Psalm 41
41:1 The recompence of the charitable;
41:4 David complains of his enemies' treachery;
41:10 He flees to God for succour. Verse 1TitleThis Psalm is supposed to have been written on the same occasion as the three former; and to relate to David's affliction, and the evil treatment he received from his enemies during its continuance.BlessedPsalm 112:9; Deuteronomy 15:7-11; Job 29:12-16, 31:16-20; Proverbs 14:21, 19:17; Ecclesiastes 11:1, 11:2; Isaiah 58:7-11; Mark 14:7; Luke 14:13, 14:14; 2 Corinthians 9:8-14; Galatians 2:10 the pooror, the weak, or sick, Matthew 25:34-39; Acts 20:35; 1 Thessalonians 5:14 LordPsalm 34:19, 37:26, 37:39, 37:40; Habakkuk 3:1; James 2:13 time of troubleHeb. the day of evil, Psalm 37:19; Proverbs 16:14; Ecclesiastes 12:1; Revelation 3:10ReciprocalGenesis 47:23 - here is seed; 47:24 - the fifth part; Exodus 1:20 - God; Leviticus 23:22 - General; 25:35 - then; Deuteronomy 14:29 - that the Lord; 15:10 - because; 24:19 - When thou; Ruth 2:19 - blessed; Psalm 18:25 - With the; 20:1 - hear; 74:18 - the foolish; 102:1 - Hear; 125:4 - Do good; Proverbs 11:17 - merciful; 22:9 - He that hath a bountiful eye; 28:27 - that giveth; 29:7 - considereth; 31:20 - she reacheth; Isaiah 58:10 - thou draw; Jeremiah 17:17 - thou; 39:17 - I will; Ezekiel 18:7 - hath given; Daniel 4:27 - by showing; Matthew 5:3 - Blessed; 5:7 - are; Luke 6:30 - Give; 6:38 - with; 11:41 - rather; 19:8 - Behold; Acts 10:2 - which; Romans 12:13 - Distributing; 2 Corinthians 9:6 - He which soweth sparingly; 9:14 - by; Philippians 4:19 - supply; Habakkuk 3:1 - consider Verse 2preservePsalm 33:19, 91:3-7; Jeremiah 45:4, 45:5 blessedPsalm 128:1-6; 1 Timothy 4:8 thou wilt notor, do not thou, Psalm 27:12, 37:32, 37:33, 140:8, 140:9ReciprocalExodus 1:20 - God; Deuteronomy 6:24 - he might; 15:10 - because; Psalm 102:1 - Hear; 121:7 - he shall; Proverbs 14:21 - he that hath; Ecclesiastes 11:1 - for; Jeremiah 39:17 - I will; Luke 6:38 - with; Acts 12:11 - and hath; 2 Corinthians 9:14 - by Verse 3strengthenPsalm 73:26; 2 Kings 1:6, 1:16, 20:5, 20:6; 2 Corinthians 4:16, 4:17; Philippians 2:26, 2:27 makeHeb. turnReciprocalGenesis 48:2 - strengthened; Exodus 15:26 - for I am; Psalm 6:2 - for I; 103:3 - healeth Verse 4LordPsalm 32:5, 51:1-3 heal6:2-4, 103:3, 147:3; 2 Chronicles 30:18-20; Hosea 6:1; James 5:15, 5:16ReciprocalExodus 15:26 - for I am; Matthew 9:12 - They that be whole; Luke 18:13 - God; John 12:40 - heal Verse 5MinePsalm 22:6-8, 102:8 his nameJob 18:17, 20:7; Proverbs 10:7

Verse 6speakethPsalm 12:2; Proverbs 26:24, 26:25; Nehemiah 6:1-14; Proverbs 26:24-26; Daniel 11:27; Micah 7:5-7; Luke 11:53, 11:54, 20:20-23; 2 Corinthians 11:26 whenJeremiah 20:10ReciprocalPsalm 10:7 - vanity; 144:8 - mouth; Proverbs 12:5 - counsels; Matthew 22:15 - how; Mark 7:20 - General; Luke 6:45 - and an; 14:1 - they Verse 7whisperProverbs 16:28, 26:20 *marg. Romans 1:29; 2 Corinthians 12:20 againstPsalm 31:13, 56:5, 56:6; Matthew 22:15, 26:3, 26:4 my hurtHeb. evil to meReciprocalPsalm 71:11 - God; 138:7 - Though I walk; Proverbs 12:5 - counsels; Luke 6:45 - and an Verse 8An evil diseaseHeb. A thing of Belial, Psalm 38:3-7; Job 2:7, 2:8; Luke 13:16 andPsalm 3:2, 71:11; Matthew 27:41-46, 27:63, 27:64ReciprocalJob 33:26 - pray; Psalm 31:11 - especially; 35:15 - in mine; 38:7 - my loins; 103:3 - healeth; 138:7 - Though I walk; Lamentations 2:16 - we have seen Verse 9YeaPsalm 55:12-14, 55:20-22; 2 Samuel 15:12; Job 19:19; Jeremiah 20:10 mine own familiar friendHeb. the man of my peacewhichDeuteronomy 32:15; Obadiah 1:7; John 13:18, 13:26, 13:27 lifted upHeb. magnifiedReciprocal2 Samuel 9:7 - eat bread; 15:31 - Ahithophel; Job 6:15 - My brethren; Psalm 31:11 - especially; Jeremiah 38:22 - Thy friends; 41:1 - they did; Daniel 11:26 - that feed; Micah 7:6 - a man's; Matthew 10:36 - General; 26:23 - He that; 26:50 - Friend; Mark 14:10 - one; 14:18 - One; Luke 12:52 - General; 22:3 - being; 22:21 - General; John 6:71 - being; Acts 1:16 - spake; 1 John 2:19 - went out Verse 10be mercifulPsalm 57:1, 109:21 that18:37-42, 21:8-10, 69:22-28, 109:6-20; Luke 19:27ReciprocalPsalm 86:17 - Show; Micah 7:8 - when I fall; Matthew 5:43 - and hate Verse 11becausePsalm 13:4, 31:8, 35:25, 86:17, 124:6; Jeremiah 20:13; Colossians 2:15ReciprocalGenesis 33:10 - I have seen; Job 19:5 - magnify; Psalm 25:2 - let not; 27:12 - will; 30:1 - hast not Verse 12thouPsalm 25:21, 94:18 settest16:11, 17:15, 34:15, 73:23, 73:24; Job 36:7; John 17:24ReciprocalGenesis 17:18 - before; Deuteronomy 30:2 - with all thine heart; 1 Samuel 25:32 - General; Job 2:3 - holdeth; Psalm 4:1 - O; 7:8 - to mine; 37:17 - Lord; 61:7 - abide; 119:116 - Uphold; Isaiah 41:10 - I will uphold Verse 13BlessedPsalm 72:18, 72:19, 89:52, 106:48; 1 Chronicles 29:10; Ephesians 1:3; Revelation 4:8, 5:9-14, 7:12; 11:17 AmenThe LXX and Vulgate render Γενοιτο, γενοιτο, Fiat, fiat. So be it! So be it! With this psalm ends the first of the five books into which the Hebrews have divided the Psalms. Numbers 5:22; Deuteronomy 27:15-26; 1 Kings 1:36; 1 Chronicles 16:36; Jeremiah 28:6; Matthew 6:13; 1 Corinthians 14:16; Revelation 22:20ReciprocalExodus 18:10 - General; 1 Samuel 25:32 - General; 1 Kings 1:48 - Blessed; 8:15 - Blessed; 8:26 - And now; 2 Chronicles 6:4 - Blessed; Nehemiah 8:6 - blessed; Psalm 68:8 - the God; 113:2 - General; Daniel 2:20 - Blessed; 9:16 - Jerusalem; Luke 1:68 - Blessed; Romans 9:5 - Amen; 2 Corinthians 11:31 - which; Galatians 1:5 - whom; Ephesians 2:7 - in the; 1 Timothy 1:17 - be; 1 Peter 1:3 - Blessed; Revelation 19:4 - Amen