Mark 1
1:1 The office of John the Baptist;
1:9 Jesus is baptized;
1:12 tempted;
1:14 he preaches;
1:16 calls Peter, Andrew, James, and John; v.23, heals one that had a devil; v.29, Peter's mother in law; v.32, many diseased persons; v.40, and cleanses the leper. Verse 1beginningLuke 1:2, 1:3, 2:10, 2:11; Acts 1:1, 1:2 ChristJohn 20:31; Romans 1:1-4; 1 John 1:1-3, 5:11, 5:12 sonPsalm 2:7; Matthew 3:17, 14:33, 17:5; Luke 1:35; John 1:14, 1:34, 1:49, 3:16, 6:69; Romans 8:3, 8:32; Habakkuk 1:1, 1:2ReciprocalHosea 1:2 - beginning; Matthew 21:25 - baptism; Mark 3:11 - the Son; 11:30 - General; John 1:6 - a man; 9:35 - the Son; 15:27 - have; Acts 1:22 - Beginning; 10:37 - after; 19:4 - John; Romans 1:9 - the; 2 Corinthians 1:19 - the Son; 10:14 - the gospel; Habakkuk 3:1 - Jesus; 3:1 - principles of the doctrine Verse 2writtenPsalm 40:7; Matthew 2:5, 26:24, 26:31; Luke 1:70, 18:31 inSeveral manuscripts have, "by Isaiah the prophet." See the parallel texts.BeholdMalachi 3:1; Matthew 11:10; Luke 1:15-17, 1:76, 7:27, 7:28ReciprocalDeuteronomy 32:41 - I will; Isaiah 40:3 - The voice; Mark 9:12 - restoreth; John 3:28 - but; 6:45 - written; Acts 13:24 - General Verse 3Isaiah 40:3-5; Matthew 3:3; Luke 3:4-6; John 1:15, 1:19-34, 3:28-36ReciprocalMalachi 3:1 - I will; Matthew 11:7 - What; Mark 6:12 - preached; Luke 1:76 - thou shalt; 1:77 - give; 1:80 - and was; 3:2 - in; John 1:23 - I am; 1:31 - therefore; Acts 1:22 - Beginning; 18:25 - instructed; 1 Thessalonians 3:11 - our way; 2 Timothy 2:25 - repentance Verse 4didMatthew 3:1, 3:2, 3:6, 3:11; Luke 3:2, 3:3; John 3:23; Acts 10:37, 13:24, 13:25, 19:3, 19:4 foror, untoremission22:16ReciprocalLuke 1:77 - give; 1:80 - and was; 7:24 - wilderness; 2 Timothy 2:25 - repentance Verse 5thereMatthew 3:5, 3:6, 4:25 baptizedJohn 1:28, 3:23 confessingLeviticus 26:40-42; Joshua 7:19; Psalm 32:5; Proverbs 28:13; Acts 2:38, 19:18; 1 John 1:8-10ReciprocalMark 1:33 - General; 1:37 - All; Luke 3:3 - the country; 7:24 - wilderness; 1 John 1:9 - we confess Verse 6clothed2 Kings 1:8; Zechariah 13:4; Matthew 3:4 eatLeviticus 11:22ReciprocalLuke 7:33 - came Verse 7Matthew 3:11, 3:14; Luke 3:16, 7:6, 7:7; John 1:27, 3:28-31; Acts 13:25ReciprocalDeuteronomy 25:9 - loose his shoe; John 1:15 - bare; 1:20 - General; 1:33 - the same Verse 8haveMatthew 3:11 he shallProverbs 1:23; Isaiah 32:15, 44:3; Ezekiel 36:25-27; Joel 2:28; Acts 1:5, 2:4, 2:17; 10:45, 11:15, 11:16, 19:4-6; 1 Corinthians 12:13; Titus 3:5, 3:6ReciprocalMatthew 3:6 - were; Luke 3:16 - I indeed; John 1:20 - General; 1:26 - I; 1:33 - the same Verse 9thatMatthew 3:13-15; Luke 3:21Reciprocal2 Kings 5:12 - better; Matthew 3:6 - were Verse 10comingMatthew 3:16; John 1:31-34 openedor, cloven, or rent, Isaiah 64:1 the Spirit42:1; Luke 3:22; John 1:32ReciprocalLuke 3:21 - the heaven; John 1:51 - Hereafter; Acts 7:56 - I see; 8:39 - were; Revelation 4:1 - a door Verse 11thereMatthew 3:17; John 5:37, 12:28-30; 2 Peter 1:17, 1:18 ThouMark 9:7; Psalm 2:7; Isaiah 42:1; Matthew 17:5; Luke 9:35; John 1:34, 3:16, 3:35, 3:36; 5:20-23, 6:69; Romans 1:4; Colossians 1:13ReciprocalMatthew 12:18 - my beloved; Mark 12:6 - his; John 5:32 - is another; 6:27 - for him Verse 12the SpiritMatthew 4:1-11; Luke 4:1-4 drivethOr, "sendeth him forth," εκβαλλει [G1544], αυτον. The expression does not necessarily imply any violence; but seems to intimate the energy of that impulse on our Lord, by which he was inwardly constrained to retire from society.

Verse 13fortyExodus 24:18, 34:28; Deuteronomy 9:11, 9:18, 9:25; 1 Kings 19:8 temptedHabakkuk 2:17, 2:18, 3:1 and the1 Kings 19:5-7; Matthew 4:11, 26:53; 1 Timothy 3:16ReciprocalLuke 4:1 - and was Verse 14am 4031, ad 27afterMatthew 4:12, 11:2, 14:2; Luke 3:20; John 3:22-24 preachingIsaiah 61:1-3; Matthew 4:23, 9:35; Luke 4:17-19, 4:43, 4:44, 8:1; Acts 20:25, 28:23; Ephesians 2:17ReciprocalMatthew 4:17 - that; Mark 2:2 - and he; Luke 4:14 - returned; 9:2 - General; 16:16 - the kingdom; 23:5 - beginning; Acts 10:37 - after; 28:31 - Preaching; Habakkuk 2:3 - began Verse 15The timeDaniel 2:44, 9:25; Galatians 4:4; Ephesians 1:10 the kingdomMatthew 3:2, 4:17, 10:7; Luke 10:9, 10:11 repentMatthew 21:31, 21:32; Luke 24:47; Acts 2:36-38, 20:21; 2 Timothy 2:25, 2:26 believeRomans 16:26ReciprocalIsaiah 56:1 - for; Matthew 3:1 - John; 12:28 - then; Mark 6:12 - preached; 16:16 - that believeth and; Luke 2:10 - to; 4:43 - I must; 9:2 - General; Acts 10:37 - after Verse 16as heMatthew 4:18-22; Luke 5:1, 5:4-11 SimonMark 3:16, 3:18; Matthew 10:2; Luke 6:14; John 1:40-42, 6:8, 12:22; Acts 1:13ReciprocalMatthew 15:29 - unto; Mark 10:28 - Lo; 13:3 - Peter; 14:33 - Peter Verse 17fishersEzekiel 47:10; Matthew 4:19, 4:20; Luke 5:10; Acts 2:38-41ReciprocalMatthew 10:2 - Simon; 13:47 - a net; 19:27 - we have forsaken; Mark 2:14 - Follow me Verse 18forsookMark 10:28-31; Matthew 19:27-30; Luke 5:11, 14:33, 18:28-30; Philippians 3:8ReciprocalMatthew 4:19 - I will Verse 19JamesMark 3:17, 5:37, 9:2, 10:35, 14:33; Matthew 4:21; Acts 1:13, 12:2ReciprocalLuke 5:2 - washing; 6:14 - James Verse 20they leftMark 10:29; Deuteronomy 33:9; 1 Kings 19:20; Matthew 4:21, 4:22, 8:21, 8:22, 10:37; Luke 14:26; 2 Corinthians 5:16ReciprocalMark 3:17 - James; 10:35 - James Verse 21they wentMark 2:1; Matthew 4:13; Luke 4:31, 10:15 CapernaumCapernaum was a city of Galilee - 4:31
situated on the confines of Zebulun, and Naphtali - Matthew 4:13
on the western border of the lake of Tiberias - John 6:59
and in the land of Gennesaret - Mark 6:53; Matthew 14:34
where Josephus places a spring of excellent water called Capernaum. Dr. Lightfoot places it between Tiberias and Tarichea, about two miles from the former; and Dr. Richardson, in passing through the plain of Gennesaret, was told by the natives that the ruins of Capernaum were quite near. The Arab station and ruins mentioned by Mr. Buckingham, said to have been formerly called Capharnaoom, situated on the edge of the lake from nine to twelve miles nne of Tiberias, bearing the name of Talhewn, or as Burckhardt writes it, Tel Houm, appear too far north for its site.he enteredMark 1:39, 6:2; Matthew 4:23; Luke 4:16, 13:10; Acts 13:14-52, 17:2, 18:4ReciprocalMark 1:32 - at even; 3:1 - he entered
Verse 22they wereJeremiah 23:29; Matthew 7:28, 7:29, 13:54; Luke 4:32, 21:15; John 7:46; Acts 6:10; 9:21, 9:22; 2 Corinthians 4:2; Habakkuk 3:1, 3:1 as theMark 7:3-13; Matthew 23:16-24ReciprocalMark 6:2 - he began; 11:18 - astonished; Luke 2:47 - General; Titus 2:15 - with Verse 23a manMark 1:34, 5:2, 7:25, 9:25; Matthew 12:43; Luke 4:33-37ReciprocalMark 3:11 - unclean Verse 24LetMark 5:7; Exodus 14:12; Matthew 8:29; Luke 8:28, 8:37; James 2:19 the Holy OnePsalm 16:10, 89:18, 89:19; Daniel 9:24; Luke 4:34; Acts 2:27, 3:14, 4:27; Revelation 3:7ReciprocalDaniel 4:13 - an holy; Mark 3:11 - unclean; 5:17 - General; Acts 16:17 - These; 19:15 - General; 1 John 2:20 - the Holy; 3:8 - this purpose Verse 25rebukedMark 1:34, 3:11, 3:12, 9:25; Psalm 50:16; Luke 4:35, 4:41; Acts 16:17ReciprocalPsalm 44:4 - command; Zechariah 3:2 - The Lord rebuke; Matthew 8:8 - but; 8:16 - and he; Mark 5:8 - General; Acts 16:18 - being Verse 26tornMark 9:20, 9:26; Luke 9:39, 9:42, 11:22ReciprocalPsalm 44:4 - command; Mark 5:2 - with; Luke 4:35 - thrown; Acts 16:18 - being Verse 27they wereMark 7:37; Matthew 9:33, 12:22, 12:23, 15:31 forLuke 4:36, 9:1, 10:17-20ReciprocalMatthew 8:27 - General; Mark 2:12 - insomuch; 5:42 - General; 6:51 - and they; Luke 4:15 - being; 7:7 - but; 9:42 - the devil; Acts 2:7 - amazed; 17:19 - new; Titus 2:15 - with Verse 28Mark 1:45; Micah 5:4; Matthew 4:24, 9:31; Luke 4:17, 4:37ReciprocalMatthew 14:35 - General; Mark 6:14 - his name; Luke 4:14 - and there; 5:15 - went; 7:17 - General Verse 29enteredMatthew 8:14, 8:15; Luke 4:38, 4:39, 9:58ReciprocalMatthew 10:2 - Andrew; Luke 6:14 - James Verse 30wife's1 Corinthians 9:5 they tellMark 5:23; John 11:3; James 5:14, 5:15ReciprocalActs 28:8 - the father Verse 31and tookMark 5:41; Acts 9:41 ministeredMark 15:41; Psalm 103:1-3, 116:12; Matthew 27:55; Luke 8:2, 8:3ReciprocalPsalm 44:4 - command; Matthew 9:25 - and took; 14:31 - stretched; Mark 1:42 - immediately; 9:27 - General; 10:52 - followed; Luke 8:54 - took; John 5:9 - immediately; Acts 3:7 - General; 28:8 - the father Verse 32at evenMark 1:21, 3:2; Matthew 8:16; Luke 4:40ReciprocalMatthew 4:23 - healing; 9:2 - they brought; 9:35 - General; 15:30 - great Verse 33Mark 1:5; Acts 13:44ReciprocalMark 2:2 - straightway Verse 34and sufferedMark 1:25, 3:12; Luke 4:41; Acts 16:16-18 speak, because theyor, say that theyReciprocalMatthew 8:16 - and he; 17:18 - rebuked; Mark 1:23 - a man; Luke 4:34 - what; Acts 16:18 - being; 19:15 - General Verse 35Mark 6:46-48; Psalm 5:3, 109:4; Luke 4:42, 6:12, 22:39-46; John 4:34, 6:15; Ephesians 6:18; Philippians 2:5; Habakkuk 3:1ReciprocalJoshua 3:1 - rose early; 1 Samuel 1:19 - they rose; Psalm 55:17 - Evening; 88:13 - and in; 119:62 - midnight; 119:147 - I prevented; Proverbs 18:1 - intermeddleth; 31:15 - riseth; Song of Songs 5:2 - my head; Isaiah 26:9 - my spirit; Jeremiah 25:3 - rising; Lamentations 2:19 - cry out; Matthew 8:18 - saw; Luke 5:16 - General; 9:28 - into; Acts 10:9 - Peter; 20:13 - minding Verse 36ReciprocalLuke 5:16 - General Verse 37AllMark 1:5; Zechariah 11:11; John 3:26, 11:48, 12:19ReciprocalMark 2:2 - straightway; Luke 4:42 - and the; John 6:24 - seeking; 10:41 - many; Acts 18:20 - he Verse 38LetLuke 4:43 forIsaiah 61:1-3; Luke 2:49, 4:18-21; John 9:4, 16:28, 17:4, 17:8ReciprocalMatthew 11:1 - he departed; Acts 10:38 - who; 18:20 - he Verse 39preachedMark 1:21; Matthew 4:23; Luke 4:43, 4:44 GalileeGalilee was a province of Palestine, being bounded, says Josephus, on the west by Ptolemais and mount Carmel; on the south by the country of Samaria and Scythopolis, on the river Jordan; on the east by the cantons of Hyppos, Gadara, and Gaulon; and on the north by the confines of the Tyrians. It was divided into Lower and Upper Galilee; - Upper Galilee, so called from its being mountainous, was termed Galilee of the Gentiles - Matthew 4:15
because inhabited, says Strabo, by Egyptians, Arabians, and Phoenicians, and comprehended the tribes of Asher and Naphtali; the Lower Galilee contained the tribes of Zebulun and Issachar, and was sometimes termed the Great Field. It was, says Josephus, very populous and rich, containing 204 cities and towns.and castMark 7:30; Luke 4:41ReciprocalMatthew 11:1 - he departed; Mark 3:7 - Galilee; 6:2 - he began; Luke 4:15 - he; 8:1 - that; Acts 10:38 - who
Verse 40thereMatthew 8:2-4; Luke 5:12-14 a leperLeviticus 13:1-14:57; Numbers 12:10-15; Deuteronomy 24:8, 24:9; 2 Samuel 3:29; 2 Kings 5:5-27; 5:27, 7:3, 15:5; Matthew 11:5; Luke 17:12-19 kneelingMark 10:17; 2 Chronicles 6:13; Matthew 17:14; Luke 22:41; Acts 7:60; Ephesians 3:14 if thouMark 9:22, 9:23; Genesis 18:14; 2 Kings 5:7ReciprocalLeviticus 14:2 - He shall; Mark 7:25 - at; Acts 14:9 - he had; 21:5 - we kneeled Verse 41movedMark 6:34; Matthew 9:36; Luke 7:12, 7:13; Habakkuk 2:17, 3:1 IMark 4:39, 5:41; Genesis 1:3; Psalm 33:9; Habakkuk 1:3ReciprocalPsalm 44:4 - command; Matthew 8:3 - I will; 8:15 - touched; 14:31 - stretched; Mark 2:11 - General; 7:34 - Be opened; 8:2 - compassion; 9:27 - General; Acts 14:9 - he had Verse 42immediatelyMark 1:31, 5:29; Psalm 33:9; Matthew 15:28; John 4:50-53, 15:3Reciprocal5:9 - immediately Verse 43Mark 3:12, 5:43, 7:36; Matthew 9:30; Luke 8:56ReciprocalMatthew 8:4 - See Verse 44showLeviticus 14:2-32; Matthew 23:2, 23:3; Luke 5:14, 17:14 for a testimonyRomans 15:4; 1 Corinthians 10:11ReciprocalLeviticus 13:2 - he shall; 14:10 - take; Deuteronomy 24:8 - General; Matthew 6:3 - let; 8:4 - See; 9:31 - spread; Mark 7:36 - General; 13:9 - a; Acts 23:22 - General Verse 45and beganPsalm 77:11; Matthew 9:31; Luke 5:15; Titus 1:10 couldMark 2:1, 2:2, 2:13ReciprocalMatthew 9:26 - the fame hereof; Mark 1:28 - General; 6:14 - his name; 6:31 - come; 7:36 - General; Luke 4:15 - being; 4:37 - the fame; 4:42 - and the; 8:39 - and published; 16:16 - and every; John 5:15 - and told