1 Samuel
The First Book of SAMUEL, otherwise called "The First Book of the KINGS."
1 Samuel 1
1:1 Elkanah, a Levite, having two wives, worships yearly at Shiloh;
1:4 He cherishes Hannah, though barren, and provoked by Peninnah;
1:9 Hannah in grief prays for a child;
1:12 Eli first rebuking her, afterwards blesses her;
1:19 Hannah, having born Samuel, stays at home till he is weaned;
1:24 She presents him, according to her vow, to the Lord. Verse 1RamathaimzophimThis ancient town, now called Ramla, is, according to Phocas, about thirty-six miles west of Jerusalem, and, according to modern travellers, about nine miles from Joppa and a league from Lydda, between which it is situated. It is built on a rising ground, on a rich plain, and contains about two thousand families. 1 Samuel 1:19; Matthew 27:57, ArimatheamountJudges 17:1, 19:1 Elkanah1 Chronicles 6:25-27, 6:34 Zuph1 Samuel 9:5 Ephrathite17:12; Judges 12:5; Ruth 1:2; 1 Kings 11:26ReciprocalGenesis 35:11 - a nation; 48:7 - Rachel; Exodus 6:24 - Elkanah; Joshua 18:25 - Ramah; Judges 4:5 - between; 1 Samuel 7:17 - his return; 1 Chronicles 6:26 - Zophai; 6:27 - Eliab; 6:35 - Zuph; Luke 23:51 - Arimathaea Verse 2twoGenesis 4:19, 4:23, 29:23-29; Judges 8:30; Matthew 19:8 butGenesis 16:1, 16:2, 25:21, 29:31; Judges 13:2; Luke 1:7ReciprocalGenesis 11:30 - barren; 1 Samuel 30:5 - two wives; 2 Kings 4:14 - she hath no child Verse 3yearlyHeb. from year to year, Exodus 23:14, 23:17, 34:23; Deuteronomy 16:16; Luke 2:41 to worshipDeuteronomy 12:5-7, 12:11-14 Shiloh1 Samuel 1:9; Joshua 18:1; Judges 18:31; Psalm 78:60; Jeremiah 7:12-14 And the1 Samuel 1:9, 2:12-17, 2:34, 3:13, 4:4, 4:11, 4:17, 4:18ReciprocalJoshua 19:51 - in Shiloh; Judges 19:18 - the house; 1 Samuel 1:21 - General; 2:19 - from year to year Verse 4offeredLeviticus 3:4, 7:15; Deuteronomy 12:5-7, 12:17, 16:11ReciprocalGenesis 30:1 - Rachel envied; Deuteronomy 21:15 - two wives; Psalm 11:6 - portion; 1 Corinthians 7:33 - how Verse 5a worthy portionor, a double portion, The Hebrew phrase, manah achath appayim, is correctly rendered by Gesenius, ein Stud fur zwei personen, doppelle Portion, "a portion for two persons, a double portion;" for aph in Hebrew, and προσωπον in Greek, which literally mean a face, are used for a person. Genesis 43:34, 45:22 he loved29:30, 29:31; Deuteronomy 21:15 shut upGenesis 20:18, 30:2Reciprocal30:23 - General; 1 Samuel 9:23 - Bring; Job 3:10 - it shut not; Luke 1:7 - they had Verse 6adversaryLeviticus 18:18; Job 6:14 provoked herHeb. angered herReciprocalGenesis 16:4 - her mistress; 20:18 - General; 30:23 - General; Judges 11:37 - bewail; 1 Samuel 2:5 - waxed feeble; 3:3 - the temple; 2 Samuel 6:23 - Michal; Job 17:2 - provocation; 19:5 - plead; 24:21 - evil; Psalm 37:1 - Fret; Isaiah 4:1 - reproach; Luke 1:25 - to take Verse 7year1 Samuel 2:19 when sheor, from the time that she, Heb. from her going upReciprocalLeviticus 10:19 - should; Judges 19:18 - the house; Job 17:2 - provocation; 24:21 - evil; Psalm 102:4 - so that; Jeremiah 41:5 - to the Verse 8why weepest2 Samuel 12:16, 12:17; 2 Kings 8:12; Job 6:14; John 20:13, 20:15; 1 Thessalonians 5:14 am notRuth 4:15; Psalm 43:4; Isaiah 54:1, 54:6ReciprocalGenesis 40:7 - Wherefore; Leviticus 10:19 - should; 2 Kings 4:14 - she hath no child; 6:28 - What aileth thee; Psalm 102:4 - so that; Isaiah 56:5 - better; Acts 21:13 - to weep Verse 91 Samuel 3:3, 3:15; 2 Samuel 7:2; Psalm 5:7, 27:4, 29:9Reciprocal1 Samuel 1:3 - Shiloh; 4:13 - sat upon; Malachi 2:13 - covering Verse 10in bitterness of soulHeb. bitter of soul, Ruth 1:20; 2 Samuel 17:8; Job 7:11, 9:18, 10:1; Isaiah 38:15, 54:6; Lamentations 3:15 prayedPsalm 50:15, 91:15; Luke 22:44; Habakkuk 3:1 wept soreGenesis 50:10; Judges 21:2; 2 Samuel 13:36; 2 Kings 20:3; Jeremiah 13:17, 22:10Reciprocal1 Samuel 22:2 - discontented; 30:6 - grieved; 2 Kings 4:27 - vexed; Job 3:20 - the bitter; Psalm 119:145 - cried; Proverbs 14:10 - heart; 31:6 - of heavy hearts; Malachi 2:13 - covering; 1 Peter 5:7 - Casting Verse 11vowedGenesis 28:20; Numbers 21:2, 30:3-8; Judges 11:30; Ecclesiastes 5:4 lookGenesis 29:32; Exodus 4:31; 2 Samuel 16:12; Psalm 25:18 remember1 Samuel 1:19; Genesis 8:1, 30:22; Psalm 132:1, 132:2 a man childHeb. seed of menI will giveSamuel, as a descendent of Levi, was the Lord's property, from twenty-five years of age till fifty; but the vow here implies that he should be consecrated to the Lord from his infancy to his death, and that he should not only act as a Levite, but as a Nazarite.thereNumbers 6:5; Judges 13:5ReciprocalGenesis 15:2 - childless; 25:21 - entreated; Exodus 2:25 - looked; Leviticus 5:4 - to do evil; 27:2 - When; Deuteronomy 23:23 - That which; Judges 11:31 - shall surely; 11:39 - to his vow; 1 Samuel 1:22 - and there; 1:27 - For this; 2 Samuel 15:8 - thy servant; Psalm 27:4 - dwell; 56:12 - Thy; 66:14 - when; 119:132 - Look; Proverbs 31:2 - the son of my vows; Lamentations 1:9 - behold; Matthew 2:23 - He shall; 19:14 - Suffer; Mark 10:14 - Suffer; Luke 1:48 - regarded Verse 12continued prayingHeb. multiplied to pray, Luke 11:8-10, 18:1; Ephesians 6:18; Colossians 4:2; 1 Thessalonians 5:17; James 5:16

Verse 13spakeGenesis 24:42-45; Nehemiah 2:4; Psalm 25:1; Romans 8:26 she hadZechariah 9:15; Acts 2:13; 1 Corinthians 13:7ReciprocalGenesis 24:45 - speaking; Psalm 5:1 - consider my Verse 14How longJoshua 22:12-20; Job 8:2; Psalm 62:3; Proverbs 6:9; Matthew 7:1-3 put awayJob 11:14, 22:23; Proverbs 4:24; Ephesians 4:25, 4:31ReciprocalActs 2:13 - These; Ephesians 4:22 - ye Verse 15my LordProverbs 15:1, 25:15 of a sorrowful spiritHeb. hard of spiritpouredPsalm 42:4, 62:8, 142:2, 142:3, 143:6; Lamentations 2:19Reciprocal1 Samuel 7:6 - drew water; 2 Chronicles 9:1 - communed; Psalm 25:1 - do I; 102:1 - poureth; 119:145 - cried; Isaiah 26:16 - in trouble; Jeremiah 20:12 - for; Daniel 4:19 - My Lord; Acts 2:15 - these; Philippians 4:6 - in Verse 16a daughter1 Samuel 2:12, 10:27, 25:25; Deuteronomy 13:13 out ofJob 6:2, 6:3, 10:1, 10:2; Matthew 12:34, 12:35 complaintor, meditationReciprocalJudges 19:22 - sons of Belial; Job 21:4 - is my complaint; Psalm 5:1 - consider my; 42:4 - I pour; 102:1 - poureth; 142:2 - poured out; Jonah 2:2 - by reason of mine; John 20:15 - if Verse 17Go1 Samuel 25:35, 29:7; Judges 18:6; 2 Kings 5:19; Mark 5:34; Luke 7:50, 8:48 the God1 Chronicles 4:10; Psalm 20:3-5ReciprocalExodus 4:18 - Go in peace; Joshua 14:13 - blessed; 1 Samuel 20:42 - Go in peace; 1 Kings 8:26 - And now; Acts 16:36 - and go Verse 18Let thineGenesis 32:5, 33:8, 33:15; Ruth 2:13 went herEcclesiastes 9:7; John 16:24; Romans 15:13; Philippians 4:6, 4:7ReciprocalLuke 18:14 - went Verse 19they rose1 Samuel 9:26; Psalm 5:3, 55:17, 119:147; Mark 1:35 knewGenesis 4:1 and the Lord1 Samuel 1:11; Genesis 8:1, 21:1, 30:22; Psalm 25:7, 136:23; Luke 23:42ReciprocalGenesis 45:5 - God; Judges 4:5 - between; 1 Samuel 2:21 - visited; 7:17 - his return; 2 Kings 4:17 - General; 1 Chronicles 6:27 - Elkanah; Psalm 127:3 - children; Luke 1:25 - hath Verse 20when the time was come aboutHeb. in revolution of days, Samuel. that is, Asked of God. Because. Genesis 4:25, 5:29, 16:11, 29:32-35, 30:6-21, 41:51, 41:52; Exodus 2:10, 2:22; Matthew 1:21ReciprocalGenesis 3:20 - Adam; 29:31 - he opened; 30:17 - General; 30:22 - remembered; 48:9 - my sons; Judges 13:3 - but thou; 1 Samuel 2:5 - the barren; 2:21 - visited; 2 Kings 4:17 - General; 1 Chronicles 6:27 - Elkanah; 6:33 - Shemuel; Psalm 127:3 - children; Isaiah 7:14 - shall call; Luke 1:13 - thy prayer; 1:25 - hath; Habakkuk 3:1 - Samuel Verse 211 Samuel 1:3; Genesis 18:19; Joshua 24:15; Psalm 101:2ReciprocalDeuteronomy 12:26 - thy vows; 1 Samuel 2:19 - from year to year; Luke 2:41 - went Verse 22thenDeuteronomy 16:16; Luke 2:22, 2:41, 2:42 and there1 Samuel 1:11, 1:28, 2:11, 2:18, 3:1; Psalm 23:6, 27:4 for everExodus 21:6; Leviticus 25:23; Joshua 4:7; Psalm 110:4; Isaiah 9:7ReciprocalGenesis 21:8 - and was; Deuteronomy 15:17 - for ever; Judges 11:39 - to his vow; Matthew 19:14 - Suffer; Mark 10:14 - Suffer Verse 23Do whatNumbers 30:7-11 the Lord2 Samuel 7:25; Isaiah 44:26 son suckGenesis 21:7, 21:8; Psalm 22:9; Matthew 24:19; Luke 11:27Reciprocal1 Kings 3:21 - give Verse 24am 2839, bc 1165, An, Ex, Is, 326she tookNumbers 15:9, 15:10; Deuteronomy 12:5, 12:6, 12:11, 16:16 three bullocksThe LXX, Syriac, and Arabic, read "a bullock of three years old;" which is probably correct, as we read - 1 Samuel 1:25 that they slew eth happar, "the bullock."house4:3, 4:4; Joshua 18:1ReciprocalJudges 11:39 - to his vow; 1 Kings 11:20 - weaned; Psalm 26:7 - That; 56:12 - Thy; Matthew 19:13 - brought; 19:14 - Suffer; Luke 18:15 - they brought Verse 25broughtLuke 2:22, 18:15, 18:16Reciprocal1 Samuel 1:24 - three bullocks Verse 26as thy soul1 Samuel 17:55, 20:3; Genesis 42:15; 2 Samuel 11:11, 14:19; 2 Kings 2:2, 2:4, 2:6, 4:30ReciprocalGenesis 21:6 - God; 30:17 - General; 1 Samuel 25:26 - and as thy; Psalm 116:1 - because; Proverbs 13:12 - when; John 16:21 - for Verse 27For this1 Samuel 1:11-13; Matthew 7:7 and the LordPsalm 66:19, 116:1-5, 118:5; 1 John 5:15ReciprocalGenesis 25:21 - entreated; 29:31 - he opened; 30:17 - General; 33:5 - children; 48:9 - my sons; Ruth 4:13 - the Lord; 1 Samuel 2:20 - loan; Psalm 26:7 - That; 127:3 - children; Mark 10:14 - Suffer; John 16:21 - for Verse 28lent himor, returned him, whom I have obtained by petitionto the LordThe word hishilteehoo, "I have lent him," is the Hiphil conjugation of shual, "he asked," - 1 Samuel 2:27
and refers to the name of Samuel.he shall beor, he whom I have obtained by petition shall be returnedhe worshippedGenesis 24:26, 24:48, 24:52; 2 Timothy 3:15ReciprocalGenesis 28:20 - vowed; Leviticus 27:2 - When; Numbers 6:2 - to vow; Judges 11:31 - shall surely; 11:39 - to his vow; 1 Samuel 1:22 - and there; 2:11 - minister; 2:20 - loan; 1 Chronicles 6:33 - Shemuel; Proverbs 22:6 - when; 31:2 - the son of my vows; Ecclesiastes 12:1 - Remember; Mark 10:14 - Suffer; 2 Corinthians 8:5 - first