Numbers 13
13:1 The names of the men who were sent to search the land;
13:17 Their instructions;
13:21 Their acts;
13:26 Their relation. Verse 1ReciprocalNumbers 10:31 - forasmuch; 20:1 - Then; Deuteronomy 1:22 - We will send; 9:23 - Likewise Verse 2Send thouNumbers 32:8; Deuteronomy 1:22-25; Joshua 2:1-24 of everyNumbers 1:4, 34:18 a ruler11:16; Exodus 18:25; Deuteronomy 1:15ReciprocalGenesis 42:9 - Ye are spies; Joshua 4:2 - twelve men; 18:4 - three Verse 3The wilderness of Paran, says Dr. Wells, seems to have been taken in a larger, and in a stricter sense. In the larger sense, it seems to have denoted all the desert and mountainous tract, lying between the wilderness of Shur westward, and mount Seir, or the land of Edom, eastward, the land of Canaan northward, and the Red sea southward. And in this sense, it seems to have comprehended the wilderness of Sin, and the wilderness of Sinai, also the adjoining tract wherein lay Kibroth-hattaavah and Hazeroth. In this sense it may be understood in Deuteronomy 1:19, where, by "that great and terrible wilderness," is intended the wilderness of Paran in its largest acceptation; for, in its stricter acceptation, it seems not to have been so great and terrible a wilderness; but is taken to denote more peculiarly that part of Arabia Petrea which lies between mount Sinai and Hazeroth west, and mount Seir east.
; Numbers 12:16, 32:8; Deuteronomy 1:19, 1:23, 9:23ReciprocalGenesis 14:6 - Elparan; 21:21 - in the; Numbers 10:12 - the wilderness; 13:26 - unto the wilderness; 1 Samuel 25:1 - the wilderness
Verse 4Reciprocal1 Chronicles 2:1 - Reuben; Ezekiel 48:1 - the names; Revelation 7:5 - tribe of Juda Verse 6CalebNumbers 13:30, 14:6, 14:24, 14:30, 14:38, 26:65, 27:15-23, 34:19; Deuteronomy 31:7-17; Joshua 14:6-15; 15:13-19; Luke 1:10-15; 1 Chronicles 4:15ReciprocalDeuteronomy 1:36 - Caleb; Joshua 14:7 - sent me Verse 8OsheaNumbers 13:16, Jehoshua, 11:28, 27:18-22; Exodus 17:9-13, 24:13, 32:17; Deuteronomy 31:7, 31:8, 31:14, 31:23, 34:9; Joshua 1:1-9, 1:16, 24:1-33, JoshuaReciprocalGenesis 48:20 - and he set; Numbers 14:6 - Joshua; 34:17 - Joshua; Deuteronomy 1:38 - Joshua; 32:44 - Hoshea; 1 Chronicles 7:27 - Non; Hosea 13:1 - exalted Verse 11ReciprocalGenesis 48:20 - and he set; Joshua 19:30 - Rehob Verse 16OsheaHosea 1:1; Romans 9:25 JehoshuaNumbers 13:8, 14:6, 14:30; Exodus 17:9; Matthew 1:21-23; Acts 7:45; Habakkuk 3:1, JesusReciprocalGenesis 17:5 - but thy name; 32:28 - Thy name; 42:9 - Ye are spies; 48:20 - and he set; Numbers 27:18 - Take thee; 34:17 - Joshua; Deuteronomy 1:38 - Joshua; 32:44 - Hoshea; Joshua 1:1 - Joshua; 14:7 - sent me; 1 Chronicles 7:27 - Non; Hosea 13:1 - exalted Verse 17southwardNumbers 13:21, 13:22; Genesis 12:9, 13:1; Joshua 15:3; Judges 1:15 the mountainNumbers 14:40; Genesis 14:10; Deuteronomy 1:44; Judges 1:9, 1:19ReciprocalJoshua 2:1 - to spy secretly; Judges 18:2 - to spy Verse 18Exodus 3:8; Ezekiel 34:14

Verse 19ReciprocalExodus 3:8 - unto a good Verse 20whether it beNehemiah 9:25, 9:35; Ezekiel 34:14 good courageNumbers 13:30, 13:31; Deuteronomy 31:6-8, 31:23; Joshua 1:6, 1:9, 2:3, 2:22, 2:23; 1 Chronicles 22:11; Habakkuk 3:1 the firstripeNumbers 13:23, 13:24; Micah 7:1ReciprocalGenesis 27:28 - the fatness; 2 Samuel 10:12 - Be of good Verse 21from the wilderness of ZinThe wilderness of Zin, is different from that called Sin - Exodus 16:1. The latter was near Egypt, but the former was near Kadesh Barnea, not far from the borders of Canaan. It seems to be the valley mentioned by Burckhardt; which, under the names of El Ghor and El Araba, form a continuation of the valley of the Jordan, extending from the Dead sea to the eastern branch of the Red sea. The whole plain presents to the view an appearance of shifting sands, whose surface is broken by innumerable undulations and low hills. A few talk, tamarisk, and rethem trees grow among the sand hills; but the depth of sand precludes all vegetation of herbage. Numbers 20:1, 27:14, 33:36, 34:3, 34:4; Deuteronomy 32:51; Joshua 15:1 RehobRehob was a city, afterwards given to the tribe of Asher, situated near mount Lebanon, at the northern extremity of the Promised Land, on the road which leads to Hamath, and west of Laish or Dan: compare Judges 1:31; 18:28; Joshua 19:28.Hamath2 Samuel 8:9; Amos 6:2ReciprocalNumbers 13:17 - southward; 21:1 - the way of the spies; 34:8 - the entrance; Deuteronomy 1:24 - General; Joshua 19:35 - Hammath; 21:31 - Rehob; 2 Samuel 10:8 - Rehob; 2 Kings 3:8 - the wilderness of Edom; 14:25 - from the entering; 18:34 - the gods; 19:13 - the king; 23:33 - Hamath; 2 Chronicles 8:3 - Hamathzobah; Jeremiah 39:5 - Hamath; 49:23 - Hamath; 52:9 - Hamath; Ezekiel 47:16 - Hamath; Zechariah 9:2 - Hamath Verse 22AhimanJoshua 11:21, 11:22, 15:13, 15:14; Judges 1:10 the childrenNumbers 13:33 HebronGenesis 13:18, 23:2; Joshua 14:13-15, 21:13; 2 Samuel 2:1, 2:11 ZoanPsalm 78:12, 78:43; Isaiah 19:11, 30:4ReciprocalGenesis 37:14 - Hebron; Numbers 13:17 - southward; 13:28 - saw the; 21:1 - the way of the spies; Deuteronomy 2:11 - as the Anakims; 9:1 - cities; Joshua 10:3 - Hebron; 10:36 - Hebron; 14:9 - General; Judges 1:20 - the three sons; 1 Chronicles 11:1 - Hebron; 2 Chronicles 11:10 - Hebron; Ezekiel 30:14 - Zoan Verse 23brookor valley, Numbers 13:24, 32:9; Deuteronomy 1:24, 1:25; Judges 16:4ReciprocalNumbers 13:20 - the firstripe; 13:28 - saw the; Deuteronomy 2:13 - brook; Joshua 11:21 - the Anakims; 15:14 - General; 15:33 - Eshtaol; Hosea 9:10 - grapes; Joel 1:12 - the pomegranate; 2 Corinthians 5:5 - the earnest Verse 24brookor valley, Numbers 13:23 Eshcolthat is a cluster of grapesReciprocal13:20 - the firstripe; Hosea 9:10 - grapes Verse 25forty daysNumbers 14:33, 14:34; Exodus 24:18, 34:28

Verse 26unto the wildernessNumbers 13:3 Kadesh20:1, 20:16, 32:8, 33:36; Deuteronomy 1:19; Joshua 14:6ReciprocalGenesis 16:14 - Kadesh; 20:1 - Kadesh; 21:21 - in the; Numbers 10:12 - the wilderness; 12:16 - the wilderness; 20:22 - Kadesh; 34:4 - Kadeshbarnea; Deuteronomy 1:2 - unto; 2:14 - Kadeshbarnea; Joshua 10:41 - Kadeshbarnea; 14:7 - I brought; Judges 11:16 - came; 1 Samuel 25:1 - the wilderness; 2 Kings 18:32 - like your own; Psalm 29:8 - Kadesh Verse 27Numbers 14:8; Exodus 3:8, 3:17, 13:5, 33:3; Leviticus 20:24; Deuteronomy 1:25-33, 6:3, 11:9; 26:9, 26:11-15, 27:3, 31:20; Joshua 5:6; Jeremiah 11:5, 32:22; Ezekiel 20:6, 20:15ReciprocalNumbers 14:7 - an exceeding good land; 1 Samuel 14:25 - honey; 2 Kings 18:32 - like your own; Nehemiah 9:25 - strong; Jeremiah 2:7 - brought Verse 28strongDeuteronomy 1:28, 2:10, 2:11, 2:21, 3:5, 9:1, 9:2 saw theNumbers 13:22, 13:23, 13:33; Joshua 11:22, 15:14; Judges 1:20ReciprocalNumbers 13:32 - a land; Joshua 14:12 - the Anakims; Nehemiah 9:25 - strong; Amos 2:9 - whose Verse 29AmalekitesNumbers 14:43, 24:20; Genesis 14:7; Exodus 17:8-16; Judges 6:3; 1 Samuel 14:48, 15:3-9, 30:1; Psalm 83:7 the HittitesGenesis 15:19-21; Exodus 3:8, 3:17ReciprocalNumbers 14:25 - the Amalekites; 25:12 - General; Joshua 5:1 - which were by; 11:3 - the Jebusite; Judges 3:3 - Canaanites; Amos 2:9 - whose Verse 30Numbers 14:6-9, 14:24; Joshua 14:6-8; Psalm 27:1, 27:2, 60:12, 118:10, 118:11; Isaiah 41:10-16; Romans 8:31, 8:37; Philippians 4:13; Habakkuk 3:1ReciprocalNumbers 13:6 - Caleb; 13:20 - good courage; 34:19 - Caleb; Deuteronomy 1:21 - fear not; 1:36 - Caleb; Joshua 15:13 - Caleb; Judges 18:9 - Arise; 1 Samuel 17:32 - Let; 1 Chronicles 4:15 - Caleb; Nehemiah 8:11 - stilled; Ecclesiastes 9:10 - thy hand Verse 31Numbers 32:9; Deuteronomy 1:28; Joshua 14:8; Habakkuk 3:19ReciprocalNumbers 13:20 - good courage; 14:36 - General; Deuteronomy 20:8 - lest his brethren's; 1 Samuel 17:33 - Thou art not; Nehemiah 4:10 - The strength; Proverbs 26:6 - sendeth; Haggai 1:2 - This Verse 32broughtNumbers 14:36, 14:37; Deuteronomy 1:28; Matthew 23:13 a landNumbers 13:28; Ezekiel 36:13; Amos 2:9 men of a great statureHeb. men of statures, 2 Samuel 21:20 *Heb: 1 Chronicles 20:6 *marg.ReciprocalDeuteronomy 7:17 - These nations; Joshua 2:24 - Truly the Lord; 2 Samuel 21:16 - of the sons; Psalm 44:2 - how thou didst afflict; 106:24 - they despised; Proverbs 22:13 - The slothful; Isaiah 45:14 - men of stature; Ezekiel 36:12 - no more Verse 33saw the giantsNumbers 13:22; Deuteronomy 1:28, 2:10, 3:11, 9:2; 1 Samuel 17:4-7; 2 Samuel 21:20-22; 1 Chronicles 11:23 and we were1 Samuel 17:42; Isaiah 40:22ReciprocalGenesis 6:4 - giants; Numbers 13:28 - saw the; Deuteronomy 2:11 - as the Anakims; Joshua 2:24 - Truly the Lord; 14:12 - the Anakims; Judges 1:10 - Sheshai; 1 Samuel 9:2 - from his shoulders; 17:24 - sore; 2 Samuel 21:16 - of the sons; Proverbs 22:13 - The slothful; Amos 2:9 - whose; John 21:25 - that even