21:1 Ahab being denied Naboth's vineyard, is grieved; 21:5 Jezebel writing letters against Naboth, he is condemned of blasphemy; 21:15 Ahab take possession of the vineyard; 21:17 Elijah denounces judgments against Ahab and Jezebel; 21:25 Wicked Ahab repenting, God defers the judgment.
Verse 1am 3105, bc 899after1 Kings 20:35-43; 2 Chronicles 28:22; Ezra 9:13, 9:14; Isaiah 9:13; Jeremiah 5:3Jezreel1 Kings 18:45; Joshua 19:18; Judges 6:33; 1 Samuel 29:1; Hosea 1:4, 1:5ReciprocalDeuteronomy 5:21 - General; Joshua 7:21 - I coveted; 17:16 - Jezreel; 1 Kings 21:8 - the nobles; 2 Kings 9:21 - the portion of Naboth; Hosea 10:7 - Samaria; Romans 7:7 - Thou shaltVerse 2Give meThe request of Ahab, at first view, appears fair and honourable. But, as he most evidentially wished Naboth to alienate it finally, which was expressly forbidden and provided against in the law of God - Leviticus 25:14-28 it was high iniquity in Ahab to tempt him to do it, and to covet it showed the depravity of his soul. Genesis 3:6; Exodus 20:17; Deuteronomy 5:21; 1 Samuel 8:14; Jeremiah 22:17; Habakkuk 2:9-11; Luke 12:15; 1 Timothy 6:9; James 1:14, 1:15a garden of herbs2 Kings 9:27; Deuteronomy 11:10; Ecclesiastes 2:5; Song of Songs 4:15seem good to theeHeb. be good in thine eyes, Genesis 16:6; 1 Samuel 8:6, 29:6ReciprocalGenesis 41:37 - good; Joshua 7:21 - I coveted; 1 Kings 21:6 - Because; 1 Chronicles 21:22 - Grant; Psalm 101:3 - set; Micah 2:2 - they covet; Zechariah 11:12 - ye think goodVerse 3The LordGenesis 44:7, 44:17; Joshua 22:29, 24:16; 1 Samuel 12:23, 24:6, 26:9-11; 1 Chronicles 11:19; Job 27:5; Romans 3:4, 3:6, 3:31, 6:2, 6:15, 7:7, 7:13; 1 Corinthians 6:15; Galatians 6:14I should giveLeviticus 25:23; Numbers 36:7; Ezekiel 46:18Reciprocal2 Samuel 23:17 - Be it far; 1 Kings 21:4 - I will not; 21:6 - I will not giveVerse 4heavy1 Kings 20:43; Job 5:2; Isaiah 57:20, 57:21; Jonah 4:1, 4:9; Habakkuk 2:9-12I will not1 Kings 21:3; Numbers 22:13, 22:14And he laid himGenesis 4:5-8; 2 Samuel 13:2, 13:4; Ecclesiastes 6:9, 7:8, 7:9; Ephesians 4:27; James 1:14Reciprocal1 Samuel 28:23 - I will; 1 Kings 21:6 - I will not give; Esther 5:9 - he was full; 5:13 - Yet all this; 6:12 - hasted to his house; Amos 2:7 - pant; Matthew 5:22 - That; 2 Corinthians 7:10 - the sorrowVerse 5Jezebel1 Kings 21:25, 16:31, 18:4, 19:2; Genesis 3:6Why is thy spirit2 Samuel 13:4; Nehemiah 2:2; Esther 4:5Reciprocal1 Kings 19:1 - Ahab; 2 Kings 3:2 - and like; James 3:6 - a worldVerse 6Because1 Kings 21:2; Esther 5:9-14, 6:12; Proverbs 14:30; 1 Timothy 6:9, 6:10; James 4:2-7I will not give1 Kings 21:3, 21:4
Verse 7Dost thou now1 Samuel 8:4; 2 Samuel 13:4; Proverbs 30:31; Ecclesiastes 4:1, 8:4; Daniel 5:19-21I will give thee1 Kings 21:15, 21:16; Micah 2:1, 2:2, 7:3Reciprocal1 Samuel 8:14 - General; 24:14 - the king; 1 Kings 21:25 - whom Jezebel; Esther 5:14 - said Zeresh; Psalm 73:8 - speak wickedly; Amos 6:12 - for; Revelation 2:20 - that womanVerse 8she wrote2 Samuel 11:14, 11:15; 2 Chronicles 32:17; Ezra 4:7, 4:8, 4:11; Nehemiah 6:5; Esther 3:12-15, 8:8-13the eldersNumbers 11:16; Deuteronomy 16:18, 16:19, 21:1-9the nobles1 Kings 21:1; 2 Kings 10:1-7, 10:11ReciprocalExodus 24:11 - nobles; Deuteronomy 1:17 - ye shall not; Ruth 4:2 - the elders; 1 Kings 21:12 - General; 2 Kings 9:22 - the whoredoms; 10:6 - General; Esther 8:10 - in the king; Jeremiah 29:25 - Because; Matthew 26:59 - sought; Acts 26:12 - withVerse 9Proclaim a fastGenesis 34:13-17; Isaiah 58:4; Matthew 2:8, 23:14; Luke 20:47; John 18:28on high amongHeb. in the top ofReciprocalGenesis 34:14 - uncircumcised; 39:17 - General; Exodus 32:5 - made proclamation; 2 Samuel 14:30 - And Absalom's; 15:12 - while he offered; Proverbs 7:14 - this; 18:5 - to overthrow; 24:28 - not; Ecclesiastes 3:16 - General; Joel 2:15 - sanctify; Micah 7:3 - the great; Mark 14:64 - GeneralVerse 10two menDeuteronomy 19:15; Matthew 26:59, 26:60; Acts 6:11sons of BelialDeuteronomy 13:13; Judges 19:22Thou didst blasphemeSome, with Parkhurst, would render the original, bairachta elohim wamailech, "Thou hast blessed the gods and Molech;" a sense, however, which seems extremely forced, and is not acknowledged by any of the ancient versions, though the LXX and Vulgate render bairachta by ευλογησε, benedixit, "blessed." It is no unusual thing for a word to have opposite senses. Exodus 22:28; Leviticus 24:15; Matthew 26:59-66; John 10:33; Acts 6:13ReciprocalExodus 20:16 - General; 23:1 - an unrighteous witness; Leviticus 19:16 - stand; 24:11 - blasphemed; 24:16 - blasphemeth; Deuteronomy 19:16 - a false witness; 1 Samuel 2:12 - sons of Belial; 25:17 - a son of Belial; 30:22 - wicked; 2 Samuel 16:7 - man of Belial; 19:21 - Shall not; 2 Kings 6:32 - son of a murderer; 2 Chronicles 13:7 - the children of Belial; Job 1:5 - cursed; Proverbs 6:19 - A false; 7:14 - this; 19:28 - An ungodly witness; Isaiah 32:7 - lying; Ezekiel 22:9 - men that carry tales; Matthew 26:65 - He; 27:31 - and led; 27:32 - as; Mark 14:55 - sought; Luke 5:21 - blasphemies; 23:2 - forbidding; John 8:17 - that; 2 Corinthians 13:1 - In; Habakkuk 3:1 - stonedVerse 11did as JezebelExodus 1:17, 1:21, 23:1, 23:2; Leviticus 19:15; 1 Samuel 22:17, 23:20; 2 Kings 10:6, 10:7; 2 Chronicles 24:21; Proverbs 29:12, 29:26; Daniel 3:18-25; Hosea 5:11; Micah 6:16; Matthew 2:12, 2:16; Acts 4:19, 5:29Reciprocal2 Samuel 13:29 - servants; 19:21 - Shall not; 2 Kings 9:33 - Throw her down; 16:11 - built an altar; Job 22:8 - But as; James 2:6 - andVerse 121 Kings 21:8-10; Isaiah 58:4Reciprocal2 Samuel 11:16 - he assigned; 15:12 - while he offered; 2 Kings 10:20 - Proclaim; Joel 2:15 - sanctify; Acts 4:7 - whenVerse 13the men of BelialExodus 20:16; Deuteronomy 5:20, 19:16-21; Psalm 27:12, 35:11; Proverbs 6:19, 19:5, 19:9, 25:18; Malachi 3:5; Mark 14:56-59blaspheme GodJob 1:5, 1:11, 2:9; Matthew 9:3; Acts 6:11the kingEcclesiastes 10:20; Isaiah 8:21; Amos 7:10; Luke 23:2; John 19:12; Acts 24:5they carried himLeviticus 24:11-16; Numbers 15:35, 15:36; Deuteronomy 13:10, 21:21, 22:21, 22:24; Joshua 7:24, 7:25; 2 Kings 9:26; Ecclesiastes 4:1; Acts 7:57-59ReciprocalDeuteronomy 13:13 - the children; 19:15 - at the mouth; Judges 20:13 - children of Belial; 1 Samuel 2:12 - sons of Belial; 25:17 - a son of Belial; 30:22 - wicked; 2 Samuel 16:7 - man of Belial; 2 Chronicles 13:7 - the children of Belial; Job 31:39 - caused the owners thereof to lose their life; Psalm 101:3 - wicked thing; Proverbs 14:5 - General; 17:15 - that justifieth; 19:28 - An ungodly witness; Ecclesiastes 7:15 - there is a just; Isaiah 5:23 - take; 10:1 - them; Ezekiel 34:3 - ye kill; Habakkuk 1:4 - for; Matthew 18:16 - that in; 27:31 - and led; 27:32 - as; Mark 14:55 - sought; John 19:17 - went; Acts 7:58 - cast; 2 Corinthians 13:1 - In; Habakkuk 3:1 - stonedVerse 14Naboth is stoned2 Samuel 11:14-24; Ecclesiastes 5:8, 8:14Reciprocal2 Kings 10:8 - there cameVerse 15Arise1 Kings 21:7; Proverbs 1:10-16, 4:17ReciprocalJoshua 19:18 - Jezreel; 2 Kings 9:7 - at the hand; 9:21 - the portion of NabothVerse 16Ahab rose up2 Samuel 1:13-16, 4:9-12, 11:25-27, 23:15-17; Psalm 50:18; Isaiah 33:15; Obadiah 1:12-14; Romans 1:32; 2 Peter 2:15ReciprocalJoshua 19:18 - Jezreel; 1 Kings 21:7 - I will give thee; 2 Kings 5:24 - and bestowed; Isaiah 5:8 - field; Ezekiel 16:44 - As isVerse 172 Kings 1:15, 1:16, 5:26; Psalm 9:12; Isaiah 26:21ReciprocalMatthew 18:12 - into; Mark 12:12 - knewVerse 18which is in Samaria1 Kings 13:32; 2 Chronicles 22:9Reciprocal1 Kings 14:6 - for I am; 2 Kings 1:16 - Forasmuch; 9:21 - the portion of Naboth; Jeremiah 22:1 - Go; 28:8 - prophesied; Hosea 5:1 - O houseVerse 19Hast thou killedGenesis 3:11, 4:9, 4:10; 2 Samuel 12:9; Micah 3:1-4; Habakkuk 2:9, 2:12In the placeThis punishment, on Ahab's humiliation and repentance, was transferred from him to his son Jehoram - 1 Kings 21:29 in whom it was literally accomplished. See the parallel texts. 22:38; Judges 1:7; 2 Samuel 12:11; 2 Kings 9:25, 9:26; Esther 7:10; Psalm 7:15, 7:16; 9:16, 58:10, 58:11; Matthew 7:2Reciprocal1 Samuel 8:14 - General; 2 Samuel 12:7 - Thou art; 1 Kings 14:11 - that dieth; 16:33 - did more to provoke; 22:23 - and the Lord; 2 Kings 9:21 - the portion of Naboth; 10:10 - the Lord hath done; 2 Chronicles 32:26 - so; Job 20:19 - he hath violently; 21:31 - declare; 31:39 - caused the owners thereof to lose their life; Psalm 68:23 - the tongue; 94:21 - condemn; 107:40 - contempt; Proverbs 10:22 - he; 24:25 - them; 28:4 - but; 28:17 - General; Ecclesiastes 5:8 - regardeth; Isaiah 14:19 - thou; Jeremiah 22:17 - to shed; 34:6 - General; Ezekiel 24:7 - her blood; 46:18 - thrust; Matthew 14:4 - GeneralVerse 20Hast thou found me1 Kings 18:17, 22:8; 2 Chronicles 18:7, 18:17; Amos 5:10; Mark 12:12; Galatians 4:16; Revelation 11:10; Amos 5:10; Mark 12:12; Galatians 4:16; Revelation 11:10thou hast sold1 Kings 21:25; 2 Kings 17:17; Isaiah 50:1, 52:3; Romans 7:14to work1 Kings 16:30; 2 Kings 21:2; 2 Chronicles 33:6; Ephesians 4:19ReciprocalExodus 5:1 - and told; Judges 16:18 - brought money; 1 Samuel 13:13 - Thou hast done; 19:17 - mine enemy; 2 Samuel 12:7 - Thou art; 12:13 - David; 2 Kings 3:2 - but not; 3:14 - I would not look; Proverbs 9:7 - General; 15:10 - grievous; 24:25 - them; 28:4 - but; 29:1 - General; 29:10 - The bloodthirsty; Ecclesiastes 5:8 - regardeth; Isaiah 30:10 - say; Jeremiah 15:10 - a man; 20:10 - we shall; 38:4 - thus; Ezekiel 3:8 - General; 14:4 - I the Lord; Micah 3:2 - hate; Matthew 5:12 - for so; Mark 6:19 - Herodias; 6:20 - feared; 11:18 - feared; 14:11 - and promised; Luke 1:17 - power; 6:23 - for in; John 7:7 - because; Acts 5:28 - intendVerse 21Behold1 Kings 14:10; Exodus 20:5, 20:6; 2 Kings 9:7-9, 10:1-7, 10:11-14, 10:17, 10:30him that pisseth1 Samuel 25:22, 25:34him that is shut up1 Kings 14:10; Deuteronomy 32:36; 2 Kings 9:8, 9:9, 14:26Reciprocal1 Kings 16:3 - will make thy house; 21:29 - the evil in; 2 Kings 10:7 - slew seventy; 10:10 - the Lord hath done; 21:13 - the plummet; 1 Chronicles 12:1 - while he yet; Job 27:15 - Those; Isaiah 40:24 - they shall not be planted; Jeremiah 32:18 - recompensestVerse 22make thine1 Kings 15:29, 16:3, 16:11made Israel to sin14:16, 15:30, 15:34, 16:26ReciprocalExodus 32:21 - General; 1 Kings 11:26 - Jeroboam; 15:26 - in his sin; 2 Kings 9:8 - I will cut off; 9:9 - like the house; 10:11 - he left; 10:30 - according to all that; 23:15 - the altar; Isaiah 40:24 - they shall not be planted; Jeremiah 32:35 - to causeVerse 23Jezebel1 Kings 21:25; 2 Kings 9:10, 9:30-37the dogsShocking as this must appear to minds that have been humanized by the kindly influence of Christianity, we still find similar instances in the accounts of modern travellers. Mr. Bruce says, that when at Gondar, "the bodies of those killed by the sword were hewn to pieces and scattered about the streets, being denied burial. I was miserable, and almost driven to despair, at seeing my hunting dogs, twice let loose by the carelessness of my servants, bringing into the court-yard the heads and arms of slaughtered men, and which I could no way prevent, but by the destruction of the dogs themselves."wallor, ditch.ReciprocalJoshua 17:16 - Jezreel; 1 Samuel 29:1 - Jezreel; 1 Kings 14:11 - that dieth; 18:45 - Ahab; 2 Kings 9:36 - This is; Job 12:21 - poureth; Proverbs 28:17 - General; Jeremiah 15:3 - I will; 16:4 - as dung; 22:19 - General; 34:20 - and their; Revelation 2:20 - that womanVerse 24that dieth1 Kings 14:11, 16:4; Isaiah 14:19; Jeremiah 15:3; Ezekiel 32:4, 32:5, 39:18-20; Revelation 19:18Reciprocal2 Kings 9:25 - the Lord; Job 12:21 - poureth; Proverbs 14:1 - the foolish; Isaiah 5:25 - torn; Jeremiah 16:4 - as dung; 22:19 - General; 34:20 - and theirVerse 25But there1 Kings 21:20, 16:30-33; 2 Kings 23:25sell himself1 Kings 21:20; 2 Kings 17:17; Isaiah 50:1, 52:3; Romans 6:19, 7:14whom Jezebel1 Kings 21:7, 11:1-4, 16:31, 18:4, 19:2; Proverbs 22:14; Ecclesiastes 7:26; Mark 6:17-27; Acts 6:12, 14:2stirred upor, incitedReciprocal1 Kings 16:33 - did more to provoke; 19:1 - Ahab; 21:5 - Jezebel; 21:23 - Jezebel; 22:52 - in the way; 2 Kings 3:2 - but not; 8:18 - the daughter; 9:7 - at the hand; 9:22 - the whoredoms; 9:34 - this cursed woman; 14:24 - in the sight; 16:3 - he walked; 2 Chronicles 18:1 - joined affinity; 19:2 - Shouldest; Esther 5:14 - said Zeresh; Proverbs 14:1 - the foolish; Ecclesiastes 8:12 - a sinner; Jeremiah 34:14 - been sold; 44:19 - without; Daniel 4:17 - the basest; Micah 6:16 - the works; John 8:34 - Whosoever; Acts 13:50 - the Jews; 17:13 - stirred; 21:27 - stirredVerse 26very abominably2 Chronicles 15:8; Isaiah 65:4; Jeremiah 16:18, 44:4; Ezekiel 18:12; 1 Peter 4:3; Revelation 21:8according toGenesis 15:16; Leviticus 18:25-30, 20:22, 20:23; Deuteronomy 12:31; 2 Kings 16:3, 21:2, 21:11; 2 Chronicles 33:2, 33:9, 36:14; Ezra 9:11-14; Psalm 106:35-39; Ezekiel 16:47Reciprocal1 Kings 16:31 - served Baal; 2 Kings 17:8 - walked; Ezekiel 16:3 - Amorite; 23:5 - Aholah; Micah 6:16 - the worksVerse 27he rentGenesis 37:34; 2 Kings 6:30, 18:37; Jonah 3:6lay in sackcloth2 Samuel 12:17; Job 16:15; Isaiah 22:12, 58:5-8; Joel 1:13went softlyIsaiah 38:15ReciprocalExodus 33:4 - and no; 2 Samuel 21:10 - took sackcloth; 1 Kings 20:31 - put sackcloth; 22:8 - Let not the; 2 Kings 19:1 - covered; 1 Chronicles 21:16 - clothed; Job 42:6 - repent; Psalm 35:13 - humbled; Ecclesiastes 3:7 - time to rend; Jeremiah 26:3 - that I; 34:15 - ye; 36:24 - nor rent; 48:37 - upon the loins; Daniel 6:18 - and passed; Joel 2:13 - your garments; Jonah 3:10 - God saw; Matthew 6:16 - be; 18:30 - but; 27:4 - I have sinned; Acts 24:25 - FelixVerse 28Reciprocal2 Chronicles 12:7 - the LordVerse 29Seest thouJeremiah 7:17; Luke 7:44AhabExodus 10:3; Psalm 18:44, 66:3, 78:34-37I will not86:15; Ezekiel 33:10, 33:11; Micah 7:18; Romans 2:4; 2 Peter 3:9the evil in1 Kings 21:21-23in his son's days2 Kings 9:25, 9:26, 9:33-37, 10:1-7, 10:11ReciprocalExodus 20:5 - visiting; Leviticus 26:41 - humbled; 1 Kings 11:12 - in thy days; 21:19 - In the place; 22:53 - according to all; 2 Kings 10:10 - the Lord hath done; 10:30 - Because thou hast; 19:1 - covered; 22:19 - humbled; 2 Chronicles 12:7 - the Lord; 32:26 - days; 34:28 - neither; Jeremiah 26:3 - that I; 44:10 - are not; Daniel 4:27 - if it; 1 Peter 5:6 - Humble
21:5 Jezebel writing letters against Naboth, he is condemned of blasphemy;
21:15 Ahab take possession of the vineyard;
21:17 Elijah denounces judgments against Ahab and Jezebel;
21:25 Wicked Ahab repenting, God defers the judgment. Verse 1am 3105, bc 899after1 Kings 20:35-43; 2 Chronicles 28:22; Ezra 9:13, 9:14; Isaiah 9:13; Jeremiah 5:3 Jezreel1 Kings 18:45; Joshua 19:18; Judges 6:33; 1 Samuel 29:1; Hosea 1:4, 1:5ReciprocalDeuteronomy 5:21 - General; Joshua 7:21 - I coveted; 17:16 - Jezreel; 1 Kings 21:8 - the nobles; 2 Kings 9:21 - the portion of Naboth; Hosea 10:7 - Samaria; Romans 7:7 - Thou shalt Verse 2Give meThe request of Ahab, at first view, appears fair and honourable. But, as he most evidentially wished Naboth to alienate it finally, which was expressly forbidden and provided against in the law of God - Leviticus 25:14-28
it was high iniquity in Ahab to tempt him to do it, and to covet it showed the depravity of his soul. Genesis 3:6; Exodus 20:17; Deuteronomy 5:21; 1 Samuel 8:14; Jeremiah 22:17; Habakkuk 2:9-11; Luke 12:15; 1 Timothy 6:9; James 1:14, 1:15 a garden of herbs2 Kings 9:27; Deuteronomy 11:10; Ecclesiastes 2:5; Song of Songs 4:15 seem good to theeHeb. be good in thine eyes, Genesis 16:6; 1 Samuel 8:6, 29:6ReciprocalGenesis 41:37 - good; Joshua 7:21 - I coveted; 1 Kings 21:6 - Because; 1 Chronicles 21:22 - Grant; Psalm 101:3 - set; Micah 2:2 - they covet; Zechariah 11:12 - ye think good Verse 3The LordGenesis 44:7, 44:17; Joshua 22:29, 24:16; 1 Samuel 12:23, 24:6, 26:9-11; 1 Chronicles 11:19; Job 27:5; Romans 3:4, 3:6, 3:31, 6:2, 6:15, 7:7, 7:13; 1 Corinthians 6:15; Galatians 6:14 I should giveLeviticus 25:23; Numbers 36:7; Ezekiel 46:18Reciprocal2 Samuel 23:17 - Be it far; 1 Kings 21:4 - I will not; 21:6 - I will not give Verse 4heavy1 Kings 20:43; Job 5:2; Isaiah 57:20, 57:21; Jonah 4:1, 4:9; Habakkuk 2:9-12 I will not1 Kings 21:3; Numbers 22:13, 22:14 And he laid himGenesis 4:5-8; 2 Samuel 13:2, 13:4; Ecclesiastes 6:9, 7:8, 7:9; Ephesians 4:27; James 1:14Reciprocal1 Samuel 28:23 - I will; 1 Kings 21:6 - I will not give; Esther 5:9 - he was full; 5:13 - Yet all this; 6:12 - hasted to his house; Amos 2:7 - pant; Matthew 5:22 - That; 2 Corinthians 7:10 - the sorrow Verse 5Jezebel1 Kings 21:25, 16:31, 18:4, 19:2; Genesis 3:6 Why is thy spirit2 Samuel 13:4; Nehemiah 2:2; Esther 4:5Reciprocal1 Kings 19:1 - Ahab; 2 Kings 3:2 - and like; James 3:6 - a world Verse 6Because1 Kings 21:2; Esther 5:9-14, 6:12; Proverbs 14:30; 1 Timothy 6:9, 6:10; James 4:2-7 I will not give1 Kings 21:3, 21:4
Verse 7Dost thou now1 Samuel 8:4; 2 Samuel 13:4; Proverbs 30:31; Ecclesiastes 4:1, 8:4; Daniel 5:19-21 I will give thee1 Kings 21:15, 21:16; Micah 2:1, 2:2, 7:3Reciprocal1 Samuel 8:14 - General; 24:14 - the king; 1 Kings 21:25 - whom Jezebel; Esther 5:14 - said Zeresh; Psalm 73:8 - speak wickedly; Amos 6:12 - for; Revelation 2:20 - that woman Verse 8she wrote2 Samuel 11:14, 11:15; 2 Chronicles 32:17; Ezra 4:7, 4:8, 4:11; Nehemiah 6:5; Esther 3:12-15, 8:8-13 the eldersNumbers 11:16; Deuteronomy 16:18, 16:19, 21:1-9 the nobles1 Kings 21:1; 2 Kings 10:1-7, 10:11ReciprocalExodus 24:11 - nobles; Deuteronomy 1:17 - ye shall not; Ruth 4:2 - the elders; 1 Kings 21:12 - General; 2 Kings 9:22 - the whoredoms; 10:6 - General; Esther 8:10 - in the king; Jeremiah 29:25 - Because; Matthew 26:59 - sought; Acts 26:12 - with Verse 9Proclaim a fastGenesis 34:13-17; Isaiah 58:4; Matthew 2:8, 23:14; Luke 20:47; John 18:28 on high amongHeb. in the top ofReciprocalGenesis 34:14 - uncircumcised; 39:17 - General; Exodus 32:5 - made proclamation; 2 Samuel 14:30 - And Absalom's; 15:12 - while he offered; Proverbs 7:14 - this; 18:5 - to overthrow; 24:28 - not; Ecclesiastes 3:16 - General; Joel 2:15 - sanctify; Micah 7:3 - the great; Mark 14:64 - General Verse 10two menDeuteronomy 19:15; Matthew 26:59, 26:60; Acts 6:11 sons of BelialDeuteronomy 13:13; Judges 19:22 Thou didst blasphemeSome, with Parkhurst, would render the original, bairachta elohim wamailech, "Thou hast blessed the gods and Molech;" a sense, however, which seems extremely forced, and is not acknowledged by any of the ancient versions, though the LXX and Vulgate render bairachta by
in whom it was literally accomplished. See the parallel texts. 22:38; Judges 1:7; 2 Samuel 12:11; 2 Kings 9:25, 9:26; Esther 7:10; Psalm 7:15, 7:16; 9:16, 58:10, 58:11; Matthew 7:2Reciprocal1 Samuel 8:14 - General; 2 Samuel 12:7 - Thou art; 1 Kings 14:11 - that dieth; 16:33 - did more to provoke; 22:23 - and the Lord; 2 Kings 9:21 - the portion of Naboth; 10:10 - the Lord hath done; 2 Chronicles 32:26 - so; Job 20:19 - he hath violently; 21:31 - declare; 31:39 - caused the owners thereof to lose their life; Psalm 68:23 - the tongue; 94:21 - condemn; 107:40 - contempt; Proverbs 10:22 - he; 24:25 - them; 28:4 - but; 28:17 - General; Ecclesiastes 5:8 - regardeth; Isaiah 14:19 - thou; Jeremiah 22:17 - to shed; 34:6 - General; Ezekiel 24:7 - her blood; 46:18 - thrust; Matthew 14:4 - General Verse 20Hast thou found me1 Kings 18:17, 22:8; 2 Chronicles 18:7, 18:17; Amos 5:10; Mark 12:12; Galatians 4:16; Revelation 11:10; Amos 5:10; Mark 12:12; Galatians 4:16; Revelation 11:10 thou hast sold1 Kings 21:25; 2 Kings 17:17; Isaiah 50:1, 52:3; Romans 7:14 to work1 Kings 16:30; 2 Kings 21:2; 2 Chronicles 33:6; Ephesians 4:19ReciprocalExodus 5:1 - and told; Judges 16:18 - brought money; 1 Samuel 13:13 - Thou hast done; 19:17 - mine enemy; 2 Samuel 12:7 - Thou art; 12:13 - David; 2 Kings 3:2 - but not; 3:14 - I would not look; Proverbs 9:7 - General; 15:10 - grievous; 24:25 - them; 28:4 - but; 29:1 - General; 29:10 - The bloodthirsty; Ecclesiastes 5:8 - regardeth; Isaiah 30:10 - say; Jeremiah 15:10 - a man; 20:10 - we shall; 38:4 - thus; Ezekiel 3:8 - General; 14:4 - I the Lord; Micah 3:2 - hate; Matthew 5:12 - for so; Mark 6:19 - Herodias; 6:20 - feared; 11:18 - feared; 14:11 - and promised; Luke 1:17 - power; 6:23 - for in; John 7:7 - because; Acts 5:28 - intend Verse 21Behold1 Kings 14:10; Exodus 20:5, 20:6; 2 Kings 9:7-9, 10:1-7, 10:11-14, 10:17, 10:30 him that pisseth1 Samuel 25:22, 25:34 him that is shut up1 Kings 14:10; Deuteronomy 32:36; 2 Kings 9:8, 9:9, 14:26Reciprocal1 Kings 16:3 - will make thy house; 21:29 - the evil in; 2 Kings 10:7 - slew seventy; 10:10 - the Lord hath done; 21:13 - the plummet; 1 Chronicles 12:1 - while he yet; Job 27:15 - Those; Isaiah 40:24 - they shall not be planted; Jeremiah 32:18 - recompensest Verse 22make thine1 Kings 15:29, 16:3, 16:11 made Israel to sin14:16, 15:30, 15:34, 16:26ReciprocalExodus 32:21 - General; 1 Kings 11:26 - Jeroboam; 15:26 - in his sin; 2 Kings 9:8 - I will cut off; 9:9 - like the house; 10:11 - he left; 10:30 - according to all that; 23:15 - the altar; Isaiah 40:24 - they shall not be planted; Jeremiah 32:35 - to cause Verse 23Jezebel1 Kings 21:25; 2 Kings 9:10, 9:30-37 the dogsShocking as this must appear to minds that have been humanized by the kindly influence of Christianity, we still find similar instances in the accounts of modern travellers. Mr. Bruce says, that when at Gondar, "the bodies of those killed by the sword were hewn to pieces and scattered about the streets, being denied burial. I was miserable, and almost driven to despair, at seeing my hunting dogs, twice let loose by the carelessness of my servants, bringing into the court-yard the heads and arms of slaughtered men, and which I could no way prevent, but by the destruction of the dogs themselves."wallor, ditch.ReciprocalJoshua 17:16 - Jezreel; 1 Samuel 29:1 - Jezreel; 1 Kings 14:11 - that dieth; 18:45 - Ahab; 2 Kings 9:36 - This is; Job 12:21 - poureth; Proverbs 28:17 - General; Jeremiah 15:3 - I will; 16:4 - as dung; 22:19 - General; 34:20 - and their; Revelation 2:20 - that woman Verse 24that dieth1 Kings 14:11, 16:4; Isaiah 14:19; Jeremiah 15:3; Ezekiel 32:4, 32:5, 39:18-20; Revelation 19:18Reciprocal2 Kings 9:25 - the Lord; Job 12:21 - poureth; Proverbs 14:1 - the foolish; Isaiah 5:25 - torn; Jeremiah 16:4 - as dung; 22:19 - General; 34:20 - and their Verse 25But there1 Kings 21:20, 16:30-33; 2 Kings 23:25 sell himself1 Kings 21:20; 2 Kings 17:17; Isaiah 50:1, 52:3; Romans 6:19, 7:14 whom Jezebel1 Kings 21:7, 11:1-4, 16:31, 18:4, 19:2; Proverbs 22:14; Ecclesiastes 7:26; Mark 6:17-27; Acts 6:12, 14:2 stirred upor, incitedReciprocal1 Kings 16:33 - did more to provoke; 19:1 - Ahab; 21:5 - Jezebel; 21:23 - Jezebel; 22:52 - in the way; 2 Kings 3:2 - but not; 8:18 - the daughter; 9:7 - at the hand; 9:22 - the whoredoms; 9:34 - this cursed woman; 14:24 - in the sight; 16:3 - he walked; 2 Chronicles 18:1 - joined affinity; 19:2 - Shouldest; Esther 5:14 - said Zeresh; Proverbs 14:1 - the foolish; Ecclesiastes 8:12 - a sinner; Jeremiah 34:14 - been sold; 44:19 - without; Daniel 4:17 - the basest; Micah 6:16 - the works; John 8:34 - Whosoever; Acts 13:50 - the Jews; 17:13 - stirred; 21:27 - stirred Verse 26very abominably2 Chronicles 15:8; Isaiah 65:4; Jeremiah 16:18, 44:4; Ezekiel 18:12; 1 Peter 4:3; Revelation 21:8 according toGenesis 15:16; Leviticus 18:25-30, 20:22, 20:23; Deuteronomy 12:31; 2 Kings 16:3, 21:2, 21:11; 2 Chronicles 33:2, 33:9, 36:14; Ezra 9:11-14; Psalm 106:35-39; Ezekiel 16:47Reciprocal1 Kings 16:31 - served Baal; 2 Kings 17:8 - walked; Ezekiel 16:3 - Amorite; 23:5 - Aholah; Micah 6:16 - the works Verse 27he rentGenesis 37:34; 2 Kings 6:30, 18:37; Jonah 3:6 lay in sackcloth2 Samuel 12:17; Job 16:15; Isaiah 22:12, 58:5-8; Joel 1:13 went softlyIsaiah 38:15ReciprocalExodus 33:4 - and no; 2 Samuel 21:10 - took sackcloth; 1 Kings 20:31 - put sackcloth; 22:8 - Let not the; 2 Kings 19:1 - covered; 1 Chronicles 21:16 - clothed; Job 42:6 - repent; Psalm 35:13 - humbled; Ecclesiastes 3:7 - time to rend; Jeremiah 26:3 - that I; 34:15 - ye; 36:24 - nor rent; 48:37 - upon the loins; Daniel 6:18 - and passed; Joel 2:13 - your garments; Jonah 3:10 - God saw; Matthew 6:16 - be; 18:30 - but; 27:4 - I have sinned; Acts 24:25 - Felix Verse 28Reciprocal2 Chronicles 12:7 - the Lord Verse 29Seest thouJeremiah 7:17; Luke 7:44 AhabExodus 10:3; Psalm 18:44, 66:3, 78:34-37 I will not86:15; Ezekiel 33:10, 33:11; Micah 7:18; Romans 2:4; 2 Peter 3:9 the evil in1 Kings 21:21-23 in his son's days2 Kings 9:25, 9:26, 9:33-37, 10:1-7, 10:11ReciprocalExodus 20:5 - visiting; Leviticus 26:41 - humbled; 1 Kings 11:12 - in thy days; 21:19 - In the place; 22:53 - according to all; 2 Kings 10:10 - the Lord hath done; 10:30 - Because thou hast; 19:1 - covered; 22:19 - humbled; 2 Chronicles 12:7 - the Lord; 32:26 - days; 34:28 - neither; Jeremiah 26:3 - that I; 44:10 - are not; Daniel 4:27 - if it; 1 Peter 5:6 - Humble