Psalm 65
65:1 David praises God for his grace;
65:4 The blessedness of God's chosen by reason of benefits. Verse 1PraisePsalm 21:13, 115:1, 115:2 waitethHeb. is silent, 62:1 in Sion76:2, 78:68, 78:69; 1 Chronicles 11:7, 15:29, 16:41, 16:42, 25:1-31; Revelation 14:1-3 untoPsalm 56:12, 76:11, 116:17ReciprocalGenesis 13:4 - called; Leviticus 22:18 - vows; Psalm 18:3 - who; 22:3 - that; 22:25 - I will; 48:1 - city; 61:5 - hast heard; 61:8 - that I; 100:4 - Enter; 132:2 - he sware; 137:3 - the songs of Zion Verse 2thouPsalm 66:19, 102:17, 145:18, 145:19; 1 Kings 18:29, 18:37; 2 Chronicles 33:13; Isaiah 65:24; Jeremiah 29:12, 29:13; Daniel 9:17-19; Luke 11:9, 11:10; Acts 10:31; 1 John 5:14, 5:15 unto theePsalm 22:27, 66:4, 86:9; Isaiah 49:6, 66:23; John 12:32; Revelation 11:15ReciprocalGenesis 13:4 - called; 21:17 - heard; 24:15 - before; 25:21 - entreated; Judges 13:9 - hearkened; 2 Kings 19:20 - I have heard; 20:5 - I have heard; 1 Chronicles 4:10 - God granted; 2 Chronicles 7:15 - mine eyes; Psalm 5:2 - unto thee; 18:3 - who; Jeremiah 32:27 - God; Jonah 2:2 - I cried; Micah 7:7 - my God; Luke 18:1 - that; John 3:26 - and all; Acts 2:17 - all; 1 Peter 3:12 - his ears Verse 3IniquitiesHeb. Words, or Matters, of IniquitiesprevailPsalm 38:4, 40:12; 2 Samuel 12:7-13; Micah 7:8, 7:9; Romans 7:23-25; Galatians 5:17 transgressionsPsalm 51:2, 51:3, 51:7, 79:9; Isaiah 1:18, 1:19, 6:7; Zechariah 13:1; John 1:29; Habakkuk 3:1; 1 John 1:7-9; Revelation 1:5ReciprocalPsalm 19:12 - cleanse; 39:8 - Deliver; Jeremiah 33:8 - General; 42:20 - For ye; Micah 7:18 - that; Romans 7:15 - what; 7:21 - evil; Habakkuk 3:1 - General Verse 4BlessedPsalm 33:12, 84:4 choosest4:3, 78:70, 78:71, 106:4, 106:5, 135:4; Ephesians 1:4; 2 Thessalonians 2:13 causestPsalm 15:1, 23:6, 24:7; Revelation 3:12 we shall bePsalm 17:15, 36:8, 63:5; Jeremiah 31:12-14, 31:25; Revelation 7:16, 7:17, 21:3, 21:4ReciprocalExodus 33:19 - all my goodness; Leviticus 21:17 - let him; Numbers 16:5 - will cause; 2 Chronicles 6:41 - thy saints; Psalm 27:4 - dwell; 73:28 - But; 90:14 - satisfy; 103:5 - satisfieth; 144:15 - happy; Jeremiah 31:14 - my people; Jonah 2:7 - holy; Matthew 5:6 - for; Luke 6:21 - for ye shall be Verse 5terriblePsalm 45:4, 47:2, 47:3, 66:3, 76:3-9; Deuteronomy 4:34, 10:21; Isaiah 37:36 righteousnessPsalm 145:17; Romans 2:5; Revelation 15:3, 15:4, 16:5, 19:1-3 O GodPsalm 68:19, 68:20 the confidenceIsaiah 45:22; Matthew 28:19, 28:20; Romans 15:10-12 allPsalm 22:27 afarIsaiah 51:5, 60:5, 66:19; Zephaniah 2:11; Zechariah 9:10; Ephesians 2:17, 2:18ReciprocalExodus 34:10 - a terrible; 2 Samuel 7:23 - great things; 1 Chronicles 17:21 - greatness; Nehemiah 4:14 - great; Job 11:9 - longer; Psalm 55:19 - hear; 66:4 - General; 67:7 - all the; 68:35 - terrible; 88:1 - Lord; 136:15 - for his mercy; Isaiah 17:10 - the God; 41:10 - the right; 45:13 - in righteousness; Jeremiah 20:11 - a mighty; 31:8 - the coasts; Romans 9:28 - in righteousness; Revelation 10:2 - he set Verse 6WhichPsalm 24:2, 119:90; Micah 6:2; Habakkuk 3:6 girdedPsalm 93:1; 1 Samuel 2:4; Isaiah 51:9ReciprocalJob 37:23 - excellent; 38:11 - Hitherto; Psalm 65:12 - rejoice; 95:4 - the strength of the hills is his also; Isaiah 17:12 - make a noise; 26:8 - in; 64:3 - thou didst; Amos 4:13 - he that; Jonah 2:6 - mountains; John 5:17 - My Verse 7WhichPsalm 89:9, 107:29; Jonah 1:4, 1:15; Matthew 8:26, 8:27 noisePsalm 93:3, 93:4, 104:6-9; Job 38:8-11 tumultPsalm 2:1-4, 76:10; Isaiah 17:12, 17:13; John 18:6Reciprocal2 Kings 19:28 - thy tumult; Job 2:6 - save; 38:11 - Hitherto; Psalm 29:10 - sitteth; Jeremiah 51:42 - General; 51:55 - her waves; Luke 8:24 - he arose; John 19:22 - What; Acts 19:41 - he dismissed; Revelation 12:15 - cast; 17:15 - The waters Verse 8in thePsalm 2:8 afraidThunder and lightning, storms and tempests, eclipses and meteors, tornadoes and earthquakes, are proofs to all that there is a Supreme Being, who is wonderful and terrible in His acts. 48:5, 48:6, 66:3, 126:2, 135:9; Exodus 15:14-16; Joshua 2:9-11; Habakkuk 3:3-19; Acts 5:38, 5:39; Revelation 11:13 outgoingsPsalm 19:5, 74:16, 104:20-23, 136:8; Genesis 8:22; Deuteronomy 4:19; Job 38:12 the morningThe rising and setting sun, the morning and evening twilight, the invariable succession of day and night, are all ordained by Thee, and contribute to the happiness and continuance of man and beast.rejoiceor, sing, Psalm 65:13, 148:3ReciprocalIsaiah 41:5 - the ends Verse 9visitestPsalm 104:13, 104:14; Deuteronomy 11:11, 11:12; Ruth 1:6; Job 37:6-13; Jeremiah 14:22; Acts 14:17 and waterest itor, after thou hadst made it to desire rain. Psalm 63:1 greatly65:11, 68:9, 68:10, 104:13-15, 147:8, 147:9; Job 5:10, 5:11; Jeremiah 5:24; Joel 2:23-26 the riverPsalm 46:4; Revelation 22:1 thou preparestPsalm 104:15, 107:37; Genesis 26:12; 1 Timothy 6:17, 6:18ReciprocalGenesis 2:5 - had not; 27:28 - of the dew; Leviticus 26:4 - Then I; Deuteronomy 8:7 - General; 11:14 - General; 28:12 - open; 33:14 - the precious; 1 Kings 18:1 - I will send rain; Job 36:27 - he; 36:31 - he giveth; 37:12 - it; 38:28 - Hath the; Psalm 145:9 - good; Proverbs 3:20 - the clouds; Ecclesiastes 11:3 - the clouds; Isaiah 30:23 - shall he; 55:10 - as the rain; Hosea 6:3 - as the rain; Zechariah 10:1 - and give; Luke 7:16 - God; 1 Corinthians 3:9 - ye are God's; Habakkuk 3:1 - the earth Verse 10settlest the furrows thereofor, causest rain to descend into the furrows thereof. makest it soft. Heb. dissolvest it. blessest. Psalm 147:8; 1 Corinthians 3:6, 3:7ReciprocalJob 37:12 - it; 38:28 - Hath the; Habakkuk 3:1 - receiveth Verse 11crownestPsalm 5:12 *marg. 103:4; Proverbs 14:18; Habakkuk 2:7-9 with thyHeb. of thythy pathsPsalm 25:10, 104:3; Joel 2:14, 2:21-26; Haggai 2:19; Malachi 3:10 fatnessPsalm 36:8; Romans 11:17Reciprocal2 Chronicles 6:41 - thy saints; Nehemiah 9:25 - did eat; Psalm 65:9 - greatly; 104:24 - the earth; Isaiah 51:23 - Bow Verse 12dropPsalm 104:10-13; Job 38:26, 38:27 rejoiceHeb. are girded with joy, Psalm 65:6; Isaiah 55:9-13, 61:10, 61:11ReciprocalDeuteronomy 11:11 - General; Psalm 72:3 - little; 89:12 - rejoice; 96:12 - General; 98:8 - hills; 148:9 - Mountains; Isaiah 35:2 - and rejoice; 51:23 - Bow; Joel 2:21 - be glad; 2:22 - for the pastures Verse 13pasturesPsalm 104:24-28; Zechariah 9:17; Acts 14:17 they shoutPsalm 96:11-13, 98:7-9; Isaiah 35:1, 35:2, 35:10, 52:9, 55:12; Jeremiah 48:33ReciprocalGenesis 27:28 - plenty; Deuteronomy 11:11 - General; Job 31:38 - complain; Psalm 5:11 - shout; 65:8 - rejoice; 89:12 - rejoice; 96:12 - General; 98:8 - hills; 148:9 - Mountains; Joel 2:21 - be glad; Habakkuk 3:10 - the deep