2 Chronicles 12
12:1 Rehoboam, forsaking the Lord, is punished by Shishak;
12:5 He and the princes, repenting at the preaching of Shemaiah, are delivered from destruction, but not from spoil;
12:13 The reign and death of Rehoboam. Verse 1am 3032, bc 972when Rehoboam2 Chronicles 12:13, 11:17 he forsook26:13-16; Deuteronomy 6:10-12, 8:10-14, 32:15, 32:18; 1 Kings 9:9; Jeremiah 2:31; Hosea 13:1; 13:6-8 all Israel2 Chronicles 11:3; 1 Kings 12:17, 14:22-24; 2 Kings 17:19; Hosea 5:10, 5:11; Micah 6:16Reciprocal2 Chronicles 12:5 - Ye have forsaken me; 15:2 - if ye forsake; 17:1 - and strengthened; 32:5 - he strengthened; 34:14 - the law; Psalm 89:38 - wroth; Matthew 1:7 - Abia Verse 2am 3034, bc 970Shishak1 Kings 11:40, 14:24-26 because2 Chronicles 7:19, 7:20, 36:14-19; Judges 2:13-15; 1 Chronicles 28:9; Nehemiah 9:26, 9:27; Psalm 106:43, 106:44; Isaiah 63:10; Jeremiah 2:19, 44:22, 44:23; Lamentations 5:15Reciprocal1 Kings 14:25 - Shishak; 2 Kings 7:6 - the kings of the Egyptians; 2 Chronicles 6:28 - their enemies; 12:5 - Ye have forsaken me; 14:9 - Zerah; 34:25 - Because; Psalm 89:40 - brought; Isaiah 18:2 - to a people Verse 3twelve hundredJudges 4:13; 1 Samuel 13:5; 2 Samuel 10:18 without number2 Chronicles 14:9; Judges 6:5; Revelation 9:16 LubimsLubim, apparently the same with Lehabim - Genesis 10:13
were probably the ancient inhabitants of Lybia - called Lubi in the Syriac version, Acts 2:10
a district of Africa, adjoining to Egypt, and extending along the shore of the Mediterranean as far as the city of Cyrene. 2 Chronicles 16:8; Ezekiel 30:5; Nahum 3:9 the SukkiimsThe Sukkiim (from sachach, "to cover") are supposed to have been the Troglodites, as the LXX and Vulgate render, a people of Egypt, on the west of the Red Sea, so called because they dwelt εν τρωγλαις, in caves.EthiopiansThese Cushim were probably the inhabitants of Ethiopia, south of Egypt. 2 Chronicles 14:12, 16:8; Isaiah 43:3; Daniel 11:43; Nahum 3:9, Cushim, Heb. Genesis 10:6-8Reciprocal2 Kings 7:6 - the kings of the Egyptians
Verse 4the fenced2 Chronicles 11:5-12; Isaiah 36:1; Jeremiah 5:10 came2 Kings 18:17; Isaiah 8:8, 10:11

Verse 5Shemaiah2 Chronicles 11:2; 1 Kings 12:22 Ye have forsaken me2 Chronicles 12:1, 12:2, 15:2; Deuteronomy 28:15-68; Judges 10:9-14; 1 Chronicles 28:9; Jeremiah 2:19, 4:18, 5:19; 23:33 left you2 Samuel 24:14; Psalm 37:33Reciprocal2 Chronicles 12:15 - Shemaiah; Proverbs 6:3 - when Verse 6humbled2 Chronicles 32:26, 33:12, 33:19, 33:23; Exodus 10:3; Leviticus 26:40, 26:41; 1 Kings 8:37-39; Psalm 78:34, 78:35; Jeremiah 13:15, 13:18, 44:10; Daniel 5:22; Hosea 5:15; Luke 18:14; James 4:6, 4:10 the LordExodus 9:27; Judges 1:7; Job 33:27; Psalm 129:4; Lamentations 1:18; Daniel 9:14; Romans 10:3Reciprocal2 Chronicles 12:12 - when; 21:2 - Israel; 30:11 - humbled themselves; Jeremiah 18:8 - that nation; 1 Peter 5:6 - Humble Verse 7the LordJudges 10:15, 10:16; 1 Kings 21:28, 21:29; Jeremiah 3:13; Luke 15:18-21 thereforeLeviticus 26:41, 26:42 someor, a little while, 2 Kings 13:4-7, 13:23; Amos 7:6-8 and my wrath2 Chronicles 34:21, 34:25; Psalm 79:6; Isaiah 42:25; Jeremiah 7:20; Revelation 14:10, 16:2-17Reciprocal1 Kings 12:22 - Shemaiah; 2 Chronicles 11:2 - to Shemaiah; 12:12 - when; 30:11 - humbled themselves; Psalm 48:3 - General; 1 Peter 5:6 - Humble Verse 8NeverthelessNehemiah 9:36; Isaiah 26:13 that they mayDeuteronomy 28:47; Judges 3:1; Jeremiah 10:24; Hosea 8:10ReciprocalDeuteronomy 28:48 - serve; Judges 3:2 - might know; Job 36:15 - openeth Verse 9Shishak1 Kings 14:25, 14:26 took away15:18; 2 Kings 16:8, 18:15, 18:16; Lamentations 1:10 the shields2 Chronicles 9:15, 9:16; 1 Kings 10:16, 10:17Reciprocal1 Chronicles 18:7 - shields; 2 Chronicles 25:24 - all the gold; 28:21 - took away; Ecclesiastes 2:19 - who knoweth; Song of Songs 4:4 - a thousand Verse 10shields of brass1 Kings 14:27; Lamentations 4:1 the chief2 Samuel 8:18, 23:23; 1 Chronicles 11:25; Song of Songs 3:7, 3:8Reciprocal1 Kings 10:16 - two hundred; 1 Chronicles 18:7 - shields; 2 Chronicles 9:15 - two; Nehemiah 3:16 - the house; Ecclesiastes 2:19 - who knoweth Verse 11Reciprocal1 Kings 14:28 - the guard chamber; Nehemiah 3:16 - the house Verse 12when2 Chronicles 12:6, 12:7, 33:12, 33:13; Isaiah 57:15; Lamentations 3:22, 3:33, 3:42; 1 Peter 5:6 also in Judah things went wellor, yet in Judah there were good things, 2 Chronicles 19:3; Genesis 18:24; 1 Kings 14:13; Isaiah 6:13ReciprocalLeviticus 26:41 - humbled; 2 Chronicles 30:11 - humbled themselves Verse 13am 3029-3046, bc 975-958for Rehoboam2 Chronicles 13:7; 1 Kings 14:21 the city2 Chronicles 6:6; Psalm 48:1-3, 78:68, 78:69 to putExodus 20:24; Deuteronomy 12:5, 12:11; Ezekiel 48:35 an AmmonitessDeuteronomy 23:3; 1 Kings 11:1; Nehemiah 13:1, 13:26ReciprocalDeuteronomy 12:21 - to put; 2 Chronicles 12:1 - when Rehoboam Verse 14he preparedHeb. he fixed, 2 Chronicles 11:16, 19:3, 30:19; 1 Samuel 7:3; 1 Chronicles 29:18; Psalm 57:7, 78:8, 78:37; 1 Corinthians 15:58; 16:13 to seekDeuteronomy 5:29; Psalm 105:3, 105:4; Isaiah 45:19, 55:6, 55:7; Ezekiel 33:31; Matthew 7:7Reciprocal2 Chronicles 20:33 - had not; Ezra 7:10 - prepared; Job 11:13 - prepare; Psalm 119:80 - sound Verse 15first and last2 Chronicles 9:29 bookHeb. wordsShemaiah12:5; 1 Kings 12:22 Iddo2 Chronicles 9:29, 13:22 wars1 Kings 14:30Reciprocal14:29 - are they not written; 2 Chronicles 11:2 - to Shemaiah; 15:6 - nation; 16:11 - the acts of Asa; 20:34 - the rest; 26:22 - first Verse 16slept1 Kings 14:29-31 Abijah2 Chronicles 13:1; 1 Kings 14:31, Abijam, 1 Chronicles 3:10; Matthew 1:7, AbiaReciprocal2 Chronicles 11:20 - Abijah; 21:1 - was buried; Acts 13:36 - and was