Psalm 92
A PSALM. A SONG FOR THE SABBATH DAY. [It is] good to give thanks to YHWH, || And to sing praises to Your Name, O Most High, To declare Your kindness in the morning, || And Your faithfulness in the nights. On ten strings and on stringed instrument, || On higgaion, with harp. For You have caused me to rejoice, O YHWH, in Your work, || I sing concerning the works of Your hands. How great Your works have been, O YHWH, || Your thoughts have been very deep. A brutish man does not know, || And a fool does not understand this— When the wicked flourish as an herb, || And all workers of iniquity blossom—For their being destroyed forever and ever! And You [are] high for all time, O YHWH. For behold, Your enemies, O YHWH, || For behold, Your enemies perish, || All workers of iniquity separate themselves. 10 And You exalt my horn as a wild ox, || I have been anointed with fresh oil. 11 And my eye looks on my enemies, || Of those rising up against me, || The evildoers, my ears hear. 12 The righteous flourish as a palm-tree, || He grows as a cedar in Lebanon. 13 Those planted in the house of YHWH, || In the courts of our God, flourish. 14 Still they bring forth in old age, || They are fat and flourishing, 15 To declare that YHWH my Rock [is] upright, || And there is no perverseness in Him!