Newsletter 56a - June 2006

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In the past





In the church

It is now the last week for most of the activities in the church before the summer break, so I am wrapping up most of the things that I have been involved in. It also means the coming to a close of our "spring of evangelism", where the mobilisation of the cell groups for evangelism meant a multiplication in what we were able to do.

Last Saturday night the Monday night cell group, after being overwhelmed by the large numbers at the dinner that they organised in March, organised something more "intimate" – a film night with discussion and pizzas with their friends. We had chosen a date which was probably too late in the year, as many of those invited were already away on their summer holidays, so at the end there was only one couple that came. But it was worthwhile doing it just for them, as they brought up questions on betrayal and subsequent conversion from the film "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" that we had seen. They even asked if they could borrow the DVD to see the film again, to pick up on these themes and follow the Biblical parallels that had come up in the discussion, and to show it to their children.

The other event was a public conference organised by the church in the public library at Trento, as part of the church's aim to be active and visible in the life of the city. The theme was the Da Vinci code and was just after the release of the film in Italy, and saw a packed house. Despite the fact that the time of the conference (late afternoon, when the library was open) was not the best for the church members, many of whom had to worked, there were a lot of people who came after seeing the advertising. After quickly filling up the room, there were many listening from the corridor, and many others who came but did not stay after seeing that there was no more room.

This month also saw the annual houseparty for the church. There were studies from 1Peter on Jesus as king, priest and prophet, and then what roles we have as kings, priests and prophets in our society, as well as time together – including around the big screen on Saturday night to watch the World Cup. Having found a larger structure, in with the numerical increase in the congregation recently, we had more people staying at the houseparty than ever before.

In the family

Now that we both have a bit more time (Pinuccia's school closes on the 30th for two months), it is time to move house at last. We have been doing some work on it in the meantime to make it look better, and filling it up with the furniture that we have been buying. So after all this time getting it ready, we are looking forward to moving there, and having a lot more space. Although we will not have a bit chance to enjoy it immediately, as soon after the move we will be leaving on holidays.

Upcoming events

  • July 6-7: ECM-Italy prayer days
  • July 8: the move to the new house
  • July 17: departure for Sicily, where we will have a lot of time with Pinuccia's family and some holidays


The last meeting of the Youth Group for the academic year, with our youth (Jessica and Sara) at the back, and the not so youthful leaders at the front.
I went into a slight crisis on Monday, trying to decide who to support in the World Cup finals. But Stefania had no such problems, and decided immediately who she was supporting, as you can see from the photo.