Woe to the Oppressors of God’s People

  Woe to those who plan wickedness

    and evil deeds upon their beds!

  In the light of the morning they did it,

    because they have power in their hands.

  They covet fields and seize them,

    and houses, and they take them away.

  They oppress a man and his house;

    a man and his inheritance.

Therefore, thus says Yahweh: Look! I am planning disaster against this family from which you will not be able to remove your necks. You will not walk proudly, for it is a time of disaster.

  In that day they will raise a proverb against you,

    and will wail a bitter wailing, saying,

  “We are utterly ruined;

    he exchanges the portion of my people.

  How he removes it from me;

    he apportions our field to an apostate.”

  Therefore you will have no one casting a line by lot

    in the assembly of Yahweh.

  “Do not preach!” they are preaching.

    They should not preach to these;

    disgrace will not overtake us.

  Should this be said, O house of Jacob?

    Is the patience of Yahweh shortened?

    Are these his deeds?

  Are my words not pleasing

    to him who walks upright?

  But recently my people have risen up as an enemy;

    from before the cloak you strip off the robe

  from those passing by in confidence,

    returning from war.

  You have driven out the women of my people

    from the houses of their pleasure.

  From their children you have taken away

    my glory forever.

10   Arise and go,

    for this is no resting place,

  on account of uncleanness that destroys

    with painful destruction.

11   If a man walks about in a spirit of deception and lies,

    saying “I will preach to you of wine and strong drink,”

    then he would be a preacher for this people!

12   I will surely gather all of you, O Jacob;

    I will surely gather together the remainder of Israel.

  I will set them like sheep of Bozrah.

  Like a herd in the midst of their pasture

    they will be in tumult from people.

13   The one who breaks out before them goes up;

    they break through and pass the gate,

    going out through it.

  Their king passes before them,

    Yahweh at their head.