Psalm 99
YHWH has reigned, peoples tremble, || The Inhabitant of the cherubim, the earth shakes. YHWH [is] great in Zion, || And He [is] high over all the peoples. They praise Your Name, “Great, and fearful, [it] is holy!” And the strength of the king || Has loved judgment, || You have established uprightness; Judgment and righteousness in Jacob, || You have done. Exalt our God YHWH, || And bow yourselves at His footstool, He [is] holy. Moses and Aaron among His priests, || And Samuel among those proclaiming His Name. They are calling to YHWH, || And He answers them. He speaks to them in a pillar of cloud, || They have kept His testimonies, || And He has given the statute to them. O YHWH, our God, || You have afflicted them, || You have been a forgiving God to them, || And taking vengeance on their actions. Exalt our God YHWH, || And bow yourselves at His holy hill, || For our God YHWH [is] holy!