Daniel 4
4:1 Nebuchadnezzar confesses God's kingdom,
4:4 makes relation of his dreams, which the magicians could not interpret;
4:8 Daniel hears the dream;
4:19 He interprets it;
4:28 The dream fulfilled. Verse 1NebuchadnezzarThis is a regular decree, and one of the most ancient extant; and no doubt contains the exact words of Nebuchadnezzar, copied out by Daniel from the state papers of Babylon, and preserved in the original language.unto allDaniel 3:4, 3:29, 7:14; Esther 3:12, 8:9; Zechariah 8:23; Acts 2:6 PeaceDaniel 6:25, 6:27; 1 Chronicles 12:18; Ezra 4:17, 5:7; Romans 1:7; Ephesians 1:2; 1 Timothy 1:2; 1 Peter 1:2ReciprocalGenesis 28:12 - he dreamed; 2 Kings 25:1 - Nebuchadnezzar; 1 Chronicles 16:24 - General; 2 Chronicles 30:5 - to make proclamation; Esther 1:22 - into every province; 8:10 - in the king; Psalm 76:1 - his; 96:3 - General; 105:1 - make known; 119:46 - speak; 145:5 - will speak; Isaiah 33:13 - Hear; 64:2 - to make; Jeremiah 34:1 - all the kingdoms; 51:44 - the nations; Mark 5:19 - Go home; Luke 8:39 - and published; John 14:27 - not; 2 Corinthians 1:2 - General; 2 Peter 1:2 - Grace; 3 John 1:14 - Peace; Revelation 5:9 - out; 7:9 - of all; 14:6 - every Verse 2I thought it goodChal, It was seemly before me, Joshua 7:19; Psalm 51:14, 71:18, 92:1, 92:2 thatDaniel 3:26; Psalm 66:16; Acts 22:3-16, 26:9-16ReciprocalGenesis 41:16 - It is not; 41:41 - General; Ezra 5:8 - the great God; Job 9:10 - wonders; Psalm 72:18 - who only; 76:1 - his; 107:8 - his wonderful; Isaiah 25:1 - thou hast; 28:29 - cometh; Ezekiel 36:23 - and the heathen; Daniel 6:27 - and he; Acts 2:11 - wonderful; 16:17 - the most; Habakkuk 3:1 - the most; Revelation 15:1 - I saw; 15:3 - Great Verse 3greatDaniel 6:27; Deuteronomy 4:34; Psalm 71:19, 71:20, 72:18, 77:19, 86:10, 92:5, 104:24, 105:27; Isaiah 25:1, 28:29; Romans 11:33; Habakkuk 2:4 his kingdomDaniel 4:17, 4:34, 4:35, 2:44, 6:26, 7:14, 7:27; Psalm 66:7, 145:13; Isaiah 9:7; Jeremiah 10:10; Luke 1:32, 1:33; 1 Timothy 1:17; Habakkuk 1:8; Revelation 11:15 is fromJob 25:2; 1 Peter 4:11ReciprocalGenesis 41:41 - General; Exodus 15:18 - General; 1 Chronicles 29:11 - thine is the; Job 9:10 - wonders; 36:24 - magnify; Psalm 107:8 - his wonderful; 111:2 - works; Jeremiah 10:6 - thou; Ezekiel 36:23 - and the heathen; Daniel 2:37 - power; 4:37 - I Nebuchadnezzar; John 10:29 - is greater; Acts 2:11 - wonderful; Romans 11:36 - of him; Revelation 15:1 - I saw; 15:3 - Great Verse 4I NebuchadnezzarAfter he had successfully finished his wars in Syria, Egypt, etc., and the immense improvements and buildings at Babylon, and in the enjoyment of uninterrupted peace and prosperity in his palace.wasPsalm 30:6, 30:7; Isaiah 47:7, 47:8, 56:12; Jeremiah 48:11; Ezekiel 28:2-5, 28:17, 29:3; Zephaniah 1:12; Luke 12:19, 12:20; 1 Thessalonians 5:2, 5:3Reciprocal1 Chronicles 17:1 - as David; Esther 1:2 - sat; Daniel 4:19 - let Verse 5a dreamDaniel 2:1, 5:5, 5:6, 5:10, 7:28; Genesis 41:1; Job 7:13, 7:14 and the thoughtsDaniel 2:28, 2:29ReciprocalGenesis 37:5 - dreamed; 40:5 - General; 40:6 - behold; 41:8 - his spirit; Job 4:13 - thoughts; 33:15 - a dream; Daniel 4:9 - no secret; 4:13 - in the; 4:19 - let; 7:1 - Daniel; 7:15 - the visions; Luke 24:38 - and why Verse 6to bringDaniel 2:2; Genesis 41:7, 41:8; Isaiah 8:19, 47:12-14ReciprocalGenesis 41:38 - in whom; Esther 1:13 - the wise; Isaiah 19:3 - and they; Daniel 5:7 - to bring Verse 7Then cameDaniel 2:1, 2:2 but2:7; Isaiah 44:25; Jeremiah 27:9, 27:10; 2 Timothy 3:8, 3:9ReciprocalGenesis 41:8 - the magicians of Egypt; 41:24 - I told this; Exodus 7:11 - wise men; 8:18 - they could; 1 Kings 4:30 - the children; Esther 1:13 - the wise; Isaiah 19:3 - and they; 41:28 - I beheld; 47:9 - for the multitude; Daniel 1:20 - the magicians; 2:4 - tell; 4:18 - forasmuch; 5:8 - but Verse 8BelteshazzarDaniel 1:7, 5:12; Isaiah 46:1; Jeremiah 50:2 and inDaniel 4:9, 4:18, 2:11, 5:11, 5:14; Numbers 11:17-30; Isaiah 63:11ReciprocalGenesis 40:8 - Do not; 40:9 - a vine; 41:38 - in whom; Isaiah 37:24 - General; 41:28 - I beheld; Daniel 1:20 - the magicians; 2:26 - Daniel; 2:47 - a revealer; 3:14 - my gods; 4:17 - the holy; 4:19 - Daniel; 10:1 - whose Verse 9masterDaniel 1:20, 2:48, 5:11 the spirit4:8; Genesis 41:38; 1 Samuel 4:8 no secretDaniel 4:5, 2:3; Genesis 11:6-8; Isaiah 33:18, 54:14; Ezekiel 28:3 tellDaniel 4:18, 2:4, 2:5; Genesis 40:9-19, 41:15-36; Judges 7:13-15ReciprocalGenesis 40:5 - General; Deuteronomy 4:6 - Surely; 29:29 - secret; 2 Kings 6:12 - telleth; Daniel 1:17 - Daniel had understanding; 2:19 - was; 2:47 - a revealer; 4:17 - the holy; 4:19 - was astonied; Micah 6:6 - the high Verse 10sawChal, was seeinga treeThis represented his exceedingly prosperous condition, the height of his exaltation, the extent of his dominions and renown, the splendour of his kingdom, the multitude of his subjects who received protection from him, and the peace and plenty they enjoyed. Daniel 4:20-26; Psalm 37:35, 37:36; Isaiah 10:33, 10:34; Jeremiah 12:2; Ezekiel 31:3-18ReciprocalGenesis 40:9 - a vine; Judges 9:8 - The trees; Ezekiel 17:23 - under; Daniel 1:17 - Daniel had understanding; 4:13 - in the; Hosea 14:6 - branches; Mark 4:32 - shooteth Verse 11reachedDaniel 4:21, 4:22; Genesis 11:4; Deuteronomy 9:1; Matthew 11:23ReciprocalJob 20:6 - his excellency; Ezekiel 19:11 - her stature; 31:5 - his height; 31:17 - dwelt; John 21:25 - that even; Romans 8:39 - height Verse 12the beastsJeremiah 27:6, 27:7; Ezekiel 17:23, 31:6 shadowLamentations 4:20 the fowlsMark 13:32; Luke 13:19ReciprocalJudges 9:15 - shadow; Ezekiel 31:3 - of an high; 31:12 - gone; 31:17 - dwelt; Daniel 4:14 - let; Matthew 13:32 - so that Verse 13in theDaniel 4:5, 4:10, 7:1 a watcher. Either a holy angel, or a divine person, called a watcher, as watching over the affairs of men. 4:17, 4:23; Psalm 103:20 an holyDaniel 8:13; Deuteronomy 33:2; Psalm 89:7; Zechariah 14:5; Matthew 25:31; Mark 1:24; Luke 4:34; Jude 1:14; Revelation 14:10ReciprocalIsaiah 10:34 - by a mighty one Verse 14aloudChal, with might, Daniel 3:4; Revelation 10:3, 18:2 HewDaniel 4:23, 5:20; Matthew 3:10, 7:19; Luke 3:9, 13:7-9 letDaniel 4:12; Jeremiah 51:6, 51:9; Ezekiel 31:12, 31:13ReciprocalJob 24:20 - wickedness; Isaiah 10:34 - by a mighty one; Daniel 4:17 - by the; 4:32 - they shall drive; 5:7 - aloud; Revelation 6:13 - of a; 18:9 - shall bewail Verse 15leaveDaniel 4:25-27; Job 14:7-9; Ezekiel 29:14, 29:15ReciprocalDaniel 4:23 - and let his; 4:26 - to leave; 4:36 - mine; Zechariah 6:1 - and the Verse 16Let hisHere a transition is made from the tree to Nebuchadnezzar, whom it represented; the tree being lost sight of, a person came in its stead. This person having lost the heart, or disposition of a man, and conceiving himself a beast, should act as such, and herd among them.be changedDaniel 4:32, 4:33; Isaiah 6:10; Habakkuk 1:11; Mark 5:4, 5:5; Luke 8:27-29 seven timesThat is, seven years, a time in the prophetic language denoting a year. Daniel 4:23, 4:25, 4:31, 7:25, 11:13, 12:7; Revelation 12:14ReciprocalJob 12:24 - He taketh; Daniel 4:34 - at the end; 4:36 - mine Verse 17by theDaniel 4:13, 4:14; 1 Kings 22:19, 22:20; 1 Timothy 5:21 the holyDaniel 4:8, 4:9, 4:13; Isaiah 6:3, 6:8; Revelation 4:8 that the livingPsalm 9:16, 83:17, 83:18; Ezekiel 25:17 the most HighDaniel 4:25, 4:32-35, 2:21, 5:18-21; Jeremiah 27:5-7 givethPsalm 75:6, 75:7 the basestDaniel 4:25, 11:21; Exodus 9:16; 1 Samuel 2:8; 1 Kings 21:25; 2 Kings 21:6-18; 2 Chronicles 28:22; Psalm 12:8, 113:7, 113:8; Ezekiel 7:24; 1 Corinthians 1:28ReciprocalExodus 7:17 - thou shalt; Numbers 33:53 - General; Deuteronomy 2:24 - behold; 32:8 - Most; Joshua 6:2 - I have; 1 Samuel 15:28 - hath given; 2 Kings 9:6 - I have anointed; 2 Chronicles 20:6 - rulest not; Job 9:24 - earth; 21:7 - mighty; Psalm 7:17 - most; Proverbs 30:9 - I be full; Isaiah 57:15 - the high; Daniel 2:47 - a Lord; 4:24 - the decree; 4:34 - the most High; 5:21 - his heart was made like; Hosea 2:7 - for; John 19:11 - Thou; Acts 7:48 - the most High Verse 18forasmuchDaniel 4:7, 2:7, 5:8, 5:15; Genesis 41:8, 41:15; Isaiah 19:3, 47:12-14 butDaniel 4:8, 4:9, 2:26-28; 1 Kings 14:2, 14:3; Amos 3:7ReciprocalGenesis 41:38 - in whom; Ecclesiastes 8:1 - who knoweth; Daniel 5:11 - a man; Mark 6:20 - feared Verse 19DanielDaniel 4:8, 1:7, 2:26, 5:12 was astoniedHe saw the design of the dream; and felt acutely for his prince and benefactor. Accordingly he expresses himself with the greatest delicacy and kindly feeling. 4:9, 7:28, 8:27, 10:16, 10:17; Jeremiah 4:19; Habakkuk 3:10 letDaniel 4:4, 4:5; 1 Samuel 3:17 My LordDaniel 4:24, 10:16; Genesis 31:35, 32:4, 32:5, 32:18; Exodus 32:32; 1 Samuel 1:15, 24:8, 26:15; 2 Samuel 18:31; 1 Kings 18:7 the dream2 Samuel 18:32; Jeremiah 29:7ReciprocalGenesis 40:5 - General; 40:12 - This; 41:8 - his spirit; 1 Samuel 25:26 - now let; 1 Kings 14:6 - for I am; Ezra 9:3 - sat; Job 27:7 - General; Psalm 119:53 - horror; Ecclesiastes 8:1 - who knoweth; Daniel 2:4 - O king; 5:6 - and his thoughts; Luke 24:38 - and why Verse 20Daniel 4:10-12; Ezekiel 31:3, 31:16ReciprocalPsalm 37:35 - a green bay tree; Proverbs 17:19 - he that; Isaiah 37:24 - General; Jeremiah 51:9 - her judgment; Ezekiel 19:11 - her stature; Mark 4:32 - shooteth Verse 21ReciprocalPsalm 104:17 - the birds; Proverbs 17:19 - he that; Ezekiel 17:23 - under; 19:11 - her stature; 31:6 - General; Daniel 2:38 - the beasts; 4:11 - reached; Luke 13:19 - and the Verse 22thouDaniel 2:37, 2:38; 2 Samuel 12:7; Matthew 14:4 thy greatnessDaniel 5:18-23; Genesis 11:4, 28:12; 2 Chronicles 28:9; Psalm 36:5, 108:4; Jeremiah 27:6-8; Revelation 18:5ReciprocalJudges 3:12 - and the Lord; 2 Kings 18:24 - How then; Job 20:6 - his excellency; Isaiah 47:8 - I am; Jeremiah 34:1 - all the kingdoms; 51:41 - the praise; 51:44 - the nations; Ezekiel 17:3 - great wings; 31:9 - made; Daniel 2:32 - head; 3:24 - O king; 4:11 - reached; 5:19 - that he; Luke 22:19 - is my; Romans 9:17 - I raised Verse 23sawDaniel 4:13-17 and let his4:15, 5:21Reciprocal1 Chronicles 29:30 - the times; Job 14:7 - that it will sprout; Isaiah 10:34 - by a mighty one; Jeremiah 18:6 - General; Daniel 4:14 - Hew; 4:16 - seven times; Luke 3:9 - General Verse 24the decreeDaniel 4:17; Job 20:29 *marg. Psalm 2:7, 148:6; Isaiah 14:24-27, 23:9, 46:10, 46:11 comeJob 1:12-19, 40:11, 40:12; Psalm 107:40ReciprocalIsaiah 57:15 - the high; Daniel 4:19 - My Lord; 4:31 - fell; Luke 14:5 - Which; Acts 7:48 - the most High Verse 25driveDaniel 4:32, 4:33, 5:21-31; Job 30:3-8; Mark 5:3, 5:4 and thy dwellingAll the circumstances of Nebuchadnezzar's case, says Dr. Mead, agree so well with a hypochondriasis, that to me it appears evident the Almighty God brought this dreadful distemper upon him, and under its influence he ran wild into the fields: then fancying himself transformed into an ox, he fed on grass, after the manner of cattle; and, through neglect of himself, his hair and nails grew to an excessive length, so that the latter became thick and crooked, resembling bird's claws.to eatPsalm 106:20 tillDaniel 4:17, 4:32, 4:34, 4:35, 2:21, 5:21; Psalm 75:7, 83:18; Jeremiah 27:5ReciprocalNumbers 33:53 - General; Deuteronomy 2:5 - because; Joshua 8:1 - I have; 1 Kings 3:7 - thou hast; 1 Chronicles 29:30 - the times; 2 Chronicles 13:5 - the Lord; 20:6 - rulest not; 33:13 - knew; Ezra 1:2 - hath given; Job 30:5 - driven; 36:22 - God; Psalm 7:17 - most; 24:1 - earth; 59:13 - and let; 103:19 - his kingdom; 119:46 - speak; Proverbs 8:15 - By; Isaiah 44:8 - ye are; 57:15 - the high; Ezekiel 22:16 - thou shalt know; Daniel 2:37 - the God; 4:15 - leave; 4:16 - seven times; 7:25 - a time; Hosea 2:7 - for; Matthew 6:13 - thine; Luke 20:4 - from; John 19:11 - Thou; Acts 7:48 - the most High; James 4:7 - Submit Verse 26to leaveDaniel 4:15 the heavensMatthew 5:34, 21:20; Luke 15:18, 15:21ReciprocalDaniel 4:32 - they shall drive; 4:34 - at the end; Micah 7:13 - General; Luke 20:4 - from Verse 27letGenesis 41:33-37; Psalm 119:46; Acts 24:25; 2 Corinthians 5:11 breakJob 34:31, 34:32; Proverbs 16:6, 28:13; Isaiah 55:6, 55:7; Ezekiel 18:21, 18:27-32; Matthew 3:8; Acts 8:22, 26:20; James 4:8-10; 1 Peter 4:8 by showingPsalm 41:1-3; Isaiah 58:5-7, 58:10-12; Ezekiel 18:7; Luke 11:41; Acts 10:2-4; Galatians 5:6, 5:13, 5:22; Ephesians 4:28 if it1 Kings 21:29; Joel 2:14; Jonah 3:9; Zephaniah 2:2, 2:3 lengthening of thy tranquillityor, healing of thine errorReciprocalDeuteronomy 24:13 - shall be; Job 30:25 - was; Proverbs 10:2 - but; 10:32 - know; 11:17 - merciful; 14:21 - he that hath; 28:2 - but; 29:14 - king; 31:9 - General; Ecclesiastes 11:2 - for; Isaiah 1:17 - seek; 16:3 - execute; 58:7 - to deal; Jeremiah 29:7 - seek; 38:20 - Obey; Ezekiel 18:17 - hath taken; Daniel 3:24 - O king; Hosea 6:6 - I desired; Jonah 3:8 - let; Micah 7:13 - General; Habakkuk 2:12 - him; Matthew 5:7 - are; 5:42 - General; 6:1 - alms; 25:35 - I was an; Mark 6:20 - feared; Luke 3:11 - He that hath two; 16:9 - Make Verse 28Numbers 23:19; Proverbs 10:24; Zechariah 1:6; Matthew 24:35

Verse 29endGenesis 6:3; Ecclesiastes 8:11; 1 Peter 3:20; 2 Peter 3:9, 3:10, 3:15; Revelation 2:21 inor, uponReciprocal2 Samuel 7:1 - the king; 1 Chronicles 17:1 - as David; Isaiah 47:7 - thou saidst Verse 30Is notDaniel 5:20; Psalm 73:8; Proverbs 16:18; Habakkuk 1:15, 1:16, 2:4, 2:5; Luke 12:19, 12:20, 14:11; 1 Peter 5:5 greatGenesis 10:10, 11:2-9; Revelation 16:19, 17:5, 18:10, 18:21 that1 Chronicles 29:12-14; 2 Chronicles 2:5, 2:6; Isaiah 10:8-15, 37:24, 37:25; Ezekiel 28:2-5, 29:3 and forDaniel 5:18, 5:19; Esther 1:4; Psalm 49:20, 104:1, 145:5-12; 1 Corinthians 10:31; Revelation 21:24-26ReciprocalGenesis 3:5 - as gods; 4:17 - and he; 11:4 - and let; Exodus 14:4 - I will be; Deuteronomy 8:17 - My power; 32:27 - they should; Judges 7:2 - Mine own; 1 Samuel 2:3 - let not arrogancy; 2 Samuel 7:1 - the king; 18:18 - he called; 2 Kings 18:19 - Thus saith; 19:24 - with the sole; 1 Chronicles 17:1 - as David; 29:11 - is the greatness; 29:14 - who am I; 2 Chronicles 32:13 - I and my; Esther 5:11 - the glory; Job 31:25 - because; 33:17 - hide; Psalm 12:3 - tongue; 30:6 - And; 73:6 - Therefore; 87:4 - Babylon; Proverbs 11:2 - pride; 29:23 - man's; 30:9 - I be full; Ecclesiastes 1:16 - communed; 2:4 - made; Isaiah 10:13 - For he saith; 13:19 - Babylon; 14:13 - thou; 23:13 - the Assyrian; 36:4 - Thus saith; 47:8 - I am; Jeremiah 9:23 - neither; 22:14 - I will; 49:25 - General; 50:31 - O thou; 51:25 - O destroying; 51:41 - the praise; 51:53 - mount; Ezekiel 16:49 - pride; 28:5 - and thine; 31:10 - and his; Daniel 2:32 - head; 4:37 - those that walk; 7:4 - lifted; Amos 6:13 - Have; Habakkuk 1:11 - shall his; Malachi 3:15 - we call; Matthew 4:8 - and showeth; Luke 14:9 - and thou; Acts 12:23 - because; 25:23 - with; 1 Corinthians 4:7 - why; Galatians 6:14 - that I; 1 Thessalonians 2:6 - of men; 1 Timothy 6:17 - that they; James 3:5 - so; 2 Peter 2:18 - they speak; 1 John 2:16 - and the pride Verse 31the wordDaniel 5:4, 5:5; Exodus 15:9, 15:10; Job 20:23; Luke 12:20; Acts 12:22, 12:23; 1 Thessalonians 5:3 fellDaniel 4:24, 4:34; Matthew 3:17; John 12:28; Acts 9:3-5; Revelation 16:7 The kingdomDaniel 5:28; 1 Samuel 13:14, 15:23ReciprocalNumbers 22:9 - God; Joshua 8:14 - he wist not; 1 Samuel 2:3 - let not arrogancy; Psalm 12:3 - tongue; Ecclesiastes 4:14 - also; Isaiah 14:13 - thou; 14:27 - his; Jeremiah 9:23 - neither; 50:31 - O thou; Ezekiel 28:2 - I sit; 28:9 - say; 29:3 - My river; Daniel 4:16 - seven times; 4:37 - those that walk; 7:4 - the wings; 8:8 - when; Galatians 6:14 - that I Verse 32they shall driveDaniel 4:14-16, 4:25, 4:26, 5:21; Job 30:5-7 untilDaniel 4:17, 4:25; Exodus 8:10, 9:14, 9:29; Joshua 4:24; Job 12:18-21; Proverbs 8:15, 8:16; Isaiah 37:20, 45:3; Jeremiah 27:5ReciprocalExodus 7:17 - thou shalt; Numbers 22:9 - God; 33:53 - General; Deuteronomy 2:5 - because; 1 Samuel 15:28 - hath given; 1 Kings 3:7 - thou hast; 2 Kings 9:6 - I have anointed; 1 Chronicles 29:11 - all that; 2 Chronicles 20:6 - rulest not; Ezra 1:2 - hath given; Job 12:21 - poureth; 36:22 - God; Psalm 83:18 - the most; 93:1 - Lord; Isaiah 51:13 - where is; 64:2 - to make; Ezekiel 22:16 - thou shalt know; 28:9 - say; 31:14 - the end; 38:16 - that the; Daniel 2:21 - he removeth; 2:37 - the God; 2:47 - a Lord; 4:16 - be changed; 4:33 - and he was; 4:34 - at the end; 4:36 - mine; 5:18 - the most; 7:4 - and a; 7:25 - a time; Hosea 2:7 - for; Matthew 4:9 - I give; Mark 5:3 - General; John 19:11 - Thou; Romans 13:1 - there; James 4:7 - Submit Verse 33sameDaniel 5:5; Job 20:5; Isaiah 30:14; 1 Thessalonians 5:2 and he wasDaniel 4:25, 4:32ReciprocalJob 12:21 - poureth; 12:24 - He taketh; 18:18 - chased; 30:5 - driven; Psalm 107:40 - contempt; Isaiah 51:13 - where is; Daniel 4:16 - be changed; 5:21 - he was driven; Mark 5:3 - General Verse 34am 3441, bc 563at the endDaniel 4:16, 4:26, 4:32 liftedPsalm 121:1, 123:1, 130:1, 130:2; Jonah 2:2-4; Luke 18:13 I blessedJob 1:21; Psalm 50:14, 103:1-4, 107:8, 107:15, 107:22, 107:31; Isaiah 24:15; Lamentations 3:19-23 the most HighDaniel 4:17, 4:32; Psalm 7:17, 9:2, 92:1; Lamentations 3:38 himDaniel 12:7; Psalm 90:2, 102:24, 146:10; Jeremiah 10:10; John 5:26; 1 Timothy 1:17, 6:16; Revelation 4:10, 10:6 whoseDaniel 4:3, 2:44, 7:14; Psalm 10:16, 145:13; Isaiah 9:6, 9:7; Jeremiah 10:10; Micah 4:7; Luke 1:33; Revelation 11:15 is fromPsalm 90:1ReciprocalGenesis 14:22 - the most; Exodus 19:5 - all the earth; Joshua 2:11 - for the Lord; 4:24 - all the people; 1 Samuel 2:30 - them; 1 Kings 1:48 - Blessed; 2 Kings 5:15 - now I know; 19:15 - thou art the God; 19:19 - O Lord; 1 Chronicles 29:11 - is the greatness; 2 Chronicles 33:13 - knew; Ezra 5:8 - the great God; Job 9:4 - wise in heart; 25:2 - Dominion; Psalm 89:13 - a mighty arm; 92:8 - art most; 93:2 - Thy; 99:2 - high; 103:19 - his kingdom; 145:12 - make known; Ecclesiastes 3:14 - whatsoever; Isaiah 40:17 - as nothing; 54:16 - I have; 57:15 - the high; Jeremiah 10:6 - thou; Ezekiel 36:23 - and the heathen; Daniel 2:37 - power; 3:28 - Blessed; 4:25 - till; 4:31 - fell; 4:36 - my reason; 4:37 - I Nebuchadnezzar; 6:26 - for; 6:27 - and he; 7:27 - whose kingdom; Jonah 1:14 - for; 1:16 - feared; Matthew 6:13 - thine; 21:29 - he repented; Luke 1:64 - and he; 8:39 - and published; Acts 7:48 - the most High; Romans 11:36 - of him; 2 Corinthians 1:3 - Blessed; Ephesians 1:3 - Blessed; 4:6 - who; 1 Timothy 6:15 - who; James 4:7 - Submit; 1 Peter 4:11 - dominion; Revelation 1:6 - to him Verse 35allJob 34:14, 34:15, 34:19-24; Isaiah 40:15-17, 40:22-24 and he1 Samuel 3:18; Job 23:13; Psalm 33:9-11, 115:3, 135:6; Isaiah 14:24-27; 46:10, 46:11; Matthew 11:25, 11:26; Acts 4:28; Ephesians 1:11; Philippians 2:10, 2:11 the inhabitantsPsalm 33:8, 33:14, 49:1; Isaiah 26:9 noneJob 9:4, 9:13, 34:29, 40:9-12, 42:2; Proverbs 21:30; Isaiah 43:13; Acts 5:39, 9:5; 11:17; 1 Corinthians 10:22 WhatJob 9:12, 33:12, 33:13, 40:2; Isaiah 45:9-11; Romans 9:19, 9:20, 11:33-36; 1 Corinthians 2:16ReciprocalGenesis 17:1 - Almighty; Exodus 19:5 - all the earth; Deuteronomy 4:39 - the Lord; Joshua 2:2 - told the king; 2:11 - for the Lord; 4:24 - all the people; 6:2 - I have; 8:1 - I have; 2 Samuel 16:10 - Who shall; 1 Kings 12:15 - that he might; 2 Kings 9:3 - I have anointed; 19:15 - thou art the God; 1 Chronicles 29:11 - is the greatness; 2 Chronicles 33:13 - knew; 36:23 - All the kingdoms; Job 9:7 - commandeth; 11:10 - If he cut off; 14:5 - thou hast; 33:11 - marketh; 34:13 - Who hath given; Psalm 39:9 - General; 66:7 - ruleth; 89:13 - a mighty arm; 92:8 - art most; 99:2 - high; 103:19 - his kingdom; 145:12 - make known; Proverbs 19:21 - nevertheless; 21:1 - The king's; 29:26 - ruler's favour; Ecclesiastes 1:15 - crooked; 3:14 - whatsoever; 7:13 - who; 8:3 - for; 9:11 - but; Isaiah 7:7 - General; 10:23 - determined; 14:6 - and none; 19:17 - because; 40:17 - as nothing; 41:11 - as nothing; 54:16 - I have; Jeremiah 23:24 - Do; 25:28 - Ye; 32:19 - work; Lamentations 3:37 - saith; Ezekiel 6:7 - and ye; 28:14 - and I; Daniel 3:17 - our God; 4:3 - his kingdom; 4:25 - till; 5:21 - his heart was made like; 11:3 - do; 11:36 - for; Jonah 1:14 - for; Zechariah 6:1 - and the; Matthew 6:10 - as; 6:13 - thine; Luke 4:27 - Naaman; 18:27 - General; John 19:11 - Thou; 21:23 - what; Acts 2:23 - being; 15:17 - who; 17:24 - seeing; 25:12 - unto Caesar shalt; 27:1 - when; 1 Corinthians 3:7 - General; 12:11 - as; Ephesians 1:5 - according; 4:6 - who; Habakkuk 2:4 - according Verse 36my reasonEvery thing was fulfilled that was exhibited in the dream and its interpretation; and God so ordered it in his providence, that Nebuchadnezzar's counsellors and lords sought for him and gladly reinstated him in his kingdom. It is confidently believed that he was a true convert, and died in the faith of the God of Israel. Daniel 4:34 mine4:15, 4:16, 4:32; 2 Chronicles 33:12, 33:13 added1 Samuel 2:30; Job 13:12; Proverbs 22:4; Matthew 6:33; 2 Corinthians 4:17ReciprocalEsther 1:4 - excellent; Daniel 7:4 - and a Verse 37I NebuchadnezzarDaniel 4:3, 4:34, 5:4, 5:23; 1 Peter 2:9, 2:10 the KingDaniel 5:23; Matthew 11:25; Acts 17:24 allDeuteronomy 32:4; 1 Samuel 2:3; Psalm 33:4, 33:5, 99:4, 119:75, 145:17, 145:18; Isaiah 5:16; Revelation 15:3, 16:7, 19:1, 19:2 those that walkDaniel 4:30, 4:31, 5:20-24; Exodus 18:11; 2 Chronicles 33:11, 33:12, 33:19; Job 40:11, 40:12; Ezekiel 16:56, 16:63; James 4:6, 4:7; 1 Peter 5:5, 5:6ReciprocalExodus 7:17 - thou shalt; 8:4 - General; Leviticus 26:19 - will break; Ruth 1:16 - thy God; 1 Samuel 17:10 - give me; 2 Samuel 22:28 - but thine; 22:31 - his way; 1 Kings 8:42 - For they shall; 20:30 - fled; 2 Kings 14:13 - took Amaziah; 18:24 - How then; 2 Chronicles 25:23 - took Amaziah; 26:18 - neither shall it be; 32:13 - I and my; Nehemiah 9:10 - they; Esther 6:10 - Make haste; Job 26:12 - he smiteth; 36:24 - magnify; Psalm 18:30 - his way; 30:1 - extol; 33:11 - The counsel; 36:11 - foot; 76:5 - stouthearted; 94:2 - render; 95:3 - a great; 101:5 - an high; 119:21 - rebuked; 138:6 - but the proud; 145:5 - will speak; 149:6 - the high; Isaiah 2:12 - upon; 5:15 - the eyes; 10:12 - the glory; 10:33 - and the haughty; 23:9 - to stain; 25:11 - he shall bring; 33:5 - The Lord; 36:13 - Hear; 55:8 - General; Jeremiah 9:23 - neither; 48:15 - saith; 48:29 - his loftiness; 50:29 - for she hath; Ezekiel 7:10 - pride; 16:49 - pride; 28:5 - and thine; Daniel 5:21 - his heart was made like; Micah 2:3 - go; 6:8 - walk humbly; Habakkuk 2:4 - his; Zephaniah 2:10 - for; Zechariah 9:6 - General; Malachi 1:14 - for; 3:15 - we call; Matthew 23:12 - General; Mark 5:19 - Go home; Luke 1:51 - he hath scattered; 18:14 - every; Romans 2:2 - judgment; 2 Corinthians 10:5 - and every; Philippians 3:18 - many; 2 Thessalonians 1:5 - righteous; 1 Timothy 1:17 - be