Leviticus 6
6:1 The trespass offering for sins done wittingly;
6:8 The law of the burnt offering;
6:14 and of the meat offering;
6:19 The offering at the consecration of a priest;
6:24 The law of the sin offering. Verse 1ReciprocalExodus 20:15 - General; 22:1 - he shall; Leviticus 7:33 - that offereth; Luke 19:8 - I restore Verse 2commitLeviticus 5:15, 5:19; Numbers 5:6-8; Psalm 51:4 lieLeviticus 19:11; Genesis 26:7; John 8:44; Acts 5:4; Ephesians 4:25; Colossians 3:9; Revelation 22:15 in thatExodus 22:7-10 in fellowshipor, in dealing, Heb. in putting of the hand, Isaiah 21:2, 24:16, 33:1; Habakkuk 1:13 deceivedProverbs 24:28, 26:19; Isaiah 59:13-15; Jeremiah 9:5; Amos 8:5; Micah 6:10-12ReciprocalGenesis 20:6 - sinning; 39:9 - sin; Ezekiel 33:15 - give; Matthew 5:23 - rememberest; 18:15 - if Verse 3have foundExodus 23:4; Deuteronomy 22:1-3 swearethLeviticus 19:12; Exodus 22:9-11; Proverbs 30:9; Jeremiah 5:2, 7:9; Zechariah 5:4; Malachi 3:5ReciprocalExodus 22:11 - an oath of the Lord; Numbers 5:6 - When Verse 4becauseLeviticus 4:13-15, 5:3, 5:4 which heGenesis 21:25; Job 20:19, 24:2; Isaiah 59:6; Ezekiel 18:7, 18:12, 18:18; Amos 3:10; Micah 2:2; Zephaniah 1:9ReciprocalGenesis 20:7 - pray; Leviticus 5:16 - the fifth; 27:13 - General; Numbers 5:7 - with the principal; 1 Samuel 12:3 - I will; Ezra 10:19 - a ram; Nehemiah 5:11 - Restore Verse 5restoreLeviticus 5:16; Exodus 22:1, 22:4, 22:7, 22:9; Numbers 5:7, 5:8; 1 Samuel 12:3; 2 Samuel 12:6; Proverbs 6:30, 6:31; Isaiah 58:6, 58:9; Luke 19:8 in the principalThe property itself, if still remaining, or its full value, to which a fifth part more was to be added, to compensate the owner for the loss he had sustained by being deprived of the use of his goods. He must also bring a trespass offering to the Lord; which was intended to show that disobedience to God is the great evil, even of those crimes which are injurious to man, and that repentance, and even restitution, though needful in order to (obtain) forgiveness, cannot atone for sin.of his trespass offeringor, of his being found guilty, Heb. of trespass. Matthew 5:23, 5:24ReciprocalLeviticus 27:13 - General; Nehemiah 5:11 - Restore Verse 6a ramLeviticus 5:15, 5:18; Isaiah 53:10, 53:11ReciprocalExodus 29:1 - without; Leviticus 5:6 - trespass offering; 14:12 - trespass; 27:3 - And thy estimation; Numbers 5:8 - beside the ram; 1 Samuel 6:3 - a trespass; Ezra 10:19 - a ram; Ezekiel 40:39 - the trespass Verse 7makeLeviticus 4:20, 4:26, 4:31, 5:10, 5:13, 5:15, 5:16, 5:18; Exodus 34:7; Ezekiel 18:21-23, 18:26, 18:27; 33:14-16, 33:19; Micah 7:18; 1 John 1:7, 1:9, 2:1, 2:2 it shall beIsaiah 1:18; Matthew 12:31; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11ReciprocalGenesis 20:7 - pray; Leviticus 1:4 - atonement; 4:19 - General; 4:35 - and the priest shall make; 7:1 - the law; 7:37 - trespass; 14:12 - trespass; 19:21 - General; Numbers 5:8 - beside the ram; Habakkuk 3:1 - and without; 3:1 - burnt Verse 8At this verse the Jews begin the twenty-fifth section of the law, and also, in the best Hebrew Bibles, the sixth chapter, which undoubtedly ought to begin here, as the inspired writer enters upon a new subject; the former part of the book being intended for the instruction of the people relative to the several sacrifices to be brought; but this for the instruction of the priests respecting some particulars of their official services.

Verse 9of the burntLeviticus 1:1-17; Exodus 29:38-42; Numbers 28:3 because of the burningor, for the burning, Leviticus 6:12, 6:13Reciprocal1:3 - a burnt; 7:37 - the law; 14:54 - the law; Numbers 28:6 - a continual; 29:6 - the daily Verse 10linen garmentLeviticus 16:4; Exodus 28:39-43, 39:27-29; Ezekiel 44:17, 44:18; Revelation 7:13, 19:8, 19:14 consumedLeviticus 1:9, 1:13, 1:17; Numbers 16:21, 16:35; Psalm 20:3 *marg. 37:20 besideLeviticus 1:16ReciprocalExodus 28:42 - breeches; Leviticus 4:12 - the ashes; Ezekiel 44:19 - they shall put Verse 11put offLeviticus 16:23, 16:24; Ezekiel 44:19 withoutLeviticus 4:12, 4:21, 14:40, 14:41, 16:27; Habakkuk 3:1-13:13ReciprocalLeviticus 1:16 - by the place Verse 12the fireLeviticus 9:24; Numbers 4:13, 4:14; Mark 9:48, 9:49; Habakkuk 3:1 burn woodLeviticus 1:7-9, 3:3-5, 3:9-11, 3:14-16; Exodus 29:38-42; Nehemiah 13:31
The efficacy of the priesthood and mediation of Christ is perpetual, and we can never approach to God in his name, by day or night, unseasonably. The ministers of Christ should have the fire of their zeal constantly burning.ReciprocalExodus 29:13 - all the fat; Leviticus 3:5 - Aaron's; 6:9 - because of the burning; Nehemiah 10:34 - the wood offering; Ezekiel 40:46 - the keepers
Verse 13ReciprocalLeviticus 1:7 - fire; 6:9 - because of the burning; 9:24 - there came a fire; Numbers 4:13 - General; Nehemiah 10:34 - as it is written; Isaiah 31:9 - whose fire; Ezekiel 40:46 - the keepers Verse 14the meat offeringLeviticus 2:1, 2:2; Numbers 15:4, 15:6, 15:9; John 6:32ReciprocalLeviticus 7:37 - meat; 9:4 - and a meat; 14:54 - the law; Ezekiel 42:13 - they be holy; 44:29 - eat Verse 15the memorialLeviticus 2:2, 2:9Reciprocal5:12 - a memorial; 10:12 - Take; Numbers 5:26 - General; Matthew 2:11 - frankincense Verse 16the remainderLeviticus 2:3, 2:10, 5:13; Ezekiel 44:29; 1 Corinthians 9:13-15 unleavenedExodus 12:8; 1 Corinthians 5:8 shall itLeviticus 6:26, 10:12, 10:13; Numbers 18:9, 18:10ReciprocalLeviticus 6:23 - it shall not be; 7:6 - male; 7:9 - shall be; 7:12 - unleavened wafers; 7:31 - the breast; 21:22 - both; 24:9 - they shall; Numbers 18:8 - the charge; 18:20 - General; 1 Samuel 2:28 - did I give; 2 Chronicles 31:14 - the most; Ezekiel 40:14 - the court Verse 17bakenLeviticus 2:11; 1 Peter 2:22 I haveNumbers 18:9, 18:10 it is most holyLeviticus 6:25, 2:3, 7:1, 7:6; Exodus 29:33, 29:34, 29:37ReciprocalLeviticus 2:4 - the oven; 6:23 - it shall not be; 21:22 - both; Numbers 5:9 - offering; 18:20 - General; 2 Chronicles 31:14 - the most; Ezra 2:63 - should not; Nehemiah 7:65 - that they should; Ezekiel 42:13 - the most holy Verse 18the malesLeviticus 6:29, 21:21, 21:22; Numbers 18:10 It shallLeviticus 3:17 every oneKol asher yigga? bahem yikdash, "all (whether person or thing) that toucheth them shall be (or must be) holy;" that is, the priests must not eat of these oblations when under any ceremonial defilement, and the sacred utensils used about them must not be employed for any other purpose, or in any other way. 22:3-7; Exodus 29:37; Haggai 2:12-14; Zechariah 14:20, 14:21; 1 Peter 1:16, 2:9ReciprocalExodus 30:29 - whatsoever; Leviticus 6:27 - touch; Numbers 5:9 - offering; 18:8 - the charge Verse 19ReciprocalLeviticus 4:35 - according; Numbers 18:27 - as though Verse 20the offeringThis oblation, which the Jews call a mincha of initiation, seems to have been required of the high priest alone "on the day in which he was anointed," and from that time, every morning and evening, as long as he continued in office, and then in like manner of his successor; for, by "the sons of Aaron," may be understood his descendants and successors in the high priesthood, in their generations. Exodus 29:2; Numbers 18:26-32; Habakkuk 3:1, 3:1, 3:1, 3:1 in the dayThe word beyom signifies not only in the day, but from that day forward; for it was a daily oblation, and for them and their successors, a statue forever. Leviticus 6:22 the tenth5:1; Exodus 16:36 a meat offeringLeviticus 2:1-16; Exodus 29:35-42; Numbers 28:3, 28:10ReciprocalLeviticus 4:26 - the fat; 7:37 - consecrations; Numbers 18:8 - the charge; 1 Chronicles 23:29 - the fine flour Verse 21Leviticus 2:5, 7:9; 1 Chronicles 9:31

Verse 22is anointedLeviticus 4:3; Deuteronomy 10:6; Habakkuk 3:1 whollyLeviticus 8:21; Exodus 29:22-25; Isaiah 53:10ReciprocalLeviticus 6:20 - in the day; 7:17 - burnt Verse 23shall beThe meat offering of the people was eaten by the priests, who typically bore and expiated their sins; but as no priest, being a sinner, could make atonement for himself, his meat offering must not be eaten, but wholly burnt on the altar, which was a typical transfer of his guilt to the great antitype who actually bore and expiated it.it shall not beLeviticus 6:16, 6:17, 2:10Reciprocal7:17 - burnt Verse 24ReciprocalLeviticus 7:37 - sin Verse 25the lawLeviticus 4:2, 4:3-20, 4:21, 4:24, 4:33, 4:34 In the1:3, 1:5, 1:11, 4:24, 4:29, 4:33 it is6:17, 21:22ReciprocalExodus 29:14 - it is a; Leviticus 6:29 - it is; 7:1 - it is; 7:2 - in the place; 7:7 - the trespass; 14:54 - the law; 22:4 - holy things; Numbers 18:9 - every sin; 18:20 - General; Ezekiel 42:13 - the most holy Verse 26priestLeviticus 10:17, 10:18; Numbers 18:9, 18:10; Ezekiel 44:28, 44:29, 46:20; Hosea 4:8 in the holyLeviticus 6:16 in the courtExodus 27:9-18, 38:9-19, 40:33; Ezekiel 42:13ReciprocalLeviticus 2:3 - the remnant; 7:7 - the trespass; 7:14 - the priest's; 7:31 - the breast; 10:16 - the goat; Numbers 5:9 - offering; 18:8 - the charge; 18:20 - General; 1 Corinthians 9:13 - they Verse 27touchLeviticus 6:18; Exodus 29:37, 30:29; Haggai 2:12; Matthew 9:21, 14:36 washLeviticus 11:32; 2 Corinthians 7:1, 7:11ReciprocalEzekiel 44:19 - sanctify Verse 28Leviticus 11:33, 15:12; Habakkuk 3:1, 3:1ReciprocalLeviticus 8:31 - Boil; 11:32 - it must be put into water; 11:35 - they shall be; 2 Chronicles 35:13 - sod; Zechariah 14:20 - and the Verse 29the malesLeviticus 6:18; Numbers 18:10 it isLeviticus 6:25Reciprocal7:6 - male; 10:17 - Wherefore; 21:22 - both; Ezra 2:63 - should not; Ezekiel 42:13 - the most holy; 44:29 - eat; Haggai 2:12 - General Verse 30Leviticus 4:3-21, 10:18, 16:27, 16:28; Habakkuk 3:1, 3:1, 3:1ReciprocalLeviticus 4:11 - General; 8:15 - to make; 8:17 - General; 10:16 - the goat; 16:20 - reconciling; 2 Chronicles 29:24 - reconciliation; Ezekiel 45:15 - to make; Romans 5:10 - reconciled; 2 Corinthians 5:18 - who; Colossians 1:20 - having made peace; Habakkuk 2:17 - to make