Psalm 113
Praise YAH! Praise, you servants of YHWH. Praise the Name of YHWH. The Name of YHWH is blessed, || From now on, and for all time. From the rising of the sun to its going in, || The Name of YHWH [is] praised. YHWH [is] high above all nations, || His glory [is] above the heavens. Who [is] as our God YHWH, || He is exalting [Himself] to sit? He is humbling [Himself] to look || On the heavens and on the earth. He is raising up the poor from the dust, || He exalts the needy from a dunghill. To cause [them] to sit with princes, || With the princes of His people. Causing the barren one of the house to sit, || A joyful mother of sons; praise YAH!