Psalm 48
A SONG. A PSALM OF THE SONS OF KORAH. Great [is] YHWH, and greatly praised, || In the city of our God—His holy hill. Beautiful [for] elevation, || A joy of all the land, [is] Mount Zion, || The sides of the north, the city of [the] great King. God is known for a tower in her high places. For behold, the kings met, they passed by together, They have seen—so they have marveled, || They have been troubled, they were hurried away. Trembling has seized them there, || Pain, as of a travailing woman. By an east wind You shatter ships of Tarshish. As we have heard, so we have seen, || In the city of YHWH of hosts, || In the city of our God, God establishes her for all time. Selah. We have thought, O God, of Your kindness, || In the midst of Your temple, 10 As [is] Your Name, O God, so [is] Your praise, || Over the ends of the earth, || Righteousness has filled Your right hand. 11 Mount Zion rejoices, || The daughters of Judah are joyful, || For the sake of Your judgments. 12 Surround Zion, and go around her, count her towers, 13 Set your heart to her bulwark, || Consider her high places, || So that you recount to a later generation, 14 That this God [is] our God—For all time and forever, || He leads us over death!