Revelation 19
Hallelujah (ἀλληλούϊα)
Hebrew. Praise ye the Lord. Only in Revelation and in this chapter. Fifteen of the Psalms either begin or end with this word. The Jewish anthem of praise (Psalm 104-109), sung chiefly at the feasts of the Passover and of Tabernacles, derived its title of the Great Hallel from the frequent use of that phrase.
Omit. On the doxologies in Revelation, see on Rev 1:6.

True (ἀληθιναὶ)
See on Joh 1:9.
Did corrupt (ἔφθειρεν)
The imperfect tense denoting habit.
Avenged (ἐξεδίκησεν)
Exacted vengeance from (ἐξ).
At her hand (ἐκ)
Lit., "from her hand." See on Rev 2:7; see on Rev 18:20.

Her smoke, etc.
Compare Isa 34:10.

All ye His servants - small and great
Compare Psa 115:13; Psa 134:1.

The marriage of the Lamb
For the figure, compare Isa 54:1-8; Eze 16:7-14; Hos 2:19; Mat 9:15; Joh 3:29; Eph 5:25.

Fine linen (βύσσινον)
See on Luk 16:19. The four vestments of the ordinary Jewish priest were made of linen or byssus. Their symbolic meaning depended in part on the whiteness and luster of their substance (καθαρὸν καὶ λαμπρόν pure and bright).
Righteousness (δικαιώματα)
More strictly, as Rev. righteous acts.

10 See thou do it not (ὅρα μή)
See not (to do it).
The testimony of Jesus (ἡ μαρτυρία τοῦ Ἰησοῦ)
Some explain as the testimony which proceeds from Jesus. Jesus, by imparting this testimony to believers imparts to them the spirit of prophecy. Others, the witness which is born to Jesus. The way of bearing this witness, the substance and essence of this testimony is the Spirit of prophecy.

11 A white horse
Compare Rev 6:2.

12 Crowns (διαδήματα)
See on 1Pe 5:4; see on Jam 1:12.

13 Dipped (βεβαμμένον)
The readings differ; some giving ῥεραντισμένον sprinkled, others περιρεραμμένον sprinkled round. Rev., sprinkled. Compare Isa 63:2, Isa 63:3.
The Word of God (ὁ Λόγος τοῦ Θεοῦ)
This name for our Lord is found in the New Testament only in the writings of John. It is one of the links which connects Revelation with John's other writings. Compare Joh 1:1-14; 1Jo 1:1. Some object to this on the ground that, in the Gospel of John, the term is used absolutely, the Word, whereas here it is qualified, the Word of God, which the Evangelist nowhere employs, and in 1Jo 1:1, the Word of life. But, as Alford observes: "It may be left to any fair-judging reader to decide whether it be not a far greater argument for identity that the remarkable designation ὁ Λόγος the Word is used, than for diversity, that, on the solemn occasion described in the Apocalypse, the hitherto unheard adjunct of God is added." The idea of God which is represented here, underlies the absolute term the Word in Joh 1:1. It is further urged that in the Gospel ὁ Λόγος is applied to the prehistoric Christ, while in this passage it is applied to the historic Christ. But the name of the historic Christ is that referred to in Rev 19:12, not in Rev 19:13. It is the name "which no one knoweth but He Himself," expressing the character of His whole redeeming work. The name in Rev 19:13 is that which belongs originally and essentially to Him.

14 Followed (ἠκολούθει)
Note the imperfect tense denoting progression, and thus describing the advancing movement of the host.

15 Sword
See on Rev 1:16.
Smite (πατάσσῃ)
See on Rev 11:6.
Shall rule (ποιμανεῖ)
See on Rev 2:27.
See on Rev 14:19.
Of the fierceness and wrath (τοῦ θυμοῦ καὶ τῆς ὀργῆς)
Omit and, and render, as Rev., the fierceness of the wrath. See on Joh 3:36.
Of Almighty God (τοῦ θεοῦ τοῦ παντοκράτορος)
Lit., of God the all-ruler. See on Rev 1:8.

16 On His thigh
Some explain, on the garment where it covers the thigh to which the sword is bound. Compare Psa 45:3. Others, partly on the vesture, partly on the thigh itself, where, in an equestrian figure, the robe drops from the thigh. According to the former explanation καὶ and is to be taken as explanatory or definitive of the words on His vesture. Others again suppose a sword on the hilt of which the name is inscribed. Expositors refer to the custom of engraving the artist's name on the thigh of a statue. Thus Cicero says: "A most beautiful statue of Apollo, on the thigh of which the name of Myron had been graven in tiny letters of silver" ("Against Verres," iv., 43). Herodotus describes a figure of Sesostris, bearing across the breast from shoulder to shoulder the inscription written in the sacred character of Egypt: "With my own shoulders I conquered this land" (ii., 106). Rawlinson says that Assyrian figures are found with arrow-headed inscriptions engraved across them, and over the drapery as well as the body.

17 An angel (ἕνα ἄγγελον)
Lit., "one angel."
Fowls (ὀρνέοις)
See on Rev 18:2. Rev., birds.
Midst of heaven
See on Rev 8:13.
Gather yourselves together (συνάγεσθε)
The best texts read συνάχθητε be gathered together, as Rev. Compare Eze 39:17 sqq.
The supper of the great God (τὸ δεῖπνον τοῦ μεγάλου θεοῦ)
Read τὸ μέγα τοῦ for τοῦ μεγάλου, and render the great supper of God.

18 Captains (χιλιάρχων)
See on Mar 6:21; see on Luk 7:2.

20 Was taken (ἐπιάσθη)
See on Act 3:7.
See on Rev 13:16.
Lake (λίμνην)
See on Luk 5:1.
See on Rev 14:10.

21 Were filled (ἐχορτάσθησαν)
See on Mat 5:6.