1 Chronicles 15
15:1 David having prepared a place for the ark, the priests and Levites bring it from Obed-edom;
15:25 He performs the solemnity thereof with great joy;
15:29 Michal despises him. Verse 1am 2962, bc 1042houses2 Samuel 5:9, 13:7, 13:8, 14:24, and he prepared, 1 Chronicles 15:3, 16:1, 17:1-5; Psalm 132:5; Acts 7:46ReciprocalExodus 36:8 - made; 2 Samuel 6:12 - So David; 6:17 - they brought; 2 Chronicles 1:4 - the ark; Psalm 24:3 - the hill; Acts 7:45 - unto Verse 2None ought toetc. Heb. It is not to carry the ark of God, but for the Levites. them hath. Numbers 4:2-15, 4:19, 4:20, 7:9; Deuteronomy 10:8, 31:9; Joshua 3:3, 6:6; 2 Chronicles 35:3 to ministerNumbers 8:13, 8:14, 8:24-26, 18:1-8; Isaiah 66:21; Jeremiah 33:17-22ReciprocalNumbers 4:15 - after that; 10:21 - the Kohathites; 20:11 - smote; 2 Samuel 6:7 - God smote; 6:13 - when they; 15:24 - bearing; 1 Kings 8:3 - the priests took up; 1 Chronicles 13:2 - the priests; 13:7 - in a new cart; 15:13 - for that; 2 Chronicles 5:4 - the Levites Verse 3gathered1 Chronicles 13:5; 1 Kings 8:1 to bring up1 Chronicles 15:1; 2 Samuel 6:12ReciprocalLeviticus 8:3 - General; 9:5 - and all the congregation; Numbers 7:9 - because; 2 Chronicles 1:2 - to the captains; Psalm 68:27 - little; 132:5 - I find Verse 4the children of Aaron1 Chronicles 6:16-20, 6:49, 6:50, 12:26-28; Exodus 6:16-22; Numbers 3:4ReciprocalNehemiah 12:27 - out Verse 5Uriel1 Chronicles 6:22-24 brethrenor, kinsmenReciprocalNumbers 3:19 - General; 1 Chronicles 15:11 - Uriel; 2 Chronicles 29:12 - Kohathites Verse 6Merari1 Chronicles 6:29, 6:30ReciprocalNumbers 3:20 - General; 1 Chronicles 24:4 - more; 2 Chronicles 29:12 - of the sons Verse 7Joel1 Chronicles 15:11, 23:8Reciprocal23:7 - Gershonites; 2 Chronicles 29:12 - of the Gershonites Verse 8ElizaphanExodus 6:22, ElzaphanShemaiah1 Chronicles 15:11ReciprocalNumbers 3:19 - General; 2 Chronicles 29:13 - Elizaphan Verse 9Hebron1 Chronicles 6:2, 23:12, 23:19, 26:23, 26:30, 26:31; Exodus 6:18; Numbers 26:58

Verse 10Uzziel1 Chronicles 6:18, 23:12; Exodus 6:18, 6:22 Amminadab1 Chronicles 6:22Reciprocal2 Samuel 6:5 - David; 1 Chronicles 13:8 - David Verse 11Zadok1 Chronicles 12:28, 18:16; 1 Samuel 22:20-23; 2 Samuel 8:17, 15:24-29, 15:35, 20:25; 1 Kings 2:35 Uriel1 Chronicles 15:5-10ReciprocalJoshua 3:3 - the priests; 3:8 - command; 8:33 - priests; 1 Kings 2:26 - barest; 8:3 - the priests took up; 1 Chronicles 15:7 - Joel; 15:8 - Shemaiah; 23:8 - Joel; 24:3 - Zadok; Psalm 119:99 - than all Verse 12Ye are the chief1 Chronicles 9:34, 24:31 sanctify15:14; Exodus 19:14, 19:15; 2 Chronicles 5:11, 29:4, 29:5, 30:15, 35:6; Ezekiel 48:11; John 17:17; Romans 12:1, 12:2; Revelation 5:9, 5:10ReciprocalLeviticus 10:3 - I will be; Numbers 10:21 - the Kohathites; Deuteronomy 10:8 - bear; 31:9 - which bare; Joshua 3:3 - the priests; 3:8 - command; 1 Kings 2:26 - barest; 1 Chronicles 15:16 - chief; 16:1 - in the midst; 26:32 - chief fathers; 2 Chronicles 1:2 - the chief; 5:2 - the chief; 5:4 - the Levites; 23:2 - the chief of; Nehemiah 12:12 - the chief; 12:27 - out; 13:22 - I commanded; Psalm 132:5 - I find; Lamentations 3:40 - search; Acts 13:36 - served; Habakkuk 3:1 - nor faint Verse 13ye did it1 Chronicles 13:7-9; 2 Samuel 6:3 the Lord1 Chronicles 13:10, 13:11; 2 Samuel 6:7, 6:8 for that1 Chronicles 15:2; Numbers 4:15, 7:9; Deuteronomy 31:9; 2 Chronicles 30:17-20; Proverbs 28:13; 1 Corinthians 11:2, 14:40; 1 John 1:8-10ReciprocalExodus 19:22 - break; Leviticus 10:2 - they died; 10:3 - I will be; Numbers 17:13 - any thing; 20:11 - smote; Judges 21:15 - a breach; 1 Samuel 5:7 - The ark; 6:11 - they laid; 2 Kings 3:11 - that we may; Lamentations 3:40 - search; Mark 5:15 - and they; Acts 5:5 - great; Habakkuk 3:1 - nor faint Verse 14sanctifiedLeviticus 10:3; 2 Chronicles 29:15, 29:34; Joel 2:16, 2:17Reciprocal1 Chronicles 15:12 - sanctify Verse 15bare the arkExodus 25:12, 25:12-15, 37:3-5, 40:20; Numbers 4:6, 4:15, 7:9; 1 Kings 8:8; 2 Chronicles 5:9ReciprocalExodus 25:13 - General; 2 Samuel 6:13 - when they; 1 Chronicles 13:10 - he put; Psalm 42:4 - for I Verse 16And David2 Chronicles 30:12; Ezra 7:24-28; Isaiah 49:23 chief1 Chronicles 15:12; Acts 14:23; 1 Timothy 3:1-15; 2 Timothy 2:2; Titus 1:5 the singers1 Chronicles 15:27, 15:28, 6:31-38, 13:8, 16:42, 23:5, 25:1-6; 2 Chronicles 29:28-30; Nehemiah 12:36, 12:46; Psalm 87:7, 149:3, 150:3, 150:4 lifting up2 Chronicles 5:13; Ezra 3:10, 3:11; Nehemiah 12:43; Psalm 81:1, 92:1-3, 95:1, 100:1; Jeremiah 33:11Reciprocal2 Samuel 6:15 - with shouting; 1 Chronicles 9:33 - the singers; 15:19 - General; 15:22 - song; 16:5 - Asaph; 2 Chronicles 5:12 - the Levites; 7:6 - the Levites; 8:14 - the Levites; 20:19 - Levites; 23:13 - the singers; 29:25 - And he set; 34:12 - all; Nehemiah 12:27 - thanksgivings; Psalm 33:2 - Praise; 68:24 - even; 92:3 - instrument; 98:5 - General; 150:5 - the loud cymbals; Daniel 3:10 - the cornet Verse 17Heman1 Chronicles 6:33, 25:1-5; 1 Samuel 8:2 Asaph1 Chronicles 6:39, 25:2; Psalm 73:1, 83:1 *titlesEthan1 Chronicles 15:19, 6:44, son of KishiReciprocalNumbers 3:19 - General; 1 Kings 4:31 - Heman; 1 Chronicles 2:6 - Ethan; 16:37 - before the ark; 23:8 - Joel; 25:4 - Heman; 2 Chronicles 29:13 - Asaph; Ezra 2:41 - Asaph Verse 18the second1 Chronicles 25:2-6, 9-31 Zechariah16:5, 16:6 Jaaziel15:20, AzielObededom13:14, 16:5, 16:38, 26:4, 26:8, 26:15Reciprocal2 Samuel 6:10 - Obededom; 2 Kings 12:9 - the priests; 1 Chronicles 13:13 - Obededom; 15:21 - Mattithiah; 15:24 - Obededom; 23:8 - Jehiel; 24:25 - Zechariah; 25:3 - Mattithiah; 2 Chronicles 34:13 - porters Verse 191 Chronicles 15:16, 13:8, 16:5, 16:42, 25:1, 25:6; Psalm 150:5Reciprocal1 Samuel 10:5 - a psaltery; 1 Kings 4:31 - Ethan; 1 Chronicles 2:6 - Ethan; 6:33 - Heman; 15:17 - Ethan; 25:4 - Heman; 2 Chronicles 29:14 - Heman Verse 20Aziel1 Chronicles 15:18, JaazielAlamothPsalm 46:1 *titleReciprocal1 Chronicles 16:5 - psalteries and with harps; 23:8 - Jehiel; 24:25 - Zechariah Verse 21Mattithiah1 Chronicles 15:18, 16:5 harps25:6, 25:7; 1 Samuel 10:5; Psalm 33:2, 81:1, 81:2, 92:3, 150:3 Sheminith to excelor, eighth to oversee, 6:1, 12:1 *titlesReciprocal1 Chronicles 23:8 - Jehiel; 25:3 - Mattithiah; 26:4 - Obededom Verse 22foretc. or, for the carriage, he instructed about the carriagesongHeb. lifting up, 1 Chronicles 15:16, 15:27 he instructed25:7, 25:8Reciprocal25:6 - for song; Psalm 33:3 - play Verse 231 Chronicles 9:21-23; 2 Kings 22:4, 25:18; Psalm 84:10Reciprocal1 Chronicles 15:24 - Obededom; 23:5 - porters; 26:1 - the porters Verse 24the priests1 Chronicles 16:6; Numbers 10:8; 2 Chronicles 5:12, 5:13; Psalm 81:13; Joel 2:1, 2:15 Obededom1 Chronicles 15:18, 15:23ReciprocalNumbers 10:10 - in the day; 2 Kings 12:9 - the priests; 1 Chronicles 23:5 - porters; 26:1 - the porters; 26:4 - Obededom; 2 Chronicles 7:6 - the priests; 23:13 - and the princes; 29:26 - the priests; Ezra 3:10 - trumpets; Psalm 47:5 - sound; 81:3 - Blow; 150:3 - with the sound; Isaiah 27:13 - the great Verse 25David2 Samuel 6:12, 6:13-23; 1 Kings 8:1 captainsNumbers 31:14; Deuteronomy 1:15; 1 Samuel 8:12, 10:19, 22:7; Micah 5:2 Obededom1 Chronicles 13:14 with joy13:11, 13:12; Deuteronomy 12:7, 12:18, 16:11, 16:15; 2 Chronicles 20:27, 20:28; Ezra 6:16; Psalm 95:1, 95:2; 100:1, 100:2; Philippians 3:3, 4:4Reciprocal2 Samuel 6:15 - with shouting; 2 Chronicles 1:4 - the ark; Psalm 24:3 - the hill; Proverbs 28:12 - righteous; Acts 13:36 - served Verse 26God1 Chronicles 29:14; 1 Samuel 7:12; Acts 26:22; 2 Corinthians 2:16, 3:5 they2 Samuel 6:13; Psalm 66:13-15 bullocksNumbers 23:1, 23:2, 23:4, 23:29, 29:32; Job 42:8; Ezekiel 45:23ReciprocalNumbers 6:14 - one he; Deuteronomy 10:8 - bear; Joshua 6:13 - went on; 2 Chronicles 29:21 - seven; Malachi 3:4 - as Verse 27a robe1 Samuel 2:18; 2 Samuel 6:14 Chenaniah1 Chronicles 15:22 songor, carriage, 15:22Reciprocal1 Samuel 10:5 - a psaltery; 1 Chronicles 6:31 - whom David; 15:16 - the singers; 2 Chronicles 5:12 - arrayed; 23:13 - the singers; Ezra 3:10 - they set; Psalm 69:9 - zeal; 137:3 - the songs of Zion; Isaiah 3:23 - fine linen Verse 28brought up2 Samuel 6:15 with shouting1 Chronicles 15:16, 13:8; 2 Chronicles 5:12, 5:13; Ezra 3:10, 3:11; Psalm 47:1-5, 68:25, 98:4-6; 150:3-5 the cornetJerome on Hosea 5:8 says this instrument is properly called in Greek κερατινη, from κερας [G2768], a horn. The trumpets were, according to Josephus, made of metal, and about a cubit in length. See note on Numbers 10:2.ReciprocalLeviticus 23:24 - In the seventh; Numbers 6:14 - one he; 10:10 - in the day; 29:1 - blowing; 1 Samuel 10:5 - a psaltery; Ezra 6:16 - with joy; Nehemiah 12:27 - thanksgivings; Psalm 33:2 - Praise; 47:5 - with a shout; 66:1 - Make; 98:6 - trumpets; 149:3 - with the timbrel; 150:5 - the loud cymbals; Daniel 3:10 - the cornet; Joel 2:1 - trumpet; Luke 19:37 - the whole; Philippians 3:1 - rejoice Verse 29as the ark1 Chronicles 17:1; Numbers 10:33; Deuteronomy 31:26; Joshua 4:7; Judges 20:27; 1 Samuel 4:3; Jeremiah 3:16; Habakkuk 3:1 Lord2 Samuel 6:16 Michal1 Samuel 18:27, 18:28, 19:11-17, 25:44; 2 Samuel 3:13, 3:14 dancingExodus 15:20; Psalm 30:11, 149:3, 150:4; Ecclesiastes 3:4; Jeremiah 30:19, 33:11 she despised2 Samuel 6:20-23; Psalm 69:7-9; Acts 2:13; 1 Corinthians 2:14; 2 Corinthians 5:13ReciprocalNumbers 6:14 - one he; 2 Samuel 6:21 - play; 1 Kings 8:1 - out of the city; Psalm 65:1 - in Sion