Psalm 36
Psa 36:1-12. On servant of the Lord, see on Psa 18:1, title. The wickedness of man contrasted with the excellency of God's perfections and dispensations; and the benefit of the latter sought, and the evils of the former deprecated.
The general sense of this difficult verse is, "that the wicked have no fear of God." The first clause may be rendered, "Saith transgression in my heart, in respect to the wicked, there is no fear," etc., that is, such is my reflection on men's transgressions.

This reflection detailed.
until his iniquity - literally, "for finding his iniquity for hating"; that is, he persuades himself God will not so find it - "for hating" involving the idea of punishing. Hence his words of iniquity and deceit, and his bold rejection of all right principles of conduct. The climax is that he deliberately adopts and patronizes evil. The negative forms affirm more emphatically their contraries.

mercy ... and ... faithfulness - as mercy and truth (Psa 25:10).

righteousness [and] judgments - qualities of a good government (Psa 5:8; Psa 31:1). These all are set forth, by the figures used, as unbounded.

shadow of thy wings - (Compare Deu 32:11; Psa 91:1).

fatness - richness.
thy house - residence - for the privileges and blessings of communion with God (Psa 23:6; Psa 27:4).
river of thy pleasures - plenteous supply; may allude to Eden.

Light is an emblem of all blessings, given of God as a means to gain more.

10 that know thee - right knowledge of God is the source of right affections and conduct.

11 foot of ... hand ... wicked - all kinds of violent dealing.

12 There - in the acting of violence, they are overthrown. A signal defeat.