9:1 David by Ziba sends for Mephibosheth; 9:7 For Jonathan's sake he entertains him at his table, and restores him all that was Saul's; 9:9 He makes Ziba his farmer.
Verse 1show him2 Samuel 1:26; 1 Samuel 18:1-4, 20:14-17, 20:42, 23:16-18; 1 Kings 2:7; Proverbs 27:10; Matthew 10:42, 25:40; Mark 9:41; John 19:26, 19:27; Philemon 1:9-12; 1 Peter 3:8ReciprocalGenesis 40:14 - show; Joshua 2:14 - when the Lord; Ruth 2:20 - hath not; 1 Samuel 18:3 - made a covenant; 20:15 - thou shalt; 23:18 - General; 2 Samuel 9:7 - for I will; 1 Chronicles 19:2 - I will show; Proverbs 17:17 - General; 18:24 - that hath; Isaiah 32:8 - the liberal; Philemon 1:10 - my sonVerse 2a servantGenesis 15:2, 15:3, 24:2, 39:6was Ziba2 Samuel 16:1-4, 19:17, 19:27-29
Verse 3the kindness of GodThat is, the highest degree of kindness; as the hail of God is very great hail; the mountains of God exceeding high mountains; besides which, this kindness was according to the covenant of God made between him and Jonathan. Deuteronomy 4:37, 10:15; 1 Samuel 20:14-17; Matthew 5:44, 5:45; Luke 6:36; Titus 3:3, 3:4yet a son2 Samuel 4:4, 19:26Reciprocal2:6 - I also; 9:7 - for I will; 9:13 - was lameVerse 4Machir2 Samuel 17:27-29LodebarThis place appears to have been situated beyond Jordan; and was probably, as Reland supposes, the same as Debir or Lidbir, Joshua 13:26.
Verse 5ReciprocalJoshua 13:26 - DebirVerse 6Mephibosheth1 Chronicles 8:34, 9:40, called Meribbaalhe fellGenesis 18:2, 33:3; 1 Samuel 20:41, 25:23Reciprocal22:12 - Here I am; 2 Samuel 1:7 - Here am I; 19:24 - Mephibosheth; 1 Kings 1:31 - did reverenceVerse 7Fear notGenesis 43:18, 43:23, 50:18-21; 1 Samuel 12:19, 12:20, 12:24; Isaiah 35:3, 35:4; Mark 5:33, 5:34; Luke 1:12, 1:13, 1:29, 1:30for I will2 Samuel 9:1, 9:3; Ruth 2:11, 2:12; 2 Timothy 1:16-18eat bread2 Samuel 9:11, 19:28, 19:33; 1 Kings 2:7; Psalm 41:9; Jeremiah 25:33, 25:34; Matthew 6:11; Luke 22:30; Revelation 3:20ReciprocalExodus 18:12 - eat bread; 2 Samuel 2:6 - I also; 9:10 - shall eat bread; 9:13 - he did eat; 2 Kings 8:6 - Restore all; 25:29 - he did eat bread; 1 Chronicles 19:2 - I will show; Nehemiah 5:17 - at my table; Esther 8:2 - Esther set; Jeremiah 52:33 - he did; Daniel 5:2 - father; Matthew 25:40 - InasmuchVerse 8a dead dog2 Samuel 3:8, 16:9; 1 Samuel 24:14, 24:15, 26:20; Matthew 15:26, 15:27ReciprocalRuth 2:10 - Why have; 1 Samuel 17:43 - Am; 2 Samuel 19:28 - didst thou; 24:20 - bowed; 2 Kings 8:13 - a dogVerse 9I have given2 Samuel 16:4, 19:29; 1 Samuel 9:1; Isaiah 32:8Reciprocal2 Samuel 16:1 - Ziba; 16:3 - where is; Luke 22:30 - eatVerse 10shall eat breadThe eating at courts was of two kinds; the one public and ceremonious, the other private. Sir John Chardin understands those passages which speak of a right to eat at the royal table, as pointing out a right to a seat there, when the repast was public and solemn. So in a manuscript Note on 1 Kings 2:7, he tells us that it was to be understood of the majilis, - the term for an assembly of lords, or a public feast and not of the daily and ordinary repast. Hence, though Mephibosheth was to eat at all public times at the king's table, yet he would want the produce of his lands for food at other times, which it was necessary for Ziba to understand. 2 Samuel 9:7, 9:11-13, 19:28; 2 Kings 25:29; Luke 14:15Reciprocal2 Samuel 9:13 - he did eat; 16:3 - where is; 19:17 - Ziba; 21:7 - Mephibosheth; 1 Chronicles 8:34 - Meribbaal; Jeremiah 52:34 - there was; Luke 22:30 - eatVerse 11Ziba2 Samuel 19:17According16:1-4, 19:26Reciprocal9:7 - eat bread; 9:10 - shall eat bread; 9:13 - he did eat; 19:33 - Come thouVerse 12son1 Chronicles 8:8, 8:34-40, 9:40-44, MicahservantsMicah 7:5, 7:6
Verse 13he did eat2 Samuel 9:7, 9:10, 9:11was lame9:3Reciprocal19:28 - didst thou; Nehemiah 5:17 - at my table; Jeremiah 52:33 - he did
9:7 For Jonathan's sake he entertains him at his table, and restores him all that was Saul's;
9:9 He makes Ziba his farmer. Verse 1show him2 Samuel 1:26; 1 Samuel 18:1-4, 20:14-17, 20:42, 23:16-18; 1 Kings 2:7; Proverbs 27:10; Matthew 10:42, 25:40; Mark 9:41; John 19:26, 19:27; Philemon 1:9-12; 1 Peter 3:8ReciprocalGenesis 40:14 - show; Joshua 2:14 - when the Lord; Ruth 2:20 - hath not; 1 Samuel 18:3 - made a covenant; 20:15 - thou shalt; 23:18 - General; 2 Samuel 9:7 - for I will; 1 Chronicles 19:2 - I will show; Proverbs 17:17 - General; 18:24 - that hath; Isaiah 32:8 - the liberal; Philemon 1:10 - my son Verse 2a servantGenesis 15:2, 15:3, 24:2, 39:6 was Ziba2 Samuel 16:1-4, 19:17, 19:27-29
Verse 3the kindness of GodThat is, the highest degree of kindness; as the hail of God is very great hail; the mountains of God exceeding high mountains; besides which, this kindness was according to the covenant of God made between him and Jonathan. Deuteronomy 4:37, 10:15; 1 Samuel 20:14-17; Matthew 5:44, 5:45; Luke 6:36; Titus 3:3, 3:4 yet a son2 Samuel 4:4, 19:26Reciprocal2:6 - I also; 9:7 - for I will; 9:13 - was lame Verse 4Machir2 Samuel 17:27-29 LodebarThis place appears to have been situated beyond Jordan; and was probably, as Reland supposes, the same as Debir or Lidbir, Joshua 13:26.
Verse 5ReciprocalJoshua 13:26 - Debir Verse 6Mephibosheth1 Chronicles 8:34, 9:40, called Meribbaalhe fellGenesis 18:2, 33:3; 1 Samuel 20:41, 25:23Reciprocal22:12 - Here I am; 2 Samuel 1:7 - Here am I; 19:24 - Mephibosheth; 1 Kings 1:31 - did reverence Verse 7Fear notGenesis 43:18, 43:23, 50:18-21; 1 Samuel 12:19, 12:20, 12:24; Isaiah 35:3, 35:4; Mark 5:33, 5:34; Luke 1:12, 1:13, 1:29, 1:30 for I will2 Samuel 9:1, 9:3; Ruth 2:11, 2:12; 2 Timothy 1:16-18 eat bread2 Samuel 9:11, 19:28, 19:33; 1 Kings 2:7; Psalm 41:9; Jeremiah 25:33, 25:34; Matthew 6:11; Luke 22:30; Revelation 3:20ReciprocalExodus 18:12 - eat bread; 2 Samuel 2:6 - I also; 9:10 - shall eat bread; 9:13 - he did eat; 2 Kings 8:6 - Restore all; 25:29 - he did eat bread; 1 Chronicles 19:2 - I will show; Nehemiah 5:17 - at my table; Esther 8:2 - Esther set; Jeremiah 52:33 - he did; Daniel 5:2 - father; Matthew 25:40 - Inasmuch Verse 8a dead dog2 Samuel 3:8, 16:9; 1 Samuel 24:14, 24:15, 26:20; Matthew 15:26, 15:27ReciprocalRuth 2:10 - Why have; 1 Samuel 17:43 - Am; 2 Samuel 19:28 - didst thou; 24:20 - bowed; 2 Kings 8:13 - a dog Verse 9I have given2 Samuel 16:4, 19:29; 1 Samuel 9:1; Isaiah 32:8Reciprocal2 Samuel 16:1 - Ziba; 16:3 - where is; Luke 22:30 - eat Verse 10shall eat breadThe eating at courts was of two kinds; the one public and ceremonious, the other private. Sir John Chardin understands those passages which speak of a right to eat at the royal table, as pointing out a right to a seat there, when the repast was public and solemn. So in a manuscript Note on 1 Kings 2:7, he tells us that it was to be understood of the majilis, - the term for an assembly of lords, or a public feast
and not of the daily and ordinary repast. Hence, though Mephibosheth was to eat at all public times at the king's table, yet he would want the produce of his lands for food at other times, which it was necessary for Ziba to understand. 2 Samuel 9:7, 9:11-13, 19:28; 2 Kings 25:29; Luke 14:15Reciprocal2 Samuel 9:13 - he did eat; 16:3 - where is; 19:17 - Ziba; 21:7 - Mephibosheth; 1 Chronicles 8:34 - Meribbaal; Jeremiah 52:34 - there was; Luke 22:30 - eat Verse 11Ziba2 Samuel 19:17 According16:1-4, 19:26Reciprocal9:7 - eat bread; 9:10 - shall eat bread; 9:13 - he did eat; 19:33 - Come thou Verse 12son1 Chronicles 8:8, 8:34-40, 9:40-44, MicahservantsMicah 7:5, 7:6
Verse 13he did eat2 Samuel 9:7, 9:10, 9:11 was lame9:3Reciprocal19:28 - didst thou; Nehemiah 5:17 - at my table; Jeremiah 52:33 - he did