2 Chronicles 17
17:1 Jehoshaphat, succeeding Asa, reigns well, and prospers;
17:7 He sends Levites with the princes to teach Judah;
17:10 His enemies being terrified by God, some of them bring him presents and tribute;
17:12 His greatness, captains, and armies. Verse 1Jehoshaphat1 Kings 15:24, 22:41; 1 Chronicles 11:10; Matthew 1:8, Josaphatand strengthened2 Chronicles 12:1, 26:8, 32:5; 1 Samuel 23:16; Ezekiel 7:27; Ephesians 6:10Reciprocal1 Chronicles 3:10 - Jehoshaphat Verse 2placed forces2 Chronicles 11:11, 11:12 in the cities15:8ReciprocalGenesis 49:8 - thy hand; 2 Samuel 8:6 - garrisons; 2 Chronicles 17:19 - put in; 32:5 - he strengthened Verse 3the Lord2 Chronicles 15:2, 15:9; Genesis 39:2, 39:3, 39:21; Exodus 3:12, 4:12; Joshua 1:5, 1:9; Judges 2:18, 6:12; 2 Samuel 5:10; 1 Chronicles 22:18; Psalm 46:7, 46:11; Isaiah 8:10, 41:10; Matthew 1:23, 18:20; 28:20; 2 Timothy 4:22 he walked2 Samuel 8:15; 1 Kings 11:6, 15:3, 15:4; 2 Kings 14:3, 16:2, 18:3, 22:2; Psalm 132:1-5 his father Davidor, his father, and of David, 2 Chronicles 14:2-5, 14:11, 15:8-13 soughtJudges 2:11, 8:33; Jeremiah 2:23Reciprocal1 Kings 2:4 - walk; 3:3 - walking; 3:14 - as thy; 11:4 - his heart; 14:8 - my servant David; 22:43 - he walked; 2 Kings 3:14 - I regard; 2 Chronicles 19:3 - good things; 20:32 - he walked; 21:12 - in the ways of Jehoshaphat; 22:9 - the son of Jehoshaphat; 28:1 - like David his father; 34:2 - right in the sight; Matthew 25:16 - went Verse 4walkedLuke 1:6; 1 Thessalonians 2:12, 4:1 not after1 Kings 12:28, 12:30, 12:33, 13:33, 13:34, 16:31-33; 2 Kings 8:18, 17:19; Jeremiah 3:7, 3:8; Hosea 4:15Reciprocal1 Kings 3:14 - as thy; 2 Chronicles 21:12 - in the ways of Jehoshaphat; 22:9 - the son of Jehoshaphat Verse 5am 3091, bc 913the Lord2 Samuel 7:25, 7:26; 1 Kings 9:4, 9:5; Psalm 127:1, 132:12; 1 Peter 5:10 broughtHeb. gavepresents2 Chronicles 32:23; 1 Samuel 10:27; 1 Kings 4:21, 10:25; Psalm 68:29, 72:10, 76:11; Matthew 2:11 he had riches2 Chronicles 1:15, 9:27, 18:1, 32:27-29; Genesis 13:2, 26:13, 26:14; Deuteronomy 8:13, 8:14; 1 Kings 10:27; Job 42:12; Matthew 6:33ReciprocalJoshua 22:8 - Return; 2 Chronicles 17:11 - brought; Luke 19:2 - and he Verse 6his heartDeuteronomy 28:47; Job 22:26 lifted upthat is, was encouragedin the waysPsalm 18:21, 18:22, 119:1, 138:5; Hosea 14:9; Acts 13:10 he took away2 Chronicles 14:3, 15:17, 19:3, 20:33, 31:1, 34:3-7; 1 Kings 22:43Reciprocal2 Kings 15:4 - the high places; Luke 19:2 - and he Verse 7am 3092, bc 912he sentIn these verse we have an account of a remarkable itinerant ministry established by Jehoshaphat, in which three classes of men were employed:

1. The Princes

2. The Levites

3. The Priests

We may presume that the Princes instructed the people in the nature of the civil law and constitution of the kingdom; that the Levites instructed them in every thing that appertained to the temple service, and ritual law; and that the Priests instructed them in the nature and design of their religion. Thus the nation became thoroughly instructed in their duty to God, to the king, and to each other; they therefore became as one man; and against a people thus united, on such principles, no enemy could be successful. Deuteronomy 4:5; Psalm 34:11, 51:13; Ecclesiastes 1:12, 12:9, 12:10; Isaiah 49:23 to teach2 Chronicles 15:3, 30:22, 35:3; Deuteronomy 33:10; Nehemiah 8:7, 8:8, 8:13, 8:14, 9:3; Matthew 4:23; Mark 4:2; Luke 4:43, 4:44; Acts 1:1ReciprocalLeviticus 14:42 - General; Numbers 21:18 - princes; 2 Chronicles 34:30 - he read; Ezra 7:25 - teach ye; Nehemiah 8:2 - congregation
Verse 8priestsEzra 7:1-6; Malachi 2:7ReciprocalDeuteronomy 33:10 - They shall teach; Joshua 3:8 - command; 2 Chronicles 15:3 - a teaching; 19:8 - Levites; 35:3 - the Levites; Ezra 7:10 - and to teach Verse 9they taught2 Chronicles 35:3; Nehemiah 8:7 the bookDeuteronomy 6:6-9, 31:11-13; Joshua 1:7, 1:8; Isaiah 8:20; Matthew 15:2-9, 28:19, 28:20; Luke 4:17-19; John 5:39, 5:46; Acts 13:15, 15:21, 28:23; Romans 3:2; 1 Peter 4:11 throughoutMatthew 10:23, 11:1; Acts 8:40ReciprocalLeviticus 10:11 - General; Joshua 3:8 - command; 2 Kings 23:2 - he read; 2 Chronicles 15:3 - a teaching; 30:22 - taught; Ezra 7:10 - and to teach; Psalm 74:8 - all the synagogues; Malachi 2:7 - the priest's; Acts 10:38 - who Verse 10the fear2 Chronicles 14:14; Genesis 35:5; Exodus 15:14-16; Joshua 2:9-11 fellHeb. wasso that2 Chronicles 16:9; Exodus 34:24; Proverbs 16:7Reciprocal1 Samuel 11:7 - the fear; 2 Chronicles 20:29 - the fear Verse 11brought2 Chronicles 17:5, 9:14, 26:8; 2 Samuel 8:2; 2 Kings 3:4Reciprocal2 Chronicles 21:16 - Philistines; 26:7 - the Arabians; 32:23 - presents; Ezra 4:20 - toll; Ezekiel 27:21 - in lambs; Acts 2:11 - Arabians Verse 12am 3092-3115, bc 912-889waxed great2 Chronicles 18:1; 1 Chronicles 29:25 in Judah2 Chronicles 8:2-6, 11:5-12, 14:6, 14:7, 26:6-9, 27:4, 32:5, 32:27-29 castlesor, palacesReciprocalDeuteronomy 33:7 - let his hands; 1 Samuel 11:8 - the children; 1 Chronicles 27:1 - served; 2 Chronicles 8:6 - the store cities; 16:4 - the store cities; 17:19 - put in Verse 13much business2 Chronicles 26:10-15; 1 Chronicles 27:25-31ReciprocalNumbers 1:3 - able; 1 Chronicles 7:11 - mighty men Verse 14the numbersGenesis 12:2, 13:16, 15:5 to the houseNumbers 1:2, 1:18 three hundred2 Chronicles 11:1, 13:3, 14:8, 26:13ReciprocalGenesis 49:8 - thy hand; Numbers 1:26 - General; 1:27 - General; 1:46 - General; Judges 20:17 - four hundred; 1 Kings 12:21 - an hundred; 2 Chronicles 25:5 - three; 32:6 - he set captains Verse 15next to himHeb. at this hand, 2 Chronicles 17:15

Verse 16willinglyJudges 5:2, 5:9; 1 Chronicles 29:9, 29:14, 29:17; Psalm 110:3; 2 Corinthians 8:3-5, 8:12

Verse 17armed men2 Chronicles 14:8; 2 Samuel 1:21, 1:22ReciprocalNumbers 1:37 - General; Deuteronomy 33:12 - The beloved; 1 Chronicles 7:7 - were reckoned Verse 18Reciprocal1 Chronicles 7:7 - were reckoned Verse 19put in2 Chronicles 17:2, 17:12, 11:12, 11:23Reciprocal11:11 - captains; 33:14 - put