Timothy 3:15 - from; Habakkuk 3:1 - Samuel Verse 19a little coatMeil katon, "a little cloak" or surtout; an upper garment - see note on Exodus 28:4.from year to year1 Samuel 1:3, 1:21; Exodus 23:14Reciprocal1 Samuel 1:7 - year Verse 20The natural place for this verse seems to be before the 1 Samuel 2:11, after which the 2:21 should probably come in; and after the 21st, perhaps the 2:26 should follow.blessedGenesis 14:19, 27:27-29; Numbers 6:23-27; Ruth 2:12, 4:11 loanor, petition which she asked, etc. 1 Samuel 1:27, 1:28ReciprocalGenesis 47:7 - And Jacob; 48:9 - my sons; Joshua 22:6 - General; Ruth 4:12 - of the seed; 1 Kings 14:17 - when she came; Psalm 127:3 - children; Ecclesiastes 6:3 - a man Verse 21visited1 Samuel 1:19, 1:20; Genesis 21:1; Luke 1:68 grew1 Samuel 2:26, 3:19; Judges 13:24; Luke 1:80, 2:40, 2:52ReciprocalGenesis 29:31 - he opened; 48:9 - my sons; Ruth 1:6 - visited; 1 Samuel 2:20 - General; Psalm 107:41 - maketh; 127:3 - children; Ecclesiastes 6:3 - a man; Luke 1:13 - thy prayer; 1:25 - hath Verse 22Now1 Samuel 8:1 did unto2:13-17; Jeremiah 7:9, 7:10; Ezekiel 22:26; Hosea 4:9-11 womenIt is probable that these were persons who had some employment about the tabernacle - see note on Exodus 38:8.assembledassembled by troops, 38:8ReciprocalGenesis 37:2 - evil report; 1 Samuel 2:24 - ye make; 3:2 - his eyes; 3:13 - his sons; 4:4 - Hophni; 12:2 - my sons; 2 Samuel 13:21 - he was very wroth; Ezra 10:18 - the sons; Zephaniah 3:4 - her priests; Matthew 18:7 - unto; Luke 1:25 - hath; Titus 1:6 - having Verse 23Why1 Kings 1:6; Acts 9:4, 14:15 I hearetc. or, I hear evil words of youby allIsaiah 3:9; Jeremiah 3:3, 8:12; Philippians 3:19Reciprocal1 Samuel 3:13 - his sons; Proverbs 15:5 - fool; Luke 16:2 - How Verse 24no goodActs 6:3; 2 Corinthians 6:8; 1 Timothy 3:7; 3 John 1:12 ye make1 Samuel 2:17, 2:22; Exodus 32:21; 1 Kings 13:18-21, 15:30; 2 Kings 10:31; Malachi 2:8; Matthew 18:7; 2 Peter 2:18; Revelation 2:20 transgressor, cry outReciprocal1 Kings 15:26 - in his sin; 16:2 - hast made my people; 2 Kings 10:29 - made Israel; 17:21 - a great sin; 1 Chronicles 21:3 - why will; Nehemiah 5:9 - It is not; Psalm 73:15 - offend; Luke 16:2 - How; 1 Corinthians 5:1 - reported Verse 25sin againstDeuteronomy 17:8-12, 25:1-3 if a man1 Samuel 3:14; Numbers 15:30; Psalm 51:4, 51:16; Habakkuk 3:1 who shall1 Timothy 2:5; Habakkuk 3:1 hearkenedDeuteronomy 2:30; Joshua 11:20; 2 Chronicles 25:16; Proverbs 15:10; John 12:39, 12:40 becauseRather, therefore, as the particle kee also signifies - see note on Psalm 116:10
so Noldius, Ideo voluit Jehova eos interficere, "Therefore Jehovah purposed to destroy them.ReciprocalJudges 20:13 - would not; 1 Samuel 19:4 - sin against; 2 Samuel 21:3 - wherewith; 2 Chronicles 10:15 - the cause; Job 9:33 - is there; Proverbs 1:8 - hear; 13:1 - but; 29:1 - General; Ecclesiastes 3:3 - time to kill; Acts 24:10 - a judge; 1 Corinthians 8:12 - when; 1 John 5:16 - There
Verse 26grew on1 Samuel 2:21 was inProverbs 3:3; Luke 1:80, 2:40, 2:52; Acts 2:47; Romans 14:18Reciprocal1 Samuel 2:20 - General; 1 Kings 18:12 - from my youth; 2 Chronicles 34:1 - eight years; Proverbs 3:4 - shalt; 22:6 - when; Ecclesiastes 12:1 - Remember; Matthew 20:2 - he sent Verse 27a man1 Samuel 9:4; Deuteronomy 33:1; Judges 6:8, 13:6; 1 Kings 13:1; 1 Timothy 6:11; 2 Peter 1:21 Did IExodus 4:14, 4:27Reciprocal1 Samuel 1:28 - to the Lord; 3:12 - I will perform; 3:13 - For I have told him; 9:6 - city; 1 Kings 14:7 - Forasmuch; 16:2 - I exalted thee; 2 Chronicles 11:2 - the man; Jeremiah 28:8 - prophesied; 35:4 - a man Verse 28And did IExodus 28:1, 28:4, 28:6-30, 29:4-37, 39:1-7; Leviticus 8:7, 8:8; Numbers 16:5, 17:5-8, 18:1-7; 2 Samuel 12:7 did I giveLeviticus 2:3, 2:10, 6:16, 7:7, 7:8, 7:32, 7:34, 7:35, 10:14, 10:15; Numbers 5:9, 5:10, 18:8, 18:19; Deuteronomy 18:1-8ReciprocalExodus 29:25 - offering; 30:7 - dresseth; Leviticus 5:13 - shall be; Numbers 18:7 - as a service; Deuteronomy 33:10 - they shall put incense; 1 Samuel 14:3 - wearing; 22:18 - a linen ephod; 2 Samuel 6:14 - girded; 1 Kings 16:2 - I exalted thee; 1 Chronicles 23:13 - to burn incense; Hosea 4:6 - I will also; Zechariah 3:7 - judge; Malachi 1:6 - O priests; Luke 1:9 - his; 1 Corinthians 9:13 - they Verse 29kick ye1 Samuel 2:13-17; Deuteronomy 32:15; Malachi 1:12, 1:13 and at mineThey disdained to take the part allowed by the law; and would take for themselves what part they pleased, and as much as they pleased. 1 Samuel 2:13-16 habitationDeuteronomy 12:5, 12:6; Joshua 18:1 and honourestBy permitting his sons to deal thus with the sacrifices, and to be served first, by taking their part before the fat, etc., was burnt to the Lord, Eli thus honoured his sons above God. Leviticus 19:15; Deuteronomy 33:9; Matthew 10:37, 22:16; Luke 14:26; 2 Corinthians 5:16; James 3:17 make1 Samuel 2:13-16; Isaiah 56:11, 56:12; Ezekiel 13:19, 34:2; Hosea 4:8; Micah 3:5; Romans 16:18ReciprocalLeviticus 7:23 - fat; Judges 3:17 - a very fat; 1 Samuel 2:14 - all that the fleshhook; 2:36 - eat; 12:2 - my sons; 15:24 - obeyed; 2 Samuel 13:21 - he was very wroth; 2 Kings 12:6 - the priests; Ezekiel 22:26 - profaned; 34:10 - and cause; 44:12 - they ministered; Malachi 2:3 - spread; Matthew 24:49 - and to; Philippians 3:19 - whose God; 1 Timothy 3:5 - if; Titus 1:6 - having; Habakkuk 3:1 - for what Verse 30I saidExodus 28:43, 29:9; Numbers 25:11-13 Be it far35:34 *marg 2 Chronicles 15:2; Jeremiah 18:9, 18:10 themJudges 9:10; Psalm 50:23; Proverbs 3:9, 3:10; Isaiah 29:13; Daniel 4:34; Malachi 1:6; John 5:23, 8:49, 13:31, 13:32, 17:4, 17:5 I will honourPsalm 18:20, 91:14; John 5:44, 12:26; 1 Corinthians 4:5; 1 Peter 1:7 that despiseNumbers 11:20; 2 Samuel 12:9, 12:10; Malachi 2:8, 2:9ReciprocalGenesis 18:19 - that the; 22:18 - obeyed; 39:22 - committed; 39:23 - because; Exodus 33:3 - for I; Leviticus 10:3 - before; Numbers 12:11 - I beseech thee; 14:34 - breach of promise; 25:13 - his seed; Deuteronomy 25:9 - So shall; Joshua 6:27 - his fame; Judges 4:9 - notwithstanding; 1 Samuel 2:36 - eat; 13:14 - But now; 15:23 - thou hast rejected; 15:26 - for thou; 18:30 - set by; 22:18 - fourscore; 2 Samuel 6:22 - I be had; 23:17 - Be it far; 1 Kings 2:27 - So Solomon; 9:6 - if ye; 11:11 - I will surely; 14:10 - as a man taketh; 2 Kings 5:27 - unto thy seed; 12:6 - the priests; 1 Chronicles 17:18 - the honour; 2 Chronicles 24:16 - in the city; 26:18 - neither shall it be; 28:27 - they brought; 32:33 - did him; Nehemiah 13:29 - the covenant; Esther 9:4 - his fame; Job 34:24 - set; Psalm 91:15 - honour; 112:9 - horn; Proverbs 3:35 - wise; 4:8 - General; 8:17 - I love; 27:18 - shall be; Jeremiah 23:17 - that despise; 29:32 - he shall; 49:15 - General; Lamentations 1:8 - all; Ezekiel 17:14 - the kingdom; 33:26 - and shall; 44:12 - they ministered; Daniel 3:30 - the king; 4:36 - added; 6:2 - of; Hosea 4:7 - therefore; 12:14 - and his; Zechariah 6:14 - a memorial; 11:10 - that; Malachi 2:3 - spread; Matthew 5:19 - the least; 6:4 - reward; 7:26 - doeth; 10:32 - him; 11:11 - a greater; 15:28 - great; 26:13 - there; Luke 12:8 - Whosoever; 19:17 - Well; 19:26 - and from; John 12:43 - the praise of God; Romans 2:10 - glory; 1 Timothy 3:5 - if; Titus 1:6 - having; Habakkuk 3:1 - a promise; James 2:5 - the Verse 31I will cutThat is, I will destroy the strength, power, influence, and authority of thee and thy family; of which the arm of man being the instrument, is used as the emblem. 1 Samuel 4:2, 4:11, 4:17-20, 14:3, 22:17-20; 1 Kings 2:26, 2:27, 2:35; Job 22:9; Psalm 37:17; Ezekiel 30:21-24, 44:10ReciprocalGenesis 18:19 - that the; 1 Samuel 3:13 - For I have told him; 4:18 - his neck; Psalm 109:13 - Let his; Zechariah 8:4 - There; 11:17 - his arm; Malachi 2:12 - cut Verse 32an enemyetc. Or, the affliction of the tabernacle, for all the wealth which God would have given Israel. This appears to be the right translation; for, agreeably to this prediction, he did see the tabernacle deprived of the ark, which was its glory, and lived to hear that it was captured by the Philistines. 1 Samuel 4:4, 4:11, 4:22; Psalm 78:59-64 an old manZechariah 8:4Reciprocal1 Samuel 4:18 - his neck; 2 Samuel 3:29 - let there; Proverbs 17:21 - that Verse 33to consume1 Samuel 22:21-23; 1 Kings 1:7, 1:19, 2:26, 2:27; Matthew 2:16-18 in the floweretc. Heb. menReciprocalGenesis 44:34 - lest; Leviticus 26:16 - consume; 1 Samuel 22:20 - escaped; Psalm 78:64 - priests; Jeremiah 20:4 - thine; Amos 6:9 - if; 1 Corinthians 7:36 - the flower Verse 34a sign1 Samuel 3:12; 1 Kings 13:3, 14:12 in one day1 Samuel 4:11, 4:17ReciprocalGenesis 44:34 - lest; Leviticus 21:9 - the daughter; Numbers 26:10 - they became a sign; 1 Samuel 1:3 - And the; 2 Kings 19:29 - a sign; Psalm 78:64 - priests; Proverbs 29:1 - General; Jeremiah 44:29 - a sign; Habakkuk 3:1 - for what Verse 35I will raise1 Kings 1:8, 1:45, 2:35; 1 Chronicles 29:22; Ezekiel 34:23, 44:15, 44:16; Habakkuk 2:17, 3:1-7:28 I will build1 Samuel 25:28; Exodus 1:21; Numbers 25:13; 2 Samuel 7:11, 7:27; 1 Kings 11:38; 1 Chronicles 6:8-15; Nehemiah 12:10, 12:11 minePsalm 2:2, 18:50Reciprocal2 Samuel 23:5 - and sure; 1 Chronicles 6:53 - Zadok; Ezekiel 43:19 - the priests; 2 Timothy 2:2 - faithful; Habakkuk 3:1 - hath Verse 36is left1 Kings 2:27; Ezekiel 44:10-12 PutHeb. Joinone of the priests' officesHeb. somewhat about the priesthoodeat1 Samuel 2:29, 2:30; Malachi 1:13ReciprocalJudges 17:10 - I will give; 1 Samuel 22:18 - fourscore; 2 Kings 23:9 - but they did; Job 18:12 - hungerbitten; Psalm 10:10 - croucheth; Proverbs 6:26 - a piece; 18:23 - poor; Ecclesiastes 5:14 - and he; Ezekiel 43:19 - the priests; Amos 7:12 - eat; Revelation 3:9 - I will make them to