1 Chronicles 23
23:1 David in his old age makes Solomon king;
23:2 The number and distribution of the Levites;
23:7 The families of the Gershonites;
23:12 The sons of Kohath;
23:21 The sons of Merari;
23:24 The office of the Levites. Verse 1am 2989, bc 1015, An, Ex, Is, 476old1 Chronicles 29:28; Genesis 25:8, 35:29; 1 Kings 1:1; Job 5:26 he made1 Chronicles 28:5, 29:22-25; 1 Kings 1:33-39ReciprocalGenesis 15:15 - good; Exodus 23:26 - the number; Numbers 1:50 - thou shalt; 8:15 - go in; 1 Kings 1:35 - I have; 1 Chronicles 9:22 - David; 2 Chronicles 8:14 - the Levites; 23:18 - whom David; 24:15 - and was full of days; 31:2 - the courses; 35:4 - after your courses; Ezra 6:18 - the priests; Nehemiah 7:1 - the porters; 12:24 - according; 13:30 - appointed; Jeremiah 2:10 - the isles Verse 2he gathered1 Chronicles 13:1, 28:1; Joshua 23:2, 24:1; 2 Chronicles 34:29, 34:30Reciprocal1 Chronicles 6:48 - brethren; 16:4 - he appointed; 25:1 - the captains Verse 3the LevitesNumbers 4:2, 4:3, 4:23, 4:30, 4:35, 4:43, 4:47 thirty and eight4:48Reciprocal8:24 - from twenty; 2 Samuel 7:5 - Shalt; 2 Kings 11:5 - that enter; 1 Chronicles 23:24 - twenty; 23:27 - by the last; 2 Chronicles 23:4 - entering; Ezra 8:17 - ministers Verse 4twenty1 Chronicles 23:28-32, 6:48, 9:28-32, 26:20-27 set forwardor, oversee, Nehemiah 11:9, 11:22; Acts 20:28 officers and judges1 Chronicles 26:29-31; Deuteronomy 16:18, 17:8-10; 2 Chronicles 19:8; Malachi 2:7ReciprocalExodus 22:8 - the judges; Numbers 4:3 - to do; 2 Chronicles 34:13 - and of the Levites; Ezra 7:25 - set magistrates; Nehemiah 3:17 - the ruler; Ezekiel 44:24 - in controversy Verse 5Amos 6:5 porters1 Chronicles 9:17-27, 15:23, 15:24, 16:38, 26:1-12; 2 Chronicles 8:14, 35:15; Ezra 7:7; Nehemiah 7:73 praised1 Chronicles 6:31-48, 9:33, 15:16-22, 16:41, 16:42, 25:1-7; 2 Chronicles 20:19-21; Psalm 87:7 the instruments1 Kings 10:12; 2 Chronicles 29:25, 29:26ReciprocalNumbers 4:3 - to do; 1 Chronicles 13:8 - with harps; 25:6 - for song; 25:7 - two hundred; 2 Chronicles 5:12 - the Levites; 9:11 - harps; 20:28 - with psalteries; 34:12 - all; 34:13 - and of the Levites; Ezra 3:10 - after the ordinance; Nehemiah 12:27 - thanksgivings; 12:36 - musical instruments Verse 6divided2 Chronicles 8:14, 29:25, 31:2, 35:10; Ezra 6:18 coursesHeb. divisions, 1 Chronicles 24:1, 26:1 GershonGershon, גרשׁון [H1647], is called גרשׁם [H1648], Gershom, in the parallel passage, simply by the mutation of, noon, into, mem. 6:1, 6:16, Gershom, Exodus 6:16-24; Numbers 26:57, 26:58Reciprocal1 Chronicles 6:43 - Gershom; 23:21 - Merari Verse 7Gershonites1 Chronicles 6:17-20, 15:7, 26:21 LaadanLaadan and Libni, seem to have been two distinct names of this person; but the variation of Shimi and Shimei exists only in the translation, the original being uniformly שׁמעי [H8096]. Exodus 6:17, Libni, ShimiReciprocalNumbers 3:18 - General; 2 Chronicles 29:12 - of the Gershonites; Zechariah 12:13 - Shimei Verse 8Jehiel1 Chronicles 15:18, 15:20, 15:21 Joel6:33, 6:34, 15:7, 15:11, 15:17Reciprocal26:22 - Jehieli Verse 10ZinaZina seems to be a mistake for Zizah; for both the LXX and Vulgate read uniformly Ζιζα, Ziza. 1 Chronicles 23:11, ZizahReciprocalZechariah 12:13 - Shimei Verse 11Zizah1 Chronicles 23:10 had not many sonsHeb. did not multiply sons

Verse 12sons of Kohath1 Chronicles 6:2; Exodus 6:18; Numbers 3:27, 26:58ReciprocalExodus 2:1 - of the house; Numbers 3:19 - General; 1 Chronicles 6:18 - Amram; 15:9 - Hebron; 15:10 - Uzziel; 23:19 - Hebron; 24:20 - Amram; 26:23 - Amramites; 26:29 - Izharites; 26:30 - the Hebronites; 2 Chronicles 29:12 - Kohathites; Jeremiah 2:10 - the isles Verse 13The sons1 Chronicles 6:3; Exodus 6:20; Numbers 3:27, 26:59 separatedExodus 28:1-14; Numbers 18:1; Psalm 99:6, 106:16; Acts 13:2; Romans 1:1; Galatians 1:15; Habakkuk 3:1 sanctifyExodus 29:33-37, 29:44, 40:9-15; Leviticus 10:10, 10:17, 10:18, 16:11-19, 16:32, 16:33, 17:2-6; Numbers 18:3-8 to burn incenseExodus 30:6-10, 30:34-38; Leviticus 10:1, 10:2, 16:12, 16:13; Numbers 16:16-18, 16:35-40, 16:46, 16:47; 1 Samuel 2:28; 2 Chronicles 26:18-21; Luke 1:9; Revelation 8:3 to blessLeviticus 9:22, 9:23; Numbers 6:23-27; Deuteronomy 21:5ReciprocalExodus 30:7 - dresseth; Numbers 3:19 - General; 1 Kings 9:25 - he burnt Verse 14the manDeuteronomy 33:1; Psalm 90:1 *titlehis sons1 Chronicles 26:23-25ReciprocalExodus 2:22 - Gershom; 1 Timothy 6:11 - O man; 2 Peter 1:21 - in old time Verse 15GershomExodus 2:22, 4:20, 18:3, 18:4Reciprocal1 Chronicles 26:24 - Shebuel; 26:25 - Eliezer Verse 16Shebuel1 Chronicles 24:20, 25:20, Shubael, 26:24Reciprocal6:53 - Zadok Verse 17the chiefor, the first, 1 Chronicles 26:25 were very manyHeb. were highly multipliedReciprocal24:21 - Rehabiah Verse 18Shelomith1 Chronicles 24:22, Shelomoth, 26:26ReciprocalNumbers 3:19 - General; 1 Chronicles 26:25 - Shelomith Verse 19Hebron1 Chronicles 23:12, 15:9, 24:23Reciprocal26:30 - the Hebronites; 26:31 - Jerijah Verse 20Reciprocal1 Chronicles 24:24 - Michah; 24:25 - Isshiah Verse 21Merari1 Chronicles 23:6, 6:20, 6:30, 24:26-30 MahliExodus 6:19, MahaliReciprocalNumbers 3:20 - General; 3:33 - General; 1 Chronicles 6:19 - Mahli; 6:47 - Merari; 24:27 - sons; 2 Chronicles 29:12 - of the sons Verse 22had no sons1 Chronicles 24:28 brethrenor, kinsmentook themNumbers 36:6-8Reciprocal36:8 - every daughter Verse 23Jeremoth1 Chronicles 24:30, JerimothReciprocal6:47 - Mahli Verse 24the sons of LeviNumbers 10:17, 10:21 after the house1:4, 2:32, 3:15, 3:20, 4:34-49 by their polls1:2, 1:18, 1:22, 3:47 from the ageAt first David appointed the Levites to serve from thirty years old and upwards; but considering, probably, that the temple which was about to be built, with its courts, chambers, etc., would require a more numerous ministry, he fixed this period, by this subsequent regulation, at twenty years and upwards. In the time of Moses, the age was from thirty years to fifty: here this latter period is not mentioned, probably because the service was not so laborious now; for the ark being fixed, they had no longer any burdens to carry; and therefore even an old man might continue to serve. See note on 8:24.twenty1 Chronicles 23:3, 23:27; Numbers 1:3, 4:3, 8:24; Ezra 3:8ReciprocalNumbers 4:35 - General; 1 Chronicles 24:4 - according; 24:6 - principal household; 26:32 - chief fathers; 2 Chronicles 31:17 - twenty Verse 25The Lord1 Chronicles 22:18; 2 Samuel 7:1, 7:11 that they may dwell in Jerusalemor, and he dwelleth in Jerusalem, 1 Kings 8:13, 8:27; Psalm 9:11, 68:16, 68:18, 132:13, 132:14, 135:21; Isaiah 8:18; Joel 3:21; Zechariah 8:3; 2 Corinthians 6:16; Colossians 2:9ReciprocalDeuteronomy 12:9 - General; Revelation 7:15 - dwell Verse 26carryNumbers 4:5, 4:49, 7:9Reciprocal4:35 - General; Deuteronomy 10:8 - bear; 2 Chronicles 35:3 - not be; Ezra 8:17 - ministers Verse 27by the last1 Chronicles 23:3, 23:24; 2 Samuel 23:1; Psalm 72:20 numberedHeb. numbersReciprocalNumbers 4:35 - General; 4:47 - From thirty; 1 Chronicles 16:4 - minister; 2 Chronicles 31:17 - twenty Verse 28office was to waitetc. Heb. station was at the hand of Aaron, 1 Chronicles 18:17 *marg. Nehemiah 11:24 for the service1 Chronicles 23:4, 28:13; Numbers 3:6-9; 1 Kings 6:5; 2 Chronicles 31:11; Ezra 8:29; Nehemiah 13:4, 13:5, 13:9; Jeremiah 35:4; Ezekiel 41:6-11, 41:26, 42:3, 42:13 purifying1 Chronicles 9:28, 9:29; 2 Chronicles 29:5, 29:18, 29:19, 35:3-6, 35:11-14ReciprocalLeviticus 2:4 - meat offering; Numbers 3:7 - keep; 4:3 - to do; 8:19 - I have given; 1 Chronicles 6:47 - Merari; 2 Chronicles 23:6 - they that minister; 29:15 - to cleanse; Ezra 8:28 - the vessels; Nehemiah 12:44 - Judah rejoiced; 12:45 - the ward; Jeremiah 35:2 - into one; Ezekiel 40:7 - General; 40:17 - there were; 44:14 - General Verse 29for the showbreadIt was the priests' office to place this bread before the Lord; and it was their privilege to feed on the old loaves when they were replaced by the new. 1 Chronicles 9:31, 9:32; Exodus 25:30; Leviticus 24:5-9; 1 Kings 7:48; 2 Chronicles 13:11, 29:18; Nehemiah 10:33; Matthew 12:4; Habakkuk 3:1 the fine flour1 Chronicles 9:29-34; Leviticus 6:20-23 unleavened2:4-7, 7:9 panor, flat platefor all manner of measureThe standards of all weights and measures were in the sanctuary; and therefore the Levites had the inspection of weights and measures of every kind, that no fraud might in this way be committed. Honesty is inseparably connected with piety; and hence the Levites, being sufficiently numerous, were employed to superintend the former, as well as the latter. 19:35, 19:36; Numbers 3:50ReciprocalLeviticus 24:8 - General Verse 30stand1 Chronicles 6:31-33, 9:33, 16:37-42, 25:1-7; 2 Chronicles 29:25-28, 31:2; Ezra 3:10, 3:11; Psalm 135:1-3, 135:19, 135:20, 137:2-4; Revelation 5:8-14, 14:3 every morningExodus 29:39-42; Psalm 92:1-3, 134:1, 134:2Reciprocal2 Chronicles 5:12 - the Levites Verse 31in the sabbathsLeviticus 23:24, 23:39; Numbers 10:10; Psalm 81:1-4; Isaiah 1:13, 1:14 set feastsLeviticus 23:1-17; Numbers 28:1-29:40Reciprocal28:11 - in the beginnings; 29:39 - in your set feasts; 2 Kings 4:23 - new moon; Colossians 2:16 - the new Verse 32keep1 Chronicles 9:27; Numbers 1:53; 1 Kings 8:4 the charge of the sonsNumbers 3:6-9, 3:38Reciprocal3:25 - the charge; 8:26 - to keep; 31:30 - keep the; 2 Kings 11:5 - that enter; 1 Chronicles 9:23 - the oversight; Nehemiah 12:25 - keeping; Ezekiel 44:8 - charge; Zechariah 3:7 - if thou wilt keep