Psalm 104
104:1 A meditation upon the mighty power,
104:7 and wonderful providence of God;
104:31 God's glory is eternal;
104:33 The prophet vows perpetually to praise God. Verse 1BlessThis sublime poem on the works of God in creation and providence, is ascribed to David in the LXX, Vulgate, Ethiopic, Syriac, and Arabic; and as it opens and closes with the same words as the preceding psalm, it is probable that it was composed on the same occasion; and it is written as part of it in nine manuscripts Psalm 104:35, 103:1, 103:2, 103:22 O Lord7:1; Daniel 9:4; Habakkuk 1:12 art very greatPsalm 145:3; Jeremiah 23:24, 32:17-19; Revelation 1:13-20 clothedPsalm 93:1; Isaiah 59:17; Daniel 7:9 honourPsalm 29:1-4, 96:6Reciprocal1 Chronicles 29:11 - majesty; Job 37:22 - with; 39:19 - clothed; 40:10 - Deck; Psalm 45:3 - glory; 62:5 - soul; 96:2 - bless; 132:9 - thy priests; 145:5 - will speak; 146:1 - Praise the Lord; Daniel 4:30 - and for; Mark 9:3 - his raiment; Habakkuk 3:1 - the Majesty Verse 2with lightDaniel 7:9; Matthew 17:2; 1 Timothy 6:16; 1 John 1:5 stretchestIsaiah 40:22, 45:12; Zechariah 12:1; Habakkuk 1:10-12ReciprocalGenesis 1:3 - Let; 1:6 - Let there; 2:1 - Thus; 3:18 - herb; Exodus 20:21 - thick; Job 9:8 - Which; 26:7 - General; 37:16 - the balancings; 37:18 - spread; 38:14 - as a; 40:10 - Deck; Psalm 93:1 - he is; 136:6 - General; 145:5 - will speak; Proverbs 30:4 - who hath gathered; Isaiah 40:12 - measured; 42:5 - he that created; 44:24 - I am; 51:13 - that hath; Jeremiah 10:12 - stretched; 51:15 - and hath; Daniel 2:22 - and the; Habakkuk 3:4 - brightness; Mark 9:3 - his raiment; Acts 9:3 - a light; 1 John 1:7 - as Verse 3Who layethPsalm 18:10, 18:11; Amos 9:6 makethIsaiah 19:1; Matthew 26:64; Revelation 1:7 walkethPsalm 18:10, 139:9; 2 Samuel 22:11; Nahum 1:3ReciprocalGenesis 1:9 - General; Deuteronomy 33:26 - rideth; 2 Samuel 22:10 - darkness; 2 Kings 2:11 - General; 6:17 - full of horses; Job 9:8 - Which; 9:9 - General; 30:22 - to ride; 36:29 - the spreadings; 37:9 - south; 37:16 - the balancings; Psalm 29:3 - many waters; 65:11 - thy paths; 68:4 - rideth; 68:33 - rideth; 104:13 - his chambers; 136:6 - General; 148:4 - waters; Isaiah 40:12 - measured; Ezekiel 1:4 - a great; Daniel 7:9 - and his wheels; Habakkuk 3:8 - ride; Zechariah 6:5 - These; Matthew 14:25 - walking; Mark 6:48 - he cometh; Revelation 10:1 - clothed Verse 4Who makethActs 23:8; Habakkuk 1:7, 1:14 ministers2 Kings 2:11, 6:17; Ezekiel 1:13ReciprocalGenesis 3:24 - Cherubims; Exodus 37:7 - General; Job 4:15 - a spirit; 4:18 - he put; 38:7 - the sons; Psalm 103:21 - ministers; Isaiah 6:2 - seraphims; Ezekiel 1:4 - a great; 1:7 - the colour; Daniel 7:9 - and his wheels; 9:21 - to fly; Zechariah 6:5 - These; Matthew 28:3 - countenance; 2 Peter 2:11 - angels Verse 5Who laid the foundations of the earthHeb. He hath founded the earth upon her bases, Psalm 24:2, 33:9, 136:6; Job 26:7, 38:4-7 that itPsalm 93:1, 96:10; Ecclesiastes 1:4; 2 Peter 3:10; Revelation 6:14, 20:11ReciprocalGenesis 1:9 - General; 1 Samuel 2:8 - the pillars; Job 36:30 - and; 38:6 - Whereupon; Psalm 18:15 - foundations; 66:6 - He turned; 78:69 - earth; 119:90 - thou hast; Micah 6:2 - foundations; Romans 1:20 - from the Verse 6Genesis 1:2-10, 7:19; 2 Peter 3:5ReciprocalGenesis 7:20 - and the mountains; Job 26:10 - compassed; 38:14 - as a; Psalm 24:2 - For; 29:10 - sitteth; 33:7 - He gathereth; 65:7 - noise; Ecclesiastes 1:7 - the rivers run; Jonah 2:6 - mountains; Matthew 8:26 - and rebuked; Luke 8:24 - he arose Verse 7At thyGenesis 8:1; Proverbs 8:28; Mark 4:39 they fledPsalm 114:3-7ReciprocalJob 12:15 - he sendeth; 36:29 - the noise; 37:2 - the noise; Psalm 18:13 - thundered; 76:6 - At thy; Jeremiah 51:16 - he uttereth; Nahum 1:4 - rebuketh Verse 8They go upetc. or, The mountains ascend, the valleys descend, Genesis 8:5ReciprocalProverbs 3:20 - the depths; Jonah 2:6 - mountains Verse 9hast setPsalm 33:7; Genesis 9:11-15; Job 26:10, 38:10, 38:11; Isaiah 54:9; Jeremiah 5:22ReciprocalJob 14:5 - thou hast; 38:8 - who; Psalm 76:10 - remainder; Proverbs 3:20 - the depths; 8:29 - he gave Verse 10He sendethHeb. Who sendeth, Psalm 107:35
The waters of the sea are not only prevented from destroying the earth, but, by the providence of God, are rendered the means of preserving every living thing; partly ascending from the great deep through the strata of the earth, partly exhaled in vapour from the surface of the ocean, and thence falling in rain, especially on the tops and sides of mountains, they break forth into fresh springs, and form streams and rivers. Deuteronomy 8:7; Isaiah 35:7, 41:18 runHeb. walkReciprocalGenesis 1:7 - above; Deuteronomy 11:11 - General; Job 38:26 - on the wilderness; Psalm 65:12 - drop
Verse 11They givePsalm 145:16 the wildJob 39:5-8 quenchHeb. breakReciprocalJoel 2:22 - afraid; Matthew 6:26 - the fowls; Habakkuk 3:1 - the earth Verse 12the fowlsPsalm 104:16, 104:17, 50:11, 84:3, 148:10; Matthew 6:26 singHeb. give a voice, Psalm 147:9

Verse 13waterethPsalm 147:8; Deuteronomy 11:11; Job 38:25-28, 38:37; Jeremiah 10:13, 14:22; Matthew 5:45; Acts 14:17 his chambersPsalm 104:3; Amos 9:6 the earthPsalm 65:9-13ReciprocalLeviticus 26:4 - Then I; Job 9:9 - General; 36:31 - he giveth; Psalm 119:64 - earth; Isaiah 30:23 - shall he; Zechariah 10:1 - and give Verse 14causethPsalm 145:15, 145:16, 147:8, 147:9; Genesis 1:11, 1:12, 1:29, 2:5; 1 Kings 18:5; Jeremiah 14:5, 14:6; Joel 2:22 herbGenesis 1:29, 2:9, 3:18, 9:3 that hePsalm 136:25; Genesis 4:12; Job 28:5; 1 Corinthians 3:7ReciprocalGenesis 1:30 - General; Deuteronomy 11:15 - And I will; Ruth 1:6 - in giving; Job 6:5 - when he hath grass; 40:15 - he; 40:20 - where; Psalm 36:6 - thou; 50:10 - cattle; 65:9 - visitest; Proverbs 27:25 - hay; Ecclesiastes 5:9 - the profit; Isaiah 30:23 - shall he; Jonah 4:11 - and also; 1 Corinthians 15:38 - General Verse 15winePsalm 23:5; Judges 9:13; Proverbs 31:6; Ecclesiastes 10:19; Jeremiah 31:12; Zechariah 9:15-17; Mark 14:23; Ephesians 5:18 oil to make hisetc. Heb. to make his face shine with oil, or, more than oil. Psalm 92:10; Deuteronomy 28:40; Judges 9:9; Ecclesiastes 8:1, 9:7; Song of Songs 1:2-4; Habakkuk 1:9; 1 John 2:20 breadPsalm 105:16; Leviticus 26:26; Deuteronomy 8:3; Isaiah 3:1; Ezekiel 4:16, 5:16, 14:13ReciprocalGenesis 1:29 - to you; 3:18 - herb; 9:3 - even; 18:5 - comfort; 27:28 - plenty; Judges 19:5 - Comfort; 19:6 - let thine heart; Ruth 1:6 - in giving; 3:3 - anoint thee; 3:7 - his heart; 2 Samuel 13:28 - heart is merry; 14:2 - mourning; Job 28:5 - out of it; Psalm 65:9 - thou preparest; Proverbs 27:9 - Ointment; Ecclesiastes 5:9 - the profit; Isaiah 61:3 - the oil; Zechariah 10:7 - and their; Matthew 26:29 - I will; Mark 14:25 - I will; Luke 7:46 - General; 22:18 - the fruit; John 2:3 - they wanted; 2:10 - but; 1 Timothy 5:23 - General Verse 16Psalm 29:5, 92:2; Numbers 24:6; Ezekiel 17:23ReciprocalJudges 9:15 - the cedars; Psalm 80:10 - goodly cedars; 92:12 - cedar; 104:12 - the fowls; Ezekiel 27:5 - cedars Verse 17the birdsPsalm 104:12; Jeremiah 22:23; Ezekiel 31:6; Daniel 4:21; Obadiah 1:4; Matthew 13:32 as forLeviticus 11:19; Jeremiah 8:7 the storkThe stork is a species of the ardea or heron genus, about the size of a goose in its body, but when erect, about three or four feet high; its general colour is white; extremity of the wings, and small part of the head, black; legs, very long, red, and naked a great way up; the toes four, long and connected, with flat nails like those of a man; beak long, jagged, red, and somewhat compressed; the upper and under chaps both of a length, with a furrow from the nostrils: it feeds on serpents, frogs, and insects, on which account it might be deemed unclean; lays four eggs, and sits thirty days; migrates about August, and returns in spring; and is remarkable for its love to its parents, whom it never forsakes, but feeds and cherishes when old; whence it had the name chaseedah, which denotes kindness or piety, and stork, from the Greek στοργη, natural affection.ReciprocalJob 39:13 - wings and feathers unto the; Matthew 8:20 - and Verse 18the wild goatsThe yaal, is the ibex, or rock goat, so called from alah, to ascend, because it is famous for mounting to the tops of the highest rocks. Its general appearance is that of the tame goat, of a dusky brown colour; but the male is larger, with long horns, bending backwards. 1 Samuel 24:2; Job 39:1 the coniesDeuteronomy 14:7; Proverbs 30:26ReciprocalGenesis 1:24 - Let; Leviticus 11:5 - the coney Verse 19Psalm 8:3, 136:7-9; Genesis 1:14-18; Deuteronomy 4:19; Job 31:26-28, 38:12; Jeremiah 31:35ReciprocalDeuteronomy 33:14 - moon; Psalm 89:37 - ever; Ecclesiastes 1:5 - sun; Jeremiah 33:20 - General; 33:25 - and if Verse 20makestPsalm 74:16, 139:10-12; Genesis 1:4, 1:5, 8:22; Isaiah 45:7; Amos 1:13 of the forest do creep forthHeb. thereof do trample on the forestReciprocalGenesis 1:14 - Let there; 1:26 - have dominion; 9:2 - General; Job 38:19 - darkness; Psalm 65:8 - outgoings; Jeremiah 5:6 - and a wolf; Amos 5:8 - maketh Verse 21The youngPsalm 34:10; Job 38:39; Isaiah 31:4; Ezekiel 19:2-14; Amos 3:4 seekPsalm 147:9; Job 38:41; Joel 1:18, 1:20, 2:22ReciprocalJob 38:13 - the wicked; Psalm 145:15 - The eyes; Isaiah 43:20 - beast; 1 Peter 5:8 - as Verse 22Job 24:13-17; Nahum 3:17; John 3:20ReciprocalJob 37:8 - General; 38:13 - the wicked Verse 23Genesis 3:19; Judges 19:16; Ecclesiastes 5:12; Ephesians 4:28; 2 Thessalonians 3:8-12ReciprocalGenesis 1:24 - Let Verse 24howPsalm 8:3, 40:5, 107:31; Nehemiah 9:6; Job 5:9 in wisdomPsalm 136:5; Genesis 1:31; Proverbs 3:19, 3:20, 8:22-36; Jeremiah 10:12; Romans 11:33; Ephesians 1:8; 3:10 the earthPsalm 24:1, 50:10-12, 65:11; Genesis 1:11, 1:12, 1:24, 1:25; 1 Timothy 6:17ReciprocalGenesis 1:20 - Let the waters; 1:21 - great; Job 9:4 - wise in heart; 36:24 - magnify; 37:12 - it; 37:16 - perfect; 40:19 - the chief; Psalm 8:9 - General; 28:5 - Because; 33:5 - earth; 50:12 - fulness; 65:13 - pastures; 92:5 - O Lord; 107:24 - his wonders; 111:2 - works; 139:14 - marvellous; 145:10 - All thy; Proverbs 8:12 - I wisdom; Ecclesiastes 3:11 - so; 8:17 - that a man; 11:5 - even; Jeremiah 51:15 - by his wisdom; Ezekiel 10:10 - General; Daniel 4:3 - great; Acts 14:17 - in that; Romans 2:4 - riches; Philippians 4:19 - according Verse 25this greatPsalm 95:4, 95:5; Genesis 1:20-22, 1:28; Deuteronomy 33:14-16, 33:19 beastsGenesis 3:1; Acts 28:5ReciprocalJob 26:5 - Dead things; Psalm 50:10 - every; 74:14 - leviathan; 148:7 - ye dragons; Ezekiel 47:10 - the great sea; Jonah 1:17 - the Lord Verse 26There goPsalm 107:23; Genesis 49:13 leviathanPsalm 74:14; Job 3:8 *marg. 41:1-34; Isaiah 27:1 madeHeb. formedto playJob 41:5, 41:29ReciprocalGenesis 7:18 - ark; Job 26:5 - Dead things; 40:20 - where; Psalm 148:7 - ye dragons; Jonah 1:17 - the Lord Verse 27Psalm 36:6, 136:25, 145:15, 145:16, 147:9; Job 38:41; Luke 12:24-28ReciprocalGenesis 1:29 - to you; 6:21 - General; Deuteronomy 8:3 - doth; Job 36:31 - he giveth; 39:8 - General; Psalm 145:9 - good; Joel 2:22 - afraid; Jonah 4:11 - and also; Matthew 6:26 - the fowls; 10:29 - and one; Acts 17:25 - seeing; 1 Corinthians 9:9 - Doth; Galatians 6:9 - for Verse 28ReciprocalGenesis 1:29 - to you; 6:21 - General; Job 36:31 - he giveth; 38:41 - General; 39:8 - General; Psalm 103:5 - satisfieth; 145:16 - openest; 147:9 - General; Jonah 4:11 - and also; Matthew 6:26 - the fowls; 1 Timothy 6:17 - who Verse 29hidestPsalm 30:7; Job 13:24, 34:29; Romans 8:20-22 thou takestPsalm 146:4; Job 34:14, 34:15; Ecclesiastes 12:7; Acts 17:25 returnPsalm 90:3; Genesis 3:19ReciprocalDeuteronomy 31:17 - hide my face; 2 Samuel 12:15 - struck the child; 1 Kings 17:17 - that there was; Job 12:10 - the breath; 14:5 - thou hast; Psalm 22:15 - into the; 102:2 - Hide; Ecclesiastes 3:19 - as the; 3:20 - all are; Ezekiel 37:5 - I will; Daniel 5:23 - in whose; James 2:26 - as Verse 30sendestPsalm 33:6; Job 26:13, 33:4; Isaiah 32:14, 32:15; Ezekiel 37:9; Ephesians 2:1, 2:4, 2:5; Titus 3:5 renewestIsaiah 65:17, 66:22; Revelation 21:5ReciprocalGenesis 1:1 - God; 1:2 - Spirit; Ezekiel 37:5 - I will; 37:10 - the breath Verse 31The gloryPsalm 102:16; Romans 11:36; Galatians 1:5; Ephesians 3:21; 2 Timothy 4:18; Habakkuk 3:1; 1 Peter 5:11; 2 Peter 3:18; Revelation 5:12, 5:13 endureHeb. berejoiceGenesis 1:31; Exodus 31:17; Isaiah 62:5, 65:18, 65:19; Jeremiah 32:41; Zephaniah 3:17; Luke 15:5, 15:6, 15:22-24ReciprocalGenesis 1:10 - God saw; Exodus 39:43 - did look; Psalm 92:4 - General; Romans 1:20 - from the Verse 32lookethPsalm 77:16, 97:4, 97:5, 114:7; Isaiah 64:2; Jeremiah 4:23-26, 5:22; Amos 8:8; Nahum 1:5, 1:6; Habakkuk 3:5, 3:6, 3:10; Revelation 20:11 he touchethPsalm 50:3, 144:5; Exodus 19:18; Isaiah 64:1, 64:2; Revelation 19:3ReciprocalExodus 14:24 - looked unto; Psalm 18:8 - went; 60:2 - made; Jeremiah 10:10 - at Verse 33Psalm 63:4, 145:1, 145:2, 146:2ReciprocalDeuteronomy 12:1 - all the days; Psalm 35:28 - General; 71:23 - My lips; 75:9 - But; 86:12 - praise; 108:1 - I will; Malachi 3:16 - that thought Verse 34meditationPsalm 1:2, 63:5, 63:6, 77:12, 119:15, 119:16, 119:111, 119:127, 119:128, 119:167, 139:17, 139:18; Proverbs 24:14 I will bePsalm 32:11; Habakkuk 3:17, 3:18; Luke 1:47; Philippians 4:4ReciprocalGenesis 24:63 - to meditate; 2 Chronicles 30:25 - rejoiced; Psalm 35:28 - General; 37:4 - Delight; 48:9 - thought; 49:3 - meditation; 73:25 - none upon; 92:4 - General; 111:2 - sought; Proverbs 2:10 - General; Isaiah 19:1 - rideth; Joel 2:23 - rejoice; Luke 24:32 - Did; Romans 5:11 - but we; 1 Timothy 4:15 - Meditate; Revelation 10:10 - sweet Verse 35sinnersPsalm 1:4, 37:38, 59:13, 68:1, 68:2, 73:27, 101:8; Judges 5:31; Proverbs 2:22; Revelation 19:1, 19:2 BlessPsalm 104:1, 103:1, 103:2, 103:22ReciprocalJudges 4:16 - pursued; Job 38:13 - the wicked; Psalm 62:5 - soul; 146:1 - Praise the Lord; Isaiah 1:28 - the destruction; 13:9 - he shall