Joshua 23
23:1 Joshua's exhortation before his death;
23:3 by former benefits;
23:5 by promises;
23:11 and by threatenings. Verse 1the LordJoshua 11:23, 21:44, 22:4; Psalm 46:9 waxed oldJoshua 13:1; Genesis 25:8; Deuteronomy 31:2 stricken in ageHeb. come into daysReciprocalExodus 33:14 - rest; Deuteronomy 25:19 - when the; Judges 11:26 - three hundred; 2 Samuel 7:1 - the Lord; 23:1 - the last; 1 Kings 1:1 - and stricken in years; 1 Chronicles 22:18 - and hath; 2 Chronicles 14:6 - the Lord; 14:7 - and he hath given; 15:15 - the Lord; 20:30 - his God; Isaiah 63:14 - the Spirit; Habakkuk 3:1 - had Verse 2all IsraelJoshua 24:1; Deuteronomy 31:28; 1 Chronicles 28:1; Acts 20:17-35 and for their eldersOr, "even for their elders," etc.; for it is probably that Joshua gave the following charge only to the elders, judges, etc., to communicate to the people.ReciprocalNumbers 25:4 - all the heads; Joshua 8:33 - all Israel; 13:1 - Joshua; 1 Kings 1:1 - and stricken in years; 8:1 - assembled; 1 Chronicles 23:2 - he gathered Verse 3And yeDeuteronomy 4:9; Psalm 44:1, 44:2; Malachi 1:5 for theJoshua 10:14, 10:42; Exodus 14:14; Deuteronomy 20:4; Psalm 44:3ReciprocalJeremiah 44:2 - Ye have; Ezekiel 20:28 - when I; Habakkuk 3:9 - and Verse 4BeholdJoshua 13:2, 13:6, 13:7, 18:10 westwardHeb. at the sunsetReciprocalNumbers 34:6 - General; Deuteronomy 12:29 - cut off; Joshua 9:1 - of the great; Psalm 105:44 - gave; Ezekiel 20:28 - when I; 47:10 - the great sea; Acts 13:19 - he divided Verse 5he shallJoshua 23:12, 23:13, 13:6; Exodus 23:30, 23:31, 33:2, 34:11; Deuteronomy 11:23 as the LordNumbers 33:52, 33:53ReciprocalJoshua 23:9 - For the Lord Verse 6veryJoshua 1:7-9; Jeremiah 9:3; 1 Corinthians 16:13; Ephesians 6:10-19; Habakkuk 3:1; Revelation 21:8 that yeDeuteronomy 5:32, 12:32, 17:20, 28:14; Proverbs 4:26, 4:27ReciprocalDeuteronomy 17:11 - to the right; 1 Samuel 12:20 - turn not; 2 Samuel 2:19 - turned; 2 Chronicles 34:2 - declined; Psalm 101:3 - them; Isaiah 30:21 - when ye turn to the right Verse 7That ye comeHave no civil or social contacts with them, as these will infallibly lead to spiritual affinities, in consequence of which, ye will make honourable "mention of the name of their gods," "swear by them" "and serve" them in their abominable rites; and "bow yourselves unto them," as your creators and preservers. All this will follow by simply coming among them. He who walks in the counsel of the ungodly, will soon stand in the way of sinners, and sit in the seat of scorners. Joshua 23:12; Exodus 23:33; Deuteronomy 7:2, 7:3; Proverbs 4:14; 1 Corinthians 15:33; 2 Corinthians 6:14-17; Ephesians 5:11 neitherExodus 23:13; Numbers 32:38; Psalm 16:4; Hosea 2:17 to swearJeremiah 5:7; Zephaniah 1:5ReciprocalGenesis 35:2 - strange; Exodus 20:5 - bow down; Numbers 25:2 - bowed; 33:52 - General; 2 Kings 17:35 - charged them; Isaiah 26:13 - by thee; Jeremiah 12:16 - as they; Zechariah 13:2 - I will cut Verse 8or, For if ye will cleave, etc. Joshua 22:5; Deuteronomy 4:4, 10:20, 11:22, 13:4; Acts 11:23ReciprocalGenesis 2:24 - cleave; Deuteronomy 30:20 - cleave; 2 Kings 18:6 - he clave Verse 9For the Lordor, Then the Lord will drive, Joshua 23:5, 21:43, 21:44; Deuteronomy 11:23 no manJoshua 1:5, 1:8, 1:9, 15:14ReciprocalDeuteronomy 7:24 - there shall; Psalm 44:7 - But Verse 10One manLeviticus 26:8; Deuteronomy 32:30; Judges 3:31, 7:19-22, 15:15; 1 Samuel 14:6, 14:12-16; 2 Samuel 23:8 LordJoshua 10:42; Exodus 14:14, 23:27-33; Deuteronomy 3:22, 20:4; Psalm 35:1, 44:4, 44:5, 46:7; Romans 8:31Reciprocal1 Samuel 14:13 - fell; 1 Chronicles 5:22 - the war was of God; Nehemiah 4:20 - our God; Psalm 44:7 - But; Isaiah 30:17 - thousand Verse 11Take goodJoshua 22:5; Deuteronomy 4:9, 6:5-12; Proverbs 4:23; Luke 21:34; Ephesians 5:15; Habakkuk 3:1 yourselvesHeb. your soulsloveExodus 20:6; Romans 8:28; 1 Corinthians 8:3, 16:22; Jude 1:20, 1:21ReciprocalExodus 23:13 - be circumspect; Deuteronomy 4:15 - Take ye; 4:23 - heed; 2 Kings 21:8 - only if they; Jeremiah 17:21 - Take; Habakkuk 2:1 - the more Verse 12go backPsalm 36:3, 125:5; Isaiah 1:4; Ezekiel 18:24; Zephaniah 1:6; Matthew 12:45; John 6:66; Habakkuk 3:1, 3:1; 2 Peter 2:18-22; 1 John 2:9 cleaveGenesis 2:24, 34:3; 1 Samuel 18:1-3; 1 Kings 11:2; Romans 12:9 shall makeExodus 34:12-16; Deuteronomy 7:3; 1 Kings 11:4; Ezra 9:1, 9:2, 9:11, 9:12; Nehemiah 13:23-26; 2 Corinthians 6:14-17ReciprocalGenesis 6:2 - and they; Numbers 33:55 - shall be pricks; Joshua 13:13 - expelled; 23:5 - he shall; 23:7 - That ye come; 24:20 - he will turn; 1 Kings 16:31 - took to wife; Ezra 10:3 - at the commandment; Psalm 106:34 - did not; Malachi 2:10 - by; 2:12 - cut; Romans 6:12 - Let not; Habakkuk 2:1 - the more Verse 13will noExodus 23:33; Numbers 33:55; Deuteronomy 7:16; Judges 2:2, 2:3; Psalm 106:35-39 snaresDeuteronomy 7:16; Judges 2:3; 1 Kings 11:4; Psalm 69:22; 2 Timothy 2:26 until ye perishLeviticus 26:31-35; Deuteronomy 4:26, 28:63-68, 29:28, 30:18; 2 Kings 17:22, 17:23; 25:21, 25:26; Luke 21:24ReciprocalGenesis 3:18 - Thorns; 6:2 - and they; Exodus 10:7 - snare; 34:12 - lest; Deuteronomy 7:3 - General; 8:19 - I testify against; 11:17 - ye perish; 20:18 - General; Joshua 13:6 - them; 13:13 - expelled; 23:5 - he shall; 23:16 - perish; Judges 2:21 - General; 1 Kings 11:2 - Ye shall not go in; 16:31 - took to wife; 2 Kings 17:18 - removed; 22:16 - all the words; Ezra 9:12 - give not; 10:3 - at the commandment; Psalm 80:9 - preparedst; 81:14 - I should; 106:34 - did not; 106:36 - which; Proverbs 22:5 - Thorns; Jeremiah 11:8 - therefore; Ezekiel 28:24 - a pricking; Malachi 2:12 - cut; Romans 6:12 - Let not Verse 14I am going1 Kings 2:2; Job 30:23; Ecclesiastes 9:10, 12:5; Habakkuk 3:1 not one thingJoshua 21:43-45; Exodus 3:8, 23:27-30; Leviticus 26:3-13; Numbers 23:19; Deuteronomy 28:1-14; 1 Samuel 3:19; 1 Kings 8:56; Luke 21:33ReciprocalGenesis 28:15 - until; 48:21 - God; Exodus 23:31 - deliver the; Deuteronomy 26:9 - he hath; 31:14 - that thou must die; Joshua 21:45 - General; 2 Samuel 7:21 - thy word's; 19:37 - I may die; 1 Kings 16:34 - General; 22:38 - and the dogs; Nehemiah 9:8 - hast performed; Psalm 90:16 - and; Isaiah 42:9 - the former; 48:3 - and I; Jeremiah 32:42 - Like; 39:16 - Behold; Ezekiel 20:28 - when I; Mark 13:31 - my; 2 Timothy 4:6 - and; 2 Peter 1:14 - shortly Verse 15so shallLeviticus 26:14-46; Deuteronomy 28:15-68; Judges 3:8, 3:12, 4:1, 4:2, 6:1, 10:6, 10:7, 13:1; 2 Chronicles 36:16, 36:17; Luke 21:22-24; 1 Thessalonians 2:16ReciprocalExodus 22:20 - utterly; Leviticus 26:3 - General; Numbers 33:56 - General; Deuteronomy 30:18 - General; Joshua 21:45 - General; Judges 2:15 - had said; 1 Samuel 3:12 - I will perform; 2 Samuel 7:21 - thy word's; 1 Kings 8:15 - hath; 8:56 - there; 9:6 - go; 14:15 - this good land; 16:34 - General; 22:38 - and the dogs; 2 Kings 17:18 - removed; 22:16 - all the words; 24:3 - remove them; 2 Chronicles 7:19 - shall go; Isaiah 24:6 - hath; 31:2 - will bring; 42:9 - the former; 48:3 - and I; Jeremiah 16:13 - will I; 17:4 - shalt; 26:4 - If; 32:24 - what; 32:42 - Like; 35:17 - Behold; 39:16 - Behold; Ezekiel 33:26 - and shall; Hosea 9:3 - shall not; Micah 2:10 - and; Mark 12:9 - he will; 13:31 - my; Romans 11:22 - therefore; Habakkuk 3:1 - they continued Verse 16then shall2 Kings 24:20 perishJoshua 23:13ReciprocalExodus 20:5 - bow down; 22:20 - utterly; Numbers 25:2 - bowed; 33:56 - General; Deuteronomy 4:23 - lest ye forget; 4:26 - ye shall; 17:2 - in transgressing; 28:20 - until thou be; 30:18 - General; Joshua 7:11 - transgressed; Judges 2:15 - had said; 2:20 - transgressed; 10:7 - was hot; 1 Kings 8:15 - hath; 9:6 - go; 14:15 - this good land; 2 Kings 17:7 - sinned; 17:13 - all; 17:35 - charged them; 2 Chronicles 7:19 - shall go; 28:6 - because; 34:24 - I will bring; Ezra 8:22 - his power and his wrath; Isaiah 24:6 - hath; Jeremiah 16:13 - will I; 17:4 - shalt; 26:4 - If; 32:23 - therefore; 32:24 - what; 34:18 - have transgressed; 35:17 - Behold; Ezekiel 33:26 - and shall; Micah 2:10 - and; Romans 11:22 - therefore; Habakkuk 3:1 - they continued