Psalm 95


A Call to Worship and Obey

  Come, let us sing for joy to Yahweh;

  let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation.

  Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving;

  with songs let us shout joyfully to him.

  For Yahweh is the great God,

  and the great king over all gods,

  in whose hand are the unexplored places of the earth,

  and the heights of the mountains are his,

  to whom belongs the sea that he made,

  and the dry land that his hands formed.

  Come in, let us worship and bow down;

  let us kneel before Yahweh, our maker.

  For he is our God,

  and we are the people of his pasture

  and the sheep of his hand.

  Today if you will hear his voice:

  “Do not harden your heart as at Meribah,

  as in the day of Massah in the wilderness,

  when your ancestors tried me.

  They put me to the test,

  even though they had seen my work.

10   For forty years I loathed that generation,

  and said, ‘They are a people whose heart wanders.

  And my ways they do not know.’

11   Therefore I swore in my anger,

  ‘They shall surely not enter into my rest.’ ”