Psalm 135
135:1 An exhortation to praise God for his mercy;
135:5 for his power;
135:8 for his judgments;
135:15 The vanity of idols;
135:19 An exhortation to bless God. Verse 1am 3000, bc 1004 TitleBp. Patrick supposes this to be the morning hymn which the precentor called upon the Levites to sing at the opening of the gates of the temple, as the foregoing was sung at the shutting in the evening; but it is more probable that it was composed by Solomon, to be sung at the dedication of the temple.Praise ye the LordPsalm 33:1, 33:2, 96:1-4, 106:1, 107:8, 107:15, 111:1, 112:1, 113:1, 117:1, 117:2, 150:6 Praise ye the name7:17, 102:21, 113:2, 113:3, 148:13; Exodus 34:5-7; Nehemiah 9:5 O ye servantsPsalm 113:1, 134:1, 149:1-3Reciprocal1 Chronicles 6:32 - and then; 9:33 - employed; 23:30 - stand; 2 Chronicles 31:2 - to give thanks; Psalm 29:9 - in his temple; 147:8 - covereth; Luke 2:37 - which; Revelation 19:5 - Praise Verse 2that stand1 Chronicles 16:37-42, 23:30; Nehemiah 9:5; Luke 2:37 the courtsPsalm 92:13, 96:8, 116:19ReciprocalDeuteronomy 10:8 - to stand; 2 Chronicles 35:5 - And stand; Psalm 29:9 - in his temple; 134:1 - bless ye; Luke 18:11 - stood; Acts 26:7 - instantly Verse 3for the LordPsalm 106:1, 107:1, 118:1, 119:68, 136:1, 145:7, 145:8; Matthew 19:17 for it isPsalm 33:1, 63:5, 92:1, 92:2, 147:1ReciprocalEzra 3:11 - because; Psalm 149:2 - rejoice Verse 4the LordPsalm 33:12; Deuteronomy 7:6, 7:7, 10:15; 1 Samuel 12:22; Isaiah 41:8, 43:20, 43:21; Zechariah 2:10-12; 1 Peter 2:9 his peculiarExodus 19:5, 19:6; Deuteronomy 32:9; Malachi 3:17; Titus 2:14ReciprocalExodus 34:9 - take us; Deuteronomy 4:20 - a people; 1 Samuel 10:1 - his inheritance; 1 Chronicles 16:13 - his chosen; Psalm 65:4 - choosest; 74:2 - thine; 149:2 - rejoice; Isaiah 43:4 - precious; 63:19 - are thine; Jeremiah 10:16 - Israel; 13:11 - I caused; 51:19 - the rod; Ezekiel 16:7 - excellent ornaments; Zechariah 2:12 - inherit; Acts 13:17 - God; 27:23 - whose; Romans 2:17 - thou art; Ephesians 1:4 - as Verse 5I knowPsalm 48:1, 86:8-10, 89:6, 95:3, 96:4, 96:5, 97:9; Deuteronomy 10:17; Isaiah 40:22, 40:25; Jeremiah 10:10, 10:11; Daniel 3:29, 6:26, 6:27ReciprocalExodus 18:11 - the Lord; 2 Samuel 7:22 - Wherefore; 2 Chronicles 2:5 - great is our God; Psalm 59:13 - and let; 147:5 - Great; Isaiah 36:18 - Hath; Daniel 2:45 - the great Verse 6WhatsoeverPsalm 33:9, 33:11, 115:3; Isaiah 46:10; Daniel 4:35; Amos 4:13, 9:6; Matthew 28:18 in the seasPsalm 136:13-15; Matthew 8:26, 8:27, 14:25ReciprocalExodus 9:29 - that the earth; Deuteronomy 4:39 - the Lord; Job 23:13 - and what; 34:33 - whether thou refuse; Psalm 59:13 - and let; 95:4 - deep; Isaiah 36:18 - Hath; Jonah 1:14 - for; 1 Corinthians 12:18 - as it Verse 7He causethPsalm 148:8; Genesis 2:5, 2:6; 1 Kings 18:1, 18:41-45; Job 5:10; Jeremiah 10:13, 14:22, 51:16; Zechariah 10:1 he maketh lightningsDr. Russel informs us that seldom a night passes at Aleppo without much lightning in the north-west, but not attended with thunder; and when it appears in the west or south-western points, it is a sure sign of the approaching rain, which is often followed with thunder. See note on Job 38:26. 28:25, 28:26, 38:24-28 he bringethPsalm 107:25, 148:8; Job 38:22, 38:23; Jonah 1:4; John 3:8ReciprocalExodus 15:10 - blow; Numbers 11:31 - a wind; Deuteronomy 28:12 - open; Job 26:8 - bindeth up; 36:32 - General; Psalm 78:26 - He caused; Amos 4:13 - and createth; John 6:18 - General Verse 8smotePsalm 78:51, 105:36, 136:10; Exodus 12:12, 12:29, 12:30, 13:15 both of man and beastHeb. from man unto beastReciprocal3:20 - smite; 4:23 - General; 11:5 - the firstborn; Numbers 8:17 - on the day; Deuteronomy 7:18 - remember; Joshua 24:5 - plagued; Nehemiah 9:10 - showedst; Psalm 94:10 - chastiseth; 105:27 - They; Habakkuk 3:6 - and drove; Acts 7:7 - the nation; 7:36 - after; 13:17 - and with Verse 9sent tokensPsalm 78:43-50, 105:27-29; Exodus 7:1-15:27; Deuteronomy 4:34; Nehemiah 9:10; Isaiah 51:9, 51:10; Jeremiah 32:20, 32:21; Acts 7:36 upon PharaohPsalm 136:15ReciprocalGenesis 15:14 - that; Exodus 3:20 - smite; 7:3 - multiply; Deuteronomy 6:22 - showed; 11:3 - General; Joshua 24:5 - plagued; Psalm 65:8 - afraid; 78:12 - Marvellous; 106:21 - which; Acts 7:7 - the nation Verse 10smotePsalm 44:2, 44:3, 136:17-22ReciprocalNumbers 21:24 - Israel; 21:34 - thou shalt; 21:35 - General; 32:33 - the kingdom; Deuteronomy 3:1 - Og; 3:6 - as we did; 29:7 - General; Joshua 24:8 - General; Judges 10:11 - Amorites; 11:20 - General; Nehemiah 9:22 - Sihon; Psalm 78:55 - cast; 105:44 - gave; Jeremiah 27:5 - and have; Amos 2:9 - I the; John 12:40 - that they; Acts 7:36 - and in the wilderness Verse 11SihonNumbers 21:21-35; Deuteronomy 2:30-37, 3:1-11; Nehemiah 9:22 and all theJoshua 10:1-12:24ReciprocalNumbers 21:34 - thou shalt; 32:33 - the kingdom; Deuteronomy 1:4 - General; 2:32 - General; Joshua 5:1 - Canaanites; 24:8 - General; Judges 10:11 - Amorites; Psalm 136:17 - General; Acts 13:19 - Chanaan Verse 12gave theirPsalm 44:1-3, 78:55, 136:21, 136:22; Numbers 33:54; Joshua 11:23, 12:7ReciprocalIsaiah 58:14 - and feed Verse 13Thy namePsalm 8:1, 8:9, 72:17, 102:12, 102:21; Exodus 3:15, 34:5-7; Hosea 12:5; Matthew 6:9, 6:13 throughout all generationsHeb. to generations and generations, Psalm 89:1 *marg.ReciprocalExodus 12:14 - memorial Verse 14the LordPsalm 7:8, 50:4, 96:13 he will repentDeuteronomy 32:36; Judges 10:16; 1 Chronicles 21:15; Hosea 11:8, 11:9; Amos 7:3, 7:6; Jonah 4:2ReciprocalGenesis 15:14 - that; 2 Samuel 24:16 - repented; Psalm 90:13 - let it; 106:45 - repented; Jeremiah 16:20 - General; 18:8 - I will; Habakkuk 3:1 - The Lord shall Verse 15idolsPsalm 115:4-8; Deuteronomy 4:28; Isaiah 37:19, 40:19, 40:20, 44:9-20, 46:6, 46:7; Jeremiah 10:3-11; Habakkuk 2:18, 2:19; Acts 17:29ReciprocalExodus 20:4 - General; 1 Samuel 5:5 - neither; 1 Kings 18:26 - no voice; 2 Kings 17:29 - made gods; 2 Chronicles 32:19 - the work; Psalm 96:5 - For; Isaiah 36:18 - Hath; 41:29 - they are all; Jeremiah 10:4 - deck; Daniel 3:1 - made; 5:4 - of gold; 5:23 - which; Hosea 8:6 - the workman; Acts 19:26 - that they; Romans 1:23 - an image; Galatians 4:8 - ye did; Revelation 9:20 - and idols Verse 16eyes have theyIsaiah 6:10; Matthew 13:14-16ReciprocalDeuteronomy 4:28 - neither see; Jeremiah 10:5 - speak; 10:14 - and; 1 Corinthians 12:2 - dumb; Revelation 13:15 - speak Verse 17ReciprocalJeremiah 10:13 - bringeth; 51:17 - brutish by his knowledge; Hosea 13:2 - according; Habakkuk 2:19 - and there; Revelation 13:15 - life Verse 18They thatPsalm 97:7, 115:8; Isaiah 44:18-20; Jeremiah 10:8; 2 Corinthians 4:4ReciprocalPsalm 96:5 - For; Isaiah 40:19 - General; 44:9 - their own; 46:8 - Remember; Jeremiah 51:17 - Every; Hosea 13:2 - according Verse 19Psalm 115:9-11, 118:1-4, 145:10, 147:19, 147:20, 148:14; Revelation 19:5Reciprocal1 Chronicles 23:30 - stand; 29:20 - Now bless; Psalm 22:23 - Ye that; 30:4 - Sing; 68:26 - Bless; 118:2 - General; 134:1 - bless ye; 147:12 - praise thy God; Luke 2:28 - and Verse 20Reciprocal1 Chronicles 23:30 - stand; Psalm 22:23 - Ye that; 113:1 - O; 115:9 - Israel; 118:2 - General; Luke 2:28 - and; Acts 13:16 - and ye; Revelation 19:5 - Praise Verse 21out of ZionPsalm 76:2, 134:3; 2 Chronicles 6:6 which dwellethPsalm 48:1, 48:9, 132:13, 132:14; Isaiah 12:6ReciprocalNumbers 35:34 - I dwell; 1 Chronicles 23:25 - that they may dwell in Jerusalem; Ezra 7:15 - whose habitation; Jeremiah 8:19 - the Lord