2 Kings 21
21:1 Manasseh's reign;
21:3 His great idolatry;
21:10 His wickedness causes prophecies against Judah;
21:17 Amon succeeds him;
21:19 Amon's wicked reign;
21:23 He being slain by his servants, and those murderers slain by the people, Josiah is made king. Verse 1am 3306-3361, bc 698-643was twelve2 Kings 20:21; 1 Chronicles 3:13; 2 Chronicles 32:33, 33:1-9; Matthew 1:10, ManassesHephzibahProverbs 5:19; Isaiah 62:4 *marg.Reciprocal1 Samuel 8:3 - his sons; 2 Kings 22:1 - eight years old; 2 Chronicles 33:22 - as did Manasseh Verse 2And he did2 Kings 21:7, 21:16, 16:2-4, 22:17; 2 Chronicles 33:2-4 after the abominationsLeviticus 18:25-29; Deuteronomy 12:31; 2 Chronicles 36:14; Ezekiel 16:51ReciprocalLeviticus 18:27 - General; Deuteronomy 4:25 - do evil; 1 Kings 11:7 - build an high; 21:20 - to work; 21:26 - according to; 2 Kings 15:28 - evil; 16:3 - according; 17:8 - walked; 21:20 - as his father; 23:32 - General; 24:3 - for the sins; Isaiah 66:4 - they did; Ezekiel 11:12 - but; 22:3 - and maketh; Revelation 17:4 - abominations Verse 3the high places2 Kings 18:4, 18:22; 2 Chronicles 32:12, 34:3 he reared2 Kings 10:18-20; 1 Kings 16:31-33, 18:21, 18:26 a groveRather, as we have before remarked, Asherah or Astarte. So Castel defines Asherah to be Simulacrum ligneum Astarte dicatum; "A wooden image dedicated to Astarte."Ahab2 Kings 8:18, 8:27; Micah 6:16 and worshipped2 Kings 17:16, 23:4; Deuteronomy 4:19, 17:3; 2 Chronicles 33:3-5; Job 31:26ReciprocalGenesis 2:1 - host; Deuteronomy 16:21 - General; 1 Kings 11:7 - build an high; 14:9 - to provoke; 14:23 - groves; 16:33 - made a grove; 2 Kings 23:5 - all the host; 23:24 - the workers; Jeremiah 8:2 - and all; 23:27 - as; Ezekiel 16:15 - and playedst; 16:24 - thou hast; Hosea 2:13 - the days; Acts 7:42 - the host Verse 4he built2 Kings 16:10-16; Jeremiah 32:34 In JerusalemExodus 20:24; Deuteronomy 12:5; 2 Samuel 7:13; 1 Kings 8:29, 9:3; Psalm 78:68, 78:69, 132:13, 132:14Reciprocal1 Kings 11:13 - for Jerusalem's; 2 Kings 21:7 - In this house; 23:5 - all the host; 23:27 - My name; 2 Chronicles 7:16 - my name; 33:4 - he built; Jeremiah 7:10 - which is called; 7:30 - they; 11:13 - up altars; 19:4 - estranged; 32:31 - this city; Ezekiel 5:11 - thou hast; 7:20 - but; 23:38 - they have; 23:39 - thus; 43:8 - setting; 2 Corinthians 6:16 - what Verse 5in the two courts2 Kings 23:4, 23:6; 1 Kings 6:36, 7:12; 2 Chronicles 33:5, 33:15; Ezekiel 40:28, 40:32, 40:37, 40:47, 42:3, 43:5; 44:19Reciprocal2 Kings 23:12 - which Manasseh; 2 Chronicles 33:4 - he built; Jeremiah 8:2 - and all; 11:13 - up altars; 19:4 - estranged; Ezekiel 8:7 - General; 2 Corinthians 6:16 - what Verse 6am 3321, bc 683he made2 Kings 16:3, 17:17; Leviticus 18:21, 20:2, 20:3; 2 Chronicles 28:3, 33:6; Micah 6:7 observed timesLeviticus 19:26, 19:31; Deuteronomy 18:10-14 familiar1 Chronicles 10:13; Isaiah 8:19, 19:3; Acts 16:16 wrought2 Kings 24:3, 24:4; Genesis 13:13Reciprocal44:5 - divineth; 1 Samuel 2:17 - before; 2 Kings 3:2 - wrought; 14:24 - in the sight; 17:11 - to provoke; 23:10 - might make; 23:19 - to provoke the Lord; 23:24 - the workers; Psalm 51:4 - evil; 106:37 - they sacrificed; Isaiah 66:4 - they did; Jeremiah 7:6 - and shed; 19:4 - filled; Ezekiel 16:21 - to pass; 20:26 - in that; 23:37 - have also; Daniel 4:17 - the basest; Acts 7:43 - ye took Verse 7am 3306-3327, bc 698-677he set2 Kings 23:6; 2 Chronicles 33:7, 33:15 In this house2 Kings 21:4, 23:27; 2 Samuel 7:13; 1 Kings 8:29, 8:44, 9:3, 9:7; 2 Chronicles 7:12, 7:16, 7:20; Nehemiah 1:9; Psalm 74:2, 78:68, 78:69, 132:13, 132:14; Jeremiah 32:34Reciprocal2 Kings 21:2 - And he did; 21:16 - beside his sin; 23:4 - to bring; Jeremiah 7:30 - they; 19:4 - estranged; Ezekiel 5:11 - thou hast; 7:20 - but; 8:3 - the image; 23:38 - they have Verse 8will I make2 Kings 18:11; 2 Samuel 7:10; 1 Chronicles 17:9; 2 Chronicles 33:8 only if theyLeviticus 26:3-13; Deuteronomy 5:28, 5:29, 28:1-14; Joshua 23:11-13; Psalm 37:3, 81:11-16; Isaiah 1:19; Jeremiah 7:3-7, 7:23, 17:20-27; Ezekiel 22:2-16, 33:25-29ReciprocalDeuteronomy 5:32 - observe; 2 Chronicles 7:16 - my name; 33:7 - in the house Verse 9they hearkened2 Chronicles 36:16; Ezra 9:10, 9:11; Nehemiah 9:26, 9:29, 9:30; Psalm 81:10; Daniel 9:6, 9:10, 9:11; Luke 13:34; John 15:22; James 4:17 seduced1 Kings 14:16; 2 Chronicles 33:9; Psalm 12:8; Proverbs 29:12; Hosea 5:11; Revelation 2:20 more evilEzekiel 16:47, 16:51, 16:52ReciprocalExodus 32:21 - General; 2 Kings 21:11 - above all; 2 Chronicles 33:2 - like unto; Job 34:30 - General; Ezekiel 5:7 - neither have done; 13:10 - seduced; 16:29 - in the land; 16:44 - As is Verse 102 Chronicles 33:10, 36:15; Nehemiah 9:26, 9:30; Matthew 23:34-37
In the following verses the doom of Judah and Jerusalem is passed, and it is a heavy doom. The prophets were sent in the first place to teach them the knowledge of God, to remind them of their duty, and direct them in it: if they succeeded not in that, their next work was to reprove them for their sins, and to set them in view before them, that they might repent and reform, and return to their duty: if in this they prevailed not, their next work was to foretell the judgments of God, that the terror of them might awaken to repentance those who would not be made sensible of the obligations of his love; or else that the execution of them, in their season, might be a demonstration of the divine mission of the prophets who foretold them. They were made judges to those who would not hear and receive them as teachers. - Henry.

Verse 11Because2 Kings 23:26, 23:27, 24:3, 24:4; Jeremiah 15:4 above all2 Kings 21:9; 1 Kings 21:26; Ezekiel 16:3, 16:45 made Judah2 Kings 21:9; 1 Kings 14:16, 15:30, 16:19Reciprocal14:22 - all; 15:26 - in his sin; 2 Kings 16:3 - according; 21:16 - beside his sin; 1 Chronicles 1:14 - Amorite; 2 Chronicles 21:11 - caused; Nehemiah 9:26 - wrought; Jeremiah 32:35 - to cause; Ezekiel 16:28 - General; 18:12 - hath committed Verse 12I am bringing2 Kings 22:16; Daniel 9:12; Micah 3:12 whosoever1 Samuel 3:11; Isaiah 28:16; Jeremiah 19:3; Amos 3:2; Matthew 24:21, 24:22; Luke 23:28, 23:29; Revelation 6:15-17Reciprocal2 Kings 24:2 - according; 2 Chronicles 34:24 - I will bring; Ezra 5:12 - But after; Psalm 10:15 - seek; 79:1 - the heathen; Isaiah 28:19 - and it; Ezekiel 7:5 - General; 21:7 - For the Verse 13I will stretchThis metaphor is taken from the custom of using a line in measuring land, and in dividing portions of it among several persons. Samaria was taken, pillaged, and ruined, and its inhabitants carried into captivity: Jerusalem shall have the same measure. 2 Kings 17:6; Isaiah 10:22, 28:17, 34:11; Lamentations 2:8; Ezekiel 23:31-34; Amos 7:7, 7:8; Zechariah 1:16 the plummet2 Kings 10:11; 1 Kings 21:21-24 I will wipeI will empty Jerusalem of all its wealth and inhabitants, as truly as a dish turned up and wiped is emptied of its contents. 14:10; Isaiah 14:23; Jeremiah 25:9; Ezekiel 24:10, 24:11; Revelation 18:21-23 wiping it, and turning it upside downHeb. he wipeth and turneth it upon the face thereofReciprocal2 Kings 8:18 - the house; 22:16 - Behold; 23:27 - I will remove; Isaiah 24:1 - turneth it upside down; Jeremiah 19:3 - his ears; 44:2 - a desolation; Ezekiel 7:5 - General; Zephaniah 1:4 - stretch Verse 14And I willDeuteronomy 31:17; 2 Chronicles 15:2; Psalm 37:28, 89:38-45; Jeremiah 12:7, 23:33; Lamentations 5:20; Amos 5:2 the remnant2 Kings 19:4, 19:30, 19:31, 24:2; 2 Chronicles 36:16, 36:17; Jeremiah 23:33 deliverLeviticus 26:17, 26:36-38; Deuteronomy 4:26, 4:27, 28:25, 28:31-33, 28:48; Judges 2:14, 2:15; Nehemiah 9:27-37; Psalm 71:1-7, 106:40-43; Isaiah 10:6; Lamentations 1:5, 1:10ReciprocalDeuteronomy 4:25 - do evil; 1 Samuel 12:22 - the Lord; Jeremiah 44:27 - shall be Verse 15since the dayDeuteronomy 9:21, 31:27, 31:29; Judges 2:11-13; Psalm 106:34-40; Ezekiel 16:15-22; 20:4, 20:13, 20:21, 20:30, 23:3, 23:8-21; Daniel 9:5-11ReciprocalJeremiah 25:7 - that ye Verse 16Manasseh2 Kings 24:3, 24:4; Numbers 35:33; Deuteronomy 21:8, 21:9; Jeremiah 2:34, 7:6, 15:4, 19:4; Matthew 23:30, 23:31; 27:6; Luke 13:34; Habakkuk 3:1 one end to anotherHeb. mouth to mouthbeside his sin2 Kings 21:7, 21:11; Exodus 32:21; 1 Kings 14:15, 14:16; 2 Chronicles 33:9ReciprocalExodus 20:13 - General; Deuteronomy 19:10 - General; 2 Kings 21:2 - And he did; Ezra 9:11 - one end to another; Psalm 10:8 - sitteth; 106:38 - shed; Proverbs 28:15 - so; Jeremiah 32:31 - this city; 51:5 - though; Ezekiel 7:23 - for; 8:17 - for; 9:9 - and the land; 11:6 - General; 16:47 - thou wast; 22:2 - bloody city; 22:4 - that thou; 24:6 - Woe; 34:3 - ye kill; Matthew 23:35 - upon; Luke 3:20 - General Verse 17the rest2 Kings 20:20, 20:21; 2 Chronicles 33:1-20Reciprocal2 Kings 21:25 - General Verse 18am 3361, bc 643and was buried2 Chronicles 21:20, 24:16, 24:25, 28:27, 32:33, 33:20; Jeremiah 22:19ReciprocalGenesis 23:20 - for a; 50:13 - the cave; 1 Kings 2:34 - buried; 11:43 - slept; 2 Kings 16:20 - buried; 20:21 - slept; 21:26 - in the garden Verse 19am 3361-3363, bc 643-641Amon1 Chronicles 3:14; 2 Chronicles 33:21-23; Matthew 1:10 two years2 Kings 15:23; 1 Kings 15:25, 16:8, 22:51Reciprocal2 Chronicles 33:20 - Amon Verse 20as his father2 Kings 21:2-7; Numbers 32:14; 2 Chronicles 33:22, 33:23; Matthew 23:32; Acts 7:51Reciprocal2 Kings 3:2 - wrought; Psalm 78:38 - did not Verse 21Reciprocal2 Kings 23:12 - which Manasseh; 23:32 - General Verse 222 Kings 22:17; Deuteronomy 32:15; 1 Kings 11:33; 1 Chronicles 28:9; Jeremiah 2:13; Jonah 2:8Reciprocal2 Kings 23:12 - which Manasseh; 23:32 - General; Ezekiel 11:12 - General; Acts 22:14 - The God Verse 23am 3363, bc 641, 2 Kings 12:20, 14:19, 15:25, 15:30; 1 Kings 15:27, 16:9; 2 Chronicles 33:24, 33:25ReciprocalEsther 2:21 - and sought Verse 24the people of the land slew2 Kings 14:5 made Josiah11:17, 14:21; 1 Samuel 11:15; 2 Samuel 5:3; 1 Kings 12:1, 12:20; 2 Chronicles 22:1, 26:1, 33:25Reciprocal2 Kings 23:30 - the people Verse 252 Kings 21:17, 20:20Reciprocal2 Chronicles 35:27 - deeds; Jeremiah 1:2 - in the days Verse 26in the garden2 Kings 21:18 Josiah1 Kings 13:5; Matthew 1:10Reciprocal1 Kings 11:43 - buried; 2 Kings 16:20 - buried; Jeremiah 1:2 - in the days