A Message Concerning Moab

Concerning Moab, thus says Yahweh of hosts, the God of Israel:

  “Woe to Nebo,

    for it is devastated.

  It is ashamed,

    Kiriathaim is captured.

  Misgab is ashamed,

    and it is filled with terror.

  The glory of Moab is no longer.

    In Heshbon they planned evil against her.

  Come and let us cut her off from being a nation.

  Also, Madmen, you will be silent.

    After you will go the sword.

  The sound of a cry of distress arises from Horonaim,

    devastation and great destruction.

  Moab is broken,

    her little ones make heard a cry for help.

  For the ascent of Luhith,

    in weeping they go weeping,

  For on the slope of Horonaim they have heard

    the distresses of the cry of distress of the destruction.

  Flee! Save your life!

    For you must not be like the juniper tree in the desert.

  For because of your trusting in your works and in your treasures,

    even you yourselves will be taken,

  and Chemosh will go out into the exile,

    his priests and his officials together.

  And the destroyer will come to every town,

    and a town will not escape.

  And the valley will be destroyed,

    and the plain will be destroyed, as Yahweh has spoken.

  Give salt for Moab,

    for certainly she will go to ruin,

  and her towns will become as a desolation,

    without an inhabitant in them.

10   The one who does the work of Yahweh with slackness is cursed,

    and the one who keeps away blood from his sword is cursed.

11   Moab has been at ease from his youth,

    and he has been quiet on his dregs,

    and he has not been poured out from vessel to vessel,

    and he has not gone into exile.

  Therefore his taste has remained unchanged,

    and his fragrance has not changed.

12   Therefore look, days are coming,” declares Yahweh,

    “and I will send to him decanters,

    and they will decant him,

    and his vessels they will empty out,

    and their jars they will smash.

13   Then Moab will be ashamed of Chemosh,

    just as the house of Israel were ashamed of Bethel, their trust.

14   How can you say, ‘we are warriors,

    and men of might for the battle.’

15   Moab is destroyed,

    and his towns have gone up,

  and the choice of his young men have gone down to the slaughtering,”

    declares the King, Yahweh of hosts is his name.

16   “The disaster of Moab is near to come,

    and his disaster approaches very quickly.

17   Mourn for him, all his surroundings,

    and all those who knew his name.

  Say, ‘How the staff of might is broken,

    the staff of glory.’

18   Come down from glory and sit on the parched ground,

    O inhabitant, daughter of Dibon,

  for the destroyer of Moab has come up against you,

    he has destroyed your fortifications.

19   Stand by the road and watch,

    O inhabitant of Aroer.

  Ask the man who is fleeing and the woman who is escaping,

    say, ‘What has happened?’

20   Moab is ashamed,

    for it is filled with terror.

  Wail and cry out,

    tell it by Arnon that Moab is devastated.

21 Judgment has also come to the land of the plain, to Holon, and to Jahaz, and on Mephaath, 22 and on Dibon, and on Nebo, and on Beth-diblathaim, 23 and on Kiriathaim, and on Beth-gamul, and on Beth-meon, 24 and on Kerioth, and on Bozrah, and on all the towns of the land of Moab, the far and the near. 25 The horn of Moab is cut off and his arm is broken,” declares Yahweh.

26   “Make him drunk,

    because he magnified himself against Yahweh,

  and let Moab wallow in his vomit.

    And he also will become a laughingstock.

27   Now was not Israel the laughingstock to you?

    Or was he found among thieves?

  For as often as you spoke over him

    you shook your head.

28   Leave the towns and dwell on the rock,

    O inhabitants of Moab,

  and be like the dove,

    it nests on the sides of the mouth of a ravine.

29   We have heard of the pride of Moab

     - he is very proud -

  his height, and his pride, and his arrogance,

    and the haughtiness of his heart.

30   I know his insolence,” declares Yahweh,

    “and his boastings are false;

    they act falsely.

31   Therefore over Moab I wail,

    and for all of Moab I cry out,

    for the people of Kir-heres I moan.

32   More than the weeping of Jazer

    I weep for you, O vine Sibmah.

  Your branches cross over the sea,

    up to the sea of Jazer they reach.

  Upon your summer fruit and upon your vintage

    the destroyer has fallen.

33   And joy and rejoicing have been taken away from the fruitful land,

    even from the land of Moab.

  And the wine from the wine presses

    I have caused to disappear.

  He will not tread with exuberant shouts.

    Exuberant shouts will not be exuberant shouts.

34   From the cry for help of Heshbon, up to Elealeh,

    up to Jahaz, they give their voice,

  from Zoar up to Horonaim, up to Eglath-shelishiyah,

    for even the waters of Nimrim have become as a desolation.

35   And I will cause to disappear for Moab,” declares Yahweh,

    “the one who presents a sacrifice at a high place,

    and the one who burns a smoke offering to his gods.

36   Therefore my heart moans for Moab like the flute.

    It moans for the people of Kir-heres like the flute.

    Therefore the wealth they gained has perished.

37   For on every head is baldness,

    and every beard is trimmed.

  On all the hands, slashes,

    and on the loins, sackcloth.

38   On all the roofs of Moab, and in its public squares,

    there is wailing everywhere.

  For I have broken Moab like a vessel,

    there is no delight in it,” declares Yahweh.

39   “How it is filled with terror! How they wail!

    How Moab has turned his back! He is disgraced!

  So Moab has become as a derision,

    and as a terror for all his surrounding peoples.”

40 For thus says Yahweh,

  “Look, like an eagle he will swoop down,

    and he will spread out his wings against Moab.

41   Kerioth will be taken,

    and the strongholds will be conquered,

  and the hearts of the warriors of Moab will be on that day

    like the heart of a woman who is in labor.

42   And Moab will be destroyed from being a people,

    because against Yahweh he magnified himself.

43   Dread, and pit, and a trapping net are against you,

    O inhabitant of Moab,” declares Yahweh.

44   “He who flees before the dread

    will fall into the pit,

  and the one who climbs up from the pit

    will be caught in the trapping net,

  for I will bring on Moab

    the year of their punishment,” declares Yahweh.

45   “In the shadow of Heshbon

    fugitives stand without strength,

  for a fire has gone out from Heshbon,

    and a flame from Sihon.

  And it has eaten the forehead of Moab,

    and the skulls of the people of tumult.

46   Woe to you, Moab!

    The people of Chemosh have perished.

  For your sons have been taken into captivity,

    and your daughters into captivity.

47   Yet I will restore the fortunes of Moab

    in the last of the days,” declares Yahweh.

Thus far is the judgment of Moab.