1 Kings 19
19:1 Elijah, threatened by Jezebel, flees to Beer-sheba;
19:4 In the wilderness, being weary of his life, he is comforted by an angel;
19:9 At Horeb God appears unto him, sending him to anoint Hazael, Jehu, and Elisha;
19:19 Elisha, taking leave of his friends, follows Elijah. Verse 1Ahab1 Kings 16:31, 21:5-7, 21:25 how he had slain18:40ReciprocalExodus 2:15 - fled; 1 Kings 18:19 - eat at Jezebel's table; 2 Kings 9:22 - the whoredoms; 9:30 - Jezebel; Proverbs 12:16 - fool's; Jeremiah 26:21 - he was; 36:26 - to take; Acts 12:2 - with; Habakkuk 3:1 - were slain; Revelation 2:20 - that woman Verse 2So let1 Kings 2:28, 20:10; Ruth 1:17; 2 Kings 6:31 if IExodus 10:28, 15:9; 2 Kings 19:10-12, 19:22, 19:27, 19:28; Daniel 3:15 to morrowProverbs 27:1; Acts 12:4-6; James 4:13, 4:14ReciprocalExodus 9:18 - to morrow; 1 Samuel 20:13 - The Lord do; 22:16 - Thou shalt; 2 Samuel 3:9 - So do God; 19:13 - God; 1 Kings 16:31 - Jezebel; 18:19 - eat at Jezebel's table; 19:10 - they seek my life; 21:5 - Jezebel; 21:25 - whom Jezebel; 2 Kings 1:9 - sent unto; 9:22 - the whoredoms; 9:30 - Jezebel; Proverbs 12:16 - fool's; 14:16 - the fool; Jeremiah 20:10 - we shall; Matthew 2:8 - go; 5:12 - for so; 14:8 - Give; 21:35 - General; Luke 6:23 - for in; Acts 23:12 - bound; Revelation 2:20 - that woman Verse 3he aroseGenesis 12:12, 12:13; Exodus 2:15; 1 Samuel 27:1; Isaiah 51:12, 51:13; Matthew 26:56, 26:70-74; 2 Corinthians 12:7 Beersheba1 Kings 4:25; Genesis 21:31; Amos 7:12, 7:13ReciprocalGenesis 19:17 - Escape; 21:14 - Beersheba; 42:1 - saw; 1 Samuel 21:10 - fled; 1 Kings 19:4 - he requested; 2 Kings 4:12 - servant; 23:8 - Beersheba; Proverbs 28:12 - but; 29:25 - fear; Jeremiah 20:9 - I will; 37:12 - went; Jonah 1:3 - to flee; Acts 13:5 - their; Habakkuk 3:1 - escaped Verse 4sat down1 Kings 13:14; Genesis 21:15, 21:16; John 4:6 he requested1 Kings 19:3; Numbers 11:15; 2 Kings 2:11; Job 3:20-22; Jeremiah 20:14-18; Jonah 4:3, 4:8; Philippians 1:21-24 for himselfHeb. for his lifebetterAmos 6:2; Nahum 3:8; Matthew 6:26; Romans 3:9ReciprocalGenesis 27:46 - I am; 30:1 - or else I die; Exodus 4:13 - send; 5:22 - why is it; Numbers 14:2 - Would; 2 Samuel 24:16 - It is enough; 1 Chronicles 21:15 - It is enough; Job 3:21 - long; 6:9 - that it would; 7:16 - I loathe it; 10:1 - My soul; 40:4 - Behold; Ecclesiastes 2:17 - I hated; Isaiah 15:4 - his; Jeremiah 8:3 - death; 20:9 - I will; Jonah 4:2 - he prayed; Luke 4:1 - wilderness; Revelation 12:6 - that Verse 5as he layGenesis 28:11-15 an angelPsalm 34:7, 34:10; Daniel 8:19, 9:21, 10:9, 10:10; Acts 12:7; Habakkuk 1:14, 3:1Reciprocal1 Kings 17:4 - I have commanded; 19:7 - the angel; 2 Kings 1:3 - angel; Zechariah 4:1 - waked; Mark 1:13 - and the; John 21:9 - they saw Verse 6cake1 Kings 17:6, 17:9-15; Psalm 37:3; Isaiah 33:16; Matthew 4:11, 6:32; Mark 8:2, 8:3; John 21:5, 21:9 headHeb. bolster

Verse 7the angel1 Kings 19:5 because the journeyDeuteronomy 33:25; Psalm 103:13, 103:14Reciprocal2 Kings 1:3 - angel; Acts 12:7 - the angel Verse 8in the strengthDaniel 1:15; 2 Corinthians 12:9 forty daysExodus 24:18, 34:28; Deuteronomy 9:9, 9:18; Matthew 4:2; Mark 1:13; Luke 4:2 HorebExodus 3:1, 19:18; Malachi 4:4, 4:5ReciprocalGenesis 7:12 - forty; Exodus 4:27 - the mount; 18:5 - General; Acts 1:3 - forty; 7:30 - there Verse 9unto a caveExodus 33:21, 33:22; Jeremiah 9:2; Habakkuk 3:1 What doest thou1 Kings 19:13; Genesis 3:9, 16:8; Jeremiah 2:18; Jonah 1:3, 1:4Reciprocal1 Kings 17:5 - did according; 19:14 - I have been; Proverbs 27:8 - man; Jeremiah 37:12 - went; Jonah 4:5 - Jonah; Matthew 26:69 - Peter; Mark 14:54 - and he; John 18:18 - Peter Verse 10very jealousExodus 20:5, 34:14; Numbers 25:11, 25:13; Psalm 69:9, 119:139; John 2:17 thrown down1 Kings 19:14, 18:4, 18:30; Jeremiah 2:30; Hosea 5:11; Micah 6:16, 7:2 I only1 Kings 18:4, 18:20, 18:22, 20:13, 20:22, 20:35, 20:41, 20:42, 22:8; Romans 11:2-4 they seek my life1 Kings 19:2, 18:10, 18:17ReciprocalExodus 5:22 - why is it; 23:2 - follow; Deuteronomy 29:25 - they have forsaken; Judges 5:3 - even I; 2 Kings 10:16 - Come with me; 2 Chronicles 18:7 - one man; Nehemiah 9:26 - slew; Psalm 35:4 - that; 44:22 - killed; Jeremiah 5:1 - if ye can; 36:26 - to take; 50:5 - that shall; Hosea 12:10 - have also; Matthew 5:12 - for so; 21:35 - General; Mark 12:3 - they; Luke 6:23 - for in; Acts 7:52 - Which of; 12:2 - with; 17:16 - his spirit; Romans 11:3 - Lord; Habakkuk 3:1 - were slain; 2 Peter 2:15 - forsaken Verse 11stand upon the mountExodus 19:20, 24:12, 24:18, 34:2; Matthew 17:1-3; 2 Peter 1:17, 1:18 the Lord passedExodus 33:21-23, 34:6; Habakkuk 3:3-5 and a greatExodus 19:16, 20:18; Job 38:1; Psalm 50:3; Isaiah 30:30; Ezekiel 1:4, 37:7; Nahum 1:3, 1:6; Habakkuk 3:1-12:21; Revelation 20:11 but the Lord was not in the windZechariah 4:6 an earthquake1 Samuel 14:15; Psalm 68:8; Nahum 1:5; Zechariah 14:5; Matthew 24:7, 27:51-54, 28:2; Habakkuk 3:1; Revelation 11:19, 16:18ReciprocalExodus 19:18 - whole; 2 Kings 2:1 - by a whirlwind; Job 8:2 - the words; Psalm 46:3 - mountains; Jeremiah 4:24 - mountains; Zechariah 6:5 - spirits; Acts 2:2 - as; Revelation 6:12 - there; 8:5 - an Verse 12a fire1 Kings 18:38; Genesis 15:17; Exodus 3:2; Deuteronomy 4:11, 4:12, 4:33; 2 Kings 1:10, 2:11; Habakkuk 3:1 a stillExodus 34:6; Job 4:16, 33:7; Zechariah 4:6; Acts 2:2, 2:36, 2:37ReciprocalExodus 19:18 - whole; Psalm 50:3 - a fire Verse 13he wrapped his faceThis he did to signify his reverence; for covering the face was a token of respect among the Asiatics, as uncovering the head is among Europeans. See note on 1 Kings 18:42. Exodus 3:5, 3:6, 33:23; Isaiah 6:2, 6:5 What doest1 Kings 19:9; Genesis 16:8; John 21:15-17ReciprocalExodus 2:15 - fled; Deuteronomy 4:12 - only ye heard a voice; 1 Kings 19:19 - his mantle; 2 Kings 2:8 - his mantle; Jonah 4:5 - Jonah; Matthew 26:69 - Peter; Mark 14:54 - and he; Acts 7:32 - Then Verse 14I have been1 Kings 19:9, 19:10; Isaiah 62:1, 62:6, 62:7 forsakenDeuteronomy 29:25, 31:20; Psalm 78:37; Isaiah 1:4; Jeremiah 22:9; Daniel 11:30; Hosea 6:7; Habakkuk 3:1ReciprocalExodus 2:15 - fled; Numbers 25:13 - zealous; Judges 5:3 - even I; 1 Kings 18:22 - I only; 18:30 - he repaired; 22:8 - yet one man; 2 Kings 10:16 - Come with me; Psalm 119:139 - zeal; Jeremiah 2:30 - your own sword; 36:26 - to take; 50:5 - that shall; Mark 12:3 - they; Luke 6:23 - for in; Acts 7:52 - Which of; 17:16 - his spirit; Habakkuk 3:1 - were slain Verse 15wilderness of DamascusThe wilderness of Damascus seems to have been that part of Arabia Deserta which lay on the south-east of that city, and east of the Trachonites, or the Djebel Haouran and El Ledja; at which the prophet could arrive without meeting Jezebel or any of his enemies. Genesis 14:15; 2 Kings 8:7; Acts 9:2, 9:3 anointIsaiah 45:1; Jeremiah 1:10, 27:2-22 Hazael2 Kings 8:8-15, 8:28, 9:14; Amos 1:4ReciprocalJudges 9:9 - wherewith; 1 Samuel 9:16 - thou shalt; 1 Kings 11:24 - to Damascus; 2 Kings 8:9 - Hazael; 8:13 - The Lord; 8:15 - Hazael Verse 16Jehu2 Kings 9:1-3, 9:6-14 Elisha1 Kings 19:19-21; Luke 4:27, EliseusAbelmeholah1 Kings 4:12; Judges 7:22ReciprocalJoshua 1:1 - Moses' minister; Judges 9:9 - wherewith; 1 Samuel 9:16 - thou shalt; 1 Kings 1:34 - Zadok; 2 Kings 2:1 - Elisha; 9:2 - Jehu; 9:3 - pour it; 1 Chronicles 16:22 - Touch; 2 Chronicles 22:7 - the Lord had; Psalm 45:7 - hath; 105:15 - mine; Amos 2:11 - I raised Verse 17him that escapethIsaiah 24:17, 24:18; Amos 2:14, 5:19 the sword of Hazael2 Kings 8:12, 10:32, 13:3, 13:22 the sword of Jehu9:14-26, 10:6-11 Elisha slay2:23, 2:24; Isaiah 11:4; Jeremiah 1:10; Hosea 6:5; Revelation 19:21Reciprocal1 Samuel 5:12 - died; 2 Kings 8:28 - Hazael; 9:2 - Jehu; 10:16 - Come with me; Jeremiah 48:44 - that fleeth; Ezekiel 15:7 - they shall; Amos 1:3 - because Verse 18Yet I have leftor, Yet I will leave, Isaiah 1:9, 10:20-22; Romans 11:4, 11:5 the kneesExodus 20:5; Isaiah 49:23; Romans 14:10-12; Philippians 2:10 every mouthIdolaters often kissed their hand in honour of their idols; and hence the origin of adoration from ad, to and os, oris, the mouth. Cicero mentions a statue of Hercules, the chin and lips of which were considerably worn by the kissing of his worshippers. Job 31:27; Psalm 2:12; Hosea 13:2ReciprocalNumbers 25:2 - bowed; 1 Samuel 10:1 - kissed him; 1 Kings 20:15 - seven thousand; 2 Kings 5:18 - and I bow; 23:4 - Baal; Isaiah 17:6 - General; Mark 15:19 - and bowing; Ephesians 3:14 - I; Revelation 3:4 - even Verse 19Elisha1 Kings 19:16 he withExodus 3:1; Judges 6:11; Psalm 78:70-72; Amos 7:14; Zechariah 13:5; Matthew 4:18, 4:19 his mantle1 Kings 19:13; 1 Samuel 28:14; 2 Kings 2:8, 2:13, 2:14Reciprocal1 Samuel 11:5 - after the herd; 16:19 - with the sheep; Amos 1:1 - who; Matthew 9:9 - Follow; Luke 4:27 - Eliseus; 5:28 - General Verse 20he leftMatthew 4:20, 4:22, 9:9, 19:27 I pray8:21, 8:22; Luke 9:61, 9:62; Acts 20:37 Go back againHeb. Go, returnReciprocalGenesis 31:28 - kiss; 48:10 - kissed; Ruth 1:14 - Orpah; 2 Samuel 19:39 - kissed Barzillai; Psalm 78:70 - and took; Mark 1:20 - they left; Luke 9:59 - suffer Verse 21boiled their flesh2 Samuel 24:22 gave untoLuke 5:28, 5:29 ministered1 Kings 18:43; Exodus 24:13; Numbers 27:18-20; 2 Kings 2:3, 3:11; Acts 13:5; 2 Timothy 4:11; Philemon 1:13Reciprocal2 Kings 6:15 - servant; 1 Chronicles 21:23 - the oxen; 2 Chronicles 32:4 - find; Matthew 4:20 - General; 8:21 - suffer