2 Chronicles 36
36:1 Jehoahaz succeeding, is deposed by Pharaoh, and carried into Egypt;
36:5 Jehoiakim reigning ill, is carried bound into Babylon;
36:9 Jehoiachin succeeding, reigns ill, and is brought into Babylon;
36:11 Zedekiah succeeding, reigns ill, despises the prophets, and rebels against Nebuchadnezzar;
36:14 Jerusalem, for the sins of the priests and the people, is wholly destroyed;
36:22 The proclamation of Cyrus. Verse 1the people2 Chronicles 26:1, 33:25; 2 Kings 23:30-37 Jehoahaz23:31-34; 1 Chronicles 3:15; Jeremiah 22:11Reciprocal1 Chronicles 3:14 - Josiah; 2 Chronicles 22:1 - the inhabitants; Ezra 2:1 - whom Nebuchadnezzar; Nehemiah 7:6 - whom Nebuchadnezzar; 9:32 - on our kings; Psalm 80:13 - The boar; Proverbs 28:2 - the transgression; Jeremiah 50:17 - this; Ezekiel 19:3 - it became; Matthew 1:11 - Jechonias Verse 2Reciprocal2 Kings 23:30 - the people; Ecclesiastes 10:16 - when; Isaiah 3:4 - children; Ezekiel 19:3 - it became Verse 3put him downHeb. removed him, 2 Kings 23:33 condemnedHeb. mulctedReciprocal23:34 - Eliakim; Psalm 79:1 - the heathen; Jeremiah 4:21 - shall I; Ezekiel 19:1 - the princes; Zephaniah 3:7 - howsoever Verse 4made Eliakim2 Kings 23:34, 23:35; 1 Chronicles 3:15 NechoJeremiah 22:10-12; Ezekiel 19:3, 19:4Reciprocal2 Kings 23:33 - put him; 24:17 - changed; Psalm 79:1 - the heathen; Isaiah 5:5 - I will take; Jeremiah 22:13 - unto; 26:1 - General Verse 5Jehoiakim2 Kings 23:36, 23:37; Jeremiah 22:13-19, 26:21-23, 36:1, 36:27-32Reciprocal2 Kings 17:7 - the Lord; 1 Chronicles 3:14 - Josiah; 2 Chronicles 28:5 - his God; Ecclesiastes 2:21 - whose; 10:16 - when; Isaiah 3:4 - children; Jeremiah 1:3 - It came also; 26:1 - General; 35:1 - in the; Ezekiel 19:6 - he went; Daniel 1:1 - General; 2:1 - in Verse 6am 3397, bc 607came up2 Kings 24:1, 24:2, 24:5, 24:6, 24:13-20; Ezekiel 19:5-9; Daniel 1:1, 1:2; Habakkuk 1:5-10 fettersor, chainsReciprocalDeuteronomy 28:36 - bring thee; 2 Kings 14:13 - took Amaziah; 25:7 - bound him; 2 Chronicles 25:23 - took Amaziah; Ezra 5:12 - into the hand; 6:5 - which Nebuchadnezzar; Psalm 79:1 - the heathen; Isaiah 7:17 - bring upon; Jeremiah 4:21 - shall I; 22:19 - General; Ezekiel 19:1 - the princes; 19:4 - he was; 19:9 - and brought; Habakkuk 1:6 - I raise; 1:10 - scoff Verse 7am 3398, bc 606the vessels2 Kings 24:13; Ezra 1:7-11; Jeremiah 27:16-18, 28:3; Daniel 5:2-4Reciprocal2 Chronicles 36:10 - goodly vessels; 36:18 - all the vessels; Ezra 5:14 - the vessels; 6:5 - which Nebuchadnezzar; Psalm 79:1 - the heathen; Jeremiah 4:21 - shall I; 51:44 - I will bring; Daniel 1:2 - with part Verse 8am 3394-3405, bc 610-599written2 Kings 24:5, 24:6 Jehoiachin1 Chronicles 3:16, 3:17, Jeconiah, Jeremiah 22:24, 22:28, Coniah, Matthew 1:11, 1:12, JechoniasReciprocalJeremiah 22:17 - to shed Verse 9am 3405, bc 599eight years oldThe Syriac, Arabic, and the parallel place - see note on 2 Kings 24:8
have "eighteen years;" which, as Scaliger observes, is no doubt the genuine reading.Reciprocal24:14 - Jerusalem; 1 Chronicles 3:16 - Jeconiah; 9:1 - carried; Esther 2:6 - Jeconiah; Ecclesiastes 10:16 - when; Isaiah 3:4 - children; Jeremiah 22:26 - General; 29:2 - Jeconiah; 37:1 - Coniah; Ezekiel 17:3 - came; 17:12 - Behold
Verse 10when the year was expiredHeb. at the return of the year, king Nebuchadnezzar. 2 Kings 24:10-17, 25:27-30; Jeremiah 29:2; Ezekiel 1:2 goodly vesselsHeb. vessels of desire, 2 Chronicles 36:7; Jeremiah 27:18-22; Daniel 1:1, 1:2, 5:2, 5:23 Zedekiah2 Kings 24:17, Mattaniah his father's brother, 1 Chronicles 3:15, 3:16; Jeremiah 37:1Reciprocal2 Samuel 11:1 - after the year; 2 Kings 14:13 - took Amaziah; 20:17 - shall be carried; 24:12 - Jehoiachin; 24:14 - Jerusalem; 24:15 - he carried; 1 Chronicles 9:1 - carried; 2 Chronicles 4:19 - all the vessels; 25:23 - took Amaziah; 36:18 - all the vessels; Ezra 1:7 - Nebuchadnezzar; 6:5 - which Nebuchadnezzar; Esther 2:6 - Jeconiah; Isaiah 39:6 - that all; 39:7 - of thy sons; Jeremiah 4:21 - shall I; 20:5 - I will deliver; 21:1 - when; 22:26 - General; 24:1 - after; 25:34 - pleasant vessel; 27:20 - when; 28:3 - that; Ezekiel 17:3 - came; 17:12 - Behold; 19:1 - the princes; 26:12 - thy pleasant houses; Nahum 2:9 - pleasant furniture; Habakkuk 1:10 - scoff; Matthew 1:11 - about Verse 11am 3405-3416, bc 599-588one and twenty2 Kings 24:18-20; Jeremiah 52:1-3Reciprocal2 Kings 24:17 - the king; 1 Chronicles 3:14 - Josiah; Ecclesiastes 10:16 - when; Isaiah 3:4 - children; Jeremiah 1:3 - unto the end; 27:12 - Zedekiah; 32:1 - in the; 34:2 - Go Verse 12humbled2 Chronicles 32:26, 33:12, 33:19, 33:23; Exodus 10:3; Daniel 5:22, 5:23; James 4:10; 1 Peter 5:6 before JeremiahJeremiah 21:1-10, 27:12-22, 28:1-17, 34:2-22, 37:2-21, 38:14-28 the mouth2 Chronicles 35:22ReciprocalDeuteronomy 4:25 - do evil; 29:26 - they went; 1 Samuel 15:19 - didst evil; 2 Kings 24:9 - according; 24:19 - And he did; Proverbs 6:3 - go; Jeremiah 34:1 - when; 37:2 - neither; 52:2 - he did Verse 13rebelled2 Kings 24:20; Jeremiah 52:2, 52:3; Ezekiel 17:11-20 who hadJoshua 9:15, 9:19, 9:20; 2 Samuel 21:2 stiffened2 Kings 17:4; Nehemiah 9:16, 9:17; Isaiah 48:4 hardenedExodus 8:15, 8:32, 9:17; Nehemiah 9:29; Romans 2:4, 2:5; Habakkuk 3:8, 3:13ReciprocalExodus 9:34 - and hardened; Deuteronomy 9:6 - a stiffnecked; Joshua 2:12 - swear; 2 Kings 17:14 - but hardened; 2 Chronicles 30:8 - be ye not stiffnecked; Ezra 4:12 - rebellious; Proverbs 29:1 - hardeneth; Jeremiah 27:3 - the messengers; 43:2 - Thou speakest; Ezekiel 2:4 - they; 17:13 - taken an oath of him; 17:15 - he rebelled; 19:14 - fire; 21:23 - to them that have sworn oaths; 21:25 - profane; Daniel 5:20 - hardened; Zechariah 1:2 - Lord Verse 14all the chief2 Kings 16:10-16; Ezra 9:7; Jeremiah 5:5, 37:13-15, 38:4; Ezekiel 22:6, 22:26-28; Daniel 9:6, 9:8; Micah 3:1-4, 3:9-11, 7:2; Zephaniah 3:3, 3:4 very much2 Chronicles 28:3, 33:9 polluted33:4-7; Ezekiel 8:5-16ReciprocalLeviticus 18:27 - General; 19:30 - reverence; 26:43 - they despised; Deuteronomy 12:31 - Thou; 1 Kings 8:33 - because they have; 21:26 - according to; 2 Kings 17:7 - sinned; 21:2 - after the abominations; 2 Chronicles 7:7 - hallowed; 12:2 - because; 24:18 - wrath; 29:8 - Wherefore; 33:2 - like unto; 34:24 - I will bring; Job 34:29 - whether; Isaiah 1:20 - if ye refuse; 1:23 - princes; 5:4 - General; 24:2 - as with the people; 31:6 - deeply; Jeremiah 23:11 - in; 30:15 - for the; Lamentations 1:5 - for; Ezekiel 5:11 - thou hast; 7:20 - but; 8:6 - that I; 9:9 - The iniquity; 11:12 - but; 15:8 - committed a trespass; 22:24 - General; 24:13 - because; 33:29 - because; Amos 2:4 - because; Micah 1:5 - the transgression of Jacob; Matthew 2:4 - the chief Verse 15the Lord2 Chronicles 24:18-21, 33:10; 2 Kings 17:13; Jeremiah 25:3, 25:4, 26:5, 35:15, 44:4, 44:5 his messengersHeb. the hand of his messengersbetimesi.e., continually and carefully. becauseJudges 10:16; 2 Kings 13:23; Hosea 11:8; Luke 19:41-44ReciprocalJudges 2:17 - they would; 2 Kings 17:15 - testimonies; 21:10 - General; 2 Chronicles 24:19 - Yet he sent; Nehemiah 9:29 - testifiedst; 9:30 - testifiedst; Job 33:23 - a messenger; Proverbs 29:1 - General; 31:15 - riseth; Isaiah 7:13 - to weary; 28:10 - For precept; 30:9 - will not; 65:12 - because; Jeremiah 6:10 - the word; 7:13 - and I spake; 7:25 - sent; 9:7 - shall; 13:10 - evil; 32:33 - rising; 35:14 - rising; Ezekiel 2:3 - I send; 3:19 - if thou; Daniel 9:6 - have we; Hosea 11:2 - they called; Amos 2:11 - I raised; Zechariah 1:4 - unto; Matthew 21:34 - he sent; 21:35 - General; 23:30 - the blood; 23:37 - how; Mark 12:2 - a servant; Luke 13:34 - killest; 20:10 - sent; John 4:38 - other; 2 Corinthians 5:20 - as Verse 16mocked2 Chronicles 30:10; Psalm 35:16; Isaiah 28:22; Jeremiah 5:12, 5:13, 20:7; Luke 18:32, 22:63, 22:64; 23:11, 23:36; Acts 2:13, 17:32; Habakkuk 3:1 despisedProverbs 1:24-30; Luke 16:14; Acts 13:41; 1 Thessalonians 4:8 misusedJeremiah 32:3, 38:6; Matthew 5:12, 21:33-41; Acts 7:52 the wrathPsalm 74:1, 79:1-5 tillProverbs 6:15, 29:1 remedyHeb. healingReciprocalGenesis 19:14 - as one; 21:9 - mocking; Leviticus 26:15 - despise; Deuteronomy 6:15 - lest; 8:20 - so shall ye perish; Joshua 23:15 - so shall; 24:19 - he will not; Judges 2:14 - the anger; 2:17 - they would; 2 Samuel 24:19 - as the Lord; 1 Kings 22:8 - but I hate him; 2 Kings 1:10 - If I be a man; 2:23 - mocked; 17:13 - and against; 17:15 - testimonies; 21:9 - they hearkened; 21:14 - the remnant; 22:17 - shall not be; 23:26 - Notwithstanding; 1 Chronicles 19:4 - sent them; 2 Chronicles 24:19 - Yet he sent; 33:10 - General; Ezra 5:12 - But after; 9:7 - into the hand; Nehemiah 9:26 - slew; Job 33:23 - a messenger; Proverbs 1:25 - ye; 5:12 - and my; 9:7 - General; 13:13 - despiseth; Isaiah 5:25 - the anger; 7:13 - to weary; 27:11 - therefore; 28:10 - For precept; 30:9 - will not; 65:12 - because; Jeremiah 2:30 - your own sword; 6:10 - the word; 7:13 - and I spake; 13:10 - evil; 14:19 - no healing; 19:15 - because; 20:8 - the word; 22:21 - I spake; 25:4 - rising; 26:8 - the priests; 30:12 - General; 32:33 - rising; 34:14 - but; 35:14 - rising; 42:18 - As mine; 44:5 - they; 44:23 - ye have burned; Lamentations 2:5 - he hath swallowed up Israel; 3:43 - thou hast slain; Ezekiel 2:3 - I send; 3:19 - if thou; 24:8 - it might; Daniel 9:6 - have we; Hosea 9:17 - because; 11:2 - they called; Amos 5:10 - hate; 8:14 - shall fall; Zephaniah 2:2 - before the fierce; Zechariah 1:4 - unto; 7:12 - therefore; 8:14 - I repented; Matthew 14:10 - and beheaded; 21:34 - he sent; 21:35 - General; 23:37 - how; Mark 12:3 - they; Luke 3:20 - General; 6:23 - for in; 11:48 - for; 13:34 - killest; 20:10 - sent; Acts 19:9 - divers; James 5:10 - for Verse 17he brought2 Chronicles 33:11; Deuteronomy 28:49; 2 Kings 24:2, 24:3; Ezra 9:7; Jeremiah 15:8, 32:42, 40:3; Daniel 9:14 the king2 Kings 25:1-30; Jeremiah 39:1-18, 52:1-34 who slewLeviticus 26:14-46; Deuteronomy 28:15-68, 29:18-28, 30:18, 31:16-18, 32:15-28; Psalm 74:20, 79:2, 79:3; Jeremiah 15:9, 18:21; Lamentations 2:21, 2:22 in the house2 Chronicles 24:21; Lamentations 2:20; Ezekiel 9:5-7; Luke 13:1, 13:2 no compassionDeuteronomy 28:50; Psalm 74:20ReciprocalNumbers 33:56 - General; Deuteronomy 8:20 - so shall ye perish; 28:36 - bring thee; Joshua 23:15 - so shall; 2 Kings 21:14 - the remnant; 1 Chronicles 6:15 - when the Lord; 2 Chronicles 7:22 - therefore; 15:6 - God; 28:5 - delivered him; Ezra 5:12 - But after; Nehemiah 9:27 - thou deliveredst; Psalm 74:4 - Thine; 79:1 - the heathen; Isaiah 3:8 - Jerusalem; 13:18 - their eye; 14:6 - who smote; 27:11 - therefore; 42:24 - General; Jeremiah 4:21 - shall I; 5:10 - ye up; 6:21 - fathers; 9:21 - General; 11:22 - young; 19:15 - because; 20:5 - I will deliver; 21:7 - I will; 22:21 - I spake; 27:22 - carried; 34:22 - I will command; 51:22 - General; Lamentations 2:5 - he hath swallowed up Israel; 3:43 - thou hast slain; 4:16 - they respected; Ezekiel 9:6 - old; 9:7 - General; 23:47 - shall slay; 24:8 - it might; 33:21 - The city; 36:4 - desolate; Habakkuk 1:6 - I raise; Zephaniah 2:2 - before the fierce; Zechariah 1:6 - did Verse 18am 3416, bc 588all the vessels2 Chronicles 36:7, 36:10; 2 Kings 25:13-17; Jeremiah 27:18-22, 52:17-23; Daniel 5:3 treasures2 Kings 20:13-17; Isaiah 39:6; Zechariah 1:6Reciprocal2 Kings 20:17 - shall be carried; 1 Chronicles 9:1 - carried; 2 Chronicles 4:19 - all the vessels; Ezra 1:7 - Nebuchadnezzar; 5:14 - the vessels; 6:5 - which Nebuchadnezzar; Isaiah 14:4 - golden city; Jeremiah 7:14 - as; 27:20 - when; 27:22 - carried; Ezekiel 7:21 - General; Daniel 5:2 - the golden; Luke 21:1 - the treasury Verse 19they burnt2 Kings 25:9; Psalm 74:4-8, 79:1, 79:7; Isaiah 64:10, 64:11; Jeremiah 7:4, 7:14, 52:13; Lamentations 4:1; Micah 3:12; Luke 21:6 brake down2 Kings 25:10, 25:11; Jeremiah 52:14, 52:15ReciprocalLeviticus 26:31 - And I will make; 1 Kings 9:7 - this house; Isaiah 5:6 - I will lay; 27:9 - when; Jeremiah 6:5 - let us destroy; 17:27 - shall devour; 21:10 - it shall; 21:14 - shall; 32:29 - and set; 39:8 - burned; Lamentations 2:7 - given up; Ezekiel 7:21 - General; Amos 3:11 - and thy Verse 20am 3416-3468, bc 588-536And them that had escaped fromHeb. And the remainder fromthey were servantsDeuteronomy 28:47, 28:48; Jeremiah 27:7 until the reign2 Chronicles 36:22; Ezra 1:1-11ReciprocalDeuteronomy 28:36 - bring thee; Esther 2:6 - Jeconiah; Isaiah 24:2 - as with the people; 39:7 - of thy sons; Jeremiah 38:23 - they shall; 52:29 - the eighteenth; Lamentations 1:3 - gone; Ezekiel 14:22 - therein; Micah 2:4 - he hath changed; 2:10 - and; 4:10 - shalt thou; Matthew 1:11 - about Verse 21To fulfilJeremiah 25:9, 25:12, 26:6, 26:7, 27:12, 27:13, 29:10; Daniel 9:2; Zechariah 1:4-6 until the landLeviticus 25:4-6, 26:34, 26:35, 26:43; Zechariah 1:12ReciprocalLeviticus 25:2 - a sabbath; Numbers 14:34 - After; 2 Chronicles 36:22 - that the word; Nehemiah 10:31 - and that we; Psalm 79:7 - laid; Isaiah 5:9 - Of a truth; 24:3 - shall; Jeremiah 1:1 - words; 4:27 - The; 25:11 - seventy; 27:7 - all; 27:22 - until; 38:23 - they shall; 39:16 - Behold; Lamentations 1:3 - gone; Ezekiel 29:11 - forty; 33:28 - I will lay; 36:34 - General; Micah 2:4 - he hath changed; 2:10 - and; Zephaniah 1:2 - I will; Zechariah 7:14 - the land Verse 22am 3468, bc 536, This verse and the next have a double aspect. They look back to the prophecy of Jeremiah, and show how that was accomplished; and they look forward to the history of Ezra, which begins with a repetition of these two last verses.in the firstEzra 1:1-3 CyrusIsaiah 44:28; Daniel 10:1 that the word2 Chronicles 36:21; Jeremiah 25:12, 25:14, 29:10, 32:42-44, 33:10-14; Habakkuk 3:1 the Lord stirred2 Chronicles 21:16; 1 Samuel 26:19; 1 Kings 11:14, 11:23; 1 Chronicles 5:26; Ezra 1:5; Isaiah 13:3-5, 13:17, 13:18, 44:28, 45:1-5; Haggai 1:14 a proclamation2 Chronicles 24:9, 30:5Reciprocal36:20 - until the reign; Ezra 4:3 - king Cyrus; 6:3 - the first year; Isaiah 45:13 - he shall build; Jeremiah 25:11 - seventy; 51:11 - the Lord hath; Daniel 6:28 - and in Verse 23All the kingdomsPsalm 75:5-7; Daniel 2:21, 2:37, 4:35, 5:18, 5:23 he hath chargedIsaiah 44:26-28 Who is there1 Chronicles 22:16, 29:5; Ezra 7:13; Zechariah 2:6, 2:7; Romans 8:31 ReciprocalGenesis 35:11 - a nation; Deuteronomy 2:24 - behold; Ezra 1:1 - Now in the; 4:3 - king Cyrus; 6:3 - the first year; Isaiah 44:28 - saying; 45:13 - he shall build; Jeremiah 50:21 - and do; Daniel 6:28 - and in; 10:1 - Cyrus; Revelation 16:11 - the God