Numbers 9
9:1 The passover is again commanded;
9:6 A second passover for the unclean or absent;
9:15 The cloud directs the removals and encampments of the Israelites. Verse 1am 2514, bc 1490, An, Ex, Is, 2, Abibin the first monthThe first fourteen verses of this chapter evidently refer to a time previous to the commencement of this book; but as there is no evidence of a transposition, it is better to conclude with Houbigant, that "it is enough to know, that these books contain an account of things transacted in the days of Moses, though not in their regular or chronological order." Numbers 1:1; Exodus 40:2Reciprocal40:17 - the first month; Numbers 7:66 - On the tenth day; 7:73 - General; 10:11 - on; 10:12 - out of the; Joshua 5:10 - kept the passover Verse 2keepExodus 12:1-20 his appointedNumbers 28:16; Exodus 12:6, 12:14; Leviticus 23:5; Deuteronomy 16:1, 16:2; Joshua 5:10; 2 Chronicles 35:1; Ezra 6:19; Mark 14:12; Luke 22:7; 1 Corinthians 5:7, 5:8ReciprocalExodus 12:21 - and take; 23:15 - the feast; Numbers 9:7 - we may not offer; 9:13 - because; 28:2 - General; 2 Kings 23:21 - as it is written; Ezekiel 45:21 - ye shall Verse 3Exodus 12:7-11 the fourteenth2 Chronicles 30:2, 30:15 at evenHeb. between the two evenings, Exodus 12:6 *marg. Habakkuk 3:1 according to all the ritesNumbers 9:11, 9:12Reciprocal9:13 - because; 28:2 - General; 28:4 - at even; 28:16 - General; Deuteronomy 16:6 - at even; 2 Chronicles 35:1 - the fourteenth Verse 5they keptJoshua 5:10 accordingNumbers 8:20, 29:40; Genesis 6:22, 7:5; Exodus 39:32, 39:42; Deuteronomy 1:3, 4:5; Matthew 28:20; John 15:14; Acts 26:19; Habakkuk 3:5, 3:1ReciprocalNumbers 10:11 - on; 10:12 - out of the Verse 6defiledNumbers 5:2, 6:6, 6:7, 19:11, 19:16, 19:18; Leviticus 21:11; John 18:28 they cameNumbers 15:33, 27:2, 27:5; Exodus 18:15, 18:19, 18:26; Leviticus 24:11ReciprocalNumbers 9:10 - be unclean; 2 Chronicles 30:19 - though he be not; Ezra 6:21 - all such; Haggai 2:13 - General; John 11:55 - to purify Verse 7we may not offerNumbers 9:2; Exodus 12:27; Deuteronomy 16:2; 2 Chronicles 30:17-19; 1 Corinthians 5:7, 5:8ReciprocalNumbers 9:10 - be unclean; 9:13 - because; 28:2 - General; Ezra 6:21 - all such Verse 8StandExodus 14:13; 2 Chronicles 20:17 I willNumbers 27:5; Psalm 25:14, 85:8; Proverbs 3:5, 3:6; Ezekiel 2:7, 3:17; John 7:17, 17:8; Acts 20:27; 1 Corinthians 4:4, 11:23; Habakkuk 3:5, 3:6

Verse 10be uncleanNumbers 9:6, 9:7; Romans 15:8-19, 16:25, 16:26; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11; Ephesians 2:1, 2:2, 2:12, 2:13, 3:6-9 yet he shall keepMatthew 5:24; 1 Corinthians 11:28ReciprocalNumbers 19:11 - toucheth the dead; 2 Chronicles 30:2 - in the second month; 30:18 - had not cleansed; Ezra 6:21 - all such; 1 Corinthians 11:27 - whosoever Verse 11fourteenthNumbers 9:3; Exodus 12:2-14, 12:43-49; 2 Chronicles 30:2-15; John 19:36 and eat itExodus 12:8ReciprocalNumbers 10:11 - on; Deuteronomy 16:3 - eat no; 16:6 - at even Verse 12shall leaveExodus 12:10 break any boneIn the East, Belon says, he "met with shepherds who were roasting sheep whole, which they sold to travellers stuck upon sticks of willow tree. The entrails were taken out, and the body again sewed up." 12:46; John 19:36 accordingNumbers 9:3; Exodus 12:43Reciprocal34:25 - be left; Habakkuk 3:1 - had Verse 13forbearethNumbers 15:30, 15:31, 19:13; Genesis 17:14; Exodus 12:15; Leviticus 17:4, 17:10, 17:14-16; Habakkuk 2:3; 3:1, 3:1-10:29, 3:1 becauseNumbers 9:2, 9:3, 9:7 bear his sin5:31; Leviticus 20:20, 22:9; Ezekiel 23:49; Habakkuk 3:1ReciprocalExodus 12:19 - even that; 12:47 - All the; 28:43 - bear not iniquity; 30:33 - cut off; Leviticus 5:1 - bear; 24:15 - bear his sin; Numbers 19:9 - clean; 28:2 - General; 1 Corinthians 11:27 - whosoever Verse 14Exodus 12:48, 12:49; Leviticus 19:10, 22:25, 24:22, 25:15; Deuteronomy 29:11, 31:12; Isaiah 56:3-7; Ephesians 2:19-22ReciprocalExodus 12:43 - There shall; Numbers 15:15 - One; 15:29 - one law; 29:6 - according Verse 15on the dayExodus 40:2, 40:18 the cloudNumbers 14:14; Exodus 14:19, 14:20, 14:24, 33:9, 33:10, 40:34; Nehemiah 9:12, 9:19; Psalm 78:14, 105:39; Isaiah 4:5; Ezekiel 10:3, 10:4; 1 Corinthians 10:1 at evenExodus 13:21, 40:38Reciprocal26:36 - the tent; 38:21 - tabernacle of testimony; Deuteronomy 1:33 - in fire; 1 Kings 8:9 - when; Acts 7:36 - and in the wilderness; 7:44 - the tabernacle Verse 16Numbers 9:18-22; Exodus 13:21, 13:22, 40:38; Deuteronomy 1:33; Nehemiah 9:12, 9:19; Psalm 78:14, 105:39; Isaiah 4:5, 4:6; 1 Corinthians 10:1; 2 Corinthians 5:19; Revelation 21:3
This cloud not only enlightened the Israelites, but also protected them, and was a continual pledge of God's presence and protection. To this manifestation of the Divine glory, the prophet Isaiah alludes, when he says - Isaiah 4:5
"The Lord will create upon every dwelling place of Mount Zion, and upon her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night." God is the director, protector, and glory of his church.

Verse 17when the cloudNumbers 10:11, 10:33, 10:34; Exodus 40:36-38; Psalm 80:1, 80:2; Isaiah 49:10; John 10:3-5, 10:9 and in theExodus 33:14, 33:15; Psalm 32:8, 73:24; John 10:3, 10:4, 10:9ReciprocalNumbers 9:22 - abode; 33:2 - journeys; Psalm 136:16 - General Verse 18and at theNumbers 9:20, 10:13; Exodus 17:1; 2 John 1:6 as long as1 Corinthians 10:1
There is no time lost, while we are waiting God's time. It is as acceptable a piece of submission to the will of God, to sit still contentedly when our lot requires it, as to work for him when we are called to it.ReciprocalNumbers 9:16 - General
Verse 19tarried longHeb. prolongedkept theNumbers 1:52, 1:53, 3:8; Zechariah 3:7ReciprocalExodus 40:37 - General; Leviticus 8:35 - keep; Numbers 9:23 - they kept; 2 Chronicles 13:11 - we keep Verse 20ReciprocalNumbers 9:18 - and at the; Deuteronomy 7:21 - the Lord Verse 21abodeHeb. was, Nehemiah 9:12, 9:19

Verse 22abodeNumbers 9:17, 1:54, 8:20, 23:21, 23:22; Exodus 39:42, 40:16, 40:36, 40:37; Deuteronomy 1:6, 1:7, 2:3, 2:4; Psalm 32:8, 48:14, 73:24, 77:20, 107:7, 143:10; Proverbs 3:5, 3:6; Acts 1:4

Verse 23they keptNumbers 9:19; Genesis 26:5; Joshua 22:3; Ezekiel 44:8; Zechariah 3:7
Some of the Levites may have been appointed to watch the moving of the pillar, and to give timely notice to the camp of its beginning to stir; and this is called "keeping the charge of the Lord." It is uncomfortable staying when God is departed, but very safe and pleasant going, when we see God go before us, and resting where he appoints us to rest.ReciprocalNumbers 10:13 - General