Jeremiah 43
43:1 Johanan, discrediting Jeremiah's prophecy, carries him and the rest into Egypt;
43:8 Jeremiah prophesies by a type the conquest of Egypt by the Babylonians. Verse 1had madeJeremiah 26:8, 42:22, 51:63 all the words1:7, 1:17, 26:2, 42:3-5; Exodus 24:3; 1 Samuel 8:10; Matthew 28:20; Acts 5:20, 20:27ReciprocalJeremiah 24:8 - and them; 43:2 - Azariah; Ezekiel 33:31 - and they Verse 2AzariahJeremiah 40:8, 43:1, JezaniahJohanan40:13-16, 41:16 all the13:15; Exodus 5:2, 9:17; Psalm 10:4, 10:5, 12:3, 119:21, 123:4; Proverbs 6:17, 8:13; 16:5, 16:18, 16:19, 30:9; Habakkuk 2:4, 2:5; Isaiah 9:9, 9:10; James 4:6; 1 Peter 5:5 Thou speakestThey had no other colour for their rebellion than flatly to deny that God had spoken what the prophet had declared, the constant method of hypocrites and infidels, who pretend that they are not satisfied of the truth of Divine revelation, when the true cause of their unbelief is, that the commands of God contradict their lusts and appetites. Jeremiah 5:12, 5:13; 2 Chronicles 36:13; Isaiah 7:9ReciprocalExodus 5:9 - vain words; 1 Kings 12:6 - consulted; 2 Chronicles 18:17 - Did I not tell; Nehemiah 9:29 - yet they; Psalm 10:2 - The wicked; 119:69 - proud; Proverbs 13:13 - despiseth; Jeremiah 18:18 - and let us not; 29:27 - which; 36:18 - He; 41:11 - Johanan; 41:18 - for they; 42:8 - Johanan; Micah 2:3 - go Verse 3BaruchJeremiah 43:6, 36:4, 36:10, 36:26, 45:1-3 to deliver38:4; Psalm 109:4; Matthew 5:11, 5:12; Luke 6:22, 6:23, 6:26ReciprocalNumbers 16:41 - Ye have; 1 Kings 22:8 - but I hate him; 2 Chronicles 18:17 - Did I not tell; Psalm 119:69 - proud; Jeremiah 5:12 - have belied; 29:27 - which; 32:12 - Baruch; 36:18 - He; 41:18 - for they Verse 4obeyedJeremiah 42:5, 42:6, 44:5; 2 Chronicles 25:16; Ecclesiastes 9:16 to dwellJeremiah 42:10-13; Psalm 37:3ReciprocalNumbers 25:6 - in the sight of Moses; Judges 6:10 - ye have; 1 Kings 22:8 - but I hate him; 2 Kings 25:26 - General; Jeremiah 41:16 - even Verse 5tookJeremiah 40:11, 40:12, 41:15, 41:16; 1 Samuel 26:19ReciprocalJeremiah 40:8 - Johanan; 41:10 - even; 42:1 - all the; 44:1 - concerning Verse 6the king'sJeremiah 41:10, 52:10 every39:10, 40:7 JeremiahEcclesiastes 9:1, 9:2; Lamentations 3:1; John 21:18Reciprocal2 Kings 25:24 - and it shall be; Jeremiah 38:22 - all; 43:3 - Baruch Verse 7So2 Chronicles 25:16 TahpanhesJeremiah 2:16, Tahapanhes, 44:1, 46:14; Isaiah 30:4, Hanes, Ezekiel 30:18, TehaphnehesReciprocalDeuteronomy 28:68 - bring thee into Egypt; Judges 6:10 - ye have; 1 Kings 11:19 - Tahpenes; Isaiah 27:13 - the outcasts; 30:2 - walk; Jeremiah 41:17 - to go; 42:14 - we will go; 44:24 - all Judah Verse 8Psalm 139:7; 2 Timothy 2:9ReciprocalIsaiah 19:1 - Egypt; 19:17 - the land; Ezekiel 29:2 - against all Verse 9greatJeremiah 13:1-11, 18:2-12, 19:1-15, 51:63, 51:64; 1 Kings 11:29-31; Isaiah 20:1-4; Ezekiel 4:1-17, 5:1-17, 12:3-16; Hosea 12:10; Acts 21:11; Revelation 18:21 in the brickkilnExodus 1:14; 2 Samuel 12:31; Nahum 3:14ReciprocalExodus 3:12 - token; Jeremiah 25:19 - Pharaoh; 44:30 - I will; 46:14 - Migdol Verse 10I will sendJeremiah 1:15, 25:6-26, 27:6-8; Ezekiel 29:18-20; Daniel 2:21, 5:18, 5:19 my servantJeremiah 25:9, 27:6, 46:27, 46:28; Isaiah 44:28, 45:1; Matthew 22:7 his royal1 Kings 20:12, 20:16; Psalm 18:11, 27:5, 31:20ReciprocalExodus 3:12 - token; 2 Kings 15:37 - to send; 25:1 - Nebuchadnezzar; Jeremiah 46:13 - Nebuchadrezzar; 49:38 - General; Ezekiel 5:12 - and I will draw; 29:9 - the land; 29:19 - I will; 32:11 - The sword Verse 11he shall smiteJeremiah 25:19, 46:1-26; Isaiah 19:1-25; Ezekiel 29:19, 29:20, 30:1-32:32 such as are for deathJeremiah 15:2, 44:13; Job 20:29; Ezekiel 5:12; Zechariah 11:9ReciprocalJeremiah 29:17 - Behold; 42:22 - know; Ezekiel 29:11 - foot of man; Revelation 6:8 - kill Verse 12in theJeremiah 46:25, 48:7, 50:2, 51:44; Exodus 12:12; 2 Samuel 5:21; Isaiah 19:1, 21:9, 46:1; Ezekiel 30:13; Zephaniah 2:11 arrayEsther 6:9; Job 40:10 puttethPsalm 109:18, 109:19, 132:16, 132:18; Isaiah 49:18, 52:1, 59:17, 61:5, 61:10; Romans 13:12; Ephesians 4:24, 6:11; Colossians 3:12, 3:14ReciprocalGenesis 31:30 - my gods; Isaiah 46:2 - but; Jeremiah 43:13 - and the; 51:18 - in the; Ezekiel 29:11 - foot of man; Daniel 11:8 - their gods; Hosea 8:6 - the calf; 10:6 - carried Verse 13imagesHeb. statues, or standing imagesBethshemeshor, the house of the sun. Isaiah 19:18 *marg.and theJeremiah 43:12ReciprocalExodus 12:12 - against; 1 Chronicles 6:59 - Bethshemesh; Isaiah 46:2 - but; Jeremiah 46:25 - with their; 50:2 - her idols; 51:18 - in the; Ezekiel 6:4 - images; 30:13 - I will also; Daniel 11:8 - their gods; Hosea 8:6 - the calf; 10:2 - break down; 10:6 - carried