1 Chronicles 5
5:1 Judah and Joseph preferred before Reuben, who forfeited his birthright;
5:3 Ruben's descendants; some of whom vanquish the Hagarites;
5:11 The chief men of Gad, and their habitations;
5:18 Ruben, Gad, and half of Manasseh, obtain a victory over the Hagarites;
5:23 The habitations and chief men of that half of Manasseh;
5:25 The captivity of the two tribes and half, for their sins. Verse 1am 2294, etc. bc 1710, etche was1 Chronicles 2:1; Genesis 29:32, 46:8, 49:3; Exodus 6:14; Numbers 1:5, 16:1, 26:5 forasmuchGenesis 35:22, 49:4; Leviticus 18:8, 20:11; Deuteronomy 27:20; 1 Corinthians 5:1 birthright1 Chronicles 26:10; Genesis 48:15-22; Deuteronomy 21:17; Colossians 1:15 andGenesis 25:23; 1 Samuel 16:6-11 reckonedJoshua 14:6ReciprocalGenesis 48:5 - Reuben; Numbers 1:20 - General; 2:10 - camp of Reuben; Deuteronomy 33:17 - the firstling; Joshua 14:4 - the children; 1 Chronicles 6:28 - firstborn; 12:37 - the other side; 2 Chronicles 11:22 - made Abijah; Ezekiel 22:10 - discovered; 47:13 - Joseph; Matthew 1:2 - Jacob begat Verse 2JudahGenesis 35:23, 49:8-10; Numbers 2:3, 7:12; Joshua 14:6; Judges 1:2; Psalm 60:7, 108:8; Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:6; Habakkuk 3:1; Revelation 5:5 the chief ruleror, the prince, By the chief ruler is meant first David, and after him the Messiah, agreeably to the celebrated prophecy of Jacob - Genesis 49:10. The Syriac calls him "Christ the king," and the Arabic, "Messiah the king." 1 Samuel 16:1, 16:10, 16:12; 2 Samuel 8:15; Psalm 78:68-71; Jeremiah 23:5, 23:6; Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:6; Habakkuk 3:1 birthright wasGenesis 49:26; Romans 8:29ReciprocalGenesis 27:29 - be lord; 29:35 - called; 46:12 - Judah; 48:5 - Reuben; 48:22 - given; Numbers 1:26 - General; 16:1 - sons of Reuben; 26:22 - General; Deuteronomy 21:16 - General; 21:17 - by giving; Joshua 14:4 - the children; 1 Chronicles 26:10 - his father; 28:4 - chosen Judah; 2 Chronicles 11:22 - made Abijah; Matthew 1:2 - Jacob begat Verse 3sonsGenesis 46:9; Exodus 6:14; Numbers 26:5-9 HanochGenesis 25:4 Pallu46:9, Phallu, Numbers 26:5 HezronGenesis 46:9 Carmi1 Chronicles 4:1ReciprocalGenesis 49:3 - my firstborn Verse 4Joel1 Samuel 8:2 Shemaiah1 Chronicles 9:16 Gogi.e. to cover; surmount; top; roof; extension; mountain, [H1463], 5:4; Ezekiel 38:2, 38:3, 38:14, 38:16, 38:18, 39:1, 39:11, 39:15 Gog1. A Rubenite 1 Chronicles 5:4 2. Prince of the land of Magog Ezekiel 38:2, 38:3, 38:14, 38:16, 38:18, 39:1, 39:11 3. Also of the Rossi, Moschi, and Tibareni, who is to come with great forces from the extreme north 38:15; 39:2 After the exile, to invade the holy land, and to perish there. 38:8, 38:12 Gog and Magog, Revelation 20:8, belong to a different time to those spoken of in Ezekiel.Shimei2 Samuel 16:5Reciprocal1 Chronicles 5:8 - Azaz Verse 6Beerahi.e. a well, [H880], After their separation from the house of David, the ten tribes continued to have princes of the tribes, till the time that Tiglath-pileser carried them captive; at which time Beerah, who according to the Targum was the same as Baruch, was their prince.Tilgathpilneser1 Chronicles 5:26; 2 Kings 15:29, 16:7, Tiglath-pileserReubenitesNumbers 26:7Reciprocal1 Chronicles 5:22 - until the captivity Verse 7when the genealogy1 Chronicles 5:17

Verse 8BelaGenesis 14:2 Azazi.e. the strong one, [H5811], Shema. Joshua 15:26, or, Shemaiah, 1 Chronicles 5:4 AroerNumbers 32:34; Deuteronomy 2:36; Joshua 13:15-21; Isaiah 17:2 NeboNumbers 32:3
The city of Nebo was doubtless situated on or near the celebrated mountain of the same name, east of Jordan. 32:38; Deuteronomy 32:49, 34:1; Isaiah 15:2 BaalmeonNumbers 32:38; Joshua 13:17; Ezekiel 25:9ReciprocalJeremiah 48:19 - Aroer
Verse 9unto the enteringThat is, unto the borders of Arabia Deserta, which extends to the Euphrates.Euphrates1 Chronicles 18:3; Genesis 2:14; 2 Kings 24:7 becauseJoshua 22:8, 22:9 Gilead1 Chronicles 5:16; 26:31; Genesis 31:23; Joshua 22:9; 1 Kings 17:1ReciprocalGenesis 15:18 - Euphrates; Deuteronomy 1:7 - the great; Joshua 1:4 - From the wilderness Verse 10am 2944, bc 1060the Hagaritesi.e. fugitives, 1 Chronicles 5:19, 5:20; Genesis 21:9, 25:12; 2 Samuel 24:6; Psalm 83:6, Hagarenes, [H1905], 1 Chronicles 5:10, 5:19, 5:20; Psalm 83:6, Also, 1 Chronicles 11:38, Haggeri, 27:31 throughoutetc. Heb. upon all the face of the East

Verse 11the childrenThe Gadites and the half tribe of Manasseh are joined to the genealogy of Reuben, because they inhabited the same country, and formed a sort of separate colony east of Jordan.GadGenesis 30:11, in the land Bashan, Numbers 21:33, 32:34-36; Deuteronomy 3:10-17; Joshua 12:4, 13:11, 13:24-28; Psalm 22:12 SalcahJoshua 13:11ReciprocalGenesis 46:16 - sons of; 49:19 - General; 1 Chronicles 5:12 - Bashan; 5:16 - Bashan Verse 12Joel1 Samuel 8:2 Shaphami.e. bald, [H8223]Jaanaii.e. responsive, [H3285], Shaphat. 1 Chronicles 3:22 Bashan5:11; Numbers 21:33

Verse 13This verse is wanting both in the Syriac and Arabic.MichaelDaniel 12:1 Meshullam1 Chronicles 9:12 Sheba1 Kings 10:1 Joraii.e. rainy, [H3140]Jachani.e. afflicted, [H3275]Ziai.e. trembling; smelling, [H2127], Heber. Genesis 46:17

Verse 14AbihailNumbers 3:35 Hurii.e. nobleman, [H2359]Jaroahi.e. making a sweet odor, [H3386]. Gilead. Genesis 31:23 MichaelDaniel 12:1 Jeshishaii.e. aged, [H3454]Jahdoi.e. together, [H3163]BuzGenesis 22:21

Verse 15Ahii.e. brotherly, [H277], 1 Chronicles 5:15, 7:34 Ahi1. Son of Abdiel 5:15
2. Son of Shamer 7:34
Abdieli.e. servant of God, [H5661], Guni. Genesis 46:24

Verse 16GileadGenesis 31:23 Bashan1 Chronicles 5:11 Sharon27:29; Song of Songs 2:1; Isaiah 35:2 their bordersHeb. goings forthReciprocal1 Chronicles 5:9 - Gilead; Acts 9:35 - Saron Verse 17reckoned by genealogies1 Chronicles 5:7 JothamJudges 9:5; 2 Kings 15:5, 15:32; 2 Chronicles 27:1 Jeroboam1 Kings 11:26; 2 Kings 14:16, 14:23, 14:28

Verse 18Reuben1 Chronicles 12:37; Genesis 29:32; 2 Kings 10:33 GaditesDeuteronomy 3:12 ManassehGenesis 41:51 valiant menHeb. sons of valour, 1 Samuel 18:17 *marg. 2 Samuel 2:7 *marg.to shoot1 Chronicles 8:40; 2 Chronicles 14:8; Psalm 7:13 four and fortyJoshua 4:12, 4:13 that wentNumbers 1:3Reciprocal32:33 - half the; Deuteronomy 33:20 - he dwelleth Verse 19made war1 Chronicles 5:10 the HagaritesThe Hagarites, and these other tribes, were descendants of Hagar, and dwelt, according to Strabo, in Arabia Deserta.Nephish1:31; Genesis 25:15 * Naphish:ReciprocalJudges 6:33 - children; Psalm 83:6 - Hagarenes Verse 20And they1 Chronicles 5:22; Exodus 17:11; Joshua 10:14, 10:42; 1 Samuel 7:12, 19:15; Psalm 46:1, 146:5, 146:6 for they cried1 Kings 8:44, 8:45; 2 Chronicles 13:14, 13:15, 14:11-13, 18:31, 20:12, 32:20, 32:21 in the battle1 Kings 22:32; 2 Chronicles 13:13, 13:14, 14:10, 14:11, 18:31 becausePsalm 9:10, 20:7, 20:8, 22:4, 22:5, 84:11, 84:12; Jeremiah 17:7, 17:8; Nahum 1:7; Ephesians 1:12ReciprocalGenesis 25:21 - and the; 1 Chronicles 5:10 - the Hagarites; 2 Chronicles 13:18 - relied; 16:7 - relied on; 26:7 - God helped; 33:13 - he was entreated; Ezra 8:23 - and he was entreated; Psalm 33:20 - he is; 37:40 - because; 71:1 - do I; 83:6 - Hagarenes; 125:1 - that trust; Proverbs 16:20 - whoso; 29:25 - whoso; Isaiah 26:3 - because; 30:15 - in returning; 36:7 - We trust; 50:10 - let; Jeremiah 39:18 - because; 49:29 - camels; Lamentations 3:24 - therefore; Daniel 3:28 - that trusted; 6:23 - because Verse 21took awayHeb. led captivecamelsThe camel, in Hebrew gamal, retained with little variation in all languages, is, according to the Linnean system, a genus of quadrapeds of the order pecora; comprehending the camel, properly so called, with two prominences; the dromedary, with a single one; the lama, or Peruvian camel, with the back even and the breast gibbose, and the pacos, or camel without any gibbosity. The camel, properly so called, is about 6+ feet in height: its head is small; ears short; neck long, slender, and bending; legs long and slender, having four callosities on the fore legs and two on the hinder, on which it rests; feet soft, parted, but not thoroughly divided; bottom of the foot tough and pliant; tail about two feet in length, terminating in a tuft; and hair fine, soft, of considerable length, and of a dusky reddish colour. Besides the same internal structure as other ruminating animals, it is furnished with an additional bag for containing a quantity of water till wanted.menHeb. souls of men, Numbers 31:35; Ezekiel 27:13; Revelation 18:13, souls, Heb. nephesh, Genesis 12:5Reciprocal2 Chronicles 14:15 - carried away; Jeremiah 49:29 - camels Verse 22the war was of GodExodus 14:14; Joshua 23:10; Judges 3:2; 2 Chronicles 32:8; Nehemiah 4:20; Psalm 24:8; Proverbs 22:3; Zechariah 14:3; Luke 14:31, 14:32, 22:36; Romans 8:31 they dweltNumbers 32:33 steads1 Chronicles 4:41 until the captivity5:6, 5:26; 2 Kings 15:29, 17:6Reciprocal1 Chronicles 5:20 - And they; 2 Chronicles 20:24 - they were dead Verse 23BaalhermonJoshua 13:29-31 Hermon13:11; Psalm 133:3; Song of Songs 4:8ReciprocalGenesis 46:20 - Manasseh; Deuteronomy 3:9 - Shenir; 3:13 - the rest Verse 24famous menHeb. men of names, 1 Chronicles 4:38ReciprocalExodus 6:14 - the heads; Numbers 16:2 - famous; 1 Chronicles 12:21 - mighty men Verse 25and wentJudges 2:17, 8:33; 2 Kings 17:7-18; Hosea 1:2, 9:1; Revelation 17:5 a whoringExodus 34:15; Judges 8:27; 2 Kings 17:7; 2 Chronicles 21:11, 21:13 after the godsJudges 2:12; 2 Chronicles 25:14, 25:15; Psalm 106:34-39ReciprocalNumbers 32:19 - we will; 2 Kings 15:19 - Pul; Hosea 1:4 - will cause Verse 26stirred up2 Samuel 24:1; 2 Chronicles 33:11; Ezra 1:5; Isaiah 10:5, 10:6, 13:2-5 Pul2 Kings 15:19, Tiglath pileserand brought them17:6, 18:11, 19:12; Isaiah 37:12ReciprocalGenesis 49:19 - General; Numbers 32:19 - we will; 1 Kings 11:14 - the Lord; 2 Kings 15:29 - Tiglathpileser; 16:7 - Tiglathpileser; 19:17 - the kings; 1 Chronicles 5:6 - Tilgathpilneser; 5:22 - until the captivity; 2 Chronicles 28:20 - Tilgathpilneser; 30:6 - escaped; 36:22 - the Lord stirred; Isaiah 9:1 - afterward; 10:13 - I have removed; 37:18 - the kings; Jeremiah 51:11 - the Lord hath; Ezekiel 23:9 - General; Hosea 1:4 - will cause; 8:10 - for; Obadiah 1:19 - Benjamin; Haggai 1:14 - stirred