Psalm 141
A PSALM OF DAVID. O YHWH, I have called You, hurry to me, || Give ear [to] my voice when I call to You. My prayer is prepared—incense before You, || The lifting up of my hands—the evening present. Set, O YHWH, a watch for my mouth, || Watch over the door of my lips. Do not incline my heart to an evil thing, || To habitually do actions in wickedness, || Working iniquity with men, || Indeed, I do not eat of their pleasant things. The righteous beat me [in] kindness. And reprove me, || My head does not disallow oil of the head, || For my prayer [is] still about their distress. Their judges have been released by the sides of a rock, || And they have heard my sayings, || For they have been pleasant. As one tilling and ripping up in the land, || Have our bones been scattered at the command of Saul. But to You, O YHWH, my Lord, [are] my eyes, || In You I have trusted, || Do not make my soul bare. Keep me from the trap they laid for me, || Even snares of workers of iniquity. 10 The wicked fall in their dragnets together, until I pass over!