Louw-Nida Lexicon

Search for the Greek words that contain an English word in the gloss:  

Section 25.250

Attitudes and Emotions

ἐπί(τὴν μέριμναν ἐπιρίπτω ἐπί) stop worrying and trust25.250
ἐπιρίπτω(τὴν μέριμναν ἐπιρίπτω ἐπί) stop worrying and trust25.250
μέριμνα(τὴν μέριμναν ἐπιρίπτω ἐπί) stop worrying and trust25.250

All the words in section: 25.250

Note: Only the words that are only in one section of Louw-Nida are included in the searches by section. In other words, those searches only work when there is no letter before the word(s) in the gloss.