Psalm 19
19:1 The creatures shew God's glory;
19:7 The excellency of the divine law;
19:12 David prays for grace.

It is uncertain when this highly finished and beautiful ode was composed; though some think it was written by David in the wilderness when persecuted by Saul. Verse 1The heavensPsalm 8:3, 33:6, 115:16, 148:3, 148:4; Isaiah 40:22-26; Jeremiah 10:11, 10:12; Romans 1:19, 1:20 the firmamentRakeea, from raka, to stretch out, the expanse, not only containing the celestial bodies, but also the air, light, rain, dews, etc., all of which display the infinite power and wisdom of their Almighty Creator. Psalm 150:1, 150:2; Genesis 1:6-8, 1:14, 1:15; Daniel 12:3ReciprocalGenesis 1:31 - very good; 1 Chronicles 16:31 - Let the heavens; Job 28:27 - he prepared it; 36:24 - which; Psalm 28:5 - operation; 74:16 - prepared; 89:5 - heavens; 96:6 - Honour; 97:6 - The heavens; 111:3 - honourable; 145:10 - All thy; Isaiah 6:3 - the whole earth; 40:21 - General; 40:26 - Lift; Jeremiah 31:35 - which giveth; Acts 14:17 - he left; 17:27 - they; Habakkuk 1:10 - the works; James 1:17 - from the Verse 2Day untoPsalm 24:7-10, 78:3-6, 134:1-3, 148:12; Exodus 15:20, 15:21; Isaiah 38:19 night untoPsalm 74:16, 136:8, 136:9; Genesis 1:17, 1:18, 8:22Reciprocal1:5 - and; 1:31 - very good; Psalm 28:5 - operation Verse 3ThereOr, "They have no speech, nor words, nor is their voice heard; yet into all the earth hath gone out their sound, and to the extremity of the world their words." The Hebrew, kav, rendered, line, like the Greek φθογγος, by which the LXX - who are followed by St. Paul
render it, no doubt signifies the sound as well as the cord which emits it. The Vulgate, Jerome, and Symmachus, render it to the same purpose. Deuteronomy 4:19 whereor, without these their voice is heard, Heb. without their voice heard

Verse 4TheirPsalm 98:3; Isaiah 49:6; Romans 10:18; 2 Corinthians 10:13-16 lineor, rule, or, directionIn themGenesis 1:14-18; Malachi 4:2ReciprocalJoshua 10:12 - Sun; 10:13 - So the sun; Judges 5:31 - the sun; Job 25:3 - upon whom; 38:5 - who hath stretched; 38:13 - take; Psalm 20:5 - rejoice; Ecclesiastes 1:5 - sun; Hosea 6:3 - his going; Habakkuk 3:11 - habitation; 1 Corinthians 15:41 - General Verse 5bridegroomIsaiah 61:10, 62:5; John 3:29 rejoicethEcclesiastes 1:5; 1 Corinthians 9:24-26; Philippians 3:13, 3:14; Habakkuk 3:1, 3:1ReciprocalJudges 5:31 - the sun; Job 39:21 - and; Psalm 65:8 - outgoings; Joel 2:7 - They shall run Verse 6His goingPsalm 139:9; Job 25:3; Ecclesiastes 1:5; Colossians 1:23 circuitJob 22:14ReciprocalGenesis 1:16 - to rule; 1:18 - General; Proverbs 17:8 - gift Verse 7lawor, doctrine, Psalm 78:1-7, 119:72, 119:96-100, 119:105, 119:127, 119:128, 147:19, 147:20; Deuteronomy 6:6-9, 17:18-20; Joshua 1:8; Job 23:12; Romans 3:2, 15:4 perfectPsalm 18:30, 111:7; Deuteronomy 32:4; Romans 12:2; James 1:17 convertingor, restoring, Psalm 23:3, 119:9; James 1:21-25 testimonyPsalm 93:5, 119:14, 119:24, 119:111, 119:152; Isaiah 8:16, 8:20; John 3:32, 3:33, 5:39; Acts 10:43; 2 Timothy 1:8; 1 John 5:9-12; Revelation 19:10 surePsalm 111:7; 2 Samuel 23:5; 2 Timothy 2:19; Habakkuk 3:1, 3:1 makingPsalm 119:130; Proverbs 1:4, 1:22, 1:23; Colossians 3:16; 2 Timothy 3:15-17ReciprocalExodus 32:15 - the testimony; Deuteronomy 4:6 - this is your; 4:8 - General; 31:12 - men; 2 Samuel 16:23 - oracle of God; 1 Kings 2:3 - testimonies; 2 Kings 23:3 - his commandments; Ezra 7:10 - the law; 7:25 - the wisdom; Nehemiah 9:13 - gavest; 13:3 - when they; Job 28:23 - General; 33:27 - right; Psalm 51:13 - converted; 56:4 - In God I will; 116:6 - preserveth; 119:47 - which; 119:138 - testimonies; Proverbs 2:6 - out; 7:7 - the simple; 8:5 - General; 8:6 - for; 8:9 - General; 9:4 - General; Isaiah 35:8 - the wayfaring; 45:19 - speak righteousness; Jeremiah 8:9 - lo; Ezekiel 18:9 - walked; 20:19 - walk; Hosea 14:9 - for; Micah 2:7 - do not; Matthew 24:35 - my; Mark 13:31 - my; John 6:63 - the words; 17:17 - Sanctify; Acts 11:14 - words; Romans 7:7 - I had; 7:12 - the law; 16:18 - the simple; 2 Corinthians 3:7 - was; 1 Timothy 1:8 - the law; 4:6 - good doctrine; 2 Timothy 3:16 - and is; James 1:25 - the perfect; 1 Peter 2:2 - the sincere; 2 Peter 1:19 - a more; 1 John 5:3 - and Verse 8statutesPsalm 105:45, 119:12, 119:16, 119:80, 119:171; Genesis 26:5; Exodus 18:16; Deuteronomy 4:5, 4:6; Ezekiel 36:27 rightPsalm 119:128; Nehemiah 9:13 rejoicingPsalm 40:8, 119:14, 119:24, 119:54, 119:92, 119:121, 119:143; Deuteronomy 12:11, 12:12, 16:11, 16:14; Nehemiah 8:12; Isaiah 64:5; Jeremiah 15:16; Romans 7:22 is purePsalm 12:6, 119:40; Proverbs 30:5; Romans 7:12-14 enlighteningPsalm 13:3, 119:98-100, 119:105, 119:130; Proverbs 2:6, 6:23; Romans 2:17-20, 3:20, 7:7; Galatians 2:19, 3:10-13, 3:21ReciprocalLeviticus 20:22 - statutes; 23:14 - it shall be; 2 Samuel 22:23 - judgments; 2 Kings 17:37 - the statutes; Nehemiah 1:7 - the commandments; Job 33:27 - right; Psalm 18:30 - tried; 33:4 - the word; 56:4 - In God I will; 93:5 - Thy; 119:96 - but thy; 119:111 - for they; 119:140 - pure; Proverbs 8:9 - General; Isaiah 8:20 - it is; Hosea 14:9 - for; Romans 2:18 - being instructed; 2 Corinthians 3:7 - was; Ephesians 6:1 - for Verse 9The fearPsalm 34:11-14, 36:1, 115:13; Genesis 22:12, 42:18; 1 Samuel 12:24; 1 Kings 18:3, 18:4, 18:12; Nehemiah 5:15; Proverbs 8:13; Acts 10:22; Romans 3:10-18 enduringPsalm 111:10, 112:1-6 judgments10:5, 36:6, 72:1, 72:2, 119:7, 119:39, 119:62, 119:75, 119:106, 119:137, 119:138, 119:142, 119:160, 119:164; 147:19; Exodus 21:1; Deuteronomy 4:8; Isaiah 26:8; Romans 2:2, 11:22; Revelation 15:3, 16:7, 19:2 trueHeb. truthReciprocalLeviticus 25:17 - fear; 2 Samuel 22:23 - judgments; 1 Chronicles 16:12 - the judgments; Nehemiah 1:7 - the commandments; Job 23:12 - I have esteemed; Psalm 111:8 - are done; 119:86 - All thy; Proverbs 19:23 - fear; Acts 10:35 - feareth; 2 Corinthians 7:1 - in Verse 10than goldPsalm 119:72, 119:127; Job 28:15-17; Proverbs 3:13-15, 8:10, 8:11, 8:19, 16:16 sweeterPsalm 63:5, 119:103; Job 23:12; Proverbs 24:13 honeycombHeb. the dropping of honey-combs, 1 Samuel 14:26-29ReciprocalJob 28:13 - knoweth; Psalm 119:14 - rejoiced; Proverbs 2:4 - thou; 2:10 - General; 3:17 - ways of; 16:24 - an; 22:18 - it is; 24:14 - shall the; Ecclesiastes 2:14 - one; Song of Songs 5:16 - mouth; Jeremiah 15:16 - thy word; Ezekiel 3:3 - it was; 1 Corinthians 3:12 - gold; Revelation 10:10 - sweet Verse 11MoreoverPsalm 119:11; 2 Chronicles 19:10; Proverbs 6:22, 6:23; Ezekiel 3:17-21, 33:3-9; Matthew 3:7; Acts 20:31; 1 Corinthians 4:14; 1 Thessalonians 5:14; Habakkuk 3:1 keepingProverbs 3:16-18, 11:18, 29:18; Isaiah 3:10, 3:11; Matthew 6:4, 6:6, 6:18; Habakkuk 3:1, 3:1; James 1:25; 2 John 1:8; Revelation 14:13ReciprocalExodus 39:43 - blessed them; Deuteronomy 5:29 - that it might; 6:18 - shalt do; 11:27 - General; 15:5 - General; 17:20 - right hand; Ruth 2:12 - recompense; 2 Samuel 22:21 - rewarded; 2 Chronicles 15:7 - your work; Psalm 119:24 - my counsellors; Proverbs 3:17 - ways of; 13:13 - rewarded; 19:8 - he that keepeth; 24:14 - shall the; Ezekiel 3:21 - he shall; 18:22 - in his; Matthew 5:12 - for great; John 13:17 - happy; 1 Corinthians 15:58 - ye know; Habakkuk 3:1 - great Verse 12canPsalm 40:12; Job 6:24; Isaiah 64:6; 1 Corinthians 4:4; Habakkuk 3:1 cleansePsalm 51:5-10, 65:3; 1 John 1:7 secretPsalm 90:8, 139:2, 139:23, 139:24; Leviticus 4:2-35; Jeremiah 17:9ReciprocalLeviticus 5:2 - hidden; 5:17 - though; 13:6 - wash; Numbers 15:22 - General; Deuteronomy 21:6 - wash their hands; 21:8 - lay not; 1 Kings 8:46 - there is no man; Job 9:3 - he cannot; 22:5 - thine; 31:37 - declare; 34:32 - which; Psalm 51:2 - cleanse; 69:5 - and my sins; Ezekiel 45:20 - every one; Romans 7:15 - what; 7:21 - evil; Galatians 3:11 - that; 5:17 - the flesh; Philippians 3:9 - not; Habakkuk 3:1 - if; 1 John 1:9 - and to Verse 13KeepGenesis 20:6; 1 Samuel 25:32-34, 25:39 presumptuousExodus 21:14; Numbers 15:30, 15:31; Deuteronomy 17:12, 17:13; 2 Peter 2:10 letPsalm 119:133; Romans 6:12-14, 6:16-22 uprightPsalm 7:10, 11:7, 84:11; Acts 24:16 I shallPsalm 18:23; 1 Chronicles 10:13, 10:14 greatHeb. much.Reciprocal2 Samuel 11:14 - wrote a letter; Psalm 51:12 - uphold; 119:11 - that I; Luke 22:40 - Pray; John 8:36 - General; Romans 7:21 - a law; Galatians 5:17 - the flesh; 2 Thessalonians 3:3 - and; Habakkuk 3:1 - if Verse 14LetPsalm 5:1, 5:2, 51:15, 66:18-20, 119:108; Genesis 4:4, 4:5; Proverbs 15:8; Romans 15:16; Habakkuk 3:1, 3:1; 1 Peter 2:5 strengthHeb. rock, Psalm 18:1, 18:2 redeemerJob 19:25; Isaiah 43:14, 44:6, 47:4, 54:5; 1 Thessalonians 1:10; Titus 2:14; 1 Peter 1:18, 1:19; Revelation 5:9ReciprocalJoshua 1:8 - thou shalt; Psalm 9:16 - Higgaion; 27:1 - strength; 28:7 - strength; 31:4 - my strength; 49:3 - meditation; 139:4 - there is not; Proverbs 15:26 - but; Isaiah 41:14 - saith; Jeremiah 16:19 - my strength; Luke 11:1 - teach; Romans 12:1 - acceptable; Ephesians 5:10 - acceptable; 1 Timothy 4:15 - Meditate; Habakkuk 3:1 - we may