Numbers 20
20:1 The children of Israel come to Zin, where Miriam dies;
20:2 They murmur for want of water;
20:7 Moses smiting the rock, brings forth water at Meribah;
20:14 Moses at Kadesh desires passage through Edom, which is denied him;
20:22 At mount Hor Aaron resigns his place to Eleazar, and dies. Verse 1An, Ex, Is, 40ThenThis was the first month of the fortieth year after the departure from Egypt. - Compare Numbers 33:38, with 20:28 of this chapter and Deuteronomy 1:3. This year was the last of their journeyings, for from the going out of the spies - Numbers 13:1 unto this time, was about thirty-eight years. Deuteronomy 1:22, 1:23, 2:14 intoNumbers 13:21, 27:14, 33:36; Deuteronomy 32:51 KadeshThis Kadesh in the wilderness of Zin, is different from Kadesh-barnea, lying in, or adjoining to the wilderness of Paran, about eight leagues south of Hebron. - See note on Numbers 34:3, 34:4. Joshua 15:1, 15:3. Kadesh is called Rekam, by the Targumists, Rekem, in the Syriac, and Rakim, in Arabic. Rekem, says Rabbi Nissin (in Gittin, chapter 1) is on the east, meaning of the land of Israel. Numbers 20:16; Psalm 29:8 MiriamNumbers 12:1, 12:10, 12:15, 26:59; Exodus 2:4, 2:7, 15:20; Micah 6:4ReciprocalGenesis 14:7 - Kadesh; Numbers 10:31 - forasmuch; 13:26 - Kadesh; 20:22 - Kadesh; Deuteronomy 1:46 - General; Judges 11:16 - came; 11:17 - abode; Ezekiel 48:28 - strife in Kadesh; Acts 7:36 - and in the wilderness Verse 2noExodus 15:23, 15:24, 17:1-4 gatheredNumbers 11:1-6, 16:3, 16:19, 16:42, 21:5; Exodus 16:2, 16:7, 16:12; 1 Corinthians 10:10, 10:11ReciprocalDeuteronomy 9:7 - from the day; 2 Kings 3:9 - no water; Psalm 106:32 - angered Verse 3GodNumbers 14:1, 14:2; Exodus 16:2, 16:3, 17:2; Job 3:10, 3:11 whenNumbers 11:1, 11:33, 11:34, 14:36, 14:37, 16:31-35, 16:49; Lamentations 4:9ReciprocalNumbers 16:13 - to kill; Deuteronomy 6:16 - tempted him; Jonah 4:3 - take Verse 4whyNumbers 11:5; Exodus 5:21, 17:3; Psalm 106:21; Acts 7:35, 7:39, 7:40 that weNumbers 16:13, 16:14, 16:41; Exodus 14:11, 14:12, 16:3ReciprocalDeuteronomy 6:16 - tempted him; Joshua 7:7 - to deliver; 2 Kings 3:9 - no water Verse 5this evilNumbers 16:14; Deuteronomy 8:15; Nehemiah 9:21; Jeremiah 2:2, 2:6; Ezekiel 20:36 no place ofi.e. "no place for sowingReciprocalJoshua 7:7 - to deliver Verse 6they fellNumbers 14:5, 16:4, 16:22, 16:45; Exodus 17:4; Joshua 7:6; 1 Chronicles 21:16; Psalm 109:3, 109:4; Matthew 26:39 the gloryNumbers 12:5, 14:10, 16:19, 16:42; Exodus 16:10ReciprocalPsalm 106:32 - angered Verse 7ReciprocalDeuteronomy 3:26 - the Lord; Nehemiah 9:15 - broughtest Verse 8the rodNumbers 21:15, 21:18; Exodus 4:2, 4:17, 7:20, 14:16, 17:5, 17:9 speakGenesis 18:14; Joshua 6:5, 6:20; Psalm 33:9; Matthew 21:21; Mark 11:22-24; Luke 11:13; John 4:10-14, 16:24; Acts 1:14, 2:1-4; Revelation 22:1, 22:17 bring forthNumbers 20:11; Nehemiah 9:15; Psalm 78:15, 78:16, 105:41, 114:8; Isaiah 41:17, 41:18, 43:20; 48:21ReciprocalExodus 4:20 - the rod of God; Leviticus 8:3 - General; Numbers 21:16 - Gather; 27:14 - ye rebelled; Deuteronomy 29:6 - neither have; 1 Kings 17:4 - I have commanded; 2 Kings 3:17 - that ye may; Ezekiel 37:4 - Prophesy; Matthew 8:8 - but Verse 9Numbers 17:10ReciprocalExodus 4:20 - the rod of God; 17:6 - and thou Verse 10Deuteronomy 9:24; Psalm 106:32, 106:33; Matthew 5:22; Luke 9:54, 9:55; Acts 23:3-5; Ephesians 4:26; James 3:2 we fetchNumbers 11:22, 11:23; Genesis 40:8, 41:16; Daniel 2:28-30; Acts 3:12-16, 14:9-15; Romans 15:17-19; 1 Corinthians 3:7ReciprocalNumbers 11:10 - Moses; 12:3 - above; Ezekiel 2:3 - rebelled; 2:8 - Be; 1 Corinthians 13:5 - is not; Galatians 6:1 - overtaken; Habakkuk 3:1 - is compassed Verse 11smoteNumbers 20:8; Leviticus 10:1; 1 Samuel 15:13, 15:14, 15:19, 15:24; 1 Kings 13:21-24; 1 Chronicles 13:9, 13:10; 15:2, 15:13; Matthew 28:20; James 1:20 the waterExodus 17:6; Deuteronomy 8:15; Hosea 13:5; 1 Corinthians 10:4ReciprocalNumbers 1:50 - the tabernacle; 20:24 - because ye; Deuteronomy 32:51 - ye trespassed; Psalm 74:15 - cleave; 78:15 - General; 78:20 - he smote; 105:41 - opened; 106:33 - Because; 114:8 - General; Isaiah 35:6 - for; 43:19 - rivers; 48:21 - he caused; Jonah 4:4 - Doest thou well to be angry; Habakkuk 3:9 - Thou; 2:2 - every Verse 12Because ye believedNumbers 11:21, 11:22; 2 Chronicles 20:20; Isaiah 7:9; Matthew 17:17, 17:20; Luke 1:20, 1:45; Romans 4:20 sanctifyNumbers 27:14; Leviticus 10:3; Deuteronomy 1:37, 32:51; Isaiah 8:13; Ezekiel 20:41, 36:23, 38:10; 1 Peter 3:15 ye shallNumbers 20:24, 11:15; Deuteronomy 3:23-26, 32:49, 32:50, 34:4; Joshua 1:2; John 1:17ReciprocalExodus 16:28 - General; Deuteronomy 4:21 - General; 31:2 - Thou shalt not; 1 Kings 13:21 - thou hast disobeyed; 2 Kings 7:20 - General; 1 Chronicles 21:10 - that I may; Job 35:15 - because; Psalm 99:8 - though; 106:32 - so that; Jonah 4:4 - Doest thou well to be angry; 1 Corinthians 11:30 - many; Galatians 2:11 - because; Habakkuk 2:2 - every; 3:18 - but; 3:1 - without; James 1:20 - General Verse 13the waterDeuteronomy 33:8; Psalm 95:8, 106:32-48 Meribahi.e. Strife, Exodus 17:7; Deuteronomy 32:51, Meribah-Kadeshhe wasIsaiah 5:16; Ezekiel 20:41, 36:23, 38:16ReciprocalNumbers 27:14 - Meribah; Deuteronomy 6:16 - tempted him; Psalm 81:7 - proved; Isaiah 8:13 - Sanctify; Ezekiel 47:19 - strife; 48:28 - strife in Kadesh Verse 14MosesJudges 11:16, 11:17 thy brotherGenesis 32:3, 32:4; Deuteronomy 2:4-25, 23:7; Obadiah 1:10-12; Malachi 1:2 befallen usHeb. found us, Exodus 18:8ReciprocalGenesis 25:23 - two manner; 25:30 - Edom; 36:1 - General; 36:31 - the kings; 36:43 - the dukes; Exodus 15:15 - dukes; Numbers 20:22 - Kadesh; 21:21 - General; Deuteronomy 32:51 - General; Judges 11:12 - sent messengers; 2 Kings 9:21 - met; Jeremiah 49:7 - Edom; Amos 1:11 - because Verse 15our fathersGenesis 46:6; Acts 7:15 dweltGenesis 15:13; Exodus 12:40 vexed usNumbers 11:5, 16:13; Exodus 1:11-14, 1:16, 1:22, 5:14; Deuteronomy 26:6; Acts 7:19ReciprocalExodus 1:14 - their lives; 1 Samuel 12:8 - Jacob; 2 Samuel 12:18 - seventh day Verse 16we criedExodus 2:23, 2:24, 3:7-9, 6:5, 14:10 sent an3:2-6, 14:19, 23:20, 33:2ReciprocalGenesis 20:1 - Kadesh; Exodus 12:17 - in this selfsame; 32:34 - mine Angel; Numbers 13:26 - Kadesh; 20:1 - Kadesh; 20:22 - Kadesh; Judges 11:17 - abode; Daniel 6:22 - hath sent; Acts 7:35 - by Verse 17Numbers 21:1, 21:22-24; Deuteronomy 2:1-4, 2:27, 2:29ReciprocalGenesis 24:49 - that I; 27:39 - the fatness; Deuteronomy 1:2 - by the way; 2 Samuel 14:19 - turn; 2 Chronicles 20:10 - whom thou Verse 18ReciprocalNumbers 20:20 - Thou shalt; 21:4 - compass; Deuteronomy 2:29 - As the children Verse 19Deuteronomy 2:6, 2:28Reciprocal2 Samuel 20:13 - the highway Verse 20Thou shaltNumbers 20:18; Genesis 27:41, 32:6; Judges 11:17, 11:20; Psalm 120:7; Ezekiel 35:5-11; Amos 1:11 And EdomObadiah 1:10-15ReciprocalDeuteronomy 2:8 - And when; Judges 20:14 - General Verse 21refusedDeuteronomy 2:27, 2:29 wherefore2:4-8, 23:7; Judges 11:18, 11:24ReciprocalDeuteronomy 2:8 - And when Verse 22KadeshNumbers 20:1, 20:14, 20:16, 13:26, 33:36, 33:37; Ezekiel 47:19, 48:28 mount HorMount Hor was situated in Arabia Petrea, on the confines of Edom. It is described by Burckhardt, as being situated on the western side of a valley called Wady Mousa; in which are found the ruins of the ancient Petra, and which is two long days' journey north-east of Accaba - on the northern point of the Elanitic gulf of the Red sea
in the Djebel Shera, or mount Seir, and on the east side of the Araba, the valley which forms the continuation of that of the Jordan. On the summit of the mountain is the tomb of Haroun, or Aaron, which is held in great veneration by the Arabs; which agrees with the testimonies of Josephus, Eusebius, and Jerome, all persons well acquainted with these countries, who agree in proving that the sepulchre of Aaron, in mount Hor, was near Petra. When visited by Mr. Legh, it was attended by a crippled Arab hermit, about 80 years of age, who conducted them into a small white building, crowned by a cupola, that contains the tomb of Aaron. The monument is of stone, about three feet high; and round the chamber where it stood were suspended beads, etc., the votive offerings of the devotees. Numbers 21:4, 33:37, 33:38, 34:7ReciprocalDeuteronomy 1:46 - General; 11:29 - General; Judges 11:18 - went
Verse 23ReciprocalNumbers 21:4 - mount Hor; 33:37 - Kadesh; Deuteronomy 10:6 - there Aaron; Psalm 106:32 - so that Verse 24gatheredNumbers 27:13, 31:2; Genesis 15:15, 25:8, 25:17, 35:29, 49:29, 49:33; Deuteronomy 32:50; Judges 2:10; 2 Chronicles 34:28 because yeNumbers 20:11, 20:12 wordHeb. mouth, 4:27 *marg. Deuteronomy 32:50ReciprocalNumbers 27:14 - Meribah; 33:38 - General; Deuteronomy 32:51 - ye trespassed; 1 Kings 13:21 - thou hast disobeyed; Psalm 81:7 - proved; 99:8 - though; 106:32 - so that; Ecclesiastes 3:2 - and a time; Ezekiel 2:8 - Be; Jonah 4:4 - Doest thou well to be angry; 1 Corinthians 11:30 - many; Ephesians 4:26 - ye Verse 25Numbers 33:38, 33:39ReciprocalExodus 6:23 - Nadab; Numbers 3:32 - General; Ezra 7:5 - Eleazar Verse 26Exodus 29:29, 29:30; Isaiah 22:21, 22:22; Habakkuk 3:1, 3:1, 3:1ReciprocalExodus 28:2 - holy garments; Leviticus 16:32 - to minister; Numbers 20:28 - Moses; Joshua 24:33 - Eleazar; 1 Chronicles 6:50 - Eleazar Verse 27ReciprocalNumbers 21:4 - mount Hor Verse 28MosesNumbers 20:26, 33:38-49; Exodus 29:29, 29:30 put themNumbers 27:16-23; Deuteronomy 31:7, 31:8, 34:9; 1 Chronicles 22:11, 22:12, 22:17, 28:5-9; Acts 20:25-29; 2 Peter 1:15 died thereNumbers 33:38, 33:39; Deuteronomy 10:6, 32:49, 32:50, 34:5; Habakkuk 3:1, 3:1ReciprocalNumbers 20:1 - Then Verse 29Genesis 1:10; Deuteronomy 34:8; 2 Chronicles 35:24, 35:25; Acts 8:2ReciprocalGenesis 23:2 - mourn; 50:3 - threescore; 1 Samuel 25:1 - lamented; 1 Kings 14:13 - shall mourn; 2 Chronicles 32:33 - did him