2:1 David, by God's direction, with his company goes up to Hebron, where he is made king of Judah; 2:5 He commends them of Jabesh-gilead for their kindness to Saul; 2:8 Abner makes Ishbosheth king of Israel; 2:12 A mortal skirmish between twelve of Abner's and twelve of Joab's men; 2:18 Asahel is slain; 2:25 At Abner's motion, Joab sounds a retreat; 2:32 Asahel's burial.
Verse 1inquired2 Samuel 5:19, 5:23; Numbers 27:21; Judges 1:1; 1 Samuel 23:2, 23:4, 23:9-12, 30:7, 30:8; Psalm 25:4, 25:5; 27:4, 143:8; Proverbs 3:5, 3:6; Ezekiel 36:37Hebron2 Samuel 2:11, 5:1-3, 15:7; Genesis 32:2; Numbers 13:22; Joshua 14:14, 14:15; 1 Samuel 30:31; 1 Kings 2:11; 1 Chronicles 29:7ReciprocalGenesis 35:27 - Mamre; Joshua 9:14 - asked not; 21:11 - is Hebron; 2 Samuel 15:10 - Hebron; 1 Chronicles 11:1 - Hebron; 14:10 - inquired; 2 Chronicles 18:4 - InquireVerse 21 Samuel 25:42, 25:43, 30:5; Luke 22:28, 22:29Reciprocal2 Samuel 3:3 - Abigail; 1 Chronicles 12:22 - day by dayVerse 3his men1 Samuel 22:2, 27:2, 27:3, 30:1, 30:9, 30:10; 1 Chronicles 12:1-7the citiesJoshua 21:11, 21:12ReciprocalGenesis 35:27 - Mamre; 1 Chronicles 12:23 - the numbersVerse 4the men of Judah2 Samuel 2:11, 19:11, 19:42; Genesis 49:8-10anointed2 Samuel 2:7, 5:3, 5:5, 5:17; 1 Samuel 16:13; 1 Chronicles 11:3the men of Jabeshgilead1 Samuel 31:11-13Reciprocal31:13 - their bones; 2 Samuel 12:8 - gave thee; 21:11 - told David; 1 Kings 1:34 - Zadok; 2 Kings 11:12 - anointed him; 1 Chronicles 10:11 - when; 12:23 - the numbers; Psalm 21:3 - preventest; 55:20 - broken; 75:2 - When; 141:6 - they shall hear; Acts 13:22 - he raisedVerse 5DavidThis was a generous and noble act, highly indicative of the grandeur of David's mind. He respected Saul, though he had been greatly injured by him, as the anointed king of Israel, and once his legitimate sovereign; and he loved Jonathan as his most intimate friend.BlessedRuth 1:8, 2:20, 3:10; 1 Samuel 23:21, 24:19, 25:32, 25:33; Psalm 115:15ReciprocalGenesis 14:18 - the most; 14:19 - Blessed be; Judges 21:8 - Jabeshgilead; 1 Samuel 31:13 - their bones; 2 Samuel 21:12 - the bones of Saul; Psalm 141:6 - for theyVerse 6the Lord2 Samuel 15:20; Psalm 57:3; Proverbs 14:22; Matthew 5:7; 2 Timothy 1:16-18I also2 Samuel 9:3, 9:7, 10:2; Matthew 5:44, 10:16; Philemon 1:18, 1:19ReciprocalJudges 21:8 - Jabeshgilead; Psalm 141:6 - for theyVerse 7let your2 Samuel 10:12; Genesis 15:1; 1 Samuel 4:9, 31:7, 31:12; 1 Corinthians 16:13; Ephesians 6:10valiantHeb. the sons of valourReciprocal2 Samuel 2:4 - anointed; 16:21 - the hands; 2 Kings 11:12 - anointed him; 1 Chronicles 5:18 - valiant men; 26:6 - mighty men of valour; 2 Chronicles 18:16 - master; Nehemiah 2:18 - So they strengthenedVerse 8Abner1 Samuel 14:50, 17:55, 26:14Saul's hostHeb. the host which was Saul'sIshbosheth2 Samuel 3:7, 3:8, 4:5, 4:6; 1 Chronicles 8:33, 9:39, Esh-baalMahanaim2 Samuel 17:26, 17:27; Genesis 32:2ReciprocalJoshua 13:26 - Mahanaim; 1 Samuel 26:5 - Abner; 2 Samuel 3:6 - Abner; 3:38 - a prince; 17:24 - Mahanaim; 1 Kings 4:14 - Mahanaim; 2 Kings 10:3 - Look even; 1 Chronicles 12:29 - the greatest part of them; Psalm 60:2 - broken; 60:6 - divide; 108:8 - GileadVerse 9GileadNumbers 32:1-42; Joshua 13:8-11; Psalm 108:8AshuritesThe LXX read τον Θασιρι, Thasiri; and the Vulgate Gessuri, "Geshurites;" but it is probable that for ashuri, "Ashurites," we should read ashairi, "Asherites," or those of the tribe of Asher. Genesis 30:13; Numbers 1:40over JezreelJoshua 19:18ReciprocalGenesis 25:3 - Asshurim; Judges 20:1 - with the; 2 Samuel 3:6 - Abner; 3:21 - will gather; 1 Kings 18:45 - Ahab; 2 Kings 10:3 - Look even; 1 Chronicles 12:29 - the greatest part of them; Psalm 18:43 - from; 60:6 - divideVerse 10two yearsHoubigant proposes to read shesh shanah, "six years" instead of shetayim shanim, "two years," of the text, which he contends is a solecism; for, in pure Hebrew, the words should be shetayim shanah; and this is the reading of twenty manuscripts; but two is acknowledged by all the versions and manuscripts yet collated. 2 Samuel 2:10Reciprocal3:14 - Ishbosheth; Psalm 18:43 - fromVerse 11timeHeb. number of days, 2 Samuel 5:4, 5:5; 1 Kings 2:11; 1 Chronicles 3:4, 29:27ReciprocalGenesis 23:2 - Kirjatharba; 35:27 - Mamre; Numbers 13:22 - Hebron; Joshua 10:3 - Hebron; 2 Samuel 2:1 - Hebron; 2:4 - the men of Judah; 15:10 - Hebron; 2 Chronicles 11:10 - HebronVerse 12am 2951, bc 1053, An, Ex, Is, 438Mahanaim2 Samuel 17:14; Genesis 32:2GibeonJoshua 9:3, 10:2, 10:4, 10:12, 18:25Reciprocal2 Samuel 2:29 - Mahanaim; 2 Kings 10:3 - fight forVerse 13Joab2 Samuel 2:18, 8:16, 20:23; 1 Kings 1:7, 2:28-35; 1 Chronicles 2:16togetherHeb. them togetherpoolJeremiah 41:12Reciprocal2 Samuel 20:8 - in Gibeon; 24:2 - JoabVerse 14play before2 Samuel 2:17, 2:26, 2:27; Proverbs 10:23, 17:14, 20:18, 25:8, 26:18, 26:19ReciprocalJudges 9:29 - Increase thine army; 1 Samuel 14:12 - Come up to us; 2 Kings 14:8 - Come; 2 Chronicles 25:17 - let us seeVerse 16by the headProbably by the beard or hair of the head. Plutarch, in his Apophthegms, informs us, that all things being ready for a battle, Alexander's captains asked him whether he had anything else to command them. "Nothing," said he, "but that the Macedonians shave their beards." Parmenio wondering what he meant, "Dost thou not know," said he, "that in fight, there is no better hold than the beard?"Helkathhazzurimthat is, the field of strong men, 2 Samuel 2:16ReciprocalJoshua 19:25 - Helkath; 2 Samuel 2:26 - it will be; 1 Kings 20:20 - they slew; Acts 1:19 - AceldamaVerse 17Abner2 Samuel 3:1Reciprocal2:14 - play before; 18:7 - the peopleVerse 18three1 Chronicles 2:15, 2:16, 11:26was as light2 Samuel 1:23; 1 Chronicles 12:8; Psalm 147:10, 147:11; Ecclesiastes 9:11; Amos 2:14footHeb. his feeta wild roeHeb. one of the roes that is in the field, Psalm 18:33; Song of Songs 2:17, 8:14; Habakkuk 3:19, The word tzevee, rather denotes the gazelle or antelope - see note on Deuteronomy 15:22.Reciprocal1 Samuel 26:6 - to Abishai; 2 Samuel 2:13 - Joab; 14:1 - Joab; 20:6 - Abishai; 22:34 - like hinds'; 23:18 - Abishai; 23:24 - Asahel; 1 Chronicles 11:6 - Joab; 11:20 - Abishai; 27:7 - Asahel; Joel 2:7 - They shall runVerse 19turned2 Samuel 2:21; Joshua 1:7, 23:6; 2 Kings 22:2; Proverbs 4:27following AbnerHeb. after AbnerReciprocal2 Samuel 3:27 - for the blood; 3:30 - because; Joel 2:7 - They shall runVerse 21and take theeIt seems that Asahel wished to get the armour of Abner as a trophy.armouror, spoil, Judges 14:19Reciprocal2 Samuel 2:19 - turnedVerse 22wherefore2 Kings 14:10-12; Proverbs 29:1; Ecclesiastes 6:10how then2 Samuel 3:27Reciprocal1 Samuel 19:17 - why should; Psalm 143:3 - smittenVerse 23the fifth rib2 Samuel 3:27, 4:6, 5:6, 20:10stood still20:12, 20:13
Verse 24Reciprocal2 Samuel 8:1 - MethegammahVerse 26Shall2 Samuel 2:14; Acts 7:26sword2 Samuel 11:25; Isaiah 1:20; Jeremiah 2:30, 12:12, 46:10, 46:14; Hosea 11:6it will be2 Samuel 2:16; Proverbs 17:14how longJob 18:2, 19:2; Psalm 4:2; Jeremiah 4:21ReciprocalGenesis 34:26 - edge; Judges 9:38 - General; 21:6 - repented them; 2 Samuel 18:7 - twenty thousand men; 2 Chronicles 11:4 - against; Psalm 133:1 - how good; Proverbs 20:18 - and; 25:8 - hastily; Jeremiah 47:6 - how long; Galatians 5:15 - GeneralVerse 27As GodThis was spoken in allusion to the proposal of Abner - 2 Samuel 2:14 which led to the slaughter of twelve young men of each party, and thus provoked the battle. It is probable, that Joab had orders simply to act on the defensive, and would not have attacked the Israelites that day unless compelled; therefore the blame lay upon Abner and Israel. 1 Samuel 25:26; Job 27:2unless2 Samuel 2:14; Proverbs 15:1, 17:14, 20:18, 25:8; Isaiah 47:7; Luke 14:31, 14:32in the morningHeb. from the morninggone upor, gone awayReciprocalJudges 9:38 - General; Psalm 133:1 - how good; Galatians 5:15 - GeneralVerse 28Reciprocal1 Samuel 13:3 - blew; 2 Samuel 18:16 - blew the trumpet; 20:22 - he blewVerse 29BithronBithron or Bether is probably the same as Betarus, which is placed in the Antonine Itinerary between Caesarea of Palestine and Diospolis or Lydda, 18 miles from the former, and 22 from the latter. The Jerusalem Itinerary mentions a place called Bethar, 16 miles from Caesarea, and 20 from Diospolis, which is probably the same. The Talmudists say that it was four miles distant from the sea. Song of Songs 2:17, BetherMahanaim2 Samuel 2:12
Verse 31three hundredThe slain of Israel, though greatly exceeding those of Judah, were not great. This might be owing to the directions given by David, to be as lenient as possible; but the death of Asahel seems to have stopped the pursuers, and greatly favoured the escape of the vanquished. 2 Samuel 3:1; 1 Kings 20:11Reciprocal2 Samuel 18:7 - twenty thousand menVerse 32buried1 Samuel 17:58; 1 Chronicles 2:13-16; 2 Chronicles 16:14, 21:1went2 Samuel 5:1; Proverbs 22:29
2:5 He commends them of Jabesh-gilead for their kindness to Saul;
2:8 Abner makes Ishbosheth king of Israel;
2:12 A mortal skirmish between twelve of Abner's and twelve of Joab's men;
2:18 Asahel is slain;
2:25 At Abner's motion, Joab sounds a retreat;
2:32 Asahel's burial. Verse 1inquired2 Samuel 5:19, 5:23; Numbers 27:21; Judges 1:1; 1 Samuel 23:2, 23:4, 23:9-12, 30:7, 30:8; Psalm 25:4, 25:5; 27:4, 143:8; Proverbs 3:5, 3:6; Ezekiel 36:37 Hebron2 Samuel 2:11, 5:1-3, 15:7; Genesis 32:2; Numbers 13:22; Joshua 14:14, 14:15; 1 Samuel 30:31; 1 Kings 2:11; 1 Chronicles 29:7ReciprocalGenesis 35:27 - Mamre; Joshua 9:14 - asked not; 21:11 - is Hebron; 2 Samuel 15:10 - Hebron; 1 Chronicles 11:1 - Hebron; 14:10 - inquired; 2 Chronicles 18:4 - Inquire Verse 21 Samuel 25:42, 25:43, 30:5; Luke 22:28, 22:29Reciprocal2 Samuel 3:3 - Abigail; 1 Chronicles 12:22 - day by day Verse 3his men1 Samuel 22:2, 27:2, 27:3, 30:1, 30:9, 30:10; 1 Chronicles 12:1-7 the citiesJoshua 21:11, 21:12ReciprocalGenesis 35:27 - Mamre; 1 Chronicles 12:23 - the numbers Verse 4the men of Judah2 Samuel 2:11, 19:11, 19:42; Genesis 49:8-10 anointed2 Samuel 2:7, 5:3, 5:5, 5:17; 1 Samuel 16:13; 1 Chronicles 11:3 the men of Jabeshgilead1 Samuel 31:11-13Reciprocal31:13 - their bones; 2 Samuel 12:8 - gave thee; 21:11 - told David; 1 Kings 1:34 - Zadok; 2 Kings 11:12 - anointed him; 1 Chronicles 10:11 - when; 12:23 - the numbers; Psalm 21:3 - preventest; 55:20 - broken; 75:2 - When; 141:6 - they shall hear; Acts 13:22 - he raised Verse 5DavidThis was a generous and noble act, highly indicative of the grandeur of David's mind. He respected Saul, though he had been greatly injured by him, as the anointed king of Israel, and once his legitimate sovereign; and he loved Jonathan as his most intimate friend.BlessedRuth 1:8, 2:20, 3:10; 1 Samuel 23:21, 24:19, 25:32, 25:33; Psalm 115:15ReciprocalGenesis 14:18 - the most; 14:19 - Blessed be; Judges 21:8 - Jabeshgilead; 1 Samuel 31:13 - their bones; 2 Samuel 21:12 - the bones of Saul; Psalm 141:6 - for they Verse 6the Lord2 Samuel 15:20; Psalm 57:3; Proverbs 14:22; Matthew 5:7; 2 Timothy 1:16-18 I also2 Samuel 9:3, 9:7, 10:2; Matthew 5:44, 10:16; Philemon 1:18, 1:19ReciprocalJudges 21:8 - Jabeshgilead; Psalm 141:6 - for they Verse 7let your2 Samuel 10:12; Genesis 15:1; 1 Samuel 4:9, 31:7, 31:12; 1 Corinthians 16:13; Ephesians 6:10 valiantHeb. the sons of valourReciprocal2 Samuel 2:4 - anointed; 16:21 - the hands; 2 Kings 11:12 - anointed him; 1 Chronicles 5:18 - valiant men; 26:6 - mighty men of valour; 2 Chronicles 18:16 - master; Nehemiah 2:18 - So they strengthened Verse 8Abner1 Samuel 14:50, 17:55, 26:14 Saul's hostHeb. the host which was Saul'sIshbosheth2 Samuel 3:7, 3:8, 4:5, 4:6; 1 Chronicles 8:33, 9:39, Esh-baalMahanaim2 Samuel 17:26, 17:27; Genesis 32:2ReciprocalJoshua 13:26 - Mahanaim; 1 Samuel 26:5 - Abner; 2 Samuel 3:6 - Abner; 3:38 - a prince; 17:24 - Mahanaim; 1 Kings 4:14 - Mahanaim; 2 Kings 10:3 - Look even; 1 Chronicles 12:29 - the greatest part of them; Psalm 60:2 - broken; 60:6 - divide; 108:8 - Gilead Verse 9GileadNumbers 32:1-42; Joshua 13:8-11; Psalm 108:8 AshuritesThe LXX read
Verse 24Reciprocal2 Samuel 8:1 - Methegammah Verse 26Shall2 Samuel 2:14; Acts 7:26 sword2 Samuel 11:25; Isaiah 1:20; Jeremiah 2:30, 12:12, 46:10, 46:14; Hosea 11:6 it will be2 Samuel 2:16; Proverbs 17:14 how longJob 18:2, 19:2; Psalm 4:2; Jeremiah 4:21ReciprocalGenesis 34:26 - edge; Judges 9:38 - General; 21:6 - repented them; 2 Samuel 18:7 - twenty thousand men; 2 Chronicles 11:4 - against; Psalm 133:1 - how good; Proverbs 20:18 - and; 25:8 - hastily; Jeremiah 47:6 - how long; Galatians 5:15 - General Verse 27As GodThis was spoken in allusion to the proposal of Abner - 2 Samuel 2:14
which led to the slaughter of twelve young men of each party, and thus provoked the battle. It is probable, that Joab had orders simply to act on the defensive, and would not have attacked the Israelites that day unless compelled; therefore the blame lay upon Abner and Israel. 1 Samuel 25:26; Job 27:2 unless2 Samuel 2:14; Proverbs 15:1, 17:14, 20:18, 25:8; Isaiah 47:7; Luke 14:31, 14:32 in the morningHeb. from the morninggone upor, gone awayReciprocalJudges 9:38 - General; Psalm 133:1 - how good; Galatians 5:15 - General Verse 28Reciprocal1 Samuel 13:3 - blew; 2 Samuel 18:16 - blew the trumpet; 20:22 - he blew Verse 29BithronBithron or Bether is probably the same as Betarus, which is placed in the Antonine Itinerary between Caesarea of Palestine and Diospolis or Lydda, 18 miles from the former, and 22 from the latter. The Jerusalem Itinerary mentions a place called Bethar, 16 miles from Caesarea, and 20 from Diospolis, which is probably the same. The Talmudists say that it was four miles distant from the sea. Song of Songs 2:17, BetherMahanaim2 Samuel 2:12
Verse 31three hundredThe slain of Israel, though greatly exceeding those of Judah, were not great. This might be owing to the directions given by David, to be as lenient as possible; but the death of Asahel seems to have stopped the pursuers, and greatly favoured the escape of the vanquished. 2 Samuel 3:1; 1 Kings 20:11Reciprocal2 Samuel 18:7 - twenty thousand men Verse 32buried1 Samuel 17:58; 1 Chronicles 2:13-16; 2 Chronicles 16:14, 21:1 went2 Samuel 5:1; Proverbs 22:29