2 Chronicles 28
28:1 Ahaz reigning very wickedly, is greatly afflicted by the Syrians;
28:6 Judah being captivated by the Israelites, is sent home by the counsel of Oded the prophet;
28:16 Ahaz sending for aid to Assyria, is not helped thereby;
28:22 In his distress he grows more idolatrous;
28:26 He dying, Hezekiah succeeds him. Verse 1am 3262-3278, bc 742-726Ahaz2 Kings 16:1, 16:2-20; 1 Chronicles 3:13; Isaiah 1:1, 7:1-12; Hosea 1:1; Micah 1:1; Matthew 1:9 like David his father2 Chronicles 17:3Reciprocal1 Kings 14:8 - my servant David; 2 Kings 15:38 - Ahaz; 2 Chronicles 29:2 - General Verse 2For he walked2 Chronicles 21:6, 22:3, 22:4; 1 Kings 16:31-33; 2 Kings 10:26-28 molten imagesExodus 34:17; Leviticus 19:4 BaalimJudges 2:11, 2:13; Hosea 2:13, 2:17Reciprocal2 Kings 16:3 - he walked; 2 Chronicles 29:6 - For our fathers; 33:3 - he reared; Isaiah 2:8 - is full; Jeremiah 32:35 - they built; Micah 1:5 - they Verse 3burnt incenseor, offered sacrificethe valley2 Kings 23:10; Jeremiah 7:31, 7:32, 19:2-6, 19:13 burnt2 Chronicles 33:6; Leviticus 18:21; 2 Kings 16:3; Psalm 106:37, 106:38; Jeremiah 2:34, 32:35; Ezekiel 16:20, 16:21; Micah 6:7 after the abominations2 Chronicles 33:2; Deuteronomy 12:31ReciprocalLeviticus 20:2 - giveth; Deuteronomy 18:10 - maketh; Joshua 15:8 - valley of the son; 18:16 - the valley of the son; 2 Kings 17:17 - they caused; 21:6 - he made; 2 Chronicles 28:25 - burn; 36:14 - very much; Isaiah 57:5 - slaying; Jeremiah 19:5 - to burn; Ezekiel 11:12 - but; 20:26 - in that Verse 4Leviticus 26:30; Deuteronomy 12:2, 12:3; 2 Kings 16:4ReciprocalLeviticus 17:5 - in the open; 1 Kings 14:23 - groves; 2 Kings 15:30 - in the twentieth Verse 5his God2 Chronicles 36:5; Exodus 20:2, 20:3 delivered him2 Chronicles 24:24, 33:11, 36:17; Judges 2:14; 2 Kings 16:5, 16:6; Isaiah 7:1, 7:6 DamascusHeb. DarmesekReciprocalNumbers 31:9 - General; 1 Samuel 4:10 - a very great; 2 Samuel 24:14 - let me not; 2 Kings 16:9 - went up; 17:20 - delivered; 19:4 - the remnant; 2 Chronicles 25:22 - put to the worse; 28:9 - because the Lord God; 28:10 - the Lord; 29:9 - our fathers; 33:12 - the Lord; Psalm 50:7 - I am; Isaiah 1:7 - country; 3:8 - Jerusalem; 5:13 - my people; 17:1 - Damascus; Ezekiel 16:57 - reproach; Hosea 10:11 - Judah; Micah 2:8 - risen Verse 6Pekah2 Kings 15:27, 15:37; Isaiah 7:4, 7:5, 7:9, 9:21 an hundred2 Chronicles 13:17 valiant menHeb. sons of valourbecause15:2; Deuteronomy 6:14, 6:15, 28:15, 28:25, 29:24-26, 31:16, 31:17, 32:20; Joshua 23:16; 24:20; Isaiah 1:28, 24:5, 24:6; Jeremiah 2:19, 15:6ReciprocalJudges 8:10 - fell an hundred; 20:48 - smote them; 1 Samuel 4:10 - a very great; 2 Samuel 18:7 - twenty thousand men; 1 Kings 20:29 - an hundred thousand; 2 Kings 15:25 - Pekah; 17:20 - delivered; 19:4 - the remnant; 2 Chronicles 25:22 - put to the worse; 29:8 - he hath delivered; 34:21 - that are left; Proverbs 17:14 - beginning; Isaiah 28:1 - whose; Ezekiel 16:57 - reproach; Amos 6:13 - Have; Zephaniah 3:7 - howsoever Verse 7next to the kingHeb. the second to the king, Genesis 41:43, 43:12, 43:15; Esther 10:3

Verse 8carriedDeuteronomy 28:25, 28:41 brethren2 Chronicles 11:4; Acts 7:26, 13:26ReciprocalNumbers 31:9 - General; 31:18 - keep alive for yourselves; Judges 8:10 - fell an hundred; 2 Kings 6:22 - wouldest; Isaiah 14:17 - opened not the house of his prisoners; Joel 3:3 - General; Micah 2:8 - securely Verse 9he went out2 Chronicles 19:1, 19:2, 25:15, 25:16; 1 Kings 20:13, 20:22, 20:42; 2 Kings 20:14, 20:15 BeholdTo this beautiful speech nothing can be added by the best comment: it is simple, humane, pious, and overwhelmingly convincing; and it is no wonder that it produced the effect here described. That there was much humanity, as well as firmness, in the heads of the children of Ephraim, who joined with the prophet of Jehovah on this occasion, their subsequent conduct, as detailed in the 2 Chronicles 28:15, sufficiently proves. They did not barely dismiss these most unfortunate captives, but they took that very spoil which their victorious army had taken, and with clothed, shod, fed, and anointed these distressed people, set the feeblest of them upon asses, and escorted them safely to Jericho! We can scarcely find a parallel to this in the universal history of the wars which savage man has carried on against his fellows from the foundation of the world. The compliance also of the whole army, in leaving both the captives and spoil to the disposal of the princes, was really wonderful, and perhaps unparalleled in history. Both the princes and army are worthy to be held up to the admiration and imitation of mankind.because the Lord God28:5; Judges 3:8; Psalm 69:26; Isaiah 10:5-7, 47:6; Jeremiah 15:17, 15:18; Ezekiel 25:12-17; 26:2, 26:3; Obadiah 1:10-16; Zechariah 1:15 reachethGenesis 4:10, 11:4; Ezra 9:6; Revelation 18:5ReciprocalExodus 3:15 - The Lord; 1 Kings 12:24 - Ye shall not go up; 1 Chronicles 21:13 - but let me; 2 Chronicles 11:4 - they obeyed; Nehemiah 5:7 - I set a great assembly; Jeremiah 51:9 - her judgment; Daniel 4:22 - thy greatness; Joel 3:3 - General; Matthew 5:44 - General; 7:3 - but Verse 10keepLeviticus 25:39-46 not withJeremiah 25:29; Matthew 7:2-4; Romans 12:20, 12:21; 1 Peter 4:17, 4:18 the Lord2 Chronicles 28:5ReciprocalJoshua 7:13 - an accursed; Judges 20:21 - destroyed; Nehemiah 1:6 - both I; Jeremiah 34:14 - At the; Matthew 7:3 - but Verse 11deliverIsaiah 58:6; Jeremiah 34:14, 34:15; Habakkuk 3:1-13:3 the fierceEzra 10:14; Matthew 5:7, 7:2; James 2:13Reciprocal2 Chronicles 30:8 - the fierceness Verse 12the heads1 Chronicles 28:1 stood upJeremiah 26:6Reciprocal2 Chronicles 28:15 - expressed by name; Isaiah 7:2 - is confederate with; Jeremiah 22:11 - Shallum Verse 13add moreNumbers 32:14; Joshua 22:17, 22:18; Matthew 23:32, 23:35; Romans 2:5ReciprocalJoshua 22:15 - General; 1 Kings 12:24 - They hearkened; 2 Chronicles 24:18 - wrath; 30:8 - the fierceness; Ezra 10:10 - to increase; Job 36:13 - heap; Hosea 13:2 - now Verse 14ReciprocalNehemiah 5:12 - We will restore Verse 15expressed by name2 Chronicles 28:12 clothedJob 31:15-23; Isaiah 58:7; Matthew 25:35-45; Acts 9:39; 1 Timothy 5:10; James 2:15, 2:16; 1 John 3:17, 3:18 gave them2 Kings 6:22; Proverbs 25:21, 25:22; Luke 6:27, 8:27, 8:35; Romans 12:20, 12:21 carried15:1 the cityDeuteronomy 34:3; Judges 1:16Reciprocal2 Kings 6:23 - he prepared; 2 Chronicles 28:9 - Behold; 31:19 - the men; Nehemiah 5:12 - We will restore; Job 31:19 - General Verse 16did king2 Kings 16:5-7; Isaiah 7:1-9, 7:17 the kingsInstead of malchey, "kings," the Chaldee, Syriac, Arabic, and Vulgate, one manuscript, and the parallel place, have mailech, "king.ReciprocalJudges 1:16 - city of palm; 2 Kings 15:30 - in the twentieth; Isaiah 1:7 - country; 33:1 - thee that; Jeremiah 2:36 - as thou wast; Ezekiel 23:12 - upon; Hosea 5:10 - remove; 5:13 - went Verse 17the Edomites2 Chronicles 25:11, 25:12; Leviticus 26:18; Obadiah 1:10, 1:13, 1:14 captivesHeb. a captivityReciprocalGenesis 27:40 - that thou; 2 Chronicles 29:9 - our fathers; Ezekiel 25:12 - Because; Joel 3:4 - and what; Amos 1:11 - because Verse 18PhilistinesEzekiel 16:27, 16:57 BethshemeshJoshua 15:10; 1 Samuel 6:9 Ajalon2 Chronicles 11:10, AijalonGederothJoshua 15:41 Shocho15:48, SocohTimnahJudges 14:1, TimnathReciprocal1 Samuel 17:1 - Shochoh; 2 Kings 18:8 - the Philistines; Isaiah 3:8 - Jerusalem; 9:12 - Syrians; 14:29 - because; Ezekiel 25:12 - Because; 25:15 - dealt; Joel 3:4 - and what; Amos 1:6 - Gaza Verse 19the LordDeuteronomy 28:43; 1 Samuel 2:7; Job 40:12; Psalm 106:41-43; Proverbs 29:23 because of AhazHosea 5:11; Micah 6:16 Israel2 Chronicles 21:2 made JudahGenesis 3:7, 3:11; Exodus 32:25; Revelation 3:17, 3:18, 16:15ReciprocalProverbs 29:18 - perish; Isaiah 7:17 - bring upon; 37:4 - for the; Lamentations 4:21 - and shalt; Ezekiel 16:27 - daughters Verse 20am 3264, bc 740Tilgathpilneser2 Kings 15:29, 16:7-10, Tiglath-pileser, 1 Chronicles 5:26; Hosea 5:13 distressed him2 Kings 17:5; Isaiah 7:20, 30:3, 30:16; Jeremiah 2:37Reciprocal2 Kings 16:8 - the silver; 2 Chronicles 30:6 - escaped; Proverbs 25:19 - General; Isaiah 10:20 - no more; 30:6 - riches; Jeremiah 2:18 - or what hast; 2:36 - as thou wast; 50:17 - first; Hosea 2:7 - she shall follow Verse 21took away2 Chronicles 12:9; 2 Kings 18:15, 18:16; Proverbs 20:25Reciprocal2 Kings 15:29 - Tiglathpileser; 16:8 - the silver; 2 Chronicles 16:2 - brought out; Proverbs 25:19 - General; Isaiah 7:20 - shave; Jeremiah 2:18 - or what hast; 2:36 - as thou wast; Hosea 5:13 - yet Verse 22in the2 Chronicles 33:12; Psalm 50:15; Isaiah 1:5; Ezekiel 21:13; Hosea 5:15; Revelation 16:9-11 this isEsther 7:6; Psalm 52:7ReciprocalGenesis 10:9 - Even; Exodus 9:34 - and hardened; 1 Kings 21:1 - after; 2 Kings 23:37 - all that; 2 Chronicles 16:12 - in his disease; 24:7 - that wicked; 33:23 - trespassed more and more; Job 15:26 - runneth; 35:10 - none; 36:13 - heap; Proverbs 27:22 - General; Isaiah 7:12 - I will not ask; 9:13 - the people; 57:10 - There is; Jeremiah 2:25 - after; 2:30 - In vain; 5:3 - thou hast stricken; 11:12 - go; 32:3 - Zedekiah; Ezekiel 22:24 - General; 31:18 - This is; Daniel 4:17 - the basest; Amos 4:6 - yet; Haggai 2:17 - yet; Luke 15:15 - he went; 23:40 - seeing; John 5:14 - lest; Acts 7:37 - that; Revelation 9:20 - yet Verse 23For he sacrificedThis passage, says Mr. Hallet, greatly surprised me; for the sacred historian is here represented as saying, "The gods of Damascus had smitten Ahaz." But it is impossible to suppose that an inspired author should say this; for the Scripture every where represents the heathen idols as nothing and vanity, and as incapable of doing either good or hurt. All difficulty is avoided if we follow the old Hebrew copies, from which the Greek translation was made: "And king Ahaz said, I will seek to the gods of Damascus which have smitten me." 2 Chronicles 25:14; 2 Kings 16:12, 16:13 DamascusHeb. DarmesekBecause the godsHabakkuk 1:11 sacrifice to themJeremiah 10:5, 44:15-18 But they wereIsaiah 1:28; Jeremiah 44:20-28; Hosea 13:9ReciprocalJudges 10:6 - Baalim; 2 Kings 16:10 - saw an altar; 2 Chronicles 21:2 - Israel; 29:6 - For our fathers; Job 35:10 - none; Proverbs 13:6 - wickedness; 27:22 - General; Isaiah 2:8 - is full; 17:1 - Damascus; 57:10 - There is; Ezekiel 16:28 - General; Micah 1:5 - they Verse 24cut in pieces2 Kings 16:17, 16:18, 25:13-17 shut up2 Chronicles 29:3, 29:7 he made33:3-5; Jeremiah 2:28; Hosea 12:11; Acts 17:16, 17:23Reciprocal2 Chronicles 29:19 - all the vessels; 30:14 - altars; Nehemiah 6:10 - let us shut; Ezekiel 16:16 - General Verse 25burnor, offer, 2 Chronicles 28:3 *marg.Reciprocal2 Kings 16:12 - approached; 17:11 - burnt; Acts 22:14 - The God Verse 26the rest2 Chronicles 20:34, 27:7-9; 2 Kings 16:19, 16:20

Verse 27am 3278, bc 726they brought2 Chronicles 21:20, 26:23, 33:20; 1 Samuel 2:30; Proverbs 10:7 the kings of IsraelOr, "the kings of Judah;" the name Israel being sometimes applied by the writer of this book, in a general way, to Judah. The Hebrews were accustomed to honour the memory of those kings who had reigned well, by depositing their remains in the royal cemetery. On the contrary, those who died under the disapprobation of the people, as a mark of posthumous disgrace, were denied interment with their predecessors, and were buried in some other place in Jerusalem. So it was with Ahaz, who, though brought into the city, was not buried in the sepulchres of the kings of Judah. It was doubtless with a design to make a suitable impression on the minds of their kings while living, that such distinctions were observed. They might thus restrain them from evil, or excite them to good, according as they were fearful of being execrated, or desirous of being honoured, when dead.Reciprocal1 Kings 11:43 - buried; 2 Kings 16:20 - buried; 18:1 - Hezekiah; 21:18 - and was buried; 2 Chronicles 24:25 - not; Nehemiah 2:3 - the place; Isaiah 14:28 - General; Matthew 1:9 - Ezekias