Mark 9
See on Mat 17:2.

Shining (στίλβοντα)
Rev., glistering. The word is used of a gleam from polished surfaces - arms, sleek horses, water in motion, the twinkling of the stars, lightning.
As no fuller, etc
Peculiar to Mark.

Though no question had been asked him: but the Lord's transfiguration was an appeal to him and he desired to respond.

Sore afraid
Wyc., aghast by dread.
Beloved son
Wyc., most dearworthy.

Suddenly (ἐξάπινα)
The Greek word only here in the New Testament.

Tell (διηγήσωνται)
Mark's word is more graphic than Matthew's εἴπητε. The word is from διά, through, and ἡγέομαι, to lead the way. Hence to lead one through a series of events: to narrate.
Wyc., asking. Tynd., disputing.

14 The scribes
The particularizing of the scribes as the questioners, and Mar 9:15, Mar 9:16, are peculiar to Mark.

15 Were greatly amazed (ἐξεθαμβήθησαν)
A word peculiar to Mark. See Introduction.

18 It taketh him (καταλάβῃ)
Lit., seizeth hold of him. Our word catalepsy is derived from this.
Teareth (ῥήσσει)
Rev., dasheth down, with rendeth in margin. The verb is a form of ῥήγνυμι, to break. The form ῥήσσω is used in classical Greek of dancers beating the ground, and of beating drums. Later, in the form ῥήσσειν, a term of fighters: to fell, or knock down, which is the sense adopted by Rev.
Gnasheth with his teeth
Rev., grindeth. This and the pining away are peculiar to Mark.

19 Faithless (ἄπιστος)
Faithless has acquired the sense of treacherous, not keeping faith. But Christ means without faith, and such is Tyndale's translation. Wyc., out of belief. Unbelieving would be better here. The Rev. retains this rendering of the A. V. at 1Co 7:14, 1Co 7:15; Tit 1:15; Rev 21:8, and elsewhere.

20 Mark is more specific in his detail of the convulsion which seized the lad as he was coming to Jesus. He notes the convulsion as coming on at the demoniac's sight of our Lord. "When he saw him, straightway the spirit," etc. Also his falling on the ground, wallowing and foaming. We might expect the detail of these symptoms in Luke, the physician.

22 Us
Very touching. The father identifies himself with the son's misery. Compare the Syro-Phoenician, who makes her daughter's case entirely her own: "Have mercy on me" (Mat 15:22).

23 If thou canst believe (τὸ εἰ δύνῃ)
Lit., the if thou canst. The word believe is wanting in the best texts. It is difficult to explain to an English reader the force of the definite article here. "It takes up substantially the word spoken by the father, and puts it with lively emphasis, without connecting it with the further construction, in order to link its fulfilment to the petitioner's own faith" (Meyer). We might paraphrase thus. Jesus said: "that if thou canst of thine - as regards that, all things are possible," etc. There is a play upon the words δύνῃ, canst, and δυνατὰ, possible, which cannot be neatly rendered. "If thou canst - all things can be."

24 Cried out and said (κράξας - ἔλεγεν)
The former denoting the inarticulate cry, the ejaculation, followed by the words, "Lord, I believe," etc.

30 Passed through (παρεπορεύοντο)
Lit., passed along (παρά). Not tarrying. Bengel says, "not through the cities, but past them."

31 He taught (ἐδίδασκεν)
The Rev. would have done better to give the force of the imperfect here: He was teaching. He sought seclusion because he was engaged for the time in instructing. The teaching was the continuation of the "began to teach" (Mar 8:31).
Is delivered
The present tense is graphic. The future is realized by the Lord as already present. See on Mat 26:2.

35 Servant (διάκονος)
Rev., minister. Probably from διώκω to pursue; to be the follower of a person; to attach one's self to him. As distinguished from other words in the New Testament meaning servant, this represents the servant in his activity; while δοῦλος, slave, represents him in his condition or relation as a bondman. A διάκονος, may be either a slave or a freeman. The word deacon is an almost literal transcription of the original. See Phi 1:1; 1Ti 3:8, 1Ti 3:12. The word is often used in the New Testament to denote ministers of the gospel. See 1Co 3:5; Eph 3:7; 1Th 3:2, and elsewhere. Mark uses δοῦλος, in Mar 10:44.

36 Let (ἔστησεν)
Wyc. renders ordained.
When he had taken him in his arms (ἐναγκαλισάμενος)
The verb is found only in Mark, and only he records this detail.

37 In my name
Lit., "upon (ἐπὶ) my name." See on Mat 18:5.

38 In thy name
John's conscience is awakened by the Lord's words. They had not received the man who east out devils in Christ's name.

42 Millstone
Rev., great millstone. See on Mat 18:6. Wyc., millstone of asses. Note the graphic present and perfect tenses; the millstone is hanged, and he hath been cast.

43 Hell
See on Mat 5:22.

47 With one eye (μονόφθαλμον)
Lit., one-eyed. One of Mark's words which is branded as slang. Wyc. oddly renders goggle-eyed.

50 Have lost its saltness (ἄναλον γένηται)
Lit., may have become saltless. Compare on Mat 5:13.
Will ye season (ἀρτύσετε)
Lit., will ye restore. Compare Col 4:5.