1 Samuel 25
25:1 Samuel dies;
25:2 David in Paran sends to Nabal;
25:10 Provoked by Nabal's churlishness, he minds to destroy him;
25:14 Abigail understanding thereof,
25:18 takes a present;
25:23 and by her wisdom,
25:32 pacifies David;
25:36 Nabal hearing thereof, dies;
25:39 David takes Abigail and Ahinoam to be his wives;
25:44 Michal is given to Phalti. Verse 1am 2944, bc 1060, An, Ex, Is 431Samuel1 Samuel 28:3 lamentedGenesis 50:11; Numbers 20:29; Deuteronomy 34:8; Acts 8:2 in his house1 Samuel 7:17; 1 Kings 2:34; 2 Chronicles 33:20; Isaiah 14:18 the wildernessGenesis 14:6, 21:21; Numbers 10:12, 12:16, 13:3, 13:26; Psalm 120:5ReciprocalDeuteronomy 1:1 - Paran; Judges 4:5 - between; 1 Samuel 7:15 - judged; 2 Chronicles 32:33 - did him; Habakkuk 3:3 - Paran Verse 2Maon1 Samuel 23:24 possessions wereor, business wasCarmelNot the famous mount Carmel, in the north of Canaan, and in the tribe of Asher; but a city, on a mountain of the same name, in the south of Judah, which seems to have given name to the surrounding territory. Eusebius and Jerome inform us, that there was in their time a town called Carmelia, ten miles east from Hebron, where the Romans kept a garrison, whose position well agrees with this Carmel.manGenesis 26:13; 2 Samuel 19:32; Psalm 17:14, 73:3-7; Luke 16:19-25 three thousandGenesis 13:2; Job 1:3, 42:12 shearingThis was a very ancient custom, and appears to have been always attended with festivity. The ancient Romans, however, used to pluck off the wool from the sheep's backs; and hence a fleece was called vellus, a vellendo, from plucking it off. Pliny says, that in his time sheep were not shorn every where, but in some places the wool was still plucked off. Genesis 38:13; 2 Samuel 13:23, 13:24 Carmel1 Samuel 30:5; Joshua 15:55ReciprocalGenesis 32:14 - General; Joshua 12:22 - Carmel; Judges 10:12 - the Maonites; 1 Samuel 9:1 - power; 15:12 - Carmel; Psalm 73:7 - have; Daniel 2:48 - a great; Amos 1:2 - Carmel Verse 3goodProverbs 14:1, 31:26, 31:30, 31:31 was churlish1 Samuel 25:10, 25:11, 25:17; Psalm 10:3; Isaiah 32:5-7 and he wasWehoo calibbee, literally, "and he was a Calebite;" but as the word cailev signifies a dog, the Septuagint has understood it as implying a man of canine disposition, and translated it, και ανθρωπος κυνικος, "and he was a doggish man." It is understood in the same way by the Syriac and Arabic.Reciprocal1 Samuel 27:3 - with his two; 2 Samuel 3:3 - Abigail; 20:16 - General; Esther 1:11 - fair to look on; Proverbs 11:29 - that; 30:22 - a fool Verse 4did shearGenesis 38:13; 2 Samuel 13:23ReciprocalGenesis 38:12 - in process of time Verse 5greet himetc. Heb. ask him in my name of peace, 1 Samuel 17:22; Genesis 43:23Reciprocal29:6 - Is he well; 43:27 - welfare; Jeremiah 15:5 - how thou doest Verse 6liveth1 Thessalonians 3:8; 1 Timothy 5:6 Peace be both2 Samuel 18:28 *marg. 1 Chronicles 12:18; Psalm 122:7; Matthew 10:12, 10:13; Luke 10:5; John 14:27; 2 Thessalonians 3:16ReciprocalGenesis 43:23 - Peace; Judges 19:20 - Peace be; Psalm 49:18 - praise; Ephesians 6:23 - Peace; James 5:5 - have lived Verse 7thy shepherdsIn those times, and at the present day, wandering Arabs, under their several chiefs, think that they have a right to exact contributions of provisions, etc., wherever they come. But David, though he lived in the wilderness like the Arab emirs, had not adopted their manners: one of them, at the head of 600 men, would have demanded, from time to time, some provision or present from Nabal's servants, for permitting them to feed at quiet; and would have driven them away from the watering place upon any dislike. David had done nothing of this kind; but had protected them against those who would.we hurtHeb. we shamed, 1 Samuel 25:15, 25:16, 25:21, 22:2; Isaiah 11:6-9; Luke 3:14; Philippians 2:15, 4:8ReciprocalJoshua 15:55 - Maon Verse 8a good dayNehemiah 8:10-12; Esther 9:19; Ecclesiastes 11:2; Luke 11:41, 14:12-14 thy son1 Samuel 3:6, 24:11ReciprocalGenesis 32:13 - which; 33:15 - find grace; 47:15 - Give us bread; Judges 9:33 - as thou shalt find; 2 Kings 8:9 - Thy son Benhadad; Esther 2:18 - gave gifts; 8:17 - a feast; Psalm 69:13 - in an; Proverbs 21:10 - findeth no favour Verse 9ceasedHeb. rested, or, became quiet, Genesis 8:4; 2 Kings 2:15; 2 Chronicles 14:7ReciprocalProverbs 29:7 - but Verse 10Who is David1 Samuel 20:30, 22:7, 22:8; Exodus 5:2; Judges 9:28; 2 Samuel 20:1; 1 Kings 12:16; Psalm 73:7, 73:8; 123:3, 123:4; Isaiah 32:5, 32:7 there be1 Samuel 22:2; Ecclesiastes 7:10ReciprocalJudges 8:6 - General; 12:4 - fugitives; 1 Samuel 20:10 - answer thee; 20:27 - the son; 25:3 - was churlish; 1 Kings 12:13 - answered; 2 Chronicles 10:13 - answered; Psalm 35:11 - False witnesses; 64:6 - search; 119:22 - Remove; Proverbs 13:16 - a fool; 15:1 - grievous; 18:23 - rich; 30:22 - a fool; Ecclesiastes 10:13 - beginning; Isaiah 32:6 - the vile; James 4:12 - who Verse 11Shall I then1 Samuel 25:3, 24:13; Deuteronomy 8:17; Judges 8:6; Job 31:17; Psalm 73:7, 73:8; 1 Peter 4:9 fleshHeb. slaughtergive itEcclesiastes 11:1, 11:2; Galatians 6:10 whom1 Samuel 25:14, 25:15; John 9:29, 9:30; 2 Corinthians 6:9ReciprocalGenesis 43:16 - slay; Deuteronomy 23:4 - Because they met; Judges 8:24 - because; 1 Kings 12:13 - answered; 2 Chronicles 10:13 - answered; Proverbs 13:16 - a fool; 15:1 - grievous; 30:22 - a fool; Ecclesiastes 10:13 - beginning; Isaiah 32:6 - the vile Verse 12came2 Samuel 24:13; Isaiah 36:21, 36:22; Habakkuk 3:1ReciprocalLuke 14:21 - and showed Verse 13Gird yeJoshua 9:14; Proverbs 14:29, 16:32, 19:2, 19:11, 25:8; James 1:19, 1:20 David also1 Samuel 24:5, 24:6; Romans 12:19-21 two hundred1 Samuel 30:9, 30:10, 30:21-24ReciprocalGenesis 45:20 - stuff; 1 Samuel 23:13 - six hundred; 25:21 - Surely; 27:2 - the six; 30:24 - tarrieth Verse 14railed on themHeb. flew upon them, Mark 15:29Reciprocal1 Samuel 20:10 - answer thee; 25:11 - whom; 2 Kings 5:13 - his servants; Proverbs 25:15 - long; Acts 7:27 - he that; 25:13 - unto; 1 Corinthians 1:11 - it hath Verse 15very good1 Samuel 25:7, 25:21; Philippians 2:15 hurtHeb. shamedReciprocal1 Samuel 22:2 - a captain; 25:11 - whom; Acts 7:27 - he that Verse 16a wallExodus 14:22; Job 1:10; Jeremiah 15:20; Zechariah 2:5Reciprocal1 Samuel 22:2 - a captain; 25:7 - we hurt; Psalm 38:20 - render Verse 17evil1 Samuel 20:7, 20:9, 20:33; 2 Chronicles 25:16; Esther 7:7 a son of Belial1 Samuel 25:25, 2:12; Deuteronomy 13:13; Judges 19:22; 2 Samuel 23:6, 23:7; 1 Kings 21:10, 21:13; 2 Chronicles 13:7 that a man1 Samuel 20:32, 20:33; 2 Kings 5:13, 5:14ReciprocalGenesis 19:9 - Stand; 32:20 - I will appease; 1 Samuel 20:10 - answer thee; 22:17 - slay the priests; 25:3 - was churlish; 30:22 - wicked; 2 Samuel 16:7 - man of Belial; Proverbs 11:29 - that; 12:8 - he; 13:16 - a fool; 16:27 - An ungodly man; 18:23 - rich; 19:1 - perverse; 25:28 - General; Matthew 5:25 - with; Luke 10:6 - the Son Verse 18made haste1 Samuel 25:34; Numbers 16:46-48; Proverbs 6:4, 6:5; Matthew 5:25 took twoThe Eastern bread is generally both thin and small; and answers to our cakes. Genesis 32:13-20, 43:11-14; 2 Samuel 17:28, 17:29; Proverbs 18:16, 21:14 two bottlesThat is, two goatskins' full.five sheepNot one sheep to one hundred men.clustersHeb. lumps, Raisins dried in the sun, 2 Samuel 16:1 cakes of figsFigs cured and then pressed together. Now all this provision was a matter of little worth; and had it been granted in the first instance, it would have perfectly satisfied David, and secured his good offices.ReciprocalJudges 1:15 - a blessing; 8:5 - loaves; Ruth 2:14 - parched; 1 Samuel 16:20 - an ass laden; 17:17 - parched corn; 27:3 - with his two; 1 Chronicles 12:40 - cakes of figs; Proverbs 31:12 - General; Luke 12:58 - give Verse 19GoGenesis 32:16, 32:20 ButProverbs 31:11, 31:12, 31:27Reciprocal1 Samuel 14:1 - he told not; 25:36 - she told him; 2 Kings 4:24 - Drive Verse 20rode2 Kings 4:24 she came downDavid was coming down mount Paran; Abigail was coming down from Carmel.

Verse 21Surely1 Samuel 25:13; Job 30:8; Psalm 37:8; Ephesians 4:26, 4:31; 1 Thessalonians 5:15; 1 Peter 2:21-23, 3:9 he hath requitedGenesis 44:4; Psalm 35:12, 38:20, 109:3-5; Proverbs 17:13; Jeremiah 18:20; Romans 12:21; 1 Peter 2:20, 3:17Reciprocal1 Samuel 25:7 - we hurt; 25:15 - very good; 2 Samuel 12:5 - David's; 2 Chronicles 18:26 - this fellow; Proverbs 15:1 - soft; Ecclesiastes 7:9 - hasty; Matthew 15:9 - in; 1 Corinthians 13:4 - vaunteth not itself Verse 22So and moreNothing can justify this conduct of David, which was rash, unjust, and cruel in the extreme. David himself condemns it, and thanks God for being prevented from executing this evil - 1 Samuel 25:32-34. 3:17, 14:44, 20:13, 20:16; Ruth 1:17 if I leave1 Samuel 25:34 any that pissethetc. This seems to have been a proverbial expression among the Israelites; and may with the utmost propriety be read "any male." 1 Kings 14:10, 16:11, 21:21; 2 Kings 9:8ReciprocalLeviticus 5:4 - to do evil; 1 Samuel 25:37 - had told him; 2 Samuel 3:9 - So do God; 12:5 - David's; 2 Kings 6:31 - God do so; Proverbs 15:1 - grievous; Ecclesiastes 7:9 - hasty; Matthew 14:9 - the oath's; 1 Corinthians 13:4 - vaunteth not itself Verse 23lightedJoshua 15:18; Judges 1:14 fell1 Samuel 20:41, 24:8ReciprocalRuth 2:10 - fell; 2 Samuel 1:2 - he fell; 9:6 - he fell; 14:4 - fell on her; 1 Kings 1:16 - bowed; 1 Chronicles 21:21 - bowed himself Verse 24fell2 Kings 4:37; Esther 8:3; Matthew 18:29 Upon1 Samuel 25:28; Genesis 44:33, 44:34; 2 Samuel 14:9; Philemon 1:18, 1:19 let thineGenesis 44:18; 2 Samuel 14:12 audienceHeb. earsReciprocalGenesis 27:13 - Upon; 1 Samuel 24:8 - David stooped; 26:19 - let my lord; 2 Samuel 20:17 - Hear the words; Proverbs 15:18 - he; 25:15 - long; 31:26 - openeth; Ecclesiastes 3:7 - and a time to speak; 10:4 - for Verse 25regardHeb. lay it to his heart, 2 Samuel 13:33; Isaiah 42:25; Malachi 2:2 man of Belial1 Samuel 25:17, 25:26 Nabalthat is, foolReciprocalDeuteronomy 9:27 - look not; 13:13 - the children; Judges 19:22 - sons of Belial; 1 Samuel 1:16 - a daughter; 30:22 - wicked; 2 Samuel 19:19 - take it; Psalm 14:1 - fool; 85:8 - folly; Proverbs 13:16 - a fool; 19:1 - perverse; 30:22 - a fool Verse 26as the Lord liveth1 Samuel 25:34, 22:3; 2 Kings 2:2, 4:6 and as thy1 Samuel 1:26 the Lord hath25:33; Genesis 20:6 fromRomans 12:19, 12:20 avenging thyselfHeb. saving thyself, Psalm 18:47, 18:48, 44:3 now let2 Samuel 18:32; Jeremiah 29:22; Daniel 4:19Reciprocal1 Samuel 20:3 - but truly; 25:25 - man of Belial; 25:39 - kept his servant; 26:10 - the Lord liveth; 2 Samuel 2:27 - As God; 11:11 - as thou livest; 14:19 - As thy soul; 15:21 - As the Lord; 1 Kings 17:12 - As the Lord; Job 27:2 - God liveth; 27:7 - General; Proverbs 31:12 - General Verse 27blessingor, present, 1 Samuel 30:26; Genesis 33:11; 2 Kings 5:15; 2 Corinthians 9:5 followHeb. walk at the feet of, 1 Samuel 25:42 *marg. Judges 4:10; 2 Samuel 16:2ReciprocalGenesis 32:13 - a present; 43:11 - carry down; Joshua 15:19 - a blessing; Judges 1:15 - a blessing; 2 Samuel 15:16 - after him; Proverbs 18:16 - General; 31:12 - General; Isaiah 36:16 - Make an agreement with me by a present Verse 28forgive1 Samuel 25:24 the Lord15:28; 2 Samuel 7:11, 7:16, 7:27; 1 Kings 9:5; 1 Chronicles 17:10, 17:25; Psalm 89:29 fighteth1 Samuel 17:47, 18:17; 2 Samuel 5:2; 2 Chronicles 20:15; Ephesians 6:10, 6:11 evil hath1 Samuel 24:6, 24:7, 24:11, 24:17; 1 Kings 15:5; Psalm 119:1-3; Matthew 5:16; Luke 23:41, 23:47ReciprocalExodus 1:21 - made them; Judges 5:23 - to the help; 1 Samuel 2:35 - I will build; 29:3 - found; 2 Samuel 23:5 - and sure; 1 Kings 2:24 - made me; 1 Chronicles 12:18 - thy God; 22:18 - before the Lord; 2 Chronicles 14:13 - his host; Psalm 7:4 - without; 17:7 - savest; 75:3 - I bear; 119:121 - I have; Lamentations 3:52 - without Verse 29boundThe metaphors in this verse are derived from the consideration, that things of value are collected together, and often tied up in bundles, like sheaves of corn, to prevent their being scattered and lost, and that whatever is put into a sling is not intended to be preserved, but to be thrown away. 1 Samuel 2:9; Genesis 15:1; Deuteronomy 33:29; Psalm 66:9, 116:15; Malachi 3:17; Matthew 10:29, 10:30 with the LordJohn 10:27-30, 14:19, 17:21, 17:23; Colossians 3:3, 3:4; 1 Peter 1:5 sling outJeremiah 10:18 as out of the middle of a slingHeb. in the midst of the bow of a slingReciprocalGenesis 44:30 - his life; Judges 20:16 - sling stones; 1 Samuel 26:20 - let not my; 2 Samuel 4:8 - sought; 22:1 - and out; 1 Kings 1:36 - the Lord; 1 Chronicles 12:18 - thy God; Psalm 5:10 - let; 7:4 - without; 17:7 - savest; 21:8 - General; 26:9 - Gather not; 63:9 - seek; 118:13 - General; 124:7 - Our soul; 143:12 - of thy mercy; Proverbs 24:12 - that keepeth; Lamentations 3:52 - without; Matthew 13:30 - and bind; Luke 21:18 - General; John 6:39 - I should; Acts 17:28 - in him Verse 30according1 Samuel 13:14, 15:28, 23:17; Psalm 89:20Reciprocal1 Samuel 27:1 - And David; 2 Samuel 5:2 - feed; 22:48 - avengeth me Verse 31griefHeb. staggering, or, stumbling, Proverbs 5:12, 5:13; Romans 14:21; 2 Corinthians 1:12 avenged1 Samuel 25:33, 24:15, 26:23; 2 Samuel 22:48; Psalm 94:1; Romans 12:19 remember1 Samuel 25:40; Genesis 40:14; Luke 23:42ReciprocalPsalm 141:5 - the righteous; Proverbs 25:12 - a wise; Matthew 5:39 - That Verse 32David overlooks the rich and seasonable present of Abigail, though pressed with hunger and wearied with travel; but her advice, which disarmed his rage, and calmed his revenge, draws forth these high and affectionate gratulations. These were his joyful and glorious trophies; not over his enemies, but over himself.
; Genesis 24:27; Exodus 18:10; Ezra 7:27; Psalm 41:12, 41:13, 72:18; Luke 1:68; 2 Corinthians 8:16ReciprocalJoshua 22:30 - it pleased them; 22:33 - blessed; 1 Samuel 25:22 - So and more; 25:39 - Blessed; 2 Samuel 2:5 - Blessed; 20:16 - General; Psalm 9:5 - destroyed; 19:13 - Keep; 131:2 - quieted; Proverbs 1:5 - a man; 11:16 - gracious; 15:23 - how; Matthew 14:9 - the oath's; 1 Corinthians 12:21 - General
Verse 33blessedPsalm 141:5; Proverbs 9:9, 17:10, 25:12, 27:21, 28:23 which hast1 Samuel 25:26 avenging25:26, 25:31, 24:19, 26:9, 26:10ReciprocalJoshua 22:30 - it pleased them; 22:33 - blessed; 1 Samuel 24:7 - suffered; 25:38 - the Lord; 2 Samuel 2:5 - Blessed; 20:16 - General; Psalm 131:2 - quieted; Proverbs 1:5 - a man; 11:16 - gracious; 12:3 - the root; 15:23 - how; 23:34 - thou; Isaiah 33:18 - heart; Romans 12:19 - avenge; 1 Corinthians 13:4 - vaunteth not itself Verse 34kept me back1 Samuel 25:26 hasted25:18, 11:11; Joshua 10:6, 10:9 there had1 Samuel 25:22ReciprocalGenesis 20:6 - withheld; 1 Samuel 25:37 - had told him; 25:39 - kept his servant; 1 Kings 14:10 - him that pisseth; 16:11 - he left him; 21:21 - him that pisseth; Job 27:2 - God liveth; 1 Corinthians 13:4 - vaunteth not itself Verse 35Go up1 Samuel 20:42; 2 Samuel 15:9; 2 Kings 5:19; Luke 7:50, 8:48 acceptedGenesis 19:21; Job 34:19Reciprocal1 Samuel 1:17 - Go; Job 42:8 - him; Proverbs 17:8 - whithersoever; 21:14 - gift; Acts 16:36 - and go Verse 36a feast2 Samuel 13:23; Esther 1:3-7; Luke 14:12 merry2 Samuel 13:28; 1 Kings 20:16; Proverbs 20:1, 23:29-35; Ecclesiastes 2:2, 2:3, 10:19; Isaiah 28:3, 28:7, 28:8; Jeremiah 51:57; Daniel 5:1-5; Nahum 1:10; Habakkuk 2:15, 2:16; Luke 21:34; Romans 13:13; Ephesians 5:18; 1 Thessalonians 5:7, 5:8 she told him1 Samuel 25:19; Psalm 112:5; Matthew 10:16; Ephesians 5:14ReciprocalGenesis 21:8 - feast; 38:12 - in process of time; Judges 19:6 - let thine heart; 1 Samuel 22:15 - less or more; 30:16 - eating; 1 Kings 16:9 - drinking; 20:12 - drinking; Esther 1:10 - the heart; Job 15:21 - in prosperity; Psalm 73:7 - have; 92:7 - it is that; Proverbs 17:19 - he that; 19:10 - Delight; 30:22 - a fool; Ecclesiastes 7:4 - the heart; Isaiah 5:14 - he that rejoiceth; 21:4 - the night; Amos 6:4 - stretch themselves upon their couches; 8:10 - I will turn; Matthew 24:38 - they; Luke 12:20 - God; 16:26 - between; 17:27 - General; Romans 11:9 - their table; James 5:5 - have lived Verse 37had told him1 Samuel 25:22, 25:34 his heartDeuteronomy 28:28; Job 15:21, 15:22; Proverbs 23:29-35ReciprocalExodus 15:16 - still; Joshua 5:1 - neither was; 1 Samuel 28:20 - sore afraid; Esther 1:10 - the heart; Job 34:20 - without; Isaiah 19:3 - the spirit; Jeremiah 4:9 - that the heart; 1 Thessalonians 5:7 - and they Verse 38the Lord1 Samuel 25:33, 6:9; Exodus 12:29; 2 Kings 15:5, 19:35; 2 Chronicles 10:15; Acts 12:23Reciprocal1 Samuel 26:10 - the Lord liveth; 2 Samuel 12:15 - struck the child; 2 Chronicles 13:20 - Lord; Psalm 37:10 - thou; Proverbs 11:29 - that; Ecclesiastes 7:17 - why; Jeremiah 4:9 - that the heart Verse 39Blessed1 Samuel 25:32; Judges 5:2; 2 Samuel 22:47-49; Psalm 58:10, 58:11; Revelation 19:1-4 pleadedProverbs 22:23; Lamentations 3:58-60; Micah 7:9 kept his servant1 Samuel 25:26, 25:34; Hosea 2:6, 2:7; 2 Corinthians 13:7; 1 Thessalonians 5:23; 2 Timothy 4:18 hath returned2 Samuel 3:28, 3:29; 1 Kings 2:44; Esther 7:10; Psalm 7:16 to take herIt is probable that David had heard that Saul, to cut off his pretensions to the throne, had married Michal to Phalti; and this justified him in taking Abigail, it not being then unlawful for a man to have several wives. This conduct of David's corresponds with the manner in which the Oriental princes generally form their matrimonial alliances. "The king of Abyssinia," says Mr. Bruce, "sends an officer to the house where the lady lives, who announces to her that it is the king's pleasure she should remove instantly to the palace. She then dresses herself in the best manner, and immediately obeys. Thenceforward he assigns her an apartment in the palace, and gives her a house elsewhere in any part she chooses." Proverbs 18:22, 19:14, 31:10, 31:30ReciprocalGenesis 24:27 - Blessed; 1 Chronicles 3:1 - of Abigail; Psalm 5:10 - let; 19:13 - Keep; 37:10 - thou; 119:22 - Remove; Isaiah 51:22 - pleadeth; Romans 7:3 - though Verse 40David sentGenesis 24:37, 24:38, 24:51Reciprocal1 Samuel 25:31 - remember Verse 41thineRuth 2:10, 2:13; Proverbs 15:33, 18:12 to washGenesis 18:4; John 13:3-5; 1 Timothy 5:10ReciprocalGenesis 24:32 - wash; Judges 19:21 - they washed; Ruth 3:9 - Ruth; Luke 1:43 - whence; 7:44 - thou; John 13:5 - feet Verse 42AbigailGenesis 24:61-67; Psalm 45:10, 45:11 after herHeb. at her feet, 1 Samuel 25:27Reciprocal27:3 - with his two; 30:5 - two wives; 2 Samuel 2:2 - General; 3:3 - Abigail; 15:16 - after him; 1 Chronicles 3:1 - Ahinoam Verse 43JezreelJoshua 15:56; 2 Samuel 3:2 bothGenesis 2:24; Matthew 19:5, 19:8 his wives1 Samuel 27:3, 30:5; 2 Samuel 5:13-16Reciprocal2:2 - General; 1 Chronicles 3:1 - Ahinoam Verse 44But SaulRather, "For Saul," etc., as the particle ו, wav, frequently signifies; this being the cause why David took another wife.Michal1 Samuel 18:20, 18:27 Phalti2 Samuel 3:14, 3:14, PhaltielGallimThis town appears to have been situated in the tribe of Benjamin, as it is mentioned in Isaiah 10:30, with Michmash, Geba, etc.Reciprocal1 Samuel 14:49 - name of the firstborn; 2 Samuel 3:15 - Phaltiel; 1 Chronicles 15:29 - Michal