Psalm 105
Give thanks to YHWH—call on His Name, || Make His acts known among the peoples. Sing to Him—sing praise to Him, || Meditate on all His wonders. Boast yourselves in His Holy Name, || The heart of those seeking YHWH rejoices. Seek YHWH and His strength, || Seek His face continually. Remember His wonders that He did, || His signs and the judgments of His mouth. O seed of Abraham, His servant, || O sons of Jacob, His chosen ones. He [is] our God YHWH, || His judgments [are] in all the earth. He has remembered His covenant for all time, || The word He commanded to one thousand generations, That He has made with Abraham, || And His oath to Isaac, 10 And establishes it to Jacob for a statute, || To Israel—a perpetual covenant, 11 Saying, “I give the land of Canaan to you, || The portion of your inheritance,” 12 In their being few in number, || But a few, and sojourners in it. 13 And they go up and down, from nation to nation, || From a kingdom to another people. 14 He has not permitted any to oppress them || And He reproves kings for their sakes. 15 “Do not strike against My anointed, || And do no evil to My prophets.” 16 And He calls a famine on the land, || He has broken the whole staff of bread. 17 He has sent a man before them, || Joseph has been sold for a servant. 18 They have afflicted his feet with chains, || Iron has entered his soul, 19 Until the time of the coming of His word || The saying of YHWH has tried him. 20 The king has sent, and looses him, || The ruler of the peoples, and draws him out. 21 He has made him lord of his house, || And ruler over all his possessions. 22 To bind his chiefs at his pleasure, || And he makes his elderly wise. 23 And Israel comes into Egypt, || And Jacob has sojourned in the land of Ham. 24 And He makes His people very fruitful, || And makes it mightier than its adversaries. 25 He turned their heart to hate His people, || To conspire against His servants. 26 He has sent His servant Moses, || Aaron whom He had fixed on. 27 They have set among them the matters of His signs, || And wonders in the land of Ham. 28 He has sent darkness, and it is dark, || And they have not provoked His word. 29 He has turned their waters to blood, || And puts their fish to death. 30 Their land has teemed [with] frogs, || In the inner chambers of their kings. 31 He has commanded, and the beetle comes, || Lice into all their border. 32 He has made their showers hail, || A flaming fire [is] in their land. 33 And He strikes their vine and their fig, || And shatters the trees of their border. 34 He has commanded, and the locust comes, || And the cankerworm—innumerable, 35 And it consumes every herb in their land, || And it consumes the fruit of their ground. 36 And He strikes every firstborn in their land, || The first-fruit of all their strength, 37 And brings them out with silver and gold, || And there is not a feeble one in its tribes. 38 Egypt has rejoiced in their going forth, || For their fear had fallen on them. 39 He has spread a cloud for a covering, || And fire to enlighten the night. 40 They have asked, and He brings quails, || And satisfies them [with] bread of the heavens. 41 He has opened a rock, and waters flow, || They have gone on in dry places—a river. 42 For He has remembered His holy word, || With His servant Abraham, 43 And He brings forth His people with joy, || His chosen ones with singing. 44 And He gives to them the lands of nations, || And they possess the labor of peoples, 45 That they may observe His statutes, || And may keep His laws. Praise YAH!