2 Chronicles 21
21:1 Jehoram, succeeding Jehoshaphat, slays his brethren;
21:5 His wicked reign;
21:8 Edom and Libnah revolt;
21:12 The prophecy of Elijah against him in writing;
21:16 Philistines and Arabians oppress him;
21:18 His incurable disease, infamous death, and burial. Verse 1am 3115, bc 889Jehoshaphat1 Kings 22:50 was buried2 Chronicles 21:20, 9:31, 12:16 Jehoram2 Kings 8:16, 8:17 reigned"Alone.Reciprocal2 Samuel 2:32 - buried; 2 Kings 8:24 - Ahaziah; 1 Chronicles 3:11 - Joram; Matthew 1:8 - Joram; Acts 13:36 - and was Verse 2IsraelJehoshaphat was certainly not king of Israel, but of Judah: Yisrael must therefore be a mistake for Yehoodah; which is the reading of thirty-eight of Dr. Kennicott's and De Rossi's manuscripts, and of the Syriac, Arabic, Septuagint, and Vulgate. 2 Chronicles 21:4, 12:6, 23:2, 24:5, 24:16, 28:19, 28:23, 28:27, 33:18, 35:18

Verse 3gave them2 Chronicles 11:23; Genesis 25:6; Deuteronomy 21:15-17 the kingdomHe associated him with himself in the kingdom about three years before his death, and in the fifth year of Joram king of Israel; so that Jehoram reigned three years with his father, and five years alone, in all eight years.Jehoram"Jehoram made partner of the kingdom with his father, 1 Kings 8:16.ReciprocalGenesis 24:53 - precious; Deuteronomy 21:16 - General; Ezekiel 46:16 - If the prince Verse 4slew all2 Chronicles 21:17, 22:8, 22:10; Genesis 4:8; Judges 9:5, 9:56, 9:57; 1 John 3:12Reciprocal1 Kings 1:12 - the life; 2 Kings 3:7 - wilt thou go; 10:7 - slew seventy; 2 Chronicles 21:2 - Israel; 21:13 - hast slain; 22:9 - the house Verse 5am 3112-3119, bc 892-885Jehoram"In consort, 2 Kings 8:17." 2 Chronicles 21:5Reciprocal1 Kings 22:50 - Jehoram; 2 Chronicles 21:20 - Thirty and two Verse 6in the way1 Kings 16:25-33 he had2 Chronicles 18:1, 22:2; 2 Kings 8:18; Nehemiah 13:25, 13:26Reciprocal1 Kings 11:2 - surely; 22:44 - made peace; 2 Chronicles 28:2 - For he walked; Jeremiah 44:19 - without Verse 7Howbeit2 Chronicles 22:11; Isaiah 7:6, 7:7 because2 Samuel 23:5; Psalm 89:28-34, 89:39; Jeremiah 33:20-26 as he promised2 Samuel 7:12-17; 1 Kings 11:13, 11:36; 2 Kings 8:19; Psalm 132:11, 132:17, 18-135:21; Luke 1:69, 1:79 lightHeb. lamp, or candleReciprocal1 Kings 15:4 - give him; 2 Chronicles 23:3 - as the Lord; Isaiah 7:13 - O house; 59:15 - displeased him; Jeremiah 33:21 - may Verse 8am 3115, bc 889the EdomitesGenesis 27:40; 2 Kings 8:20-22 dominionHeb. handand made1 Kings 22:47; 2 Kings 3:9Reciprocal3:5 - General; 2 Chronicles 25:12 - broken in pieces Verse 10LibnahJoshua 21:13; 2 Kings 19:8 because2 Chronicles 13:10, 15:2; Deuteronomy 32:21; 1 Kings 11:31, 11:33; Jeremiah 2:13ReciprocalGenesis 27:40 - that thou; 2 Kings 8:22 - Libnah; Isaiah 37:8 - Libnah Verse 11MoreoverDeuteronomy 12:2-4; 1 Kings 11:7; Psalm 78:58; Ezekiel 20:28 caused1 Kings 14:9, 14:16; 2 Kings 21:11; Habakkuk 2:15; Revelation 2:20 fornication2 Chronicles 21:13; Leviticus 17:7, 20:5; 2 Kings 9:22; Psalm 106:39; Ezekiel 16:15-63; Revelation 2:20-22; 17:1-5 compelled2 Chronicles 33:9; Daniel 3:5, 3:6, 3:15; Revelation 13:15-17, 17:5, 17:6Reciprocal2 Kings 8:23 - General; 17:19 - Also Judah; 1 Chronicles 5:25 - a whoring; Matthew 19:9 - except Verse 12am 3116, bc 888a writing"Which was writ before his assumption." 2 Kings 2:1; Jeremiah 36:2, 36:23, 36:28-32; Ezekiel 2:9, 2:10; Daniel 5:5, 5:25-29 Elijah the prophetIf the account of the translation of Elijah be given in the order in which it happened, then it occurred in the reign of Jehoshaphat, the father of Jehoram. Hence, it is probable that he wrote it before his assumption, and left it to be delivered by Elisha or one of the prophets. 2 Kings 2:11 in the ways of Jehoshaphat2 Chronicles 17:3, 17:4; 1 Kings 22:43 in the ways of Asa2 Chronicles 14:2-5; 1 Kings 15:11ReciprocalHosea 5:1 - O house; 6:5 - have I Verse 13in the way1 Kings 16:25, 16:30-33 a whoring2 Chronicles 21:11; Exodus 34:15; Deuteronomy 31:16; 2 Kings 9:22; Jeremiah 3:8, 3:9 hast slain2 Chronicles 21:4; Genesis 4:10-12, 42:21, 42:22; Judges 9:56, 9:57; 1 Kings 2:31-33; Isaiah 26:21; Habakkuk 2:12; 1 John 3:12Reciprocal1 Kings 2:32 - more righteous; 2 Kings 8:18 - the house; 17:19 - Also Judah; 1 Chronicles 5:25 - a whoring; 2 Chronicles 24:18 - And they left; Hosea 1:2 - for; 4:12 - gone Verse 14plagueHeb. stroke, Leviticus 26:21 thy peopleMany of the people had concurred in Jehoram's idolatry, and some of them must have been instruments in his base, unnatural murders; they were therefore joined in his punishment, and he suffered by the loss of his subjects. Hosea 5:11; Micah 6:16 thy childrenExodus 20:5Reciprocal2 Kings 1:2 - was sick Verse 15by diseaseThis is supposed to have been a violent dysentery, a disease which is often attended with symptoms similar to those described in the text; by the same death perished Antiochus Ephiphenes, and Herod Agrippa. 2 Chronicles 21:18, 21:19; Numbers 5:27; Deuteronomy 28:61; Acts 12:23 thy bowels fallPsalm 109:18; Acts 1:18 the sickness2 Chronicles 21:18; Deuteronomy 28:27, 28:37, 28:59, 28:67ReciprocalNumbers 5:21 - rot; 2 Kings 1:2 - was sick; Zechariah 14:12 - Their flesh; Revelation 16:2 - a noisome Verse 16am 3117, bc 887the Lord2 Chronicles 33:11; 1 Samuel 26:19; 2 Samuel 24:1; 1 Kings 11:11, 11:14, 11:23; Ezra 1:1, 1:5; Isaiah 10:5, 10:6; 45:5-7; Amos 3:6 Philistines2 Chronicles 17:11Reciprocal22:1 - slain; 24:25 - great diseases; 26:6 - warred against; 26:7 - the Arabians; 36:22 - the Lord stirred; Joel 3:4 - and what; Amos 1:6 - carried Verse 17carried awayHeb. carried captive, Job 5:3, 5:4 his sons also2 Chronicles 22:1, 24:7 Jehoahaz22:1, Ahaziah, 22:6, AzariahReciprocal2 Kings 8:24 - Ahaziah; 10:13 - the brethren; 11:18 - brake they; 1 Chronicles 3:11 - Ahaziah; 2 Chronicles 16:6 - Geba; 21:4 - slew all; 22:9 - the house; 25:23 - Jehoahaz; Amos 1:6 - carried Verse 18am 3117-3119, bc 887-885And after all"His son Ahaziah Prorex, soon after."an incurable disease2 Chronicles 21:15; 2 Kings 9:29; Acts 12:23Reciprocal2 Chronicles 24:25 - great diseases; Psalm 38:7 - my loins; Zechariah 14:12 - Their flesh; Revelation 16:2 - a noisome Verse 19made no2 Chronicles 16:14; Jeremiah 34:5Reciprocal1 Kings 13:22 - carcase; 2 Kings 9:29 - in the eleventh; 2 Chronicles 21:15 - by disease; 24:25 - great diseases; Psalm 38:7 - my loins; Jeremiah 22:18 - They; Zechariah 14:12 - Their flesh; Acts 12:23 - and he Verse 20am 3119, bc 885Thirty and two2 Chronicles 21:5 without being desiredHeb. without desire, That is, without being regretted: no one wished him to live any longer. He was hated while he lived, and neglected when he died. 23:21; Proverbs 10:7; Jeremiah 22:18, 22:28Reciprocal1 Kings 11:43 - buried; 13:22 - carcase; 2 Kings 8:25 - General; 14:20 - he was buried; 21:18 - and was buried; 2 Chronicles 21:1 - was buried; 22:9 - the son of Jehoshaphat; 24:25 - not; 26:23 - they buried him; 28:27 - they brought; Nehemiah 2:3 - the place; Job 4:20 - without; Jeremiah 34:5 - and they