Luke 3
3:1 The preaching and baptism of John;
3:15 his testimony of Christ;
3:19 Herod imprisons John;
3:21 Christ, baptized, receives testimony from heaven;
3:23 The age and genealogy of Christ from Joseph upwards. Verse 1am 4030, ad 26Tiberius CaesarLuke 2:1 Pontius Pilate23:1-4, 23:24; Genesis 49:10; Acts 4:27, 23:26, 24:27, 26:30 HerodLuke 3:19, 9:7, 23:6-11 hisMatthew 14:3; Mark 6:17 IturaeaIturaea was a province of Syria east of Jordan, now called Djedour, according to Burckhardt, and comprising all the flat country south of Djebel Kessoue as far as Nowa, east of Djebel el Sheikh, or mount Hermon, and west of the Hadj road. Trachonitis, according to Strabo and Ptolemy, comprehended all the uneven country on the east of Auranitis, now Haouran, from near Damascus to Bozra, now called El Ledja and Djebel Haouran. Abilene was a district in the valley of Lebanon, so called from Abila its chief town, eighteen miles n of Damascus, according to Antoninus.ReciprocalMatthew 3:1 - those; 14:1 - Tetrarch; Mark 6:14 - king Herod; 11:30 - General; Luke 2:2 - governor; 20:24 - Caesar's; 23:7 - Herod's; Acts 1:22 - Beginning; 11:28 - Claudius; 13:1 - Herod; 18:25 - knowing; 19:3 - Unto John's; 23:24 - the governor Verse 2AnnasJohn 11:49-51, 18:13, 18:14, 18:24; Acts 4:6 the wordLuke 1:59-63; Jeremiah 1:2, 2:1; Ezekiel 1:3; Hosea 1:1, 1:2; Jonah 1:1; Micah 1:1; Zephaniah 1:1 inLuke 1:80; Isaiah 40:3; Matthew 3:1, 11:7; Mark 1:3; John 1:23ReciprocalMatthew 21:25 - baptism; 24:26 - he is in the desert; Mark 1:4 - did; 9:12 - restoreth; Luke 7:24 - wilderness; John 1:6 - a man; Acts 8:26 - desert; 13:24 - General Verse 3the countryMatthew 3:5; Mark 1:4, 1:5; John 1:28, 3:26 preachingMatthew 3:6, 3:11; Mark 1:4; John 1:31-33; Acts 13:24, 19:4, 22:16 forLuke 1:77Reciprocal1 Chronicles 2:9 - Ram; Isaiah 56:1 - for; Malachi 3:1 - and he; Matthew 3:3 - by; 11:7 - What; 17:11 - and restore; 24:26 - he is in the desert Verse 4The voiceIsaiah 40:3-5; Matthew 3:3; Mark 1:3; John 1:23 PrepareLuke 1:16, 1:17, 1:76-79; Isaiah 57:14, 62:10; Malachi 4:6; John 1:7, 1:26-36, 3:28-36Reciprocal2 Kings 19:2 - to Isaiah; Psalm 27:11 - a plain path; Song of Songs 2:8 - the mountains; Isaiah 43:19 - I will even; 49:11 - General; Jeremiah 31:9 - in a; Zechariah 14:10 - the land; Luke 10:1 - whither; 14:17 - his; John 1:31 - therefore; Acts 8:28 - Esaias; 18:25 - instructed Verse 5valleyLuke 1:51-53; Isaiah 2:11-17, 35:6-8, 40:4, 49:11, 61:1-3; Ezekiel 17:24; James 1:9 and the crookedIsaiah 42:16, 45:2; Habakkuk 3:1, 3:1ReciprocalIsaiah 43:19 - I will even; 57:14 - Cast; Zechariah 4:7 - O great Verse 6Luke 2:10, 2:11, 2:30-32; Psalm 98:2, 98:3; Isaiah 40:5, 49:6, 52:10; Mark 16:15; Romans 10:12; 10:18ReciprocalGenesis 6:12 - for all; Psalm 27:1 - salvation; 40:10 - salvation; 67:2 - saving; 91:16 - show; Isaiah 57:14 - Cast; Jeremiah 32:27 - God; Joel 2:28 - upon; Luke 1:77 - give; John 3:36 - see; Acts 2:17 - all; 28:28 - the salvation; Philippians 1:28 - and that; Titus 2:11 - hath appeared; Revelation 7:10 - Salvation Verse 7O generationGenesis 3:15; Psalm 58:4, 58:5; Isaiah 59:5; Matthew 3:7-10, 23:33; John 8:44; Acts 13:10; 1 John 3:8 to flee1 Thessalonians 1:10; Habakkuk 3:1ReciprocalIsaiah 57:3 - sons; Jeremiah 36:3 - hear; 48:6 - Flee; Ezekiel 16:3 - Thy birth; 20:3 - Are; Matthew 3:5 - General; 12:34 - generation; Luke 1:17 - turn; John 3:23 - and they Verse 8fruitsIsaiah 1:16-18; Ezekiel 18:27-31; Acts 26:20; 2 Corinthians 7:10, 7:11; Galatians 5:22-24; Philippians 1:11; Habakkuk 3:1, 3:1 worthy ofor, meet forWeLuke 13:28, 13:29, 16:23-31; Isaiah 48:1, 48:2; Jeremiah 7:4-10; John 8:33; Romans 4:16, 9:7 of theseLuke 19:40; Joshua 4:3-8; Matthew 8:11, 8:12, 21:43; Galatians 3:28, 3:29ReciprocalNehemiah 5:11 - Restore; Job 34:32 - if; Ezekiel 33:24 - but we; Zechariah 8:16 - are; Malachi 2:10 - all; Matthew 3:8 - forth; 3:9 - think; 21:32 - came; Luke 3:10 - What; 7:39 - he spake; 13:16 - being; 16:24 - Father; 19:8 - Behold; Ephesians 4:28 - steal no more Verse 9Luke 13:7, 13:9, 23:29-31; Isaiah 10:33, 10:34; Ezekiel 15:2-4, 31:18; Daniel 4:14, 4:23; Matthew 3:10, 7:19; John 15:6; Habakkuk 3:1, 3:1ReciprocalMalachi 3:2 - who may abide; Matthew 12:33 - and his fruit good; 21:19 - and found; Luke 19:20 - Lord; Titus 2:12 - live Verse 10WhatLuke 3:8; Acts 2:37, 9:6, 16:30ReciprocalMatthew 3:8 - forth; 1 Corinthians 7:20 - abide; Ephesians 4:28 - steal no more Verse 11He that hath twoLuke 11:41, 18:22, 19:8; Isaiah 58:7-11; Daniel 4:27; Matthew 25:40; Mark 14:5-8; John 13:29; Acts 10:2, 10:4, 10:31; 2 Corinthians 8:3-14; 1 Timothy 6:18; Habakkuk 3:1; James 1:27; 2:15-26; 1 John 3:17, 4:20ReciprocalJob 31:19 - General; Ezekiel 18:7 - hath given; Matthew 6:28 - why; 10:10 - two; 14:16 - they; 25:36 - Naked; Luke 9:3 - two; 12:17 - shall; Ephesians 4:28 - that he Verse 12Luke 7:29, 15:1, 15:2, 18:13; Matthew 21:31, 21:32ReciprocalIsaiah 33:15 - despiseth Verse 13ExactLuke 19:8; Psalm 18:23; Proverbs 28:13; Isaiah 1:16, 1:17, 55:6, 55:7; Ezekiel 18:21, 18:22, 18:27, 18:28; Micah 6:8; Matthew 7:12; 1 Corinthians 6:10; Ephesians 4:28; Titus 2:11, 2:12; Habakkuk 3:1ReciprocalExodus 20:15 - General; Leviticus 19:13 - shalt not; Nehemiah 5:10 - I likewise; Ezekiel 22:12 - greedily Verse 14the soldiersMatthew 8:5; Acts 10:7 Do violence to no manor, Put no man in fear, Romans 13:9, 13:10; Philippians 2:15 accuseLuke 19:8; Exodus 20:16, 23:1; Leviticus 19:11; Titus 2:3; Revelation 12:10 and bePhilippians 4:11; 1 Timothy 6:8-10; Habakkuk 3:1, 3:1 wagesor, allowanceReciprocalExodus 20:15 - General; 23:7 - far from; Leviticus 25:14 - General; Deuteronomy 23:9 - General; 24:17 - pervert; 1 Samuel 25:7 - we hurt; Nehemiah 5:10 - I likewise; Ezekiel 45:9 - remove; 1 Timothy 6:6 - contentment Verse 15expectationor, suspense, John 10:24 musedor, reasoned, or debated, 1:19-28, 3:28, 3:29Reciprocal1:20 - General; Acts 13:25 - whom Verse 16I indeedMatthew 3:11; Mark 1:7, 1:8; John 1:26, 1:33; Acts 1:5, 11:16, 13:24, 13:25, 19:4, 19:5 he shallProverbs 1:23; Isaiah 32:15, 44:3, 44:4; Ezekiel 36:25; Joel 2:28, 2:29; John 7:38; Acts 2:33, 10:44, 11:15; 1 Corinthians 12:13 and withIsaiah 4:4; Zechariah 13:9; Malachi 3:2, 3:3; Acts 2:3, 2:4, 2:17, 2:18ReciprocalMatthew 3:6 - were; Luke 1:32 - shall be great; 7:28 - Among; John 1:15 - bare; 1:27 - whose; 1:30 - General; 7:39 - this spake; Habakkuk 3:1 - the doctrine Verse 17fanJeremiah 15:7; Matthew 3:12 and willMicah 4:12; Matthew 13:30 butPsalm 1:4, 21:9, 21:10; Mark 9:43-49ReciprocalIsaiah 5:24 - the flame; Jeremiah 4:11 - not; Lamentations 2:3 - he burned; Malachi 3:2 - who may abide Verse 18John 1:15, 1:29, 1:34, 3:29-36; Acts 2:40Reciprocal1 Corinthians 14:3 - exhortation Verse 19Proverbs 9:7, 9:8, 15:12; Matthew 11:2, 14:3, 14:4; Mark 6:17, 6:18ReciprocalLeviticus 18:16 - General; 1 Kings 13:4 - his hand; 2 Chronicles 18:26 - Put; Jeremiah 22:1 - Go; 26:19 - Thus; 38:6 - took; Matthew 17:12 - but; Mark 9:13 - and they; Luke 3:1 - Herod; 13:32 - that fox; John 3:24 - General; Acts 13:1 - Herod; Ephesians 5:11 - but Verse 20Luke 13:31-34; 2 Kings 21:16, 24:4; 2 Chronicles 24:17-22, 36:16; Nehemiah 9:26; Jeremiah 2:30; Matthew 21:35-41, 22:6, 22:7, 23:31-33; 1 Thessalonians 2:15, 2:16; Revelation 16:6Reciprocal1 Kings 13:4 - his hand; 22:27 - Put this fellow; 2 Chronicles 16:10 - put him; 18:26 - Put; Jeremiah 22:1 - Go; 26:19 - Thus; 38:6 - took; Matthew 4:12 - when; 14:3 - Herod; 17:12 - but; Mark 1:14 - after; 6:17 - Herod; 9:13 - and they; Luke 13:32 - that fox; John 3:24 - General; Acts 13:1 - Herod Verse 21thatMatthew 3:13-15; Mark 1:9; John 1:32-34 and prayingLuke 9:28, 9:29; John 12:27, 12:28 the heavenMatthew 3:16, 3:17; Mark 1:10; John 1:32-34ReciprocalEzekiel 1:1 - the heavens; John 1:51 - Hereafter; Acts 7:56 - I see; 10:11 - saw; Revelation 4:1 - a door Verse 22Thou artLuke 9:34, 9:35; Psalm 2:7; Isaiah 42:1; Matthew 12:18, 17:5, 27:43; Colossians 1:13; 1 Peter 2:4; 2 Peter 1:17, 1:18ReciprocalPsalm 45:7 - hath; Matthew 3:16 - and he; 3:17 - This; Mark 1:10 - the Spirit; 12:6 - his; Luke 4:1 - full; 4:3 - General; 11:31 - a greater; John 1:32 - I saw; 1:34 - this; 5:32 - is another; 6:27 - for him; 14:26 - Holy Ghost; Acts 10:38 - God; Colossians 2:9 - bodily Verse 23thirtyGenesis 41:46; Numbers 4:3, 4:35, 4:39, 4:43, 4:47 beingLuke 4:22; Matthew 13:55; Mark 6:3; John 6:42 whichThe real father of Joseph was Jacob - Matthew 1:16
but having married the daughter of Heli, and being perhaps adopted by him, he was called his son, and as such was entered in the public registers; Mary not being mentioned, because the Hebrews never permitted the name of a woman to enter the genealogical tables, but inserted her husband as the son of him who was, in reality, but his father-in-law. Hence it appears that Matthew, who wrote principally for the Jews, traces the pedigree of Jesus Christ from Abraham, through whom the promises were given to the Jews, to David, and from David, through the line of Solomon, to Jacob the father of Joseph, the reputed or legal father of Christ; and that Luke, who wrote for the Gentiles, extends his genealogy upwards from Heli, the father of Mary, through the line of Nathan, to David, and from David to Abraham, and from Abraham to Adam, who was the immediate "son of God" by creation, and to whom the promise of the Saviour was given in behalf of himself and all his posterity. The two branches of descent from David, by Solomon and Nathan, being thus united in the persons of Mary and Joseph, Jesus the son of Mary re-united in himself all the blood, privileges, and rights, of the whole family of David; in consequence of which he is emphatically called "the Son of David.ReciprocalGenesis 9:26 - the Lord; 2 Samuel 5:4 - thirty; Ezekiel 1:1 - in the thirtieth; Luke 2:4 - Joseph; Romans 9:5 - of whom
Verse 26ReciprocalEphesians 6:18 - Praying Verse 27ReciprocalEzra 3:2 - Zerubbabel; Haggai 1:1 - unto; Matthew 1:12 - and Verse 28Reciprocal1 Chronicles 9:1 - all Israel Verse 31of Nathan2 Samuel 5:14; 1 Chronicles 3:5, 14:4; Zechariah 12:12ReciprocalRuth 4:22 - David; 1 Samuel 17:12 - David Verse 32was the son of JesseRuth 4:18-22; 1 Samuel 17:58, 20:31; 1 Kings 12:16; 1 Chronicles 2:10-15; Psalm 72:20; Isaiah 11:1, 11:2; Matthew 1:3-6; Acts 13:22, 13:23 which was the son of ObedNumbers 1:7, 2:3, 7:12; 1 Chronicles 2:11, 2:12, Nahshon, Salma, BoazReciprocalRuth 2:1 - Boaz; 4:20 - Nahshon; 4:21 - Salmon; 1 Samuel 17:12 - David; Matthew 1:4 - Naasson; 1:5 - Obed begat Verse 33AminadabRuth 4:19, 4:20; 1 Chronicles 2:9, 2:10 AminadabRam, Hezron, Matthew 1:3, 1:4 EsromGenesis 46:12; Numbers 26:20, 26:21, HezronPharesGenesis 38:29; Ruth 4:12; 1 Chronicles 2:4, 2:5, 9:4, Pharezof JudaGenesis 29:35, 49:8, Judah, Matthew 1:2, JudasReciprocalNumbers 2:3 - Nahshon; Ruth 4:18 - Pharez; 1 Chronicles 4:1 - Pharez; Nehemiah 11:4 - Perez; Habakkuk 3:1 - sprang Verse 34which was the son of IsaacGenesis 21:3, 25:26; 1 Chronicles 1:34; Matthew 1:2; Acts 7:8 TharaGenesis 11:24-32; Joshua 24:2; 1 Chronicles 1:24-28, Terah, Nahor, Reu, Serug, Peleg, Eber, ShelahReciprocalGenesis 11:10 - General; 25:19 - Abraham; 1 Chronicles 1:26 - Nahor Verse 35SaruchGenesis 11:18-21, Serug, ReuPhalec10:25, PelegHeber11:16, 11:17, EberSala10:24, 11:12-15, SalahReciprocal11:20 - Serug; 1 Chronicles 1:24 - Shelah; 1:25 - Eber; 1:26 - Serug Verse 36CainanThis Cainan is not found in the Hebrew Text of any of the genealogies, but only in the Septuagint; from which, probably, the evangelist transcribed the register, as sufficiently exact for his purpose, and as more generally suited to command attention. - See note on Genesis 11:12. It may here be remarked, that though some of the same names occur here, from Nathan downwards, as in Joseph's genealogy, yet there appears no sufficient evidence that the same persons were intended, different persons often bearing the same name.Sem5:32, 7:13, 9:18, 9:26, 9:27, 10:21, 10:22, 11:10-26; 1 Chronicles 1:17, ShemNoeLuke 17:27; Genesis 5:29, 5:30, 6:8-10, 6:22, 7:1, 7:23, 8:1, 9:1; Ezekiel 14:14; Habakkuk 3:1; 1 Peter 3:20; 2 Peter 2:5, NoahReciprocalGenesis 5:1 - book; 5:4 - And the; 10:25 - the name; 1 Chronicles 1:3 - Lamech; 1:4 - Noah Verse 37MathusalaGenesis 5:6-28; 1 Chronicles 1:1-3, Methuselah, MahalaleelReciprocalGenesis 5:9 - Cainan; 5:12 - Mahalaleel; 5:18 - Enoch; 5:21 - Methuselah; 1 Chronicles 1:2 - Kenan; 1:3 - Methuselah; Ephesians 6:18 - Praying; Habakkuk 3:1 - Enoch Verse 38which was the son of AdamGenesis 4:25, 4:26, 5:3 of God1:26, 1:27, 2:7, 5:1, 5:2; Isaiah 64:8; Acts 17:26-29; 1 Corinthians 15:45, 15:47Reciprocal1 Chronicles 1:1 - Sheth; Job 1:6 - the sons; Acts 17:28 - we are