Daniel 3
3:1 Nebuchadnezzar dedicates a golden image in Dura;
3:8 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego are accused for not worshipping the image;
3:13 They being threatened, make a good confession;
3:19 They are cast into the furnace,
Dan_3:24. from which God delivers them;
3:28 Nebuchadnezzar seeing the miracle blesses God, and advances them. Verse 1am 3424, bc 580madeDaniel 2:31, 2:32, 5:23; Exodus 20:23, 32:2-4, 32:31; Deuteronomy 7:25; Judges 8:26, 8:27; 1 Kings 12:28; 2 Kings 19:17, 19:18; Psalm 115:4-8, 135:15; Isaiah 2:20, 30:22, 40:19-31, 46:6; Jeremiah 10:9, 16:20; Hosea 8:4; Habakkuk 2:19; Acts 17:29, 19:26; Revelation 9:20 in the provinceDaniel 3:30, 2:48; Esther 1:1ReciprocalIsaiah 41:6 - helped; 41:7 - the carpenter; 44:10 - General; 44:11 - let them all; 46:7 - they carry him; Jeremiah 50:38 - the land; 51:7 - the nations; Daniel 3:14 - my gods; 5:4 - of gold; Zechariah 10:9 - sow Verse 2sentExodus 32:4-6; Numbers 25:2; Judges 16:23; 1 Kings 12:32; Proverbs 29:12; Revelation 17:2ReciprocalEsther 1:3 - the nobles; 9:3 - the rulers; Jeremiah 51:44 - the nations; Daniel 3:24 - counsellors; 3:27 - the princes; 6:7 - All; Matthew 20:25 - exercise dominion Verse 3the princesAchashdarpenaya rendered lieutenants in Esther 3:12, etc., probably chief satraps or viceroys from the Persian achash great, eminent, and sitrab, a satrap. Psalm 82:1-8; Acts 19:34, 19:35; Romans 1:21-28, 3:11; 1 Corinthians 1:24-26; Revelation 13:13-16; 17:13, 17:17 the governorsSignaya, in Persian shagnah deputies or lieutenants.captainsPacawatha, governors of provinces. See note on Esther 3:13.the judgesAdargazraya, chief judges, or senators, from adar, great, and Chal. gezar, to judge, decree.the treasurersGedavraya, written gizzavraya Ezra 7:21, treasurers, from the Persian gunjvar.the counsellorsDethavraya counsellors, judges, from dath, in Persian dad, law, and var, possessor or guardian.the sheriffsTiphtaya probably the same as the Arabic Mufti or head officer of law.ReciprocalEsther 1:3 - the nobles; Jeremiah 51:44 - the nations; Daniel 3:24 - counsellors; 3:27 - the princes Verse 4aloudChal, with might, Daniel 4:14; Proverbs 9:13-15; Isaiah 40:9, 58:1 it is commandedChal, they command, Hosea 5:11; Micah 6:16 O peopleDaniel 4:1, 6:25; Esther 8:9ReciprocalPsalm 94:20 - frameth; Daniel 3:9 - king; 3:10 - hast made; 5:19 - that he; 7:14 - that all Verse 5the cornetKarna the horn. Daniel 3:10, 3:15 fluteMashrokeetha, in Syriac mashrookeetha the συριγξ, pipe or flute, as Theodotion renders.dulcimeror, singing, Chal, symphonyReciprocal2 Samuel 6:5 - David; 1 Kings 1:40 - pipes; 1 Chronicles 13:8 - with harps; 2 Chronicles 21:11 - compelled; Psalm 150:3 - with the sound; Ecclesiastes 2:8 - musical instruments; Isaiah 46:6 - they fall; Daniel 3:9 - king Verse 6fallethDaniel 3:11, 3:15; Exodus 20:5; Isaiah 44:17; Matthew 4:9; Revelation 13:15-17 the sameDaniel 2:5, 2:12, 2:13; Mark 6:27 a burningGenesis 19:28; Jeremiah 29:22; Ezekiel 22:18-22; Matthew 13:42, 13:50; Revelation 9:2, 14:11Reciprocal2 Chronicles 21:11 - compelled; Daniel 5:19 - whom he would he slew; 6:7 - he shall; Ephesians 6:9 - forbearing Verse 7whenDaniel 3:10 all the peopleJeremiah 51:7; Acts 14:16; 1 John 5:19; Revelation 12:9, 13:3, 13:8, 13:14, 17:8, 19:20Reciprocal2 Samuel 6:5 - David; 2 Kings 16:11 - built an altar; Ecclesiastes 2:8 - musical instruments; Habakkuk 2:19 - that Verse 8and accusedDaniel 6:12, 6:13; Ezra 4:12-16; Esther 3:6, 3:8, 3:9; Acts 16:20-22, 17:6-8, 28:22; 1 Peter 4:3, 4:4ReciprocalEsther 3:4 - that they told; Proverbs 30:10 - Accuse not; Daniel 5:4 - of gold; 6:4 - sought Verse 9kingDaniel 3:4, 3:5 O King2:4, 5:10, 6:6, 6:21; Romans 13:7Reciprocal1 Kings 1:31 - Let my; 2 Kings 11:12 - and said; Ezra 5:7 - all peace; Nehemiah 2:3 - Let the king; Esther 3:4 - that they told; Daniel 3:24 - O king Verse 10hast madeDaniel 3:4-7, 6:12; Exodus 1:16, 1:22; Esther 3:12-14; Psalm 94:20; Ecclesiastes 3:16; Isaiah 10:1; John 11:57; Revelation 13:16, 13:17 the cornetExodus 15:20, 15:21, 32:18, 32:19; 1 Chronicles 15:16, 15:28, 16:5, 16:6, 25:1-6; 2 Chronicles 29:25; Psalm 81:1-3, 92:1-3, 149:3, 149:4, 150:3-6; Amos 6:5Reciprocal2 Samuel 6:5 - David; Daniel 3:5 - the cornet; 3:7 - when; 3:15 - ye hear; 3:24 - O king; Matthew 10:28 - And Verse 11ReciprocalDaniel 3:6 - falleth; 6:7 - he shall; Acts 5:23 - The prison Verse 12certainDaniel 2:49, 6:13; 1 Samuel 18:7-11; Esther 3:8; Proverbs 27:4; Ecclesiastes 4:4 not regarded theeChal, set no regard upon thee, Acts 5:28, 17:7ReciprocalEsther 3:4 - he had told; Daniel 1:7 - Hananiah; 2:17 - Hananiah Verse 13in hisDaniel 3:19, 2:12; Genesis 4:5; 1 Samuel 20:30-33; Esther 3:5, 3:6; Proverbs 17:12, 27:3, 29:22; Luke 6:11 ThenMatthew 10:18; Mark 13:9; Luke 21:12; Acts 5:25-27, 24:24ReciprocalEsther 1:12 - was the king; 5:9 - he was full; Proverbs 16:14 - wrath; Lamentations 1:15 - trodden; Daniel 6:14 - was sore; Matthew 2:16 - was exceeding; 5:22 - That Verse 14trueor, of purpose, Exodus 21:13, 21:14 my godsDaniel 3:1, 4:8; Isaiah 46:1; Jeremiah 50:2ReciprocalIsaiah 44:10 - General; John 19:10 - knowest Verse 15ye hearDaniel 3:10 harpKaithros in Arabic kitharat, Greek κιθαρα, the guitar.
sackbut Sabbecha σαμβυκη, sambuke, a kind of harp.
psaltery Pesanter, ψαλτηριον, a stringed instrument struck with a plectrum; probably similar to what is called a psalterium in Egypt, which Hasselquist describes as a large oblique triangle, with two bottoms two inches from each other, and about twenty catguts of different sizes.
dulcimer Soomphanya probably the same as the Talmudic סמפון [H5481], a pipe.ye fallLuke 4:7, 4:8 wellDaniel 3:17; Exodus 32:32; Luke 13:9 and whoDaniel 3:28, 3:29, 6:16, 6:20; Exodus 5:2; 2 Kings 18:35; 2 Chronicles 32:15-17; Isaiah 36:20, 37:23; Matthew 27:43 we are10:19; Mark 13:11; Luke 12:11, 21:14, 21:15; Acts 4:8-12, 4:19, 5:29, 6:15; 24:10-13ReciprocalGenesis 44:18 - as Pharaoh; Judges 18:28 - And there; 2 Samuel 6:5 - David; 1 Kings 19:2 - if I; 2 Kings 18:22 - We trust; 18:29 - Let not; 2 Chronicles 21:11 - compelled; Job 10:7 - and there; Psalm 11:3 - what; 12:4 - who; 14:6 - Ye; 71:11 - for there; 73:9 - set; Proverbs 30:31 - against; Ecclesiastes 2:8 - musical instruments; 8:4 - the word; Isaiah 36:14 - General; 36:18 - Hath; 50:2 - have I; 51:13 - were ready; Jeremiah 9:23 - neither; 44:16 - we; Ezekiel 36:20 - These; Daniel 2:9 - there is; 3:5 - the cornet; 3:6 - falleth; 3:20 - to bind; Micah 7:10 - Where; Matthew 13:42 - cast; 20:25 - exercise dominion; John 19:10 - knowest; Ephesians 6:9 - forbearing; Habakkuk 3:1 - he is; James 3:5 - so
Verse 16ReciprocalExodus 1:17 - feared God; Esther 3:4 - he had told; 5:9 - he was full; Job 36:21 - this; Psalm 112:7 - heart; 119:46 - speak; Proverbs 28:1 - the righteous; Ecclesiastes 4:12 - and a; Isaiah 44:8 - ye are; 51:12 - that thou; Jeremiah 26:14 - As for; Daniel 3:28 - serve; Matthew 10:19 - it shall; 22:21 - and; 26:63 - Jesus; Mark 13:11 - take; Luke 12:4 - Be; Acts 8:1 - except; 1 Corinthians 13:3 - though I give; Philippians 4:6 - careful; Habakkuk 3:1 - and they; 3:1 - I will; 1 Peter 3:6 - and; 3:15 - and be; 4:19 - in; Revelation 2:10 - shalt Verse 17our GodDaniel 4:35, 6:20-22, 6:27; Genesis 17:1, 18:14; 1 Samuel 17:37, 17:46; Job 5:19, 34:29; Psalm 27:1, 27:2, 62:1-6, 73:20, 115:3, 121:5-7, 18:10, 18:11; Isaiah 12:2, 26:3, 26:4; 54:14; Luke 1:37; Acts 20:24, 21:13, 27:20-25; Romans 8:31; Habakkuk 3:1ReciprocalGenesis 22:14 - In; 32:11 - Deliver; Psalm 37:40 - the Lord; Proverbs 3:25 - Be; Ecclesiastes 4:12 - and a; Isaiah 44:17 - Deliver me; Daniel 2:18 - they would; 3:15 - well; 3:24 - O king; 3:26 - ye servants; 3:29 - amiss; 5:18 - O thou; 6:16 - Thy God; Malachi 3:18 - between him; Luke 12:4 - Be; Acts 27:23 - and; 1 Corinthians 10:13 - who; Ephesians 3:20 - able; 2 Thessalonians 1:11 - our God; Revelation 7:3 - the servants Verse 18be itJob 13:15; Proverbs 28:1; Isaiah 51:12, 51:13; Matthew 10:28, 10:32, 10:33, 10:39, 16:2; Luke 12:3-9; Acts 4:10-13, 4:19, 5:29-32; Revelation 2:10, 2:11, 12:11 thatExodus 20:3-5; Leviticus 19:4Reciprocal1 Kings 21:11 - did as Jezebel; 1 Chronicles 21:4 - Wherefore; Proverbs 3:25 - Be; Daniel 3:25 - the Son of God; 5:18 - O thou; Habakkuk 2:19 - that; Acts 13:38 - it Verse 19was NebuchadnezzarDaniel 3:13; Proverbs 21:24; Isaiah 51:23; Luke 12:4, 12:5; Acts 5:33, 7:54 fullChal, filledthe formDaniel 5:6; Genesis 4:5, 4:6, 31:2 he spakeExodus 15:9, 15:10; 1 Kings 20:10, 20:11; 2 Kings 19:27, 19:28; Psalm 76:10; Proverbs 16:14, 27:3, 27:4 one sevenDaniel 6:24; Leviticus 26:18, 26:21, 26:24, 26:28 than1 Kings 18:33-35; Matthew 27:63-66ReciprocalGenesis 19:9 - pressed; 44:18 - as Pharaoh; Exodus 11:8 - a great anger; 1 Samuel 22:16 - Thou shalt; Esther 1:12 - was the king; 3:5 - full of wrath; 7:7 - for he saw; Psalm 124:3 - their wrath; Proverbs 14:29 - but; 19:12 - king's; Isaiah 51:13 - were ready; Jeremiah 36:32 - there; Ezekiel 21:14 - let the; Matthew 2:16 - was exceeding; 5:22 - That; 20:25 - exercise dominion; 1 Corinthians 13:4 - vaunteth not itself; Habakkuk 3:1 - Quenched Verse 20most mighty menChal, mighty of strengthto bindDaniel 3:15; Acts 12:4, 12:5, 16:23, 16:25Reciprocal1 Samuel 22:16 - Thou shalt; Psalm 21:9 - Thou; 76:10 - Surely; 140:10 - let them; Daniel 5:19 - whom he would he slew; Matthew 2:16 - was exceeding; 22:13 - Bind Verse 21in theirHerodotus says the Babylonish dress was a linen tunic, another of woollen, a white short cloak, and a turban.coatsor, mantleshatsor, turbans, Daniel 3:21ReciprocalGenesis 39:20 - into the prison; Jeremiah 29:22 - roasted; Daniel 5:19 - whom he would he slew; Matthew 13:42 - cast Verse 22commandmentChal, wordurgentExodus 12:33 flameor, sparkslewDaniel 6:24; Proverbs 11:8, 21:18; Zechariah 12:2, 12:3; Matthew 27:5; Acts 12:19ReciprocalGenesis 39:20 - into the prison; 1 Kings 13:28 - the lion had; 2 Kings 1:10 - consumed; Matthew 13:42 - cast Verse 23fellDaniel 6:16, 6:17; Psalm 34:19, 66:11, 66:12, 124:1-5; Jeremiah 38:6; Lamentations 3:52-54; 2 Corinthians 1:8-10, 4:17; 1 Peter 4:12, 4:13ReciprocalEsther 3:4 - he had told Verse 24astoniedDaniel 5:6; Acts 5:23-25, 9:6, 12:13 counsellorsor, governors, Daniel 3:2, 3:3 O king3:9, 3:10, 3:17, 4:22, 4:27, 5:18, 6:7, 6:22; 1 Samuel 17:55; Acts 26:13, 26:27ReciprocalEzekiel 38:16 - that the; Acts 12:7 - And his Verse 25walkingIsaiah 43:2 they have no hurtChal, there is no hurt in them, Psalm 91:3-9; Mark 16:18; Acts 28:5; 1 Peter 3:13 the Son of GodOr, as bar elahin may be rendered, "a son of the gods," i.e., a divine person or angel. Daniel 3:18, 3:28; Job 1:6, 38:7; Psalm 34:7; Proverbs 30:4; Luke 1:35; John 19:7, 19:8; Romans 1:4Reciprocal1 Kings 18:33 - Fill four; 2 Kings 1:10 - consumed; Daniel 6:23 - because; Matthew 2:13 - until; 14:33 - Of; Acts 12:7 - And his; 12:11 - that the; 16:37 - let Verse 26mouthChal, doorye servantsDaniel 3:17, 2:47, 6:20; Ezra 5:11; Acts 16:17, 27:23; Galatians 1:10; Revelation 19:5 the mostGenesis 14:18 come forthJoshua 3:17, 4:10, 4:16-18; Isaiah 28:16, 52:12; Acts 16:37ReciprocalJoshua 4:17 - Come ye up; 4:24 - all the people; Ezra 5:8 - the great God; Isaiah 54:17 - the heritage; Daniel 4:2 - that; Micah 6:6 - the high; Matthew 2:13 - until; Romans 6:22 - become; Revelation 7:3 - the servants Verse 27the princesDaniel 3:2, 3:3; 1 Samuel 17:46, 17:47; 2 Kings 19:19; Psalm 83:18, 96:7-9; Isaiah 26:11; Acts 2:6-12, 26:26 uponIsaiah 43:2; Habakkuk 3:1 nor wasThis miraculous manifestation of Divine power was witnessed by the court and the nation, and was felt as a just punishment on the transgressors, and a signal display of mercy to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, which should operate on all believers to similar acts of faith and confidence in the Lord. Matthew 10:30; Luke 21:17, 21:18; Acts 27:34ReciprocalExodus 3:2 - bush burned; 1 Kings 13:28 - the lion had; Isaiah 33:13 - Hear; Daniel 6:7 - All; 6:23 - because; Acts 7:30 - in a flame Verse 28BlessedDaniel 2:47, 4:34, 6:26; Genesis 9:26; Ezra 1:3, 7:23-28 hath sentDaniel 3:25, 6:22, 6:23; Genesis 19:15, 19:16; 2 Chronicles 32:21; Psalm 34:7, 34:8, 103:20; Isaiah 37:36; Acts 5:19, 12:7-11; Habakkuk 1:14 that trusted1 Chronicles 5:20; 2 Chronicles 20:20; Psalm 22:4, 22:5, 33:18, 33:21, 34:22, 62:8, 84:11, 84:12; 146:5, 146:6, 147:11; Isaiah 26:3, 26:4; Jeremiah 17:7, 17:8; 2 Corinthians 1:9, 1:10; Ephesians 1:12, 1:13; 1 Peter 1:21 and haveEzra 6:11; Acts 4:19 yieldedRomans 12:1, 14:7, 14:8; Philippians 1:20; Habakkuk 3:1; Revelation 12:11 serveDaniel 3:16-18; Exodus 20:5; Matthew 4:10ReciprocalGenesis 24:40 - will; 31:29 - the God; 1 Kings 8:42 - For they shall; 13:28 - the lion had; 2 Chronicles 13:18 - relied; Ezra 7:26 - whosoever; Psalm 37:40 - the Lord; 97:10 - delivereth; 145:6 - And men; Proverbs 16:20 - whoso; 29:25 - whoso; Ezekiel 36:23 - and the heathen; Daniel 3:15 - and who; 3:29 - amiss; 6:16 - Thy God; 6:20 - is; Nahum 1:7 - that; Acts 12:11 - that the; 16:17 - the servants; 27:23 - and; Romans 6:13 - but yield; 1 Timothy 4:10 - because; Revelation 22:6 - sent Verse 29ThereforeDaniel 6:26, 6:27 I make a decreeChal, A decree is made by meamissChal, error. the God. 3:15, 3:17, 3:28 cut in piecesChal, made pieces, 2:5 *marg.because6:27; Deuteronomy 32:31; Psalm 3:8, 76:10ReciprocalDeuteronomy 3:24 - what God; Ruth 1:16 - thy God; 1 Samuel 17:46 - all the earth; 2 Kings 5:15 - now I know; 10:27 - made it a draught house; Ezra 6:11 - his house; 7:26 - whosoever; Esther 1:22 - into every province; Psalm 77:14 - thou hast; 86:8 - Among; 105:1 - make known; 135:5 - I know; 145:6 - And men; Isaiah 44:17 - Deliver me; 50:2 - have I; Jeremiah 51:44 - the nations; Ezekiel 36:23 - and the heathen; Daniel 4:1 - unto all; 5:19 - whom he would he slew; 6:20 - is; Habakkuk 2:19 - that; 3:1 - he is Verse 30the king1 Samuel 2:30; Psalm 91:14; John 12:26; Romans 8:31 promotedChal, made to prosper, Psalm 1:3ReciprocalProverbs 22:11 - the king; Daniel 3:1 - in the province