Psalm 30


Thanksgiving for Answered Prayer

  A psalm; a song for the dedication of the house. Of David.

  I will exalt you, O Yahweh,

  because you have drawn me up,

  and have not made my enemies rejoice over me.

  O Yahweh, my God,

  I cried for help to you,

  and you healed me.

  O Yahweh, you have brought my life up from Sheol.

  You preserved me alive

  from among those going down to the pit.

  Sing praises to Yahweh, you his faithful ones,

  and give thanks to his holy fame.

  For there is a moment in his anger;

  there is a lifetime in his favor.

  Weeping lodges for the evening,

  but in the morning comes rejoicing.

  But as for me, I had said in my prosperity,

  “I shall not be moved ever.”

  O Yahweh, by your favor

  you caused my strong mountain to stand.

  You hid your face. I was bewildered.

  To you, O Yahweh, I called,

  and to the Lord I pleaded for grace saying,

  “What gain is there in my death,

  in my going down into the pit?

  Will the dust praise you?

  Will it tell of your faithfulness?

10   “O Yahweh, hear and be gracious to me.

  O Yahweh, be my helper.”

11   You have turned my wailing into my dancing.

  You have removed my sackcloth

  and clothed me with joy

12   so that I may sing praises to you

  and not be quiet.

  O Yahweh, my God,

  I will give thanks to you forever.