1 Chronicles 14
14:1 Hiram's kindness to David;
14:2 David's felicity in people, wives, and children;
14:8 His two victories against the Philistines. Verse 1am 2961, bc 1043, An, Ex, Is, 448Hiram2 Samuel 5:11, 5:12-16; 1 Kings 5:1, 5:8-12; 2 Chronicles 2:11, 2:12, Huramand timber1 Chronicles 22:2; 1 Kings 5:6, 5:9, 5:10, 5:18; 2 Chronicles 2:3, 2:8-10; Ezra 3:7 to build him1 Chronicles 17:1; 2 Samuel 7:2; 1 Kings 7:1-12; Jeremiah 22:13-15

Verse 2the Lord1 Chronicles 17:17; 2 Samuel 7:16; Psalm 89:20-37 his kingdomNumbers 24:7; 2 Samuel 7:8 because1 Kings 10:9; 2 Chronicles 2:11; Esther 4:14; Isaiah 1:25-27; Daniel 2:30Reciprocal2 Samuel 5:12 - David Verse 3took1 Chronicles 3:1-4; Deuteronomy 17:17; 2 Samuel 5:13; 1 Kings 11:3; Proverbs 5:18, 5:19; Ecclesiastes 7:26-29, 9:9; Malachi 2:14; Matthew 19:4, 19:5, 19:8 moreHeb. yet

Verse 4Shammua1 Chronicles 3:5-9, Shimea, 2 Samuel 5:14, ShammuahNathan12:1; Luke 3:31 Solomon1 Chronicles 22:9-12, 28:5, 28:6; 2 Samuel 12:24, 12:25; 1 Kings 1:13, 1:17, 2:15, 3:3, 3:5-11; Matthew 1:6

Verse 5Elishua1 Chronicles 3:6, Elishama, 2 Samuel 5:15

Verse 7BeeliadaProbably Beeliada is a mistake for Eliada, as the LXX, Syriac, and Arabic read here. 2 Samuel 5:16, Eliadaand Eliphalet1 Chronicles 3:8, Eliphelet, This variation merely arises from the change of a vowel. Here we have 13 persons mentioned, but only 11 in Samuel; and it is probable that the duplicate Elishama and Eliphelet dying when young, were therefore omitted in the latter.

Verse 8am 2957, bc 1047, An, Ex, Is, 444And when1 Samuel 21:11; 2 Samuel 5:17-25 anointed1 Chronicles 11:3; 2 Samuel 5:3 all the PhilistinesPsalm 2:1-6; Revelation 11:15-18

Verse 9the valley1 Chronicles 11:15; 2 Samuel 5:18, 23:13; Isaiah 17:5ReciprocalGenesis 14:5 - Rephaims; Joshua 18:16 - the valley of the giants; Judges 6:14 - Go in; 2 Samuel 5:17 - But when; 1 Chronicles 14:13 - yet again Verse 10inquired1 Chronicles 14:14, 13:3; 1 Samuel 23:2-4, 23:9-12; 2 Samuel 2:1, 5:19, 5:23 Shall I go1 Samuel 30:8; Proverbs 3:6 Go upJudges 4:6, 4:7; 1 Kings 22:6, 22:15-17ReciprocalJudges 6:14 - Go in; 2 Kings 3:11 - that we may; Psalm 118:12 - in the name Verse 11Baalperazim2 Samuel 5:20; Isaiah 28:21 GodPsalm 18:13-15, 44:3, 144:1, 144:10 like the breakingExodus 14:28; Job 30:14; Matthew 7:27 Baalperazimthat is, a place of breachesReciprocal2 Samuel 5:21 - David; Psalm 118:12 - in the name Verse 12were burnedExodus 12:12, 32:20; Deuteronomy 7:5, 7:25; 1 Samuel 5:2-6; 2 Kings 19:18Reciprocal2 Samuel 5:21 - David Verse 13yet again1 Chronicles 14:9; 2 Samuel 5:22-25; 1 Kings 20:22Reciprocal1 Samuel 23:27 - invaded Verse 14inquired1 Chronicles 14:10; Psalm 27:4 turn awayJoshua 8:2-7; John 9:6, 9:7Reciprocal2 Samuel 5:23 - fetch; 2 Kings 3:11 - that we may; Psalm 118:12 - in the name Verse 15when thou shalt hearSome, taking the word bechaim, translated "mulberry trees," as a proper name, render, "when thou shalt hear a sound of going upon the summits of Bechaim;" other understanding rosh, "a top," in the sense of beginning or entrance, read, "when thou hearest a sound of footsteps at the entrance of the grove of mulberry trees;" and others think a rustling among the leaves is intended. The Targumist read, "When thou shalt hear the sound of the angels coming to thy assistance, then go out to battle; for an angel is sent from the presence of God, that he may render thy way prosperous." If there had not been an evident supernatural interference, David might have thought that the ruse de guerre which he had used, was the cause of his victory. Leviticus 26:36; 2 Kings 7:6, 19:7; Acts 2:2 then thouJudges 4:14, 7:9, 7:15; 1 Samuel 14:9-22; Philippians 2:12, 2:13 for GodIsaiah 13:4, 45:1, 45:2; Micah 2:12, 2:13Reciprocal2 Samuel 5:23 - the mulberry trees; 5:24 - thou shalt bestir; Isaiah 52:12 - for Verse 16did as GodGenesis 6:22; Exodus 39:42, 39:43; John 2:5, 13:17, 15:14 Gibeon2 Samuel 5:25, GebaGazer1 Chronicles 6:67; Joshua 16:10, GezerReciprocal1 Chronicles 6:60 - thirteen cities; Isaiah 28:21 - the valley Verse 17fame of DavidJoshua 6:27; 2 Chronicles 26:8; Psalm 18:44 the fear of himExodus 15:14-16; Deuteronomy 2:25, 11:25; Joshua 2:9-11, 9:24ReciprocalDeuteronomy 28:10 - and they shall; 1 Chronicles 19:19 - would; Esther 9:4 - his fame; Matthew 4:24 - his fame