A Lament for Doomed Tyre

And the word of Yahweh came to me, saying, “And you, son of man, raise a lament against Tyre. And you must say to Tyre, the one who sits at the entrance of the sea as the merchant of the peoples to the many coastlands, ‘Thus says the Lord Yahweh:

  Tyre, you yourself said

    “I am perfect in beauty!”

  In the heart of the seas are your boundaries;

    your builders perfected your beauty.

  They built with pine trees from Senir

    all of your boards for you;

  they took cedars from Lebanon

    to make a sailing mast for you.

  They made your oars

    with oaks from Bashan;

  your deck they made with inlaid ivory,

    with cypress trees from the coastlands of Cyprus.

  Your sail was fine linen with colorful weaving from Egypt

    to serve as a banner for you;

  blue and purple cloth from the coastlands of Cyprus

    was your awning.

  The inhabitants of Sidon and Arvan

    were your rowers;

  your skilled men, O Tyre, were from your own people,

    and they were your seamen.

  The elders of Gebal and its skilled men were among you

    as the repairers of the seam of your boat;

  all of the ships of the sea and their mariners were among you

    to barter your wares.

10   Persia and Lud and Put

    were among your soldiers;

  small shield and helmet hung among you

    and gave to you your adornment.

11   The people of Arvan and Helech

    were on your walls all around,

  and Gammadites

    were in your towers.

  They hung their quivers on your walls all around;

    they perfected your beauty.

12 “ ‘Tarshish was your trader; from the abundance of all of their wealth, with silver, iron, tin, and lead they exchanged for your merchandise. 13 Javan, Tubal, and Meshech were your traders; in exchange for people and an object of bronze they gave you your wares. 14 From Beth Togarmah they exchanged horses and war horses and mules for your wares. 15 The people of Dedan were trading with you, many coastlands composed the region of your influence; they brought back horns of ivory and ebony as your payment. 16 Edom was trading with you because of the abundance of your products, trading with malachite, purple wool yarn and colorful weaving, and fine white fabric and black corals and rubies; all these they exchange for your merchandise. 17 Judah and the land of Israel were trading with you with wheat from Minnith and millet and honey and olive oil and balm; all these they gave for your wares. 18 Damascus was trading with you because of the abundance of your products, because of the abundance of all of your wealth, trading with the wine of Helbon and white wool. 19 Vedan and Javan from Uzal, they exchanged wrought iron, cinnamon, and reed spice for your merchandise; all this was for your wares. 20 Dedan was trading with you, with garments of woven material for riding. 21 Arabia and all of the leaders of Kedar were your customers; with young rams and adult rams and goats they were trading with them with you. 22 The traders of Sheba and Raamah were trading with you, with the finest of every spice and with every precious stone and gold; they exchanged all these for your merchandise. 23 Haran and Canneh and Eden, the traders of Sheba, Assyria, and Kilmad were trading with you. 24 They were trading with you in finery, in mantles of blue cloth and colorful embroidered work and with rugs of variegated cloth in twisted cords and knotted tightly; these were among your merchandise. 25 The ships of Tarshish were carrying for you your wares, and you were filled, and you became very heavy in the heart of the seas.

26   “ ‘Into many waters

    the rowers brought you;

  but the east wind wrecked you

    in the heart of the seas.

27   Your wealth and your merchandise, your wares,

    your mariners, and your seamen,

  your shipwrights and the barterers of your wares

    and all of your soldiers who are in you,

  along with all of your crew who are in the midst of you,

    they will fall in the heart of the seas on the day of your downfall.

28   At the sound of the shout of your seamen,

    the pasturelands will shake.

29   And they will go down from their ships,

    all of those holding an oar,

  mariners, all of the seamen of the sea

    will stand on the land,

30   and they will lament over you with their voice,

    and they will cry out bitterly,

  and they will throw dust on their heads,

    and they will roll in the dust.

31   They will shave themselves bald for your sake,

    and they will dress themselves in sackcloth,

  and they will weep over you with a bitterness of soul

    and with bitter wailing.

32   And they will raise over you with their wailing a lament,

    and they will chant a lament over you:

  ‘Who is like Tyre,

    like this destruction in the midst of the sea?’

33   When your merchandise went out from the seas,

    you satisfied many peoples with the abundance of your wealth,

  and by your wares

    you made rich the kings of the world.

34   Now you are broken by seas

    in the depths of waters;

  your wares and all of your crew

    in the midst of you have sunk.

35   All of the inhabitants of the coastlands

    are appalled over you,

  and their kings shudder in horror;

    they distort their faces!

36   The traders among the peoples hiss over you;

    you have become a horror,

    and you shall be no more forever!’ ”